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Gay dating is like the opposite of 'appropriate dating'

Sex isnt even first base, its stepping up to the batting plate or sometimes just being a benchwarmer, and hand holding and cuddling is the 'home run'

Trust me i hate faggots just as much as you. Despite being a gooner i want sex to be meaningful
i don't play baseball
i'm not playing cards
>>22303749 (OP)
as someone looking at faggots from the outside I have this to say to you. Faggots are like that because they are faggots.
Men are built with stuff in their sex hormones that make their semen potent sexual aphrodesiacs. faggots are constantly dealing with this and becoming nymphomaniacs. Never do Anal, Never swallow. get a couple onaholes and go to work that way. thats probably the only way to cure the sexual dysfunction.
Why aren't you treating it like normal dating? I've never experienced that and had a mostly normal experience dating fags.
You sure it's not how you present and the kind of queers you're getting with? It couldn't be they're califags who can't help but make their faggotry their entire personality could it? No of course not because all gays are a hive mind.
I think it's because of you.
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i'm not like that
three of them
your filename, i rember
you post anime therefore you a big ol girly bottom bitch whose bussy quivers every time a man walks by
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tell me more about this bussy quivering, despite me not being into big ol girly bottom bitches
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to clarify i like girly bottom bitches but not the 'big ol' type
is it like, a 35 year old man in lingerie who is 'eager to please'? i prefer under 28 and lean
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i'm some of those things but not girly sorry
there's a pill for that
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i like lean guys too with stinky armpit hair
i just cant deal with fat because i just gain too much confort in tightly holding someone and feeling their tummy
just a joke friend I wouldn't seriously suggest it to anyone
also I agree with the OP all that degeneracy is cringe and I'm glad I haven't had to deal with it
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>all that degeneracy is cringe and I'm glad I haven't had to deal with it
last week i made the mistake of doing a hookup and he hasnt responded to my texts (i sent only 1)
thats a permanent addition to my body count and it makes me mad but if i think about it hard enough my dick was too big and his ass too tight for me to go in. Does that even count???
Start dating hot masculine men instead; you will like how horny they are and they will be less immature than twink types

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