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Asahi Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>58408846
Buy or wait?

I have a few coins and other silver items

how do I get a fair price for them?

I have a friend of mine who is a goldsmith and maybe we could design some jewels/rings etc

please help me
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>how do i get a fair price for my precious metals
>my friend is a goldsmith
there you go.
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>silver at 25% of spot price
guys ... will you buy it? for science?
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Just received my first stacks. I hope you guys were right about this being a good decision.
Stacking is a hobby as much as an investment. I like stacking dragons and memes.
forgot pic!
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Threw in some dimes and nickles last buy, I like em bros. Might pick up quarters next
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>stacking dragons
bet u dont even have a proper silver dragon...
a silver dragon is a shapeshifter. It would be almost impossible to know if you truly knew a silver dragon. Very nice panda's and lOVE
the dragon. Would use in tabletop settings.
War nickels?
constitutional silver
most of the coins I have actually have some numismatic value, so I don't really want to melt them
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Got a couple war nickles in there. Most are '50s and postwar. About 25% merc too in the dimeroll gacha. I think I'll stick to straight merc rolls in the future.

This is how it starts isn't it anons...
>postwar nickels
uhhh, for your copper stack? I dont get it
nothin wrong with stackin some cupro-nickel
is 5 oz of gold enough to make it
Numististic interest mainly, plus low cost when I threw it into the dca cart for shiggles. They might only be 35% but they feel more sincere than most coins I've handled if that means anything
enough to buy a nice house after the currency collapse
0% actually
OK Skippy you're right thanks for the sanity check. In this case I actually got shafted on most of these so I'm contacting apmex
One of the craziest things about bitcoin & crypto in general is how the elephant in the room gets ignored; the price can be easily manipulated. There's so much evidence that most of the volume on these exchanges is faked with wash trading. If a handful of groups are able to consolidate most of the bitcoin supply, they can manipulate the price.

We already know the spot price of precious metals can be manipulated through derivatives and stuff, but there's a good chance that will come to an end, just a matter of when. With crypto it's completely different though. The price of BTC seems to correlate to the stock market but there's usually no reason for the crazy pumps other than hype and/or wash trading from whales and/or exchanges that have their bitcoin supply divided among many different wallets. There hasn't been any widespread adoption at all, most people should of recognized how worthless it is during the first crash. But now it seems like it's being pumped to distract retail investors.

Think about how hard it is to actually talk with the crypto crowd in general about gold/silver. They laugh and point at the constantly pumping price of btc and say "look at how much btc has appreciated against the dollar compared to gold!" and while of course a pumping price doesn't mean it's proven itself as a true hedge against inflation, it's extremely difficult to argue with that line going up. It's the perfect distraction. Pump, pull back a bit, pump, pull back a bit on some news, huge pump; make it seem like there's real trade volume and keep people enamored with it. The banking cartel knows the dollar is on it's way out and is having a hard time selling the "economy is doing great" narrative in the media. So what to do ? Funnel that dollar rebellion into something the general public believes is "decentralized" and outside of central banking control.
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yes if it wasn't for bitcoin, PMs would have skyrocketed by now. total psyop. but we will win in the end. there are real world pressures that will reveal PM's true price. conversely, there's no reason why BTC can't just dump back to $10k if enough whales (which includes the US government and other unsavory parties) want it to
It's also why guys like Peter Schiff get more attention than someone like Andrew Maguire. Peter is one of the major faces for precious metal bulls, he's one of the first personalities people see when looking at the precious metals discussion online and on TV. But Peter doesn't really do or say anything interesting other than gloat about gold when the spot price is up and he actively antagonizes the crypto community, especially on twitter. While Andrew Maguire on the other hand, is an actual whistleblower who's a big contributor to first revealing JP Morgan's fraudulent activity. Andrew doesn't get nearly the amount of attention that doomer gold bulls like Peter Schiff and Mike Maloney do, which is one of the main reasons normies take one look at the gold/silver stacking community and have a hard time taking the accusations of COMEX manipulation seriously.
Andrew doesn't make big grandiose price predictions, his videos are long, drawn out analysis of what's going on with metals on the global level that most people, even many stackers, don't find nearly as interesting as the chauvinistic attitude of youtube channels like Wallstreet Silver. If you look up Andrew's wikipedia page, it's entirely focused on his activity as a whistleblower and nothing else.

There are so many subtle distractions, so many different voices in the stacking community but only a handful actually have knowledge of what's happening at a macroeconomic level. It's why nobody in the stacking community is talking about the BRICS+ meeting coming up this october which is hinted at pushing forward with gold revaluation. Guys like Peter are still obsessing over the changes in spot price. Only real heads understand the current spot price doesn't matter when half the world is preparing to agree on a revaluation of gold.
>Think about how hard it is to actually talk with the crypto crowd in general about gold/silver.
Hi, I'm here, funnelling my bitcoin profits into silver.
you said a fair price not a meme price.
someone buy it, we can test it and post results here.
I recently got some silver bullion coins below spot price- that ringing sound, holy shit I never knew. would be nice to see a webm ping test of the chinesium, along with acid tests.
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true, peter schiff is boring and easy to hate.
Always buy. Dollar cost average is your friend. May see some crabbing for a while. Just don't put all your eggs in one basket.
>how do I get a fair price for them?
Most local coin stores offer reasonable amount, depending on what you have, and can explain their rational for the price of each item. It's okay to shop around if you don't like what you hear.
Nice work. Feel good about your purchase, and never doubt yourself. Most financial advisers would feel comfortable with as much as 10% of your wealth in precious metals. Most in this community would also argue that the more the better, regardless of any other factors.

Unlike many other things, silver and gold are relatively easy to resell if you ever need, but try not to overextend yourself.
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>Dollar cost average is fucking retarded cope
not for poors.
I still see these posts and think
>wow that's so much silver! he must be so rich.
then remember I have more than that in my chest ... you guys do have old wooden treasure chests for your stacks too, right?
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dial it back, faggot
you're being an asshole
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>doesn't have a cool wooden chest for his stack
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wanna tone it down a skosh bud
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>official forbes youtube channel acknowledging it now
between now and october we might see some serious shit lads. BRICS is openly talking about their new stablecoin backed by gold. They've been announcing new membe and have spent the last decade loading up their vaults. What needs to happen now is a revaluation of gold. People laughed at this but it's becoming more and more real, they got the Saudis and Iranians sitting at the table. I hope this turns out to be a nothingburger but it genuinely feels like big things are in motion.
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sounds good to me
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Awesome dragon, I need to get a hefty one, I just have this tiny one from Lexi Dick Jeweller, fresh and not yet toned
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I have a 100k portfolio with 15% in metals, which includes 40% gold, 40% silver, 10% copper, 5% platinum, and 5% palladium.

Is this a good allocation?
sir, this is a coin shop
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I'm assuming the percents you gave are for fiat values, not mass ratios.
For allocation, I'd say you're heavy on the copper. I'm guessing you got a good deal, or robbed a house of its plumbing, so maybe that doesn't count. I like your other ratios.
If I were starting over, I'd go more heavily into gold. I'm at 66:1 for Au:Ag mass ratio. You're at 43:1.
>I'm at 66:1 for Au:Ag mass ratio. You're at 43:1.
D'oh - Ag:Au.
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crypto nerds will seethe
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>can't handle the banter
you're either ashamed of being poorer than me, or the fish.
what do you think will happen?
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i was just looking for a reason to post the word skosh
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well god damn, i fell for your ruse.
but is it only me who also felt the significant need to store their stack, or "treasure", in a wooden box, which some may refer to as a "chest"?
We might actually be headed back down to ~$23

Sentiment turned, now miners are up when actual metal is red. Not good. The normies bought in
>We might actually be headed back down to ~$23
if only
lol see you next month
dude, there's something great about treasure in a wooden treasure chest.
File deleted.
My wood box is too thin and about to erupt from the weight of me treasures....
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I hope you are right dude. I really do
you should know by now when the price drops $4 the premiums go up $3.99
Miners are up based on earnings reports from prices in January
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Afternoon, /pmg/
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is that pork or beef?
if you have one, post treasure chest.
based, this is how you know you are making it.
It's a beef ribeye steak that the cap has split from the rest of the steak
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looks delicious, how did you season it? and are those blueberries too? i hear they are good for you, qrd?
just got finished having a big "goodbye bbq" for a mate who's leaving town today- lamb kebabs, lamb steaks and beef burgers with a side of nazi silver.
Just salt and pepper. Those are black olives. I was preparing dip for tomorrow and had those left over.
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>mistaking olives for blueberries
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also good.
hey, satan, you fucking frogposter, don't you know yankees and blueberries are synonymous.
Heck if I know, I'm just another schizo, but some are speculating it's going to be an overnight thing with the price of gold. They really can't peg a currency to gold while the price can be manipulated by the western paper market, so it's a 100% necessary step. Based on what Russia and China have openly talked about so far, they're likely going to publish independent audits of their gold reserves, ultimately putting pressure on the US to do the same. We know for a fact China has been upping their arbitrage in an effort to suck in as much gold and silver from comex/lbma as they can. There's also notable silver buying from India, over 2200 tons in feb of this year alone. Physical demand for silver has taken over price discovery, premiums have stayed above 10% and remained consistent despite the spot price getting beaten down. So anyone who said silver decoupling from the spot price had already started when premiums increased and stayed that way - were most likely correct.
Is it worth buying some metals living in Aus?
that gold buying is to pay back real estate debts and foreign creditors suing through the worlds central bank. China is not fucking around and any cent given to them spells America's doom
of course, you have fiat like everyone else. infact a large majority of silver bullion coins i see available are from aus. pic rel.
buy it as low as you can. as >>58431845
says, silver price has decoupled from the spot price, premiums are large right now and in the UK we have 20% taxes on top of that, so you need to find people selling it for less.
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This is too much fun. Anyone else accumulating historical coins now that they're basically being sold for their bullion value? They all seem to be listed for the same prices they were being sold for a year ago, when bullion spot was 20% less. A 4% premium on a coin with historical value is just too good to pass up.
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And does anyone have any good recs for non-pvc albums that work well for assorted coins of varying sizes?
>a wooden box
What's a box? What's a chest? Whatever word you use, you should weigh the need vs ability to carry it when it's full, and whether the bottom will hold out if you do carry it.
But wood can be the perfect material.
freakin finally

not sure about an album, but you could always just get 100 pack of large flips and use those.
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Newest of newfags here. What type of % overhead do you find acceptable when buying bullion? If a coin is worth $100, what is the highest you'll pay for it?
Let me clarify:
A 1oz silver bar on Apmex runs you $2.49 over spot, or roughly 9% over spot.
A 1oz gold bar on Apmex runs you $69.99 over spot, or roughly 3% over spot.
Why the difference? And what are you willing to pay?
there's way more gold bullion available than silver bullion
2% absolute max if I'm buying for melt value. Don't discount >90% "junk" items either.
people are paying massive premiums for silver right now, however, I got a lot for below spot price recently. silver seems to be "worth" a lot more than it's spot price.
although ...
where are you getting these? what country are you in? I'm having great difficulty finding crowns or half crowns for anything below 50% premium. got a few others for a low premium though.
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>there's way more gold bullion available than silver bullion
[citation needed]
that chart isn't about bullion, retard
Look at the cells bordered in red,:
K6 and K20.
Look how those numbers are derived.
Where is any data you have to backup your claim?
Do you know what "retard" means?
I'm about 2 weeks away from getting my first gold ounce
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>weight: about 29g

Dont be a fucking retarded nigger cmon jesus christ what the fuck has PNG turned into
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yeah, it was fine until you showed up. now it's a shitshow full of retards who don't understand sarcasm or fun ????
like it's obviously not silver, but you can't know for certain without getting it in your hands. it would be interesting to see what scam the chinese are trying to pull here, is it plated? is it magnetic? does it have differences in design to the real thing? because these will be circulating in the market now, right? wouldn't you like to know what to avoid?
this new anime avatarfag is the worst
i'm gonna check out /bant/ pmg for awhile
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Yeah come to think of it I'd rather have a lockbox full of flips. I'll go for that then.

I'm just trawling the Norwegian equivalent of craigslist. I must admit only a few of these were bought at such low premiums, the 5Reichsmark, the DDR Hegel coin and ofc Kennedy and Washington were all bought at pretty high premiums (especially the Hegel one). The florins and half crowns averaged a 25% premium.

The Swedish/Norwegian coins were the ones with a very low premium (the 2kr was actually 15% under spot), the 10kr had a 4% premium, and there are more listings like exactly like that, so I assumed most people could find historical coins from their respective countries at equivalent premiums.
>the Hegel
that one looks real nice, bu for sure
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I'm pretty new, what does bu mean?
But yeah, agreed, and I'm a huge nerd so honestly a 350% premium on that one is a price I'm easily willing to pay (considering it was pretty much the price of three pints here in the Norvezshky Soviet).
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>Reuters warns that CME is teetering
>Comex is part of the CME group
>demand for gold & silver in china
There's no need for the general public in the west to catch on and buy silver to break the back of the paper market. India and China (over a third of the world population) are encouraging their citizens to buy silver now. Big industry manufacturers like Tesla are funding silver mines to secure their own supply because they're unable to acquire it otherwise.
Keep stacking and keep your eyes on those premiums boys.
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I had a look on gumtree and right now there are a couple of SA half crowns (.800) up for spot. The UK coins still seem pretty expensive though.
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I somehow managed to brainfart and upload the image from the wrong listing. This is the coin I meant to post.
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Can anyone ID this coin?
looks like this?
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It's so over for the US now. Even Sri Lanka wants to join BRICS+. The USD is a shitcoin going down the drain. Diversity will win.
We will be around ~$23 shortly. Premiums will increase so physical remains the exact same price
Looks good to me - thanks!
>Sri Lanka
Yes, they would never make a bad economic decision...
>Silver is under 27
FINALLY! I can put an order in
yeah this is great
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You just inspired me, anon. I picked up 20 more ounces this morning.
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brilliant uncirculated. basically, a new coin
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ngl, pretty great.
I like the Beowolf and Grendel!
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what am i seeing here
Not that dude, but I think it's a pic of a gold bar with tungsten or similar metal inside. Mimics the weight of the bar but increases profit margins of the chinese (or whoever) that sold it. This is why I generally buy from my LCS or one of the big distributors like APMEX.
Fuck the CCP for not regulating their industry
The CCP *is* the industry
>thinking regulation solves anything
my negro, I get the feeling you have not known any criminals or gangsters in your lifetime.
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edited the meme just for you, you're welcome.
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I have 50 ounces of silver and 1/4 ounce of gold. Am I going to make it bros?
>stopping and punishing criminals is impossible
I do too. Wasn't sure how it would look in person, but it looks pretty good. If we get a decent move down in the gold price I'll have to think about picking up the gold one too.
No, but not because you are stacklet. Because you are foot fag
I think you're on your way. Most here would encourage any amount. I think most here would also encourage maintaining the current gold/silver ratio. The old Silver Ends the Fed kids would suggest 1:100 ratio, meaning 1oz gold and 100 oz silver for each member of your household, but it's whatever you like.

At a bare minimum, you should be putting at least 10% of your income into precious metals.
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Counterfeiting is a way of life.
The bugs believe there are no moral issues against taking advantage of a situation by cheating. If they succeed at it, it makes them proud. They simply don't understand when you call this criminal activity.
If you can't identify silver by touch, you have bigger problems than some guy in China selling theater props.
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Thank you for your brilliantly insightful exposition.
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Attention, /pmg/ retards -- you have all been duped into buying archaic rocks that produce nothing and will make you poor. You have the mindset of inefficient 17th century mercantilists whose economic position died as a result of Adam Smith and capitalism. It turns out that actual wealth is defined as the abundance of goods and services a nation has to produce happiness and welfare. When your needs are met, THAT is wealth. Wealth does not come from owning gay rocks. Even if the USD were to collapse, too few people today value silver and gold as "real money" to ever take off as "real money" again. You all live in a bubble and deserve to stay poor until you realize you've been had.

And if you think we are ever going back to a gold standard, think again. The reason the US and so many other nations took themselves off a gold standard is because metal-backed currency stifles economic prosperity i.e. as economies grow, so does the money supply. Therefore it makes no sense to tie money to a scarce resource like gold or silver. When money is liberated from PMs, wealth goes up for everyone.

Did you know banks don't even stack silver because it's too volatile? LOL but go ahead and keep stacking useless rocks. The PM exchanges make a fortune off you retards! HAHAHAHAHA!
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some believe that we will return to the gold standard?
Not me anyway.

some people think they will become rich with their coins?
Not me anyway.

Some people think they will be able to sell their coins to other citizens who don't even know how to tell a man from a woman?
Not me anyway.

the first reason why I bought metals (in 2009) was in anticipation of the freeze and the drain on savings, and that is indeed what is going to happen, at least in Europe the governments don't even hide it.

The second reason is to get my savings out of the clutches of the banks before we can no longer do it, and that is also in progress.

But you should try to understand what these metals are used for, you should discuss with breeders, farmers, in short the real professions, they will explain to you that in the event of a financial and monetary problem, they will prefer gold and gold. money rather than a piece of paper or a digital token whose value is not real.

These people feed us, and these people have always known real money.

You lack historical culture, open some books instead of wasting your time here.
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Hey I'm back, just received another 3oz of silver (Britannias). I'm thinking of buying an ounce of gold next, would that be a good idea for a beginner stacker such as myself? I kinda want to get a Buffalo but the premiums on those seem really high, at least here in Canada. Might just get a generic bar or something instead.
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Yes definitely get gold, but skip the buffalo. Its an ugly coin and paying a premium on gold isnt worth it. The gold maple is a great coin, higher purity, good security. US Mint coins are in general boomer bait
1oz gold britannias are really cool. but try to get one with the queen on the back, not the pedo king
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Does jewelry count as part of an inflation hedge? I have a few ounces of pure gold in the form of inherited jewelry, mostly 14k bracelets and necklaces, TONS of rings I haven't bothered valuing in the 10-14k range and a bit over a troy oz of pure gold in some 18k chains and bracelets, and some 22-24k pieces coming soon for super cheap. I know 22k+ is preferred but if you just have a few ounces of pure gold lying around in old jewelry it's the gold that can be extracted that counts right? I know jewelry guys (maybe not coin guys) don't give a damn if a Cuban chain is in 10 14 or 18 as long as it's got an ounce of gold in (and they usually have close to 2 or more because of the nature of Cuban chains being very thick and heavy)

Also thinking of getting Britannia 1/10s in gold every now and then because they're cheap.Thoughts on getting 1/10s vs 5 gram generic rounds in gold? Thinking of leveling out my gold treasure pile with a ton of little coins since it's what I can afford right now, and of course silver coins.

I mean I know there's a lot of nuance with the price of silver fluctuating by a few cents every few hours and coin shops are really autistic about this coin vs that coin for verification purposes but I figure if I get it from a quality mint and it's pure gold or silver that's all that really matters right? I only have a few ounces of silver, I'm getting more, I have some sterling jewelry and I'm gonna start getting a couple ounces each month, probably rounds or eagles depending on what's available for cheap where I normally look for gold and silver.
>Does jewelry count as part of an inflation hedge?
sure. the gold has to go up a lot though, to offset the jewelry premium you probably paid
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if you want small denominations of gold get circulated coins. You can sometimes get them for spot
Vast majority of it is inherited so it's free money if I ever needed to get rid of it though I'd rather not. As far as premiums I have family who can get pure gold in Asia for way cheaper than the in west. I just decided to value what I could of scrap jewelry I had and I came to around 32 grams divided among 4 18K chains and close to 2 ounces more in 14k. I have so many rings with various stones I haven't even tried valuing.
What dealer do you recommend? I had it in my head to just get rounds if I can to avoid any possible risks with having a government mint attached to metal so they can claim ownership through some maritime admiralty law type legalism.
this is exactly why I avoid bullions.
>tfw king of italy appears looking for his gold
>I know 22k+ is preferred but if you just have a few ounces of pure gold lying around in old jewelry it's the gold that can be extracted that counts right
You get into diminishing returns because refining costs go up sharply below 22k. Depending on the alloy and the scrap guy, you could reasonably eat a 30% discount vs gold content on 10k.

>so they can claim ownership through some maritime admiralty law type legalism
These coins are high enough gold content that you could refine them into legal bullion in an apartment if it somehow came to that.
>You get into diminishing returns because refining costs go up sharply below 22k. Depending on the alloy and the scrap guy, you could reasonably eat a 30% discount vs gold content on 10k.
true but you should be selling it as jewelry, not scrap gold. then you can add a hefty premium to it. of course, it has to be good jewelry, not some ugly piece of shit lol
10k tends to be kinda trashy though
Just buy Krugs. I wish South Africa would.
Eh I honestly don't even count 10k as part of my hedge but I know shops will still buy heavy or high quality 14k chains and flip them. The majority of my gold is in 15+ gram 18k, 10-30 gram 14k chains, some bracelets and bangles of both around the 10 gram area and some old 21/22 and 24k pieces.
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>too volatile
here is a chart showing silver value over time, adjusted for inflation. de-activate "log scale".
I like Krugs but I will NEVER seek out shit like silver eagles unless I find one lying around for cheap, I'll get whatever is cheapest. When it comes to silver I just want as much pure metal as possible. When it comes to gold I'll be going no lower than 22k from now on and probably get fractionals regularly. 20 rounds are like what around 600 more or less in silver so a 1/10 or 5er in gold is like 10 ounces. Whatever. I like yellow rock
>What dealer do you recommend?
Libertycoin, or just search by lowest cost on finbullionprices.com
what a fantastic thursday
>3 higher
LibertyCoin on ebay or APMEX
Look at 20 francs and 10 pesos
>Verification not required
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Liberty coin is a godsend. Thank you for the recommendation. How many of you collect constitutional silver?
I haven't checked them out, but definitely will.
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USPS makes me nervous, and for good reason. I caught the delivery driver pretending to deliver my silver today, went out and picked it up from him directly as he was filling out the "attempted to deliver" sticker.

APMEX had a sale of random mint silver 1oz coins, so I picked up 20 at roughly 2% over spot. Looks like I got a tube of 20 Samoan 2023 Green Lanterns.
...these are chocolate coins...
>so I picked up 20 at roughly 2% over spot. Looks like I got a tube of 20 Samoan 2023 Green Lanterns.
lucked out with that
I tasted them they are all real gold
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>no libertycoin in uk
do we have an equivalent?
ebay sellers are baffling me.
I got almost 20oz below spot, now no one will accept anything but 30 to 50% OVER spot. Did i just get lucky on my first bullion purchase?
>I got almost 20oz below spot,
I'm not saying it's fake, but it's probably fake. Nobody sells below market value.
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>How many of you collect constitutional silver?
Oh, hell yea
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All day every day
Not as much as I'd like. I think I have a handful of smaller change and a tube of 20 Franklin's. The Franklin's I bought several years ago, the change I've just collected over the years paying in cash.
okay you can list more now
very nice brownings and savage
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Closed at 2300!!! 2300 now confirmed floor!
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Time to stack!
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Hey, I was wondering if you fine folks can help me in seeing if this coin is authentic or not? I got it for a few dollars at an antique store.
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and the other side. I understand some coins need to be flips portrait, for it to be legitamate. And this coin does that, so if I turn it over north to south, the other face is the right side up
Take it to a local coin shop. Those people usually have equipment beyond the magnet test and ping test that can tell you what something is made of.
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why buy silver at all?
shouldn't i just stack gold assuming im in it for the long haul (decades)
>why buy silver at all?
it's not fake, i checked it with a magnet and did the ping test. it was legit minted coins in the original collectors box. if this is fake i would be very surprised, i think i just got lucky.
>why buy silver at all?
gold will crash.
adjusting for inflation, silver stays roughly constant.
both is more secure as a hedge and silver has potential to gain you some money even if its a gamble's chance
easier for some people to afford a few ounces of silver a month than a chunk of a dub or 2k for smaller fractions or a zip of gold
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To speculate on the GSR.

Adjusting for inflation silver pretty much just goes down with brief upward spikes.
janny go rustle up some nice ones for me
>using a log chart
>results from 1720
>silver just goes down!
Are you seriously suggesting $47 1980 is only worth $140 now?
All valid points; I would like to add my own.

You have different "subtiers" of crypto, going from "speculative meh" to downright terrible. The top contender appears to be BTC in cold storage. Then perhaps other proof-of-work coins in cold storage. After that, memecoins, shitcoins, POW Ponzis, so-called stablecoins, etc. After that, those in hot wallets. After that, those in exchanges.

In addition, there are the BTC ETFs, which strike me as a gigantic "I drink your milkshake" (allusion to There Will Be Blood) scheme whereby the major banking institutions have suckered the masses into dumping their paper money into these ETFs. The major problem is confiscation by government (if not by the bank themselves as bail-in collateral during a banking crisis). The executive branch could easily issue an EO (just as it did with gold in '33) to confiscate all the BTC in the ETFs in one fell swoop: the banks would gladly oblige, knowing they would likely be beneficiaries in the end.

Finally, Peter Schiff has (in my mind) already won debate (gold vs BTC) between the crypto bros, which can be distilled down to the following: digital or physical? But the question is deceptive. The answer is actually both: A gold-backed or silver-backed blockchain. This is already "proof-of-concepted" by Kinesis.
Even Harry Dent - who believes that BTC will be monetized instead of gold - believes that gold will retain its value, more or less, due to its extreme attraction to Easterners as jewelery. It is a sight to behold. In China and places in the ME they love flashing gold, they love flaunting their wealth on their bodies as jewelery. And last time I checked, there are far, far, far more non-Westerners alive today than Westerners. Following the money means following where it is flowing to: the East. Therefore, it is wise to consider Eastern thinking. If the West falls, the East will dominate. And if the East says gold is money, then gold is money.
I want to cop a big chain with a lot of gold in it as wearable money as an asset I can liquidate on the spot down the line as emergency funds. I know in the west despite coin guys saying silver is harder to extract at under 90% all the jewelry and scrap guys I've listened and talk to say it's not an issue with gold at 14~ karat as long as it's not a tiny thing with half a gram in it, so Cubans are an option but I don't know how well they fare in eastern countries. But gold is gold and if they can extract an ounce or more from a Cuban in the west they can do it in the east but just in case I'm gonna get a couple big 22k chains cheap when I can. Most of the other ounce of gold in jewelry I have is in smaller pieces but it's still gold so I figure it counts. I got an ounce on my neck split into two chains already that I can easily tuck in when traveling.
I don't have gold jewelery, only platinum: to each his own. I buy from Mene. They only deal in 24k for gold and platinum (no silver). Platinum is despised right now, which is exactly why I want it. But it's perfect as jewelery (better than silver because it never tarnishes, so silver is better at .925).
Oh yeah I'm going to get some Mene's, I just wish they were better about listing their measurements. I want some of the 2.5mm pieces for subtlety and I don't have 3k plus to drop on their giant chains. I can get 22/24 from Asia from family at under spot
I thought about platinum but meh, feels more important to stack gold and silver since it has the most likely chance of coming into higher relevance before platinum does. I guess it's a gamble like people gambling on silver making them double in a few years. For me, I like how you can sell a gold chain instantly in a bad situation and you can dodge confiscation and taxes if it's wearable and doesn't have money stamps on it. Not sure where platinum fits into the sound money pile.
Your reasoning is sound. You should err on the side of caution if you want liquidity and so the best option is gold by a mile. I travelled to Brazil recently and the "guys with the posters on the side of road promoting buying gold" wouldn't take platinum from what I heard (wasn't looking to sell, so take that with a grain of salt).

I'm on the opposite side of the coin from you. I want longterm capital preservation via jewelery. Why? Because you can keep a platinum chain forever... literally. So, it's a nondepreciating asset from the perspective of jewelery. Doesn't break, doesn't tarnish, hard to break, super shiny.

I like gold as bullion though.
I'm on the same side in that I've been leaning on jewelry for a long time and will keep a ton in it but I go with gold just because I like it. The aspect of money that's wearable is really appealing too for getting out of dodge or dodging taxes/confiscation.
>getting out of dodge or dodging taxes/confiscation.
No question on jewelry for jewelry's sake, but this bit doesn't seem to check out. If you're getting out of dodge, isn't jewelry actually more likely to be confiscated by greedy cops or stolen by opportunistic thieves because it's harder to hide or actually on display? For taxes, you still have to pay those on the (higher) value of the item if you're crossing borders, don't you? To avoid confiscation, couldn't you beat or melt your bullion into a faggy artisinal necklace or otherwise? I suppose you'd lose out on some trust this way, but the metal is still there and you'd have gotten more for your money to start. I'm a Burger, am I missing some foreign laws or a bit of /his/?
Historically jewelry is harder to confiscate and you can get away with several thousand on your person if you have heavy pieces. A heavy bracelet and chain can be 5 digits. I'm staying away from too many gov mints in case there's ever a claim that shit like Eagles are government property. Like I said it's also a lot easier to turn jewelry into instant cash than coins or melting down metal. Think of it as insurance more than anything. I won't encounter cops but it might be hard in some scenarios to offload tons of bullion. Crossing borders is easy, people pack 3 ounce chains a lot when traveling as an emergency asset and just hide it when they're in.
>I'm staying away from too many gov mints in case there's ever a claim that shit like Eagles are government property.
Reasonable, and if I recall that's how the last confiscation worked here anyway.
>Like I said it's also a lot easier to turn jewelry into instant cash than coins or melting down metal... it might be hard in some scenarios to offload tons of bullion.
I can kind of see this one. Any historical examples?

I don't see any compelling reason to change my strategy since most of the other things you mentioned don't actually seem to be an advantage in my mind, but jewelry does seem okay as another option at least.
The confiscation thing is why I'm thinking rounds are the way to go honestly, and as far as historical examples of turning jewelry into cash it's just kind of common sense to me. Where I live coin shops are very far away (100 miles) but I know my community and jewelry is very valued. So there's a barter edge for me. I'm not counting on being able to easily reach big bullion companies if something hits the fan and PMs become really, actively relevant.
I'm new to this scene but I'm just getting what I can and I happen to just have all the jewelry lying around, which puts me in a better position than people with 0 PMs. Honestly my reasons for wanting pieces that would be harder to take than coin is unique to my situation and goals, I can buy jewelry from family a lot easier at under spot than I can get the same weight in coins or bars.

Regardless I'm going to get what I can with coins, I just have the opportunity to get purer metals in jewelry form for cheaper right now so I'm jumping on it but I want coins and shit too while things are still "stable". Sorry if my reasoning is a bit uneducated, I just very recently started trying to really educate myself on PMs after I came into possession of a bunch of old gold.
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boomer rock collectors:
>I collect boomer rocks because you CAN'T TRUST GOVERNMENT FIAT MORE LIKE GYATT HAHA
also boomer rock collectors:
>you can RELY on cops to not confiscate and conveniently lose jewelry
>it's super easy to cross borders and just generally be anywhere outside of US with a lot of jewelry on you
>Think of it as insurnce more than anything.
/biz/ is the SMARTEST board on this site by a long shot
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cops are for shooting not listening to
second and fourth amendment gives me rights to keep my rocks
how did you even get platinum anything from mene, they have been out of stock of everything desirable for as long as ive bothered checking
What do you mean? I just bought a pendant last week, and the last purchase I made was last year. Checking website right now, they have 2 affordable platinum chains right now, going from 175-285, depending on the one you want, and the others go up from there. Platinum is scarce but it's not desirable right now to the masses, so I really really doubt you can't find it. I remember going to my coin dealer about 2 months back and noticed he had several platinum pieces lying around; when I inquired he said no one is buying platinum.
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Sorry bros, you're better off holding cash collecting 5% than gold if you want to protect your purchasing power.
Anything besides the smallest chains is perpetually out of stock. 16/18" on a male adult is basically a choker
yeah that's about right, you can use a lot of different metrics to calculate inflation, that's actually a little below my calculation.
also i don't know what the fuck your chart is supposed to show; silver not adjusted for inflation has a weak correlation to usm2?
Yes, USM2 is the closest thing to Austrian inflation you're going to get from the government, and silver correlates weakly to it. The previous graph shows it also correlates weakly to shadowstats inflation. Which is to say it has only gone down for the last 150 years, barring short rallies. I'll give you anything before 1860 is probably bullshit.
I'm a poorfag but have managed to put together a little stack anyway. I hadn't considered the tradability of jewelry before, but it makes sense on the surface. I'll add a couple chains to my stack in the next few months.
Why do you CHUDS continue to buy worthless overpriced gold instead of good solid assets like Nvidia stock and bitcoin
where is your adjustment for inflation?
Please stop believing conspiracy theories like the national debt
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i have bitcoin AND silver.
if i could get silver jewelery at near spot, i would melt it down and make meme coins.
I do have some bitcoin. I have also some blue chip dividend investments. If you're not diversifying into something tangible like AU/AG or land, then you're likely the one doing it wrong, not us.
I already have coins/rounds. I'm thinking of tradability here and jewelry anon made some good points. I do sometimes see deals, even on overpriced exchanges like APMEX for generic rounds and bars at very near spot. If I had enough jewelry though, I probably would have fun melting them down into fun little ingots or trinkets too.
Is orange line higher or lower than red and green line?
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witness me, janny
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I miss the based metal posting here. Where's my mint and holo anons? When can we expect some good news, updates, or new rounds? :D
>verified email and you still have to use a fucking captcha? ffs
has anyone messaged him on twitter? haven't heard anything from him since he was speculating on doing the trump mugshot rounds.
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I mean I have both Bitcoin and Gold/Silver
Surely you also have the sacred Nvidia too? You CHUD! HOW DARE YOU NOT STACK THE SACRED NVIDIA!
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I am waiting for either:

a) More inventory to sell so I can manufacture 100 trump mugshot proofs
b)Investment/Credit/Loan to scale inventory
I have everything ready, I just need to purchase the silver but do not have the liquidity
>I am not Holo, this is Todd
No I don’t. I regret not buying it when it was $100.
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>anything from him
didn't he post something about "stepping away" due to personal/job reasons a few months ago?
"General update since i know we havent been postting much (we are still here just working and trying to secure things in the background). The twitter post thats about to be up goes into a bit more detail but the main thing is that we are still working on projects but we arent putting a coin out until next year. New job/holiday obligations have left us absurdly busy and we wont have anything for sale/pre-order until the new year."
I think you're right. I did send him an email telling him to make another coin just incase.
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Just bought my first oz of gold, this is what my current stack looks like.

Moving forward I'm thinking buying an oz of gold about once every year, and buying 100 oz of silver in the same timespan. Does that seem like a good game plan? I'm still very new to all this so any advice is very much appreciated.
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Why plan out a “once a year” purchase when can DCA every paycheck? Have you taken the 1g Gold bar pill yet anon? Small comfy little nugget of pure gold. Much more fungible in a SHTF/economic collapse type scenario. Cheaper and easier to stack to get exposure to gold as well. You can get 1g bar for around $90 on SikverGoldbull and SD bullion.
Only $200/oz over spot!
I heard buying gold fractionals is not encouraged because of how high the premiums are. If it'll be cheaper in the long run I'd rather just buy an oz annually
Fair enough.
100/1 sounds pretty good to me.
Nice work.

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