>When Josie Stream? @sheep_xing on youtubemonday regular/Wednesday membership/friday regular>socialshttps://x.com/Sheep_Xinghttps://www.instagram.com/sheep_xinghttps://www.instagram.com/sheep.xinghttps://www.tiktok.com/@sheepxinghttps://www.tiktok.com/@fuwafuwahitsujihttps://www.twitch.tv/sheep_xingprevious: >>21925639
i love her dearly
but heres the queso
>>21947397hes a big guy
>>21947412for you
felt like absolute shit today jesus christ
and my poster id is cuckjust about mcfucking had it
does anyone have a tracklist for that Josie fan rhythm game she played forever ago
kinda want to protect this smile
>>21947876I've seen God.>>21947733Requesting this as well. They're all custom made and I don't know how to extract them from the game files. I've thought about just recording the game audio on a 0% run.
>>21947986real shit
>>21947733Have you checked the game itself? You could probably check for credits on the menu. The game is free to download.https://store.steampowered.com/app/2919290/Sheeps_Symphony/
hmm i tried installing the mboy editor since that's the file type. i was hoping i could reimport the files and export them as something playabledidn't work though and i couldn't find anything else about how to change that file typei am a fucking retard thoughmight as well try the game later now i got it installed..
>>21948022fuck i might as well just ask quandi tomorrow if i remembernfi what song selection is
hold up i am actually a fucking retardthey show up on the SONG SELECTION SCREENmost of them are by blokes though so no idea how to find them
>>21948072>>21948082tell that nigger to put them all on youtube or something some of them are way too good to be contained to a z tier microeceleb fangame on steam
>>21948082All of it should be on soundcloud I'm pretty sure
>>21948316i looked up several track names couldn't find anythinganyways im gonna go die for realsies now
>>21948333I bet if you hit them up on xitter they'd be happy to help a brosie out :) Sweet Josie dreams
she hawk tuah on that thang lol