I hate being born whiteI hate my sickly pale skinI hate my rosacea I hate my thin hair and weak beardI hate my unathletic bodyLook at me, I'm 26 and look like im 12. Who could ever love me.Fuck you /pol/ for gaslighting me all these years about how great it is being white. Everybody hates me.FUCK. YOU.
Go kill yourself. MAID is always available.
>>21886096Sanjay you fucking PAJEET. Why you lie? BLOODY BASTARD WHY U LIE?!
white twinks are top of the male food chain but otherwise they're ugly and shit out of luck in dating. and of course white women are the most attractive and feminine women in the world. life isn't fair.
>>21886096Cut your hair and shave that beard, you autist.
>>21886096>weak beardyou're younger than me and have much better facial hair.>unathletic bodyfixable.>>>/fit/#1 priority tho, stop being a faggot
>>21886096Just become a troon. You have nothing to lose at this point.
>>21886096 You need help kid
>>21886096 Don't wear tracksuits 24/7, get on TRT, eat mainly meat, fruit and dairy, go out in the sun more, GET INTO FUCKING GYM, I am 6"2' before going into the gym I weighed 140lbs and in 1 YEAR I gained 35lbs, the 1st week is tough then it gets ADDICTIVE and you'll be looking forward to going everytime, learn basic self defense i.e. boxing/bjj, limit alcohol consumption and give up any bad habits like smoking etc.
>>21886096 You're not even ugly bro like calm down
>>21886096i'm fairly certain youre intersexhonestly you should troon out, you would be significantly happier and your body is already halfway therelook at your handstheyre so tiny
the problem is in your head. stop being a pussy bitch,
reddit spy here
>>21888926he should do porn for gay pedos. would make a killing
>>21886096Shave the beard you look terrible with a beard, it’s not weak or thin it’s just not for you bro.
>>21890979maybe he could pull it off if he shaved his head and lifted