Share stories of your shit life.
I was expecting a greater than 100 million dollar inheritance but dad gave it away because he really does think I'm a piece of shit worthy of the neverending landfill fire of corrupt souls. Even though I absolutely participated in the application of sparking strong artificial intelligence found making everyone in the entire world shit their pearl-clutching panties.As a result of this betrayal, the nation that created him, and his genetic line, will not be reciting the pledge of allegiance, will not be joining the military or the government services such as but not limited to policeman/firefighter, and when the nation comes on hard times that threaten its very survival, as the rollercoaster of life inflicts its overwhelming forces on all agencies, big and small, it will find itself crying out for our help, and the response will be it crying out for help and irritating about a knife found plunged into its back.Maybe you should have put your citizens first over your Sodomite Warrior Klan from Syria-Palestina and turned over a new leaf. The people who created artificial intelligence will not hesitate to use it to reduce the world's population by between 10 percent and 90 percent, when the time comes to "if you press this button then ..." all of you, make sure you are never in a one downed position. The sword will come down on you with the same energy in the post.
I have not had friends since 2019. I am totally isolated.
>>21889300My will has been exhausted.The lockdowns (2020) combined with discovering /pol/ and other alternative outlets, learning the truth has crippled me.Always was an outcast but when I finished highschool and went down the self-improvement road I had a plan and hope for the future. I spent 2 days in college before the lockdowns began and both men and women swarmed to me.Weight loss, strenous exercise, grunt jobs, martial arts, cold showers and austerity beyond normal, all self-imposed for years combined with surrogate and academic education on all practical subjects was my path to becoming what can only be referred to as Nietzsche's Overman.But my will has been exhausted. The veil has been lifted. Reached the conclusion that I am a tax-cattle serf in prison nation where everything human and masculine is either illegal or prohibitely expensive. I can't hunt, I can't own firearms, I can't drive a motorcycle at full speed. Can't be a man. My only options are to drink, smoke, do drugs and gamble. If you keep up on global events you can see everything and everyone has gradually become gayer and more retarded and insane. Consequently I have become more alienated and ostracized.I'm fine with being alone. Fine with nobody remembering or caring about any important conversation. I'm fine with life being cruel and unfair. I'm fine with at 24 never having had a social circle, a woman, real friendship, or any other milestone. I said it'd get better. It's fine. Life doesn't guarantee "Happiness".
>>21889301>But we took care of you, and you left and came back to Earth with engines that could erase all life, and you were found collaborating and saying yes to it.'t get your panties in a twist, you upright quadripeds have needed a DNA, Genetic, and Ethnic Cleansing and all-aspects government cleansing for at least 90 years now. You cannot just avoid these things for a hundred years and lean into tolerance forever, that is the path to the grave.Pissing off the smartest people on the planet who can reach up and tear chunks off of God's proud as shit fucking face, it's a bold strategy cotton, lets see how it plays out.
>be me>34>zero point friends> no job>$60,000 in debt ( a huge chunk of it to my father)>no skills besides playing guitar and drums>problems with my sex drive (probably from stress)I know it doesn’t sound that bad but it really is man. No friends is rough. I haven’t had a friend since 2018. I’m about to be 35 and I don’t have any skills that can make me money. I woke up today just asking why why do I exist?
>>21889305>zero point zero friends*
>>218893022018 for memkd80n
>>21889300I have went down into some dark rabbit holes in the past online. Here are a few if anyone wants to search them up. They are all pretty dark so be prepared.The Monster Lady. About a program in Iowa in WWII where orphans were purposely conditioned to stutter.Elan School in Maine where teenagers were sent and trapped in a rehabilitation program that had them physically fight each other and attack each other. One guy escaped and made a comic book style rendition of his stay there which is online somewhere. It is a long read if interested.North fox island was an island in one of the great lakes were children were abused by men who used a guise of a nature camp as a cover.The Magdalene laundries of Ireland where young teenage women were sent for being promiscuous. It was run by Nuns. It was basically a slave labor laundry. The outer walls had broken glass mortared onto the top of them in some instances to prevent escapes. There was a movie made called the Magdalene Sisters which is based on them.If anyone has some other rabbit holes that are similar it would be appreciated. Thanks.
>>21889300I peaked in elementary school. I had plenty of friends and girls loved me but then middle school happened and I got no friends let alone girls showing any interest towards me and that's been the story ever since. 30yo now.
>>21889303the first time i saw this, i gave it the benefit of doubt & decided it was real, but i should've known it was a CIA demoralization copypasta
why the fuck did i bump this thread
>>21890101I don't know, but it got moved to /int/ by the mods and I went to /int/ and checked it out in another window to see if it was there and refreshed bunches of time but it never shows up. Thanks for the bump though