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This thread is calling out this boards resident toilet bowl scum tripfag known as Fakeroom.

Fakeroom is this boards self appointed 80-IQ 8-lbs waterhead poster, inaugural 4chan Dicksucking Pederast of the Decade inductee and recipient of the Biggest Fucking Annoying Retarded Faggot on 4chan Achievement Award on the 78th Holocaust Anniversary since the last tripfag SupaHotFireIsNotAllowed passed it to him after a 24-hour pegging session. 4'612 Wal-Marts in the U.S. and this piece of tranny semen laced shit doesn't work at a single one of them, never mind loving an hour away from one as he claims.

You may know of this retard or encountered this absolute fucking nobody by the asinine and irrelevant comments in every thread he shows up simply to hog an imaginary spotlight and the cry-bullying he does when people call him out on his shit by mass reporting and tattling everyone to the mods who will more often than not let you off with a warning at best and ignore it otherwise because they're likely sick of this thin-skinned bitch too. His little masturbatory "award" he gloats about is something even a child wouldn't think is cringey and speaking of which, he even shows up in the joshi threads in /pw/. CONFIRMED fucking disgusting pedophile. Pray for the soul of any child that he ever comes into contact with, /pol/.

Yes, this IS poltical because his bitch ass thinks he can use the mods as his little personal attack dogs cause his thin-skinned greasy hide can't handle bantz and hijacks every thread by name-faggotry "LOOKAT ME!"-ism instead of discussing the issues at hand. I even regret making this thread because its just going to give this touch-starved boy molesting fruit more of the attention he craves and jerks off over.

You WILL be eventually bullied off of this board or doxxed, mark my words, you glownigger tranny fake ass bitch.
Nobody on this website likes fakeroom. He is in every thread rationalizing clown world. He is obviously some part of some discord circle jerk.
Bump. Fuck trannyroom.
Bump kill that nigger
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>seething over a tripfag
I haven't seen this since lanced jack
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Yeah you just committed treason jack
Ready to catch some more charges? Hmm?
why do you care what some tripfaggot writes?
Based kill all tripfags
based, that fags fucking retarded and gay as fuck. retard also likes to pretend he's important when he's a slovenly fucking bum probably an obese troon, maybe even a nigger
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Moss I just put in an order: get this guy outta here
All of you treason
The only that makes me mad about this namefag is the original one seemed like a nice kid. I ridiculed and mocked him mercilessly because, well he's a fucking namefag, but this new one is obviously some Langley spic shitting up the board on my tax dollars. Hopefully he is run over by a car very soon.
Fuck that stupid faggot.
Because, Hans Mohammad, he insipidly inserts hinself into rvery fucking thread and is a ban happy tattler that reports people over absolutely nothing. Faggots such as himself are literally slowing down human evolution.
That's probably the worst part about it; he isn't who he says he is and reports you for calling him out. There is no fucking way he works at Wal-Mart with how often he is on here. Dudes a skiv.
It's a literal nigger with schizophrenia
I'm positive he works at Walmart
Right on cue.
Glad to hear you're an admitted faggot.
Inaugural 4chan Dicksucking Pederast of the Decade Inductee, indeed.
Anything else you want to add, pussyfart?
That piece of shit doesn't work anywhere. Stop believing a liars lies.
Literally just stop posting in threads where he appears.
Make a new thread and post in that one until he finds it
Starving these retards of attention is how you defeat them.
Fine. Will someone post sexy men in this thread?
Yeah? Then ask him to post a pic of the breakroom, he won't and never has because he's not there and never was. You fucking mong.
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He is nearly in every. Fucking. Thread. Like a fly to shit or a jew to a functioning white society
Anon. Tripfags are ALWAYS faggots. You don't come to an anonymous image board and parade around with a great big neon sign begging people to pay attention to you if you're NOT an obnoxious faggot. It's an absolute prerequisite.
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The star arrives. OP is a faggot.
And you'll never be a woman. Stay out womens restrooms, perv.
Tripcodes are fine if you post a HQ info dump thread. Which happens, never. Breakroom is just a sock puppet.
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Stop posting pics of yourself
Not even that. The utility of trips have as an identifier is made largely redundant by poster IDs under the vast majority of circumstances. On an ID enabled board trips are almost completely useless. If you were consistently sharing leaks or something sensitive or sharing extensive well orginal wirting and research on a subject across multiple threads where a persistent identity across multiple threads was necessary to avoid imitators seeding false info is pretty much the only circumstances trips come into play on an ID enabled board.
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People have said he's a glownigger, but I don't think he is. I think he's most likely to be some mental case. But still pic related will always give me a laugh.

He was either trying to groom some mentally unwell person to do a shooting or he was legit looking for a guy with a poop fetish because he's actually a tranny that has part of his lower intestine made into a "vagina" and it smells like actual shit.

Regardless, I can't think of a single good reason why anyone would be trying to connect with people with actual poop fetishes on discord using the site.

Tripcodes were always meant to be used in a disposable way. Like there was a guy on /biz/ that was going around the Favela in Brazil taking pictures and answering people's questions about what it's like being dirt poor. But then there were faggots reposting his pictures and claiming to be him (even begging for money). So it was only then (especially since that board doesn't even have flags) that he put on a tripcode. Eventually he stopped and if he's still posting there you wouldn't know it, which is how it should be. Someone that wears the same trip for years and makes every thread about them is a massive faggot that needs to kill themselves to make the world a better place.
What are you 12? You mad cause cause cause some tripfag trolled you? Get fucked newfag, lol. Read the board rules. Mods, cook this nigga, or whatever Breakroom says.
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Yeah what you said.
It's marvellous to see him go to more than 100 posts in a thread when people tell him to kill himself for being an annoying faggot.
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Found the image I was looking for.
iirc he's some walmart employee
he was doxxed and ran off to /b/ and stopped posting until someone started again under the same name reusing images. I have called him out on it before
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He certainly posts like a genuine faggot but that is been true of tripfaggots since 4chan first started.

There's also some dumb nigger/pajeet tripfag in gif that makes up 90% of the posts there now.

Tripfags have never been a good thing, right J anced L ack?

Because it's a federal agent trying to convince us to be slaves aka literal WAR

I hope so I fucking hate that faggot with a passion
hi breakroom, i like you
That's the "character" he's claiming to be. The original user of that trip would only post 4 times a day on average, they would be longer posts and would post pictures of the actual breakroom. The person who took over the trip would shit up threads. Lots of really low effort posts and never post new pictures of the breakroom. Average posts shot up to like 40-60 day and it was all just pure shit posting and making the thread about them. A distraction to an otherwise decent thread.

There seems to be a discord circlejerk of users that have being trying to subvert the board for years. What gives them away is that you'll see them interact with each other in a mutually supporting way (complimenting and agreeing with each other in a way that's just out of place and just doesn't seem natural if they were truly Anons just replying to each other).

The main purpose seems to me to just demoralise people. Over the years people have tried to help this guy or one of his personas ans you'll notice that he's always dismissive and actually enjoying shooting down people that were just trying to be helpful. Not even the most /r9k/ blackpilled poster is going to be like that. They seem to get their kicks from playing these "characters" and watching the replies come in.

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