Imagine what this board would look like if everyone here stopped watching porn
>>21931584There'd be nobody, not even you.
>>21931584The only porn I watch is the one I've recorded. Does that count as porn?
>>21931913to answer you'll have to ask them the question, what actually is so bad about porn?they'll usually say something like>the jews use it to control men and make them desire women less, so they therefore have less motivation to progress in lifeas if women haven't done that themselves. but that's neither here nor there, the point is, if it's something you create, then that argument is completely void. nobody did anything to the porn to make it manipulative, because you're the one who made it. it's no different than, isn't the problem with the tech industry. it's the people who run it. every device you create on your own is as harmless as you make it. it won't spy on anyone, and it won't lie to anyone. the other machines only do that because that's what their creators, isn't the problem with the porn industry. it's the people who run it.
>>21931929>it's the people who run itand the people who push itIt's doesn't have a good impact on ones psyche.I don't wanna watch it, it's too much - it's overwhelming and it dulls you out.
>>21931929>the jews made me watch porndamn this is what you cucks have been reduced to now?
>>21931584not good
It would look a lot more like clean teeth.
>>21931584technically most of what i fap to is just still images that legally couldn't even be classed as porn
>>21932013I always appreciate toothyfag