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>look within
>waste your life thinking about nothing
>forget about others
>get rid of desire
>the purpose of life is to become nothing
>become a useless, neurotic, flabby ball of ego-centrism

Here is a comprehensive list of all the discoveries, inventions and innovations made by Buddhists:

Watch out, italianon will come for you
You're a jungle mexican tho
Mexicans have contributed far more to the advancement of humanity than all Buddhists combined.
Its a coping mechanism more logickal and profound than anything you can come up with. So it exists. + its partly true, about hollow nature of the universe and profound unbotherdness of human mind, which cannot be happy even after getting whatever it wants.
>logickal and profound
Kiichiro Toyota Lund cruiser
Do you not understand the point that this life isn't the real experience of existence?
if their purpose is to become nothing why are you expecting them to make discoveries and inventions?
I'm not expecting, I'm just point out how useless they are.
what discoveries and inventions have you made?
I have a youtube channel with several recipies of my creation.
I'd rather have 10 billion Buddhists living on this planet than a single brown person. Buddhists keep to themselves while shitskins cause problems constantly.
>Do you not understand the point that this life isn't the real experience of existence?
What you said means literally nothing. It's the kind of bullshit only a buddhist would come out with.
Nagarjuna, budhist philosopher part time mathematician aevocated for the middle way , the concept of two truths etc
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The creator of a problem is the cause of the creation of its solution.
The chief perk of Buddhaspection is that you're the sole arbiter of subjective value from your own perspective.
Why is that good? It means I can look at your thread and recognise that it has no intrinsic value, and can choose to attribute some, or choose to ignore it and move on.
Choosing to point out that OP is a faggot and can't scream at people to change their mind since others have the same sovereign authority? That's mint. So there you go, I did a thing.
Happy auming.
The Muslims bully the Buddhists BECAUSE they don't fight back.
Except they don’t “get rid of desire”. Accounts exist of Buddha supposedly “copulating” with young women all day. The entire thing is a farce.
Buddhism is the only true religion, as it comes from within and is not imposed from without. All other religions are mere cuckery to some invisible sky daddy, or more precisely some men who claim to have authority given to them by said sky daddy.
Yeah absolutely, where would the world be without narcocorridos and human sacrifice rituals? Mexico's contributions are invaluable.
so you're useless
Amen to that.
Buddhist monk is right. Muslims are virulent expansionists who will take advantage of every opportunity they are given by the negligence of others. Every single country in the world where Islam is expanding, they are forcing conflict with the pre-existing peoples by seizing their territory and mandating that Islamic norms become the prevailing norms. Every. Single. Country.

Prove me wrong. You can't.
>Burkina Faso
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your favella nigger brain is too retarded to enjoy the true reality of dharma and the universe

Buddhist are closest to reality whole world is nothing 0 Sunyata

Yea my boy Nāgārjuna
I consider myself a Taoist. It’s the only real WAY. I don’t need to join one of three cults of planetary worshipers (all three worship various planets and stars) with their money making schemes, world domination and conquest , their insane dogma and extensive rituals, and their history of inhumanity and violence towards others.
hui muslims in china
Buddhism and Hinduism are both nihilistic slop. When a white person tells me they're into meditation I instantly know they are some npc retard. Clearing your mind is totally useless unless you are some programmed drone tasked with achieving someone else's objectives. If you are managing your own affairs it will just make you lose your train of thought and become unfocused on your own objectives. This is fine for orientals because they don't have individual objectives and are completely obedient to authority. They would probably go insane if not allowed to have that tiny slice of time to themselves.
I worship the omnipotent God.
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There are useful in all useless things .Only wise can see .
And there useless in useful things
>Buddhism is a path in life you can take.
if you really think the world sucks and has no redeeming qualities that shine through the crappiness, then by all means, seek to annihilate your conciousness/soul/whatever through sheer willpower. but that is definitely not the path for me. it does say some very true things about the mundanity of life and how basically things are never as good as they should be, but I disagree with the whole, "ceasing to desire anything , even existing, is the goal of spiritual experience" thing
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That say. I tend to think about Kara no Kyoukai when I think about Emptiness.

when the missionaries came, your people liked our God more
You must understand the social context withing which Buddhism appeared: the Hindu caste system.
>drop from society; join the sangha
Stop feeding the priests and warriors and join a social organization where caste roles don't exist and you have the ability to achieve something
Stop relying on priests for religious doctrine. Do this simple thing and figure out for yourself. You shouldn't worship gods because they're deluded, that is, they're a jeet scam to suck you dry for the benefit of priests.
>anatman and shunyata and maya
Your caste status is created by the jeet priests and is a result of Hindu machinations. You aren't what Hindu priests and society say you are. The world, that is Hindu caste society, is essentially unreal, it's a human fiction, a massive scam for the benefit of the few.
>kindness and compassion
Treat people according not to caste status but their inherent traits. Abandon the egoism and aggression and status seeking that comes with the caste system because they're unhealthy and lead to suffering, that is, an awful society for all.
>abandon desire
Simping for high caste jeets is not the optimal way of life
The aim of life is to get off the wheel of karma and samsara: stop participating and engaging in the jeet caste society
The success of Buddhism was in the fact that by becoming Buddhist, you step from the caste system into a new order where caste didn't matter but your skills did. The fact Buddhism preached kindness and compassion and the fabricated nature of the social ego (your caste status) implied how shitty actually India was. Buddhism created hospitals and universities and supported network with the world outside India (the Silk route). Buddhism was, unironically, literally, a redpill in regards to jeet caste based society. Jeet priests fought tooth and nail to get rid of Buddhist influence, and they succeeded. When sandniggers invaded India, Buddhism was already in decline.
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Buddhism is based.
If you can overcome both your aversions and your cravings you can never be controlled. Those are the control mechanisms of ZOG. In particularly convenience, which relies on both your craving and your aversions.
Also it doesn't say think of nothing, it says think of the mind as a tool, to be picked up and put down as necessary, not running 24/7. If you are ruled by your conditioned mind, you are a slave to the machine, not the master of the machine.
Which one is that?
Now do christcuckery
>look to the torah
>pray to a judaic demon who is patron god of storms, volcanoes, earthquakes, foreskins, Israel, and the jewish race
>waste your life doing free labor on israeli grape vineyards
>forget about your race, your rewards are in heaven, and you get those rewards by making your nation more christcucked by bringing in niggers
>get rid of blood and soil nationalism
>the purpose of life is to become the perfect golem for the jewish race
>become a circumcised, neurotic, flabby ball of judeo-centrism who screams "CHRUST BE KANG N SHEEEIT!"

Here is a comprehensive list of supermajority christcuck nations that are cleaner, higher IQ, less degenerate, and more prosperous than "degenerate" atheist majority Japan and Iceland

Most people are drones and would do well to do self-inquiry and examine from whence those objective came, whether those objectives are truly their own or were put there by someone else.
Either you receive confirmation that they are truly your self, in which case you can move forwards in increased confidence, or they are found to be conditioned, in which case you can disregard a useless parasite upon your life.
>it comes from within
that's what I said, pointless self worship
food is never useless, you should know that as an American
My Creator.
Bhuddism is an offshoot of Hinduism. Look it up. Absolute trash Eastern cult.
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>Buddhism is the only true religion
You idiots are members of a cult that came from INDIA.
Fucking jeet cancer. No self-respecting White man should entertain your shit eating religion Hinduism and its offshoot called Bhuddism. It purposefully turns people into cattle.
buddhism is ackchually right actions have consequences. blasting honky white - go to prison. fucking christfags never taught me that you fucking bible thumpers useless maniacs, i wouldnt be a mess on buddhist lessons.
>the grass grows by itself
Except it doesn't.

The grass grows because hormones released by photosynthesis caused by the sun make it grow.
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It's a bitch ideology ascribed to by bald retard faggots. Imagine wasting this life then burning in hell after dying.
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>doing nothing, the religion
Buddhists are so much more eloquent, thoughtful and truthful than Jews and Muslims.
That absolute strawman lmao. He's got nothing to say and you can see the pure seethe with zero reasoning. What are you doing to do bald faggot? Try something, and we'll just release some afghans in your country and you'll be promptly put in your place.
True Buddhists owe nothing to anyone, but themselves. They are therefore the most neutral people.
>some afghans
no jews no jihad
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>BUDDHISM, the most useless religion in the world
>Mexicans have contributed far more to the advancement of humanity than all Buddhists combined

t.pic related
>It's a bitch ideology ascribed to by bald retard faggots.
The Eternal Anglo sucking brown cock
buddhism's message is the bleakest one if it is true.

is the point of buddhism not that the entirety of existence is just a big troll and that you should kill yourself? so there is no point in doing anything because there is no chance you stand against the powers that be? that is the worst message. it is a nightmare.
>is the point of buddhism not that the entirety of existence is just a big troll and that you should kill yourself?

Kinda. If you have fun and want to stay here do whatever you like dude. Its never going to end so win win for you right? If you want out you have to be detached from desire and stop giving a single fuck about anything. Quite simple.
Buddhism is how i lean and aware of existence of karma , useless is option base
It tells people to abandon their personal identities, which turns them into a mass of street shitting NPCs we see today. Guess who was the (((priest class))) in India? Ill let you guess -Brahmin sounds a lot like Abrahim, doesnt it? Its 100% by design to turn people into NPCs.
your prophet is a pedophile
But he's not an invader over here is he Sandeep?
Do Buddhist molest children as much as Christians, Jews and Muslims? Oh, and you forgot gunpowder and the printing press.
In Buddhism, people who retain their sense of self even in death are demons. Buddhism is a means to suppress the creation of reincarnators who keep their memories and those upper tier beings that some call gods.
go suck off a rabbi, kike worshipper
Buddhism is becoming aware of the matrix. Christianity IS the matrix.
I knew you were a bot.

Yea its a load of bullshit.
>Do Buddhist molest children

>Do Buddhist molest children as much as Christians, Jews and Muslims?
There's only one religious leader I know that has essentially said "Europe is for Europeans" and that's the Dalai Lama
>Buddhism is becoming aware of the matrix
Like fuck it is. Its a bunch of wank that literally came from India.
makes much more sense than Christianity

>discoveries, inventions and innovations made by Buddhists
piratically every thing that came out of asia
And that has nothing to do with Buddhism which is a literal jeet cult.
All eastern cults are bullshit. Christianity, Hinduism and its offshoot called Bhuddism included.
He's the head of the Gelugpa lineage, which is a lineage in Vajrayana or tantric Buddhism.
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based Tao enjoyer
Saying that each rave deserves a safe space has nothing to do with Bhuddism
Buck broken by the imperial bureaucracy, than bended over to the CCP
Any religious still better than being atheist, anon.
The only actual Buddhists I know are Thai. They are overly nice and very generous, but they are also ridiculously materialistic. They all try to buy the latest electronic bullshit, try to buy the nicest cars possible, and are constantly shopping for new expensive clothes. So it seems they don't care about the part of Buddhism that tells them not to do this.
vs christianity
>worship jews
>mutilate your dick
>give everything to niggers
>worship jews s'more
Spotted the Freemason
what? it's because buddhism is an aryan religion
None of that matters. It's for those who who live a bad life hoping for a better next life.
It doesn't matter, it invalidates your idea that Buddhism turns people into cattle. No other religious leader has been brave enough to state multiple times in front of international press that he likes Europe and Europeans and wants Europe to remain Europe
Hahahaha and there we go, jewish "we wuz" shills have arrived.
>>mutilate your dick
that;s an American problem.

Most Christians have full dicks, myself included
kek, christkikery is just a crap copy of kikery as a slave religion, is also a copy of buddhism, christ is just a lesser buddha.
Because at the time of the first century bhudism had already spread as far west as reaching judea-kikeland. That's the reason why kikes created christkikery, so their local pleb wouldn't convert to bhudism.
At the end at most they could stop the spread for a period of time, only after they created their second golem religion, that they start cleaning the middle-east of bhudism.
So basically buddhism was obvious one of the great threats against abrahamism garbage.
Most Christians are brown, yourself included.
>So basically buddhism was obvious one of the great threats against abrahamism garbage.
No its not. Jews and jeets are best friends.
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>look within
>get rid of desire
Staples of spiritual mysticism across all cultures.

>waste your life thinking about nothing
>forget about others
>the purpose of life is to become nothing
>become a useless, neurotic, flabby ball of ego-centrism
This is just shameless defamation, though, with no actual connection to Buddhist doctrines or practices.
>Most Christians are brown, yourself included.
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>Most Christians have full dicks, myself included
kek, no
the circumcision rate among christians is higher than the worldwide rate
There have been a few periods in my life where I've practiced meditation and found it beneficial for my development as a person. But you have to come out of that with new resolve to live life to its fullest. You will never stop desiring. It isn't humanly achievable. Many Buddhists spend their lives coping about this.
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which has killed more people, abrahamism or buddhism.
It's not useless, it just teaches you not to be too attached to earthly things, and to shun that which does detriment to your health and well-being. Christianity teaches many of the same things.
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in most countries the circumcision rate is the same as the christianity rate (excluding south america and muslim countries)
>not real Buddhism
Of course the Dali Lama is a pedophile, he works for the CIA.
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>"By slaying the Dasyus (natives), he [Indra] protected the Aryan color"- [Rig Veda 3]
>"Indra protected in battle the Aryan worshipper, he subdued the lawless for Manu, he conquered the black skin." - [Rigveda, Book 1, Indra 130.8 ]
>"the thunderer who bestowed on his white friends the fields, bestowed the sun, bestowed the waters." - [Rigveda, Book 1, Indra 100.18]
>"Thou to the son aof Vidathin, Rjisvan, Thou smotest down the swarthy fifty thousand, and rentest forts as age consumes garment." - [Rig Veda , Indra - 4.16.13]
>"Active and bright have they come forth, impetuous in speed like bulls, driving the black skin far away." - [Rig veda , Soma Pavamana - 9.41.1]
>The sacrificer poured out thanks to his god for "scattering the slave bands of black descent", and for stamping out "the vile Dasyan colour." - [ Rig Veda . II.20.7, II.12.4 ]
>"O'er Sire and Mother they have roared in unison bright with the verse of praise, burning up riteless men, Blowing away with supernatural might from earth and from the heavens the swarthy skin which Indra hates."- [Rig Veda , Soma Pavamana - 9.73.5]
>" Indra in battles help his Aryan worshipper, he who hath hundred helps at hand in every fray, in frays that win the light of heaven. Plaguing the lawless he gave up to Manu's seed the dusky skin; Blazing, 'twere, he burns each covetous man away, he burns, the tyrannous away." - [Rig Veda , Book 1]
>"Black skin is impious" (Dasam varnam adharam)- [ Rigveda, Book 2, Indra 12.4]
>"the vile Dasyan (native) colour." - [Rigveda, Book 2, Indra 20.7]
>“ the black skin, the hated of Indra" - [Rigveda, Book 9, Soma Pavamana .IX.73.5 ]
>"Thou, Indra, art the destroyer of all the cities, the slayer of the Dasyus , the prosperer of man, the lord of the sky." - [Rigveda, Book 8]
Meet your patron God, White Man. This is Ba'al, Indra, bringer of rain to crops, slayer of shitskins, and he that commands us to enslave all the non-Aryans.
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>we won him in a war
Shut your retarded golem ass up, this is strictly a mutt and by extension south Korean "Christian" problem that are due to your peak ZOG status.

The Apostle Paul (The guy that essentially founded Christian Theology) has made it very clear that circumcision is not necessary. Circumcision is a Muslim & Jewish thing.
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>this is strictly a mutt and by extension south Korean "Christian" problem that are due to your peak ZOG status.
liar, see >>21930996

>The Apostle Paul (The guy that essentially founded Christian Theology) has made it very clear that circumcision is not necessary
you mean the same apostle paul that mutilated a man's penis in the book of acts? the same apostle paul who wrote picrel?
>But you have to come out of that with new resolve to live life to its fullest. You will never stop desiring. It isn't humanly achievable. Many Buddhists spend their lives coping about this.
The point isn't literally to never desire anything in the broadest sense of the word. The point is not to covet things you can't have and not to cling to the things you do have, but to let unwelcome or unsound passions pass over you like any temporary inconvenience.
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Buddha was a white man.
He wasn't a jeet, or a chink.
picrel counter your whole delusion about reality.
Kikes and jeets are the same thing, abrahamism is just brahamism monotheism with stolen tales and character arcs from local even older middle-east myths.
that was already disprove by genetics you schizo retard
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people like you view non attachment as doing nothing or being uninterested, when it's just not being a neurotic retard that suffers because of things.
thats why a lot of the old codgers say that religion and the greater mysteries should not be in the hands of the masses
>kikes are actually aryans
i mean it's basically just don't be a nigger as a religion
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>BUDDHISM, the most useless religion in world
Learn jainism retard
And then you cry about Rohingya genocide, but do absolutely NOTHING about it. Weak faggots, the lot of you.
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>Buddhist molest children
>Buddhist molest children as much as Christians
Lol, not to mention all the Buddhist thought leaders throughout the modern era getting caught in sex abuse scandals. At least its not Abrahamist in nature. I appreciate what it stands for and have dabbled. The entire notion that Buddhists "do nothing" is an ignorant statement as well...they act if there is injustice around them.
No, it hasn't. The cope is free, mutt.
Based Kara enjoyer
>implying jeets are aryans
no, kikes are just gypsies, still mutts like you.
you can say they are the first wave of gypsies, probably expel by real aryans.
>look within
The kingdom of heaven is within. You are a stray thought in the divine mind of god trapped in material reality.
Yes, try to get closer to your true nature even with all the impulses of the flesh bag getting in the way. Lucid dream astral project use psychedelics, break through
>waste your life thinking about nothing
You have many lives. Reincarnation is real and provable. The amount of lives you become aware of the nature of reality is very few so it is generally a waste not to use the opportunity when it arises.
>forget about others
>get rid of desire
Attachments and desires will lead you back to physical reality. 'Man I really liked shit posting. I really loved my family. Maybe I should do it again and give hell world another shot instead of breaking free.'-retards
>the purpose of life is to become nothing
There is no purpose to life. We are stuck here incarnation after incarnation. The buddhists realize you can stop playing this shitty game and escape for good. You don't have to keep grinding.
>become a useless, neurotic, flabby ball of ego-centrism
Reduce your karma and work through karmic issues. Generally be pretty decent members of a community

If you're a christcuck look up Gnosticism please.
The Aryans all left and settled in Israel, leaving browns behind in India.
Compassion and easing the suffering for all sentient beings is core tenant in Buddhism.
>all sentient beings
carrots are sentient.
you've proved by your personal example that you're all total clueless retards with zero neuron activity in your heads.
It's the asian version of "dude chill, those richfags having a good life, they don't go to heaven like you"
what the fuck are you talking about toilet flag?
>Mexicans have contributed far more to the advancement of humanity
if you're talking about rape, kidnapping and laziness, then yes, I guess you're right
67.2% of japs are buddhists, and they invented plenty of neat stuff.
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Meditation and Buddhism teach you objective awareness without judgement and the true nature of your mind, the opposite of being a mindless drone, people like you who mindlessly, ruled by the demons in your subconscious, emotionally react to things you don't understand.
Buddha was the og sadboi, turned depression into an ideology
add russia to that list.
how many wars have been started cause of Buddhists? why are countries where the people are predominantly Buddhist so clean and safe?
its easily the least cancerous religion on the planet, Islam and Judaism being by far the worst and most evil.
you dont mine inventions on your own as an individual. you join a mining pool, smoke your hash, and youre on the team that built the thing. very few individuals work alone, in particular chemiolis and apoptosis vlog professional level hobbyism
>toilet flag?
lmao you poojeets have no toilets so you're jealous about it and overthinking about it every day, inserting this word everywhere. pathetic creatures
there can be only One, and His name is Jealous
Buddhism is a slave religion for copecels living under the boot. It encourages you to not care about the here and now in exchange for eternal reward.

I don't wanna be that guy, because I truly believe eastern thought and philosophy is god tier philosophy, while Abrahamic religions are retarded. But Japan is Buddhist and attacked pearl harbor and tried to expand all over brutally. Being Buddhist does not mean being pacifist.
a buddhist monk dies a martyr, a buddhist monk dies a martyr
oh yeah true kek, but still my other point stands for it being clean and safe
Based. Life is great. Eternally great.
yea that's what I thought, just a toilet flag with potential synaptic atrophy
That is infinitely true! And it's such a simple philosophy that a child can grasp it.
shut up the optics are kino.
once you dont need more then you are truly rich
>be buddhist
>believes desire is bad
>desires to go to monastery
>fulfills it
>desires to be a monk
>fulfills it
>desire to teach others about desire being bad
>fulfills it
>claim to be the only logical religion
I come to pol to learn about Buddhism.
anyone can do it.
yeah you are right, nietzsche agrees, its a religion for the weary & tired, only christianity is even worse in its nihilism.

Buddhism is a religion for peoples in a further state of development, for races that have become kind, gentle and over-spiritualized (—Europe is not yet ripe for it—): it is a summons that takes them back to peace and cheerfulness, to a careful rationing of the spirit, to a certain hardening of the body. Christianity aims at mastering beasts of prey; its modus operandi is to make them ill—to make feeble is the Christian recipe for taming, for “civilizing.” Buddhism is a religion for the closing, over-wearied stages of civilization.'

The Antichrist, F. W. Nietzsche, 1888

Der Buddhismus ist eine Religion für späte Menschen, für gütige, sanfte, übergeistig gewordne Rassen, die zu leicht Schmerz empfinden (—Europa ist noch lange nicht reif für ihn—): er ist eine Rückführung derselben zu Frieden und Heiterkeit, zur Diät im Geistigen, zu einer gewissen Abhärtung im Leiblichen. Das Christentum will über Raubtiere Herr werden; sein Mittel ist, sie krank zu machen,—die Schwächung ist das christliche Rezept zur Zähmung, zur "Zivilisation." Der Buddhismus ist eine Religion für den Schluss und die Müdigkeit der Zivilisation, [...]'

Der Antichrist, F. W. Nietzsche, 1888
oh yeah, i confused it with hinuism. buddhism is of course lame. hinduism has the juicy visuals. my bad.
once you dont need more then you are truly rich
once your soul doesnt crave anymore for the expensive car, huge house, 100 million dollars, hot gf then you have like fulfilled the desire by eliminating it and then became happier too.
interesting, thanks for sharing.
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>Reincarnation is real and provable
haha awesome. nice pseudophilosophical claim coke chugger. proof or gtfo fattie
>pointing out that anyone else is a "mindless drone"
/pol/ really is something else, my god lmao
yes, correct, buddhism is terrible.
please fuck off, we're absolutely full
Buddhist Monks are based if you actually look at what they do. It got me thinking about a new type of western monastic order that would be 10x as powerful as the buddhist monks.
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I like part 4 the most. Araya is a cool buddhist monk. Still losing to a Void God larping as a girl tho.


How can I EVER live without PAYING FOR AN AMBULANCE RIDE in your awesome fucking country????? I'm so jealous!!!!!!
Summary of this thread: a bunch of assholes with ego issues yelling at you with their opinion. Every pol thread.
once you dont need more then you are truly rich
once your soul doesnt crave anymore for the expensive car, huge house, 100 million dollars, hot gf then you have like fulfilled the desire by eliminating it and then became happier too.
once less desires, your mind becomes more free from distractions.
the non-distracted mind could sense more too.
by reducing the desire I stopped asking, now I could finally receive from the universe and whatever the infinite energy universe brings is big.
with less desire, I stopped making the questions based from my limited knowledge, now I could finally listen what the universe says and even 0.00000000001% of universe knowledge is a quite a lot.
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There is a lot of overlap between Kant and Ramunjans teachings. Both confirm that we are not passive receptors of reality. The we we observe reality is shaped by the subjects experiences.

Both and most of all the religions in the world is based on the core concept that the observer and the thing (universe) being observed are just one thing. This is a concept I've never been able to wrap my head around and something I can't agree with
>this is called non duality
it's more like quasi-bipolar. the duality is there physically in flesh and blood, but it's largely illusory on a higher level, if that makes sense.

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