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Any man over 30 that does not own a real watch can count himself a failure
who hurt you ?
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I agree. Rate my watch guys.
Imagine being a nigger obsessed with shiny objects, ngmi brown boy
I own a Submariner and a GMT and I still think this attitude is obsolete boomer-brained bullshit, at least since the innovation of the smart watch.
It's only for rich niggas
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I still see autists with those digital watches on their hands, or those shitty casios, genuinely feel bad they never had a drunk uncle to teach them how to be a man and wear a hublot or a rollie with pride

One guy was 25 and started wearing watches for the first time, he had it on his right wrist, no one ever taught him to wear it on his left
It's like the difference between vaping and smoking cigarettes. Who looks more gay?
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Are you proud of displaying your wasteful and inefficient use of resources, capitalist?
Hairy shaft. Weird
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a real man decides what time it is and doesn't wear jewelry or accessories like a fucking woman.
in case you can't read that correctly i'll put it another way.

real men don't wear watches.
Does anybody really know what time it is, does anybody really care...about time?
Making others feel poor in my presence is not a waste of money.
>Making others feel
this isn't a thing, anon.
people literally don't think that way.
you cant live unless everything is attached to name, id, etc
fuck that shit
yrjust cattle being herded

how the fuck do you even make money
its just silly
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Well I guess I can count myself as a successful man then.
I have the same watch. Pretty useful because I have to use military time at work.
I can take that watch from you, faggot. Real men can fight. Watches are aight, only if you can defend yourself.
watch for insecure poors who want to appear rich
Arm clocks are gay
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Based. Too many poorfags in this thread.
Oh, Hollywood told you what to think are the real men by showing you the rich guys with the watches always with the suit and ties and you think you're somehow an original and grounded mind?
only niggers mudslimes and jews care about rolexes
Maybe he is left handed. You sound like a real homosexual by the way
Real watches are for massive faggots, any digital time-keeping device is more precise. It no longer matters how finely crafted is your movement and how many jewel bearings it contains, it just shows that you wasted a ton of money
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True, count me in
Obsession over physical appearance and who has the shiniest objects is a feminine trait. OP is a flaming faggot.
>Autist who doesn't understand aesthetics
Bet you love brutalist architecture and the cybertruck too.

I'm jealous. 1 of 1 special release?
The russky is right, it works, what fucks given for luxury watch besides being flashy to a whore.
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You don't look aesthetic with an expensive watch, you look like a gypsy or a negro beast, attracted to shiny thangs
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>tfw no symbol of status at 26
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You niggers aren't as successful as me.
Build a good physique. It's a symbol of status that you can afford gym membership and a good diet.
No, he was literally right handed, didn't figure out that you can adjust the clock with the other hand.

Unironically also comes from autists with those casios, "what are you gay or something?" I heard the same thing about haircuts and having clean clothes. I also never see them with women
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you two fit well together

also ALL fields for probable 1pbtid thread
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nice safe queen faggot.
Why is there so many fat motherfuckers in this thread?
is that a stuffed sock it's wrapped around??
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time is relative and a construct of the human mind. most days i don't even know what day it is but i can accurately tell you the "time" based on observable information in my surroundings.
>what about when it's dark (retardface.jpg)
that's when I'm sleeping you stupid faggot
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Cry n seethe
I do have that, thankfully, but I mean monetary symbol of status. but I guess discipline is a solid flex
do it for zyzz :')
My then-gf told me that her best friend said the same thing, knowing that I own no watches. I kinda went off on her about how stupid that was, about how watches are obsolete and uncomfortable.
Was that a shit test?
Did I pass it?
I have a few 20 dollar casios and a 50 dollar invicta
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>stock photo
>smart watch
It’s a phone with a wrist strap
Add to that still living with the parents ant that age eliminates the title of ‘man’ completely.
Since you have a good physique already you could start with fashion. A good physique will amplify whatever you wear.
>obsessed with stealing watches
Checks out
talks of watches and cars, niggers aren't far
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No, it's just a basic thing you would have learned if you had a father, men are expected to look good

These new generation of "men" are unironically some of the most feminine I've seen, and not because of the way they dress, it's literally because they're weird insecure narcissists who bag on more successful men as a dating strategy. "That guy is gay because he has a nice watch" is one of the fastest ways you can tell a guy's passive and weak

Wearing a nice watch is a tradition time honored by thousands of men before you, your fathers, grandfathers, they all wore watches. But somewhere along the line a single mother told you you don't need that because you're super smart and you missed out on a good father figure
Accessories are for women you fucking faggot
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I assume every Rolex I see is a fake. Blame China.
>Checks time on his iPhone
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sheeeit dawg check out mah bling
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For me it's this:

*Making poor-people-that-know-watch-brands-and-identify-yours feel poor in my presence is not a waste of money.

so basically no one
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Poorfags should just kill themselves.
They will never own a fine timepiece like my Rolex.
Buy an ad faggots, i will never buy a watch.
I get that and much more on a phone.
And let me guess, by "real" watch you mean Rolex.
That's how you show you are an ignorant pretender niggerfaggot
>no captcha required
If you don't wear a watch you're not a White man. If you don't have a mechanical clock at home you're not a White man. Don't bother with your faggotty rebuttles, shitskins.
I'd rather spend that money on a killer gaming rig, not a fucking memelex.
I don't wear watches cause I'm gay. I let other men know I'm receptive to anal stimulation by not wearing a watch.
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>this is how NPCs think
ok boomernigger, fuck your JEWelry
oh no some retard on pol doesn't think i'm a success

how awful
There I was in 4chan after 2001

Replying to a first responder ama thread
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>Generations before you have fallen for Yiddish marketing tricks
>This means if you don't fall for Jewish marketing you are less of a man
Lmao fuck off you queer
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Fingers were a mistake of evolution I’m glad you’re going in the right direction
Kys troon goomer, I have all the ladies while your room permasmells like virgin low T cum
I am convinced watchfags must be autistic. They always post the most gaudy and ugly pieces of shit and think they are impressive.
Ever since I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me
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>You fucking all the girls I fucked in highschool, except 19 guys later
You'll never get to experience teen love tho
Ecce mono
very kind and needful arm saar
Destiny is that you again mr.load muncher?
This watch is genuinely hideous to look at is it expensive?

Why are so many luxury watch brands genuinely fugly? They’re using the 5gum font
Your shitskin seeth is hilarious. Your father/grandfather never passed you down a nice dress watch. I feel sorry that you never got to experience that. Also,I pity the fact that you don't have an antique grandfather clock in your home. I hate the kikes as much the next man but your misguided hate for horology is hilarious.
>Daddy was a superficial kike so I am one too
Wearing glitter isn't a virtue

seriously, why 5 out of 7 pics are gross arms ?
the other two hidden or hard to tell

is puting pride in your watch caused by bad diet ?
If you had a good father he would have taught you that computer obsession is nerdy and lame

You can't even hide behind the Jew excuse because thousands of years watchmakers were white Aryan Swiss men, or Germans

I'm starting to understand why so many men on this board are perma-loners, holy shit, it's kind of sad. No good father figures at all.
Lurk moar, frog nigger
>newfag croissant alert
Newfag is new and also a fag
Is this a thing they made to drop from an oil rig? It’s so weird

He’s wearing a life jacket so he must be at see and I can’t imagine where else this would be other than an oilrig
Embarrassing post desu.
lol enjoy your lymphoma anyway bro
anyone here wear a Citizen watch?
I like my , promaster nighthawk
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Any man over the age of 30 without a propeller hat few deeply ashamed of where they are in their lives.

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