Nu/pol/ hates indians more than they hate jews
I look like this
Yeah, and they're right to do so. Visit anywhere in Canada and you'll understand. They're almost worse than niggers even
So much cope and seethe in thread. India be superpower in 2030 by the way. Nothing you do can will stop it.
>>21887950>a country of street shitting monkeys is going to be a super power at any date
>>21887965don't be rude now
i'm jewish and have noticed this tooi always defend and support indianbros/sisses on twitter. we gotta stick together
>>21888990and on 4chan too
>>21887881I will always support my indian brothers because they are truecels like me
>>21887881you have a 1/10 chance of being born indian in this day and age, this is a most serious matter.