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I'm sincerely trying to hold to my orthodox Christian faith but I just read we interbreeded with neanderthals and denisovans, as part of being homo sapiens why wouldn't that be in the bible or any religious texts?

Also I assumed back then when we coexisted with the other humans that there weren't any social morres so autistic people weren't frowned upon.
Something something Paluxy River.
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Evolution is a religion, there's no evidence for it. Darwin said there wasn't and there still isn't. "But everyone told me it's true." ...What do you want me to tell you. Lost of people in history have believed many stupid things. Though to be fair, believing that worms can breed themselves into humans is perhaps the peak of religious stupidity and desperation to avoid God.

"Well of course Atheist Evolution is stupid, but I mean Theistic Evolution!" First of all No one has any idea what Denisovans look like, Neanderthals we know a bit more, we know they are humans just like everyone else. "But they have slightly different bones." Yes, so does every other major ethnicity of people. Humans are not copies of each other. "But someone told me that Neanderthals are in a different group than us!" Okay. I mean yeah you can say that if you want. You can call a whale a fish if you want or a spider an insect or arachnid, terms are humans ways of understanding something. Neanderthals are humans.

You know in the early 1900s they used to draw Neanderthals as ape-men? They're desperate. There is no such thing as monkey-men, planet of the apes never existed. And you need to consider why you even believe that in the first place.

I feel like I've talked about this too many times online and don't really want to talk about it. So you can just go to creation.com and AnswersInGenesis and crev.info and discovery.org and GenesisApologetics and icr.org and kgov.com (unfortunately the head died though). And you can just look at that stuff. Or you can choose to believe whales and bananas are related, because in school you were brainwashed to believe that, I don't know. Either follow evidence or follow whatever people tell you to believe.
>go to a whole host of glownigger websites instead of reading my long ass post
Not doing that.
OP, what you're asking is something that Catholicism especially has contended with since the 1800s. It's not actually that complex. You know the several "days" it took to make the world?
Literally just stop interpreting it as 24 hour days and interpret it as timespans of 1 million years. Boom, done.
That doesn't work, oh the plants were created over 1 billion years and then the sun was created after that for 1 billion years? And my goodness whales have been around for 1 billion years, you realise the Cambrian explosion (the first phase of the flood) is only claimed by evolutionist to be 500 million years old right? You don't even know your own religion and you're trying to force it on the Truth the Bible.

And the fact that you don't want to listen to evidence and follow scientist... because "random buzzword" I rest my case, you believe something because you want to and not because of evidence because you have no evidence for your religion.

Evolutionist doesn't fit the bible and especially not the Roman Catholic church, which considers Wisdom to be inspired scripture and Wisdom flat out denies Evolution. "Seek not death in the error of your life: and pull not upon yourselves destruction with the works of your hands. For God made not death: neither hath he pleasure in the destruction of the living. For he created all things, that they might have their being: and the generations of the world were healthful; and there is no poison of destruction in them, nor the kingdom of death upon the earth: (For righteousness is immortal:) But ungodly men with their works and words called it to them: for when they thought to have it their friend, they consumed to nought, and made a covenant with it, because they are worthy to take part with it." (Wisdom 1)

There was no death before the fall of Adam, and frankly you don't need the apocrypha to know that. There is no 500 million years of death before Adam, the world was created good.
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Yeeaaahhhh I'm not reading all that.
I don't need to perform in the mental gymnastics olympics to reaffirm my religion. Whatever's simplest and makes the most sense to me works better than whatever PhD thesis you just wrote.
If you deny the Bible you will fall, and if you willingly admit to be a fool, then by all means. Perform whatever mental gymnastics you want. We choose to read the Bible and take it seriously.

The OP image is also stupid, as if the truth is some how on the same level as Hinduism. No one believes in Hinduism, including Hindus. It's a cultural religion, just like Shintoism and all the rest.
The only ones who make serious claims of a true narrative are Christians, which is one of many reasons why Christianity spreads through conversion, whereas Judaism and Islam spread through birthrate (because there's no reason to convert, it's a joke) A simple investigation into the claims of Islam and Judaism prove them false, Islam by its claims against where it stems from, and Judaism because it literally cannot be followed anymore, the Old Covenant makes no sense today. Because it doesn't exist, Jesus came to give the New Covenant God had promised.

And all the idol religions and philosophy-religions are never taken seriously to anyone seeking facts.
Thanks boomie oomfie, I needed fuel for my next nap.

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