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File: Circumstraint-1.jpg (154 KB, 1500x1145)
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Do Americans really Circumcise their sons because "Muh, it was done to me, so I gotta do it with my son".

Are they stupid?
Do Brazilians really ask questions they already know the answer to in a pathetic attempt to create an engaging conversation out of an uninteresting topic? Are they stupid?
I'm Jewish and I think I was circumcised for that reason
Howdy Ya'll I'm from New York
The doctor gave my son the rootin'est tootin'est circumcision of all time.
All it cost me was $20,000 and a bottle of sarsaparilla. Yee haw.
>Are they stupid?
Do you really have to ask?
If your post made it on /pol/ by now the goycattle squad would have arrived.
You'd be seeing and reading
>a picture of a cut and an uncut diamond promoting circumcision
>trust me bro sources getting cited saying that it's about hygiene
>incels telling you about their sex lives and how many compliments they have received on their mutilated microdicks so far
>other hearsay larp that women prefer cut dicks
and some more
>trust me bro'ing about how every uncut dick is almost guaranteed to have phimosis
>inb4 someone saying all I've cited is correct and circumcision is the way to go
i just love thinking about dicks and dick mutilation and other people's children's dick mutilation and other people's opinions/rhetoric on other people's (not their own) children's dick mutilation
this is what white men were meant to do with computers
Yes and yes. I asked my dad about this. He was very confused why I thought it was a problem. He never questioned it. It never bothered him. He had all three of his sons circumcised just because he felt it was the standard thing to do. He is not jewish. My mother is not jewish.
>i just love thinking about dicks and dick mutilation and other people's children's dick mutilation
Thanks for telling us, I guess.
>He is not jewish. My mother is not jewish.
They certainly are under their influence, though.

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