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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>58666955

As always:
>sneed hedgies
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Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.083 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~74.6 million shares of ~351: 21% total held by Jun. 5, 2024
>~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,
>12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22
>and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Tuesday RRP: 375.542B, 68P = 5.523B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: No
Thursday RRP: 388.841B, 74P = 5.255B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 421.040B, 74P = 5.690B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q1 24 8-K/10-Q
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
https://www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.
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First for we're gonna WAGMI
Buying more. Get fucked hedgefucks.
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Looks like JPM and the bbby board (not those appointed by RC of course) colluded together against RC and his compelling plans for bbby. They completely left him and his board picks in the dark on their little email convos. Now why would they want to do that to the CEO of GameStop?
Fellas how do we feel about ruggin ryan canceling the summer of gamestop for the interest of isreal
cute buzzwords but you’re not actually antisemitic I can tell.
(((Freedman))) to (((Edelman)))
I can’t help but noootice
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I wish I could read the internal emails that were sent when the news hit how the diversity matrix vote went.

Also bless the baker and their choice in vidya. Impressive, very nice.
>it takes more conviction to short a stock than go long, short the downside is infinite, when you go long the downside is zero
What did Cramer mean by this?
Sad that he had to get drunk to unashamedly do this, you can hear his slurring
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gamestop and everyone who holds it has big dick energy
Yeah you're right. Poor Jim. He's not part of any secret clubs is he? If not then nothing should be stopping him from buying!

Kinda funny he only went on Reddit recently. 3 years in the making and he's barely reading the DD.

Don't worry Jim, as long as you're long on Silver you'll probably be fine.
Jim is fucking wasted holy fuck. It has to be soon.
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>actual wasted coping about shorts could win turning into how shorts have to pay dividends anyways
It's so over. Cramer is turning into Cim Jamer.
Last week:
Monday RRP: 416.481B, 73P = 5.705B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 410.449B, 75P = 5.473B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 447.574B, 77P = 5.813B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 429.864B, 77P = 5.583B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 386.885B, 68P = 5.689B per (roughly)

>This week:
Monday RRP: 333.429B, 66P = 5.052B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 375.542B, 68P = 5.523B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: No
Thursday RRP: 388.841B, 74P = 5.255B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 421.040B, 74P = 5.690B per (roughly)
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Lol wtf
Leellliueessfllyrrrffffffff sliuurp geeeeeeeee eeeeeeem yeeeeeee moooooolasssss is this coming week
His slurring this much it's fucking wow
This crab between 300 and 4xx without ever dropping under 300 is killing me
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>cramer himself saying companies can protect from bear raids from shorts by giving dividends

The logarithmic increase and asymptotic decrease are the worst parts.
what is the date on this mad money clip? The FinVid was yesterday but what about the cnbc clip? he is slurring really good and the fact hes sort of talking about gme in a fairly neutral tone is interesting.

What does it mean if he starts discussing naked shorting?
I think I get your point and it’s retarded and so are you. Get ready for a big day of sliding the jpm stuff.

I want these kikes to be squeezed out.
I couldn't find a real source. The clips shows DOW at 39,150.33. Earliest prices I see for that are Feb 2024. It's the closing price for today actually. Jim did say he was reading Reddit recently when Gensler was on..
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>Whaddya gonna do? Sue me for cancelling the shares?

>inb4 vapid iphone commentary
Noooo, he used a phone? To email!? In T+2024 of Our Lord? Suck me the fuck off.
>Wrote I was even appointed
So either he’s firing these off after his nightcap or it’s downies making it up. Both are funny to me so I don’t particularly care.
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It's looking like this is a Rico now, lol.

Hedgies on ledgies.

Bed bath chads are getting a double moass.
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How many people are going to die because it this all unraveling ?
I'm actually kinda scared the levels of upheaval this will cause
But I'm the only one in my family and friends that holds GME on CS so iunno if I will ever tell them even after the moass is said and done
How bad are we talking about here investments going to near zero ?
Bank accounts drained as a bail in ?
>appear strong when you are weak
It's probably going to be bad. I don't think very many will die. Probably best hypothetical squeeze holders are generous towards charity. Maybe even making their own so they know they are doing real work helping people.

Any kind of leveraged real estate is going to collapse, especially commercial real estate. I fully expect credit card processors to run out of liquidity and savings accounts will have 'solar flare glitches!' War time economy!
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That wasn't very nice of them. I hope they learned their lesson and promise to never do it again.
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Welp I promised myself that one of the first things I'd do is pay for the complete cancer treatment of a daughter of a local grocery store cashier near me, I didn't tell them yet I hope she's still fucking alive in the next month or so
Inb4 reddit
You know what I don't even know what else to do with all that money, I would rather just go homeless and have all that money just to fucking help people that are really in need
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You could do practically nothing with it and you'd be a massive step up from it's previous owners. They seem to be doing everything they possibly can to make everyone on earth as miserable and destitute as possible. Simply getting it out of their hands is in and of itself an act of supreme moral good. Everything nice you do after that is just icing on the cake.
That's very noble anon. I hope she can get the best treatment available. I don't trust the medical system desu but what else can you do?

2 million post tax is enough to live very comfortably for 60 years (minus inflation.) I already live in a RV by choice and like it. There's downsides but they are pretty minimal.
Meaningful charity really is the best gift you can give to those in need. I hate how 40% of food in america is thrown out, and many other things.
>charities with 20% proceeds towards causes
>charities researching things like cancer 80 years with no improvement while aerospace has us on the moon
I love charity and generosity but despise modern charities honestly.
you're sat here posting on 4chan on a Sunday, we all know you really need the money (for the braindoctors)
>>charities with 20% proceeds towards causes
>>charities researching things like cancer 80 years with no improvement while aerospace has us on the moon
>I love charity and generosity but despise modern charities honestly.
that cancer fund that Biden ran where 0% went to cancer research or victims
You can't trust modern charities. You basically have to make your own or 'take over' whatever ones you want to run anyways. Getting arrested for feeding the homeless, millions of homes and commercial properties sit empty because it's "cheaper" to let them literally rot until it becomes a teardown anyways.

Modern society is fucking disgusting. The horrors are unimaginable. I cannot even imagine what it takes to even star to help people and fix the world. I wish I had the knowledge to know how to begin to fix these problems. The real terror is knowing money doesn't fix society, and you still will have to put in your blood sweat and tears to make the smallest changes. You will be hated for helping people, I'd bet money on it.
I can't wait to bankrupt israel
While they take a fat salary. Grocery stores padlock dumpsters to stop people eating edible food. Law enforcement funding is up and so are opiate deaths. Putting a plywood roof over the homeless is bad, while bulldozing their tents is 'defending property rights,' and good.

>Each Javelin round costs $80,000, and the idea that it's fired by a guy who doesn't make that in a year at a guy who doesn't make that in a lifetime is somehow so outrageous it almost makes the war seem winnable." - Sebastian Junger
And they lost. There is no other word for the situation than disgusting. If you don't cry thinking of the state of the world, you don't understand it enough.
Apparently several people in the bbby community have recently signed nda's

Sue telling people in interview aimed at retail to invest in a company turning itself around

then rugs with bankruptcy whilst she would have had planned all along

I wonder what will happen to her
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>*respirator noises*
>Hello, Harriette
>We have a job for you
>*respirator noises*
>You must send this email to Gustavo
>We have signed it in your name
>We also have a recording of your voice to put in the call
>*respirator noises*
>It doesn't matter who we are
>All that matters is our plan
>David Freedman
>JPM M&A Division
Those who think laugh at the world
Those who feel cry... Something something.

I hear you, I want homelessness to get better, but thinking it's a housing issue is wrong. It isn't. It's a drug and mental health epidemic, and housing will never fix that.
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According to this guy:


Why would ape mongol or anus blaster or the other seven dwarfs need to sign an NDA? They're not involved with anything and everything they say is public information. It shrimply sounds like bullshit to me.

Coming around to the idea that Rain Chobani backed her to replace Tritton because he knew she'd be sloppy.

Missed your (You)
So infinite money t+35 and then some glitch before thresholded amirite fellas?
>Coming around to the idea that Rain Chobani backed her to replace Tritton because he knew she'd be sloppy.

Only smart one that i would be given an nda was Jake if he discovered something, im a gme maxi anyway so im not bothered eithier way
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>his knowledge may be valuable
He knew too much
Jamie Dimon threw Gustavo off the Jenga Building? Why would Ryan do this?
All I know is that these emails, allegedly from Goldberg, are written exactly the way shills write.
(You) niggers always write in the second person. It's stunning how I can point it out to you every time, and you never learn.
>Sent from my iPhone
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I didn't catch this part, kek!
>Sent from Tel Aviv
Don't take it personally bud. It's not like you wrote that email yourself, right?
My Russian girlfriend said if I sell my GameStop shares tomorrow she will have sex with me because she finds me more attractive without me having an obsession over this company. Sex makes me happy. I pump her. GameStop dumps on me. Financially and mentally speaking, my Russian girlfriend, who is a biological woman, is a better investment than GameStop right now.
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Might be having another pool party on my birthday if we get some price movement and timings are correct
You already told us: >>58669989
Is it starting to get real awkward in here real fast yet?
>5:30pm in India
Let's see what the night crew has to offer.
>He sent an email from a phone!! It's fake
You stray further from sanity and believable logic with each leg of this journey. You are truely retarded and your limpdicked attempts at crowd dispersing really shows it.
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Just keep doubling down buddy. What is crowd disbursement? Is that anything like thread engagement? Why do (You) people use such technical jargon to describe what goes on here?
When does the NFT marketplace come out of beta?

> in b4 “the only one coming out of a beta is your bf”
>email sent from iPhone
Hedgies get a lot of credit for being smart , these are the same people that need groups of paid lawyers in the room to tell them what to say to congress.
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>crowd dispersing
>Babynigger cant read
Pottery. Shorts cashed out, sonny. Enjoy your delusions that they still exist and paranoia about glowniggers though.
Perhaps the real “MOASS” was the baggies we became along the way.
And as long as there wasn't any fraud involved, then all parties are indemnified. Good thing there wasn't any fraud, right? Say nigger again. It's not the camouflage you think it is.
I wonder what the purpose of an NDA would be. No doubt, Wallstreet has plenty of analysts parsing over all of the documents as well as having insider scoops. So what could it be, that retail is not to know about that someone like Jake would need an NDA? Could there be some other M&A target they don't want the masses to know about? Could there be some other name/connection in one oft he documents that gives something away? I assume Wallstreet will be in the loop, so why not retail?
Threadly reminder that I'm going to keep swing trading, selling covered calls, syockpiling 0 cb shares, and acquiring more with premiums-
and you have literally no way of stopping me.
If the price goes to pennies, I'll buy the float.
If the price goes to the moon, I'm buying India, keeping the nukes and pretty women, and selling the rest to Pakistan.
You cant stop me.
Nobody can stop me.
According to this DD, there should be another spike this week. It looks like the constraints of mispricing an illiquid stock is creating some very obvious patterns. When the MMs internalize the shares, they have 35 days to deliver and when your price action doesn't hit the market you go long calls and dump them when the T35 cycle comes due. The IV goes up predictably and you make leveraged returns. It's not a guarantee but I think I'm going to toss my hat in the ring and test the water here.
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I wonder if Ryan Cohen has thought about doing literally anything with that video game retailer he bought a few years ago?
Kek you should go where you’re more appreciated anon
Can i have a go on her?
>legit ESL posting
Shills can't even afford chatGPT to fix their retard English.
I’m just gonna swing trade half my stack until moass
>you're sat here
You mean this? Many native english use that turn of phrase
>swinging half a stack

Don't be stupid there chief, start off with the monthly hooker price half a grand and swing that for a month, if it works, then start getting bold with it. Just because DFV knew what he was doing, everyone else would be chum in the water.
WAGMI tomorrow?
I WAGMI every day, sometimes twice.
He is. You just need to not have the time preference of a black person.
I had some shares earmarked to be swing traded. But we seem to be on the cusp of a turning point for MOASS. As the lawsuits close, GME's warchest builds, and BBBY about to blow wide open - I want every last share I can get my hands on. Swinging half your stack seems unnecessarily ballsy. Although if it works out it could be a handsome profit.
Seriously what was cohens plan here?? He could of never predicted the retail sentiment and mania of this stock. Without the sentiment even with cohen at the helm, gme would have gone bankrupt. When he originally bought the dying brick and mortar store, what was he thinking, was this pure luck??
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Blue board chief, ain't happening, I am not prepared to serve a 30 day sentence.
He was thinking poor retail investors would be the pinata for all his dilution
I guess we will find out tomorrow when it hits 10k
>*crabs down to $21*
Max pain this week is $23. It might spike up or down, but we all know where it lands. I suppose a large volume of sold and purchased options might change that, but who the heck knows what price discovery is anymore?
Fairly sure market makers and everyone else colluding against GameStop have given themselves carte Blanche to keep artificially suppressing the price. They tell Gary and the governement this is to protect the market from us, dangerous financial terrorists. I’ve always said their problem starts when Cohen does something with that money to increase revenues. It’s almost like they want him to do it to put them all out of their misery. It’s fucking hilarious that he has found a way to make literal billions of dollars from them having to cyclically pump the stock to roll their hidden positions. I personally do not think shorts will start closing anything until there are news articles about “GameStop buys so and so gaming company increasing yearly revenues by x”. You can see the shills already saying “so he has four billion dollars so what, the company is losing 100 million everyday”. Once cohen shares his plan with the public it’s all over. You know he has one because they cannot shut up about how he should be telling all of them before he implements it.
>he has a plan cuz he hasn't told us yet
lol k. honestly, the "gamestop" brand is dead (only 30 year old boomers care about it), and it'll be hard to even conceive of a profitable business venture with it.
I bet you think you are very clever
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>Was getting memed part of your master plan?
Of course!

By the time it gets to $10k the market will be in ruins, the chief diloooting officer will have dumped 500 million shares, and GameShire Bathaway will have bought all the stocks. Why sell?
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
>leveraged real estate is going to collapse
Based. Looking forward to slurping and charging slightly-excessive-but-not-rage-inducing prices on single family homes located in desirable school districts.
>30 year old boomers
>You know what I don't even know what else to do with all that money, I would rather just go homeless and have all that money just to fucking help people that are really in need
Why do you people make up these cringe and hollow lies. You're gonna use your newfound wealth to sleep on a public bench? Really?
How much of the market is retail? Because that would surely erode trust in the market completely and cause retail to move over to things like crypto.
I'm setup to do covered calls now. What are some of the predditor hype dates that are left?
>implying crypto isn't just a derivative of the stock market
it was predicted shills now shill about crazy high gains, exactly like they're doing with rc & rk. Imagine the shill cope when this thing blows off into outer space.
nobody's shilling about crazy high gains
the stock is dead
you should have sold already
the end
Why are you here? It’s Sunday.
sorry I'm not selling
Just cover short term far OTM options you lemon
Curry is delicious, Cletus. Have you never had Thai, Korean, Indonesian, Nepalese, Ethiopian, etc. food? Even ramen has curry broths
Jap curry is great, especially with chicken katsudon.
im want to pay someone to piss into these things cornflakes and coffee at random intervals.
especially that faggot janny who is compromised.
Based. For me it's Thai jungle curry. Love the heat. Almost as hot as these digits
yeah ngl curry is dang good sometimes

This doo lenarius bin cookin
>I will just hold.
A perfectly valid strategy, my friend. I like the cut of our friend's jib, though:
This is an important part of the play. Lest we forget, RC originally bought calls for GME (and I believe BBBY as well) and DFV has clearly been playing long-dated options to fuck up hedgies' rollovers/settlements.
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This is the real code breaker right here:


The user has now deleted their profile.
I saw that as well. Let's see if we see major options volume soon. If so, I'll buy a couple of near-dated calls myself to get that sweet sweet theta discount.
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pic for the unmotivated
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I would like you to all look at this picture when the fudpackers come out to play screaming about le ebull Cohen.

He's the best white-hat in the biz. He's killing shorts by timing their own tricks.
yeah i want to buy one call contract because of this as an europoor but don't know which broker is best for options
Reddit formatting is more conducive to posting DD. You have guys on X doing work, too. For instance, many weekly top /r/superstonk and /r/teddy's posts are rips from tweets on X.
Cos it’s easier to post the cope there to reassure those plebs when the hype dates don’t pan out for the millionth time.
“Oh it’s t+35 but we forgot to add Ken’s wife bday which is why nothing happened today.”
I'm going to hold my stack until after the spike then sell it and wait for it to dip before finally trying out calls.
How's the weather in Delhi, bhai? I actually have a business trip planned for 6/25 - 7/9. Any must-have experiences you'd recommend?
kek stupid retarded baggies
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Kek stupid retarded dumbfuck crypto baggies

someone cracked the matrix code. a must watch (not me)
Wow. Holy shit. We really are close. The full picture is starting to appear. It really is going to get real awkward in here real soon.
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6 hours until Robinhood right?
Anon, RH tracks a GME derivative. It has weak correlation with the price of GME as a security on one of the market exchanges. You're better off not looking at it and waiting for pre-market.
Anon we all know robinhood overnight is fake and extremely gay. It's just feeds the dopamine of watching a ticker.
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Damn this guy just pushes everything in his portfolio
for me, it's GME green dreams featuring violent upward action. the day it happens will be most exhilarating
Holy shit Gustav Arnolt just fly over my house!
No joke was it RC that killed him for the betrayal?
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You’re a literal retard. He betrayed his co conspirators you retard. Likely all those people named in the lawsuit minus RC’s board picks.
Zack coin is legit
My transcripts are going to be much more based

>Why didn't you trust Ryan?
>He was a Jew and worse, Canadian
wew this looks spicy. I might actually have to spend working hours reviewing this case
I like to think Boeing and JPM use this guy to rectify any "problems"
forgot pic
Shits about to get real chief
I literally have that hairstyle...
GMEs seth rich?
Sers please stop asking questions about the towel stock or the cia will come and take away all of you gme.
So no pump this week?
Unless it’s big event like RK returning after a 3 year hiatus then it will run…within the limits set by RH. But it will run.
Here are some fun questions, anons, for post-MOASS:
>Where will you travel first?
>What type of work/passion will you pursue?
>In which country will you build your permanent home?
>What sort of charitable efforts or scientific research will you support?
>What advice will you give to your current/future children to ensure they build on the family wealth?
I don't understand any of this. When is the next hype date?

>Youtube video essays and finally playing Metal Gear Solid 4
>Japan Birth Rate restoration
>Never trust a weirdo
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>the next hype date
is always tomorrow
Why not tho, you're saying this like the hedgies are smart.
It will pump, because they wanted to post good numbers on the other weeks
Little Cayman
Scuba diving and Skiing
Property in Eagle County Colorado and Cayman Islands BOT
Folding at home
Be good Christians and don’t be an asshole I will teach common sense and already doing that
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The downies are sharing this in their sub like it’s fud. Kek. They should really rename themselves to bbby_meltdown. This literally proves that Ryan was trying to save the company by giving themselves more time by forcing shorts into a squeeze scenario like GameStop. It’s what Burry said in his 2018 letter to the GameStop board. The bbby board instead nuked their own company. Surely they didn’t commit any fraud.
Because I bought calls on Friday
Oh boy where did the shills go?
Come back, totally legit anons, I want to be told how its over for us lmao
kek baggies
Oh wait somebody bought $2b worth of shares last week, and I know for certain retail doesn't have that sort of cash.
I wonder what institutions are gambling on a B&M shitstock alongside retard retail traders?
Somebody explain the video and spreadsheet in two sentences. When is the next pump cycle?

in two more weeks
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Fucking French.
stupid ass red average sunday baggies
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You won’t be doing of any of that shit you will be dying poor, stupid coping baggot
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The real Kansas City Shuffle was the towels we bought along the way.
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my regards to your mother for the hearty kek.
Wasn’t the hijacking Logonigger a Frenchman. Hmm
But I already own a home, am close to putting 50% down on my first residential rental property, and am growing in my career, Rajesh.
got the cap somewhere where he dox'd himself too.
>You won’t be doing of any of that shit you will be dying poor, stupid coping baggot

Why are they still around if the GameStop play is over?
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past week I sold my non registered stack, and I just sent the transfer request for the registered stack. left 5 in there in case this thing does actually go to the millions, which at this point I have zero hope for. I can't believe I have been throwing money at this thing as a complete degenerate for three years while it has been bleedin the whole time and still managed to exit marginally green and not lose money. whatever, kek. someone please snipe ryan in minecraft for turning the summer of gamestop into the summer of ww3. thanks ryan.
some are mad bears
some are paid shills
some are miserable people who lost on their own plays
some are trolls
some need human contact
none will convince me to sell
stale pasta is stale. at least slap some new sauce on it, a little more spice maybe?
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> Be me
> Invest in Gamestop
> Wait three years
> Poorer than ever
What did Ryan Cohen mean by this?
posting again because fuck 1pbtids
goodbye frens. I will miss some of you.
I’ll miss PublixAnon already
you are retarded but I would expect no less from someone that's still here after the stores are closing and the stock is being diluted and we're getting the amc treatment.
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>tfw you think you won't get investigated because you issued a death threat "in minecraft"
fraud payout and 1:1 equity conversion gnome im sayin?
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>someone that's still here
You heard it here first.
>>>Kitty will buy calls in the next 2 days and we will have a huge run up. sell at 2-3 july. cohen will delute again and the same circle will repeat a month later.
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Anon what's the ETA on duel monsters hologram battles?
tell me one single arguement on how this stock still poses an idiosyncratic risk and I will buy again
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top fucking kek
short squeeze never occurred
price went up despite ATM during settlement/rollover period
synthetics & rehypothecation likely in the billions
the two largest individual shareholders are the most public white hats in today's market

we're all individual investors. I will not think about you when GME moons whether you are on the rocket or not
konami is working on virtual reallity video games. you can already watch DMGs panties with your htc vive. for real holograms we need a smart seta kaiba type of guy with like billions of dollars to invest. the next best thing is musk rat. 15-20 years i say.
In the background they are carving up the winners and losers ready for the financial implosion, and making sure there is enough plausible deniability that the biggest players (at least not too many of them) don't collapse.

So legally, when most shorting occurs the lender of the share still has full access to that share, which means the amount of shares circulating has increased by one for each share shorted. I state it like this because I believe there are instances where massive shareholders can lend them to short sellers and they cant access (sell) their shares while doing so but this is a small minority. So when one share is shorted the amount circulating increases by one.

Knowing how this works, THE ONLY "database" in the system who actually knows how many shares are circulating for each stock is A PRIVATE COMPANY the DTC, whos subsidiary the DTCC has these ledgers. Know it would be trivial for an undergraduate Computer Science student to run a database query, or even an IT professional, to calculate:

shares issued + legal short interest = shares that SHOULD be circulating.

And then you could compare this value to the ACTUAL NUMBER of shares that are circulating and instantly find fraud, even bernie madoff said if they looked at the DTCC's books he would have been caught instantly.

Now knowing that GME has had short interest 40-50%+ over the last 10-15 years we can speculate they have been pumping fake shares into the market for a long time, and THAT IT IS MIND BOGGLINGLY SIMPLE to check the official ledgers to see if there are naked shares floating around.

now GME is not the only stock they do this to, they pump fakes share ALL THE TIME for every stock, especially in times when the market is super overvalued so that they sell high and can slurp back up cheap shares when financial firms are forced to sell when they get margin called when the macro economy goes into a 2000 tech bust, or 2008 GFC scenario, and overall downturn.

So the finally we arrive:
So the finally we arrive:

How are they going to clean up this bbby/gme mess while ratholing away all the other obligations and frauds they have been committing? I don't have the answer to that but i imagine it will take the form of something like what we saw with the creation of the "expert markets" which is where they warehoused all the naked shorted cellarboxed stocks so retail couldn't dogpile in and cause a irreparable implosion to civilization itself. It is interesting to speculate on this because of the points made in my previous post about HOW FUCKING EASY IN THE DATABASE/COMPUTE TECHNOLOY age it is so actually instantly, in realtime, verify if there are unaccounted for naked shares circulating. Makes one wonder, and we are in for some very exciting times.
> but mister judge its what they call themselves
this investment into gamestop just keeps on giving
Supposedly the 25th is a big day. Moona ina juna still possible.
MOASS is always tomorrow until it is today.

That said, it doesn't hurt to understand options and the hedgies' settlement/rollover/expiration playbook.
MOASS is tomorrow CE
kek baggots
what's it to you
Is Ryan going to no actually do anything to help his shareholders? Or are we just relying on DFV to do all the work?
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
there is no we and there is no relying
Oh man they're so screwed when SEC finally wakes up from its nap and launches the mother of all law suits to protect the little guy against these hedgies
Fiduciary duty?
Shorts never closed? That's kinda SHORT sighted
In accordance to biggys dfv ftd cycle theory, Can you as an insider buy options to a company? How many shares can dfv get until he is an insider? Can dfv use this tactic to out buy RC and kick his diluting kike ass out? Cause it looks like DFV is gonna run this bitch up.
if there's anyone here who thinks RC is actually a bad actor or against the best interests of GME the company, I have to imagine you're going to go broke very soon after you cash out on GME because you are a certified moron
Ironically, RC did RK a favour by keeping him below the % of insider, Kitty can still play without being an insider now and does not interfere with GME
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if they think I have any emotions or feelings to manipulate then they need to get on another level
honestly it's pretty brilliant of Cohen. do ATM offering at the 35 day after a giant failure. which causes shorts to end up donating to the company. which the last 1 billion FTD was during the RK June 7th stream. and 35 days from that is July 12th. if this cycle continues Gamestop might have 12 billion dollars cash on hand by the end of the summer. would be absolutely hilarious if they used that extra cash to buy the remainder for the float which was offered at dirt cheap prices due to synthetic shares. then after it's locked all these naked shorts would be absolutely fucked and SEC would have to step in.
MGS4 is absolute dogshit, I hope you like it lol. I was very letdown by it.

The story is so bad, it has to be intentional. Based aspirations nonetheless.
I bet that dolphin gets all the jelly.
With 305+45+75 M shares outstanding, it takes 42.5M shares to be an insider.
As of the last YOLO, DFV had 9M (and 1k), so there's still abundant space to fuck shit up
My fucking sides
wtf that's my exact hairstyle
Anon that's not technically a hairstyle, but the absence of one.
Guys, I can’t seem to send NFT’s using my GameStop wallet. Anyone else having this issue?

I want some dolphin orgasm jelly also checked
based. we don't need well-maintained hair on the moon
Wow I see bbby talked about a lot in these gme threads I'm convinced. How do I buy in?
Is superstonk compromised? Been seeing a lot of SUSSY BAKA behavior over there
pools closed
Too late, but I do know holders will be getting 1:1 share of GME for every share of BBBY they hold
uhhhh.... bros?.......

Literally who????
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“Le heckin black swan event!”
CEO of Flexport Ryan Peterson involved in the BBBY Bankruptcy he got some of the BBBY leases
Why didn't BBY dilute share considering retard was ready to gargle it even at 1 cent for 6 billions dilution ?
These retard should have accepted Cohen deal instead of fucking around to find out.
>holders will be getting 1:1 share of GME for every share of BBBY they hold
BBBY has some legs but this will never happen. It will be a larger number of BBBY shares for 1 GME share. You cannot cite one time in market history that the less valued stock was exchanged 1:1 for the more valued stock -- even less so when it comes to a particular stock being bankrupted and the share differential being at least 1 order of magnitude.
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If in exchange for 6 digit values per share, would you allow BBBY into the fold.
No, im this petty and still WAGMI
lol I have no agency here other than continuing to buy shares in a company whose fundamentals I dig and whose squeeze has not squoze. I just know that 1 BBBY for 1 GME will literally never happen. It goes against all M&A mechanics for publicly traded companies.

Supposing I actually had the power to make that into reality? It depends -- the USD will be worth nothing if the float is so huge that 6-figure shares lead to a money supply flood which leads to near-dated hyperinflation and the destruction of the nominal value of the fiat currency that we'd be attempting to exchange for commodities or cryptocurrency.
> You cannot cite one time in history….
This has never happened before, I have it on good authority it will be 1:1
>the destruction of the nominal value of the fiat currency
Damn. That sounds like not my problem.
It will be your problem when you can't exchanged your GME cash-out's purchasing power is crippled due to the above scenario. How are you gonna buy anything with your American Zimbabwe dollars?
If it does, that will be extremely interesting to watch unfold. Legal battles galore.

Everyone get in here….

Kek based
I am of the "I don't care how I get MOASS, I want MOASS" camp, so I will take anything.
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I have explained many many times how it is a mixed consideration merger, but he keeps spamming 1:1 because he is a disingenuous poster. There must be a cash component of it, you will bot get GME shares, Teddy buys GME, who own BBBY & Baby after it's spun off, uses one for NOL's and the other is renamed as Teddy to trade under. It's possible there will.be others, including overstock for tZero. But you will not get 1:1 in any conversion of shares regardless of float equivalency in size.
That won’t happen if nobody sells. There won’t need to be an exchange of money for shares if nobody sells.
Yeah, I imagine they will get cash as well. Either way, exciting times ahead.

Do you know what the tax deduction cap using NOLs is and how long an NOL can last? Is it indefinite? Also, why are BBBY's NOLs especially valuable compared to GME's own NOLs? Or is it just a matter of "stacking" NOLs because there is no expiry?

What fundamental transformation do you see taking place through BBBY and/or BABY? I've said this before, but I would love if GME sold inhouse-manufactured tablets with every BABY purchase of over $XXX for parents to let their toddlers play with. These should only include GME-branded or GME-partnered apps. It would be a genius way to raise an entire generation on the GME/TEDDY brand.
Teddy and BBBY are just noise.

All I know is WAGMI
Then why will the cia arrest me for talking about it?
Lol, me and a bunch of people will be selling and you guys get to enjoy another dilation
Are these CIA agents in the room with us right now?
>American Zimbabwe dollars?
Kek not my problem, even so when im the one owning 99% of the zimbabwe money, it's still 99% of the value out there
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Imagine denying the 1:1 because you’re trying to get people to sell their BBBY early when it gets put back on the lit exchange. All the DD theorises it will be 1:1. Stop being so disingenuous
All I needed to prove the 1:1 poster was a disingenuous downie spamming over and over. Teddy and BBBY is real but I knew it was the logonigger doing his thing again
>Muh user engagment!
He got exposed lmfao.
why does 4chan always attract the biggest freaks
alright fr fr though someone explain to me the bull thesis behind GME slurping BBBY/BABY other than NOL carry-forwards (which apparently have no expiration date and can be infinitely stacked)
is the real estate helpful? is there a market-dominant vertical that competitors have been unable to match? what are the long-term profitable or supportive fundamentals of buying these brands?
What does that prove? The file names aren’t even the same? You think various posters don’t use the same images?

>this is who I’m holding with
>top men
Second down on the right.
Idk anon it's coming across like you're in on a play you don't actually understand. hype brain = smooth brain
Oh no one can buy bbby? So you're just here to smear shit on the walls? Thanks sandeep
you're gonna lose all of your GME wealth pretty quickly if you can't get over your hatred for a certain demographic of people. gotta play nice with everybody when you have the chance to do big tingz
Matching filenames, fudding GME.
There might actually be fewer shares of Bathniggers R Us. The market cap prior to the fraud was also around 5-6 billion.
You don’t think saving the file name would be the same?
>You don’t think saving the file name would be the same?
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I don't see why people are assmad that BBBY holders will get 1:1. They're fellow anons just like you, does it matter that they will be gazillionaires when you yourself get to be a billionaire? Be grateful and don't be petty. Chances are they will use their money for good anyways (like TJD)

t. Never bough BBBY either
No, if someone saved it from this thread it would be a bunch of numbers. That person named it or the name was generated when he saved it the first time.
I am amused and pity them. It's pretty amazing but you can tell that we are in on the same play as unskilled/untalented NEETs. No one with such an obsession over Jewish people is mentally well, gainfully employed or contributing to society. What a wild timeline we're in where we're all riding the same wave despite these gigantic differences in lifestyles.
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Anon are these women in danger?
of course it is do you really need to ask?
WAGMI (BBBY sisters even more so)
It's basically just cope from people who watched their BBBY(Q) go to zero. The IP and assets have been sold off.
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Imagine the smell
But how are his balls still attached at that point?
GME fusion dance with BBBY and kick all the hedgies off ledgies
Didn't mean to reply to you, my hate-filled friend. You'll enjoy life more if you let go of this perma-seethe based on a situation you'll never be able to fundamentally affect.
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I just saved picrel from below your posts, colored it yellow and it has the same name??
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>Where will you travel first?
Argentina or Alaska for some rainbow trout river fishing. I always wanted to do that.
>What type of work/passion will you pursue?
I don't plan any work, mostly just my hobbies like drawfagging.
>In which country will you build your permanent home?
I'll probably stick here, not sure which state I'll settle on yet.
>What sort of charitable efforts or scientific research will you support?
Depends heavily on how much money I end up with. If I do reach stupid piss-away money level then probably I'll throw funding at project from other anons, particularly those pushing for overhauls of the medical/legal systems.
>What advice will you give to your current/future children to ensure they build on the family wealth?
"Avoid the nose, glows, and hoes."
Oh yeah it’s added jpg though at the end
I saw Amy Lee from Evanescense do an interview the other day and she’s still cute as ever
Wouldn't give up this self-lubricating machine for less than a billion!
>>Where will you travel first?
I already live in England, zero reason to travel.
>>What type of work/passion will you pursue?
>>In which country will you build your permanent home?
English Countryside, BAMES fear the countryside
>>What sort of charitable efforts or scientific research will you support?
Brap Hog Institute, assisting women achieve the brappiest of braps.
>>What advice will you give to your current/future children to ensure they build on the family wealth?
They need to endure (3) years of being told they are a retard before they get their starter (1) GME
I know the hedgies nuts are in a bind big time but today for some reason has a special feeling to it, kinda like I know for sure theyre gonna pop soon. Feels good man.
I'm mentally focused and doing well in life. Can't wait for MOASS to wipe out your ilk.
Post last paycheck with withholdings & contributions.
It's kind of retarded yeah but the south american civil war part is kinda based as far as siding with either faction and being a 3rd party weirdo that they kind of trust
This is an incredibly clever doxing attempt.
>market makers delay purchases of shares so they can jam the price down with FTDs and buy them for cheaper than what you paid
>buy call options at jammed down price and sell them when market makers finally purchase the shares you purchased weeks ago
not advocating it but the only step missing from this predicable pattern is to buy shorts right after making a million share plus purchase then using the cash from it to buy more shares
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It's not—I'm just desperate to distract myself from the case review of an actual schizo for my day job. You'd think I'd be more excited since this case has a big enough legal fund for me to bill OT hours but it's just so tedious. Imagine reading 5,000 pages about some psycho when you could just talk to the same kind of person on /biz/ about your favorite company!
I like to imagine a Punished Ken with one eyeball and a prolapses anus in the year 2069 hunting down holders like Kill Bill
Yeah I’m thinking cope. That’s what you eish you were doing but too many Rajeshes came and are taking all jobs away from white GME faggots. The west is ours now white faggot
I'm actually flying to your country soon, Sriram, to meet with a client wanted by several countries. My boss is coordinating his surrender. I hear the real estate in Chandigarh is really taking off!
Cope harder for me white faggot
I did it for you guys, run that dog
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Why are British dorks so much for likely to have fallen for the bbby distraction?
Seems like every one of the bbby pushers is a Brit
this is a pretty bad larp. why are we all so full of hate?
Brits on average have higher IQ than other Anglo countries due to them shipping out the dregs to the colonies. Exception being Hong Kong
None of those are able to use a computer though.
Don't forget the scottish, fucking scottish, always causing issues, would not be surprised if Scotland is the highest AMC investor, always got to be cantrainian
Good fuck the UK, I'm laughing my butt off at their current predicament.
can we all agree that the UK's greatest export is Sophie Dee? talk about good /biz/ness!
Checked. What is their current predicament? Brexit?
Councils (local governments) are increasingly insolvent, rapid economic and social decline, people suffering. I wanna clarify I want the best for everyone fr fr but western societies collectively have been complacent dumbfucks for too long and the average lumpenprole npc needs a good kick in the head to wake the fuck up.
Accelerationism is one hell of a fuel, 2025 is going to be something special.
>sophie dee never had a creampie scene
It's over.
Digits is percent chance of moass Monday, we're all gonna wagmi so fucking hard it's unreal
Just like a wall street calculation
>4 out of 5 chance

I like it
I would double-check your sources, anon.
damn leave some shares for the rest of us
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Stay comfy, comfy weekend /GME/.
kek I was thinking of Mandy Dee
>it's still over
That's because you opened the file up with, I'm guessing, paint. If you just click save image or download on an image the file with have an RNG name.

1719181397115207.jpg is what I got saving your image.
>will have an RNG name
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>5th September 2022
>the CFO issue
They totally fucking merc'd Gustavo.
>CFO issue
>the ATM will not be successful without the reddit crowd

Holy cow we got Ryan now
checked and keked
>killed for a bath towel stock
The state of it.
16 minutes until POOMPA
Isn't still sunday?
these poor, deprived men take dopamine hits where they can get them (i.e., bullshit Robinhood charts)
Uhh I thought Robinhood trading started at 8 pm Sunday, I might be retarded though not having a job made me bad with time
>Already up $0.17
Thanks for the sacrifice, king.
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kek crypto baggies
Awww one of the hedgies deleted all of their posts. Sad! Many such cases.
Do you guys sell covered calls? New XXX holder here.
used to but too risky to lose your shares during a big run desu
If DFV buys calls again, then it's fucking on.
This guy gets it
So July 19th 30c?? 35 maybe? NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE….
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>check to see if I can buy options in vanguard
>have to speak to someone on the phone for every step

Like literally if dfv buys calls again, that means that this is potentially the infinite money glitch without the squeeze. That's what it looks, dfv cracked the code. Though dfv can only do it so long until he becomes part of the board, will other anons follow in dfvs lead and become dfv themselves? Anons just taking advantage of these cycles? This shit is mind blowing. Everywhere my mind is blown away by the gamestop situation.
The shorts that are abusing the FTD cycles won't be able to last if DFV and retail continue to ride the cycles. A short squeeze is inevitable once the pattern finally breaks. So those who know how to play options can put the pressure on the shorts. If anyone doesn't know shit about options, then they absolutely should not FOMO into options.
I would imagine this is like the final scene of Boy Meets World, the final lesson given by DFV before shareholders learn to cheatcode the game
shes welsh and too bimbo looking.
I am going to fire up the ole' eToro, time it for it's cycles, sell at 40% increase, buy after a share offering, rinse and repeat, funnel funds into my broker to buy proper GME's
This JPM fraud case makes it seem like Ryan Cohen, CEO of GameStop, was targeted by JPM in one of his investment endeavors. What are the odds they target him often? Probably 0%, right guys? Either way I’m sure we shouldn’t talk about it since as an anon will likely point out it’s not GameStop related at all…
That's what I'm thinking. I'm still kinda on edge with the Jewish tricks and options though. If DFV buys options again that's how I know that this shits really real.
Corrr who remembers this beauty?

*Intrasemetic warfare Intensifies*
Yeah Cohen has nothing to do with Gamestop, i think we will need jannie here
is it illegal to buy stock for family ? couldn't he just do it, since obviously he don't care about money seing him taking 200 millions lost keking at hedgie on tv.
That was fucking funny desu, CNBC didn't know what to do. Stunlocked.
are we mooning this week or what. all i need is to sell two (2)(dos)(zwei) shares from my xxx stack for $100k and i can wait this out for ever. i am truly at awe that this has taking this long. wallstreet really is filled with absolute psychopaths.
any arbitrage/money-making potential in the market gets nerfed as it becomes discovered. If you think this will last, you're going to be very disappointed
Well he knows they're fucking trapped, and they have to buy his shares. also he's already got so much money that it doesn't fucking matter if he lost it all he'd still be loaded, he seems like a simple guy. But anyways for a someone to be able to yolo and make millions after million after millions yoloing on options, it's statistical impossible. The guy obviously knows something with these cycles. I wanna know what he knows. I wouldn't be surprised if he doubles his position again in the next 6 months.
How they gonna Nerf it? Cover their shorts? No more ftds? They're fucked.
double their ftd and send the excel gif to the government
young padawan, FTD cycles have been tracked since jan 2021 and have always fizzled out. I doubt that DFV buying shares suddenly changes things. Time will tell but don't get too excited yet

WTAF is happening. This case has been a fucking goldmine. RC is literally whooping JIM'S ass. Fuck Dimon
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Whats the deal with that post on SS that got deleted? Dude barely said anything and what he did say we already knew - DFVs risky play was timing the FTD cycles with options. Why did he bother to delete it?
Raise options premiums to deny you the arbitrage.

Jesus Christ. These people are paid millions and responsible for billions. O I AM LAFFING
Apparently his last post was that he was getting wierd and threatening messages sent to him
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Nice link
Does it not work?
Fricken sweet and heckin' validated apes.

Curious thing is thst they are "pro ape" but not "pro price go up", they wanted to rug as many people as possible now it's all blowing up in their face. Something something book of Isaiah.

Imagine getting BTFO this hard by RC. They're literally seething because he wanted information about the company he invested in.

No wonder he exited. These people are absolute clowns
This is gold, this is silver, this is just.

"Smart money" has been given too much credit, they are lobotomised, they do not know what they are doing, they do not control jack and shit. This is amazing.

I have come to realise that the "Market Manipulation" is not some over the top conspiracy by bring wrinkle brains, they are legitimately as retarded as "dumb money", they are "retarded money" they keep spinning this plate through as many loopholes as they can, but liquid will always find a way.

Holy shit, hahaha,

They have no idea what is going on, half the people in this text log are more interested in what's for dinner tonight.
>RC is cagey bro, trust me
can you give an example?
>No senpai just one time negotiation, very cagey, trust me. Not for me HE WAS CAGEY! CAGEY!
>doubles down
Yes I know, you do this every thread
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Is it awkward in here yet?
We are on the side of a billionaire white hat exposing robber barons and their indentured servants responsible for the greatest economic disparity in American history through hard work, due diligence, and memes.

Anons -- what the actual fuck is this timeline?

I have NEVER been more bullish.
This is not the BBBY thread. Kindly fuck off.
I don't care. He exited his position two years ago and the stock has been deleted.
This is becoming spam. Post them in your designated shitting thread.
They provide less upside in dollar terms than just sticking all $4B in 5% treasuries for a year once you consider cost of capital.
It's not really about BBBY as much as understand how RC acts, what his motivations are, and how he's making every Wall Street shitter do the needful purely by thinking for himself. It's incredible stuff and makes GME the fundamental investment of the century.
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lol lmao.
Ryan Cohen isn't white -- he's jewish
This is a decent macro view of this increasingly complex web:

What color is his yarmulke?
Nigga, new gameplan has already dropped, scroll up, can't do shit until open, this is side quest hours now that's related to the main quest. You need fire from all directions to smoke out the rats, more fire more rats you get to bash in
Cats out the bag. Should help with the rats.
Ser, without my (you) my village will surely starve.
Hopefully America will piss off Israel in the near future so they can activate their sleeper agent
Corrr see what you did there, very nice. Very nice.
I know the overnight market is almost as fake and gay as the lit one, but what do you call this pattern?
>lossy webp preview link riddled with identifiers instead of saving the original jpeg and attaching it to your post
Fuck outta here newfag.
Too lazy, click or don't. I'm gonna advise my boss tomorrow to get in on this inevitable BBBY class action. If anyone here lives in NY, hit ya boi up
Can you explain what this means to a retard such as myself? I thought the identifiers thing was a larp for hackerman types.
You're talking to somebody who almost certainly only buys physical media to guarantee muh ownership. Schizos gonna schizo and screech over the most inconsequential shit




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Tan with what appears to be the Citadel logo
You ain't lying
For comparison
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I had to go and read this out of the document myself WTF LOL:

>And next week's news will be about the unfortunate and sad CFO situation

If anyone is curous, this is the only page for "Exhibit 7", so this email isn't in a chain or anything that we can see, there is no greater context here LOL.

>And next week's news will be about the unfortunate and sad CFO situation.

>And next week's news will be about the unfortunate and sad CFO situation.

>And next week's news will be about the unfortunate and sad CFO situation.

>And next week's news will be about the unfortunate and sad CFO situation.
Redditors getting smad about Goldberg and putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Somebody better tell them if JPMorgan had all interest in BBBY, lied about the buyback and went short...

...then JPMorgan got their shorts paid out in full when Goldberg cancelled the shares the moment he got in the chair. Look at the Hertz case that often gets mentioned, the plan admin didn't cancel the shares then.

Goldberg the JPM plant.
All these names... I feel like they have something in common...
That's the kill all phoneposters pattern
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>The CFO Issue
>And next week's news will be about the unfortunate and sad CFO situation.

Ahhhh just kidding lol, but this is turning into quite to 7pm slot Wall Street Murder Mystery, better than any shit on goyflix.
Sorry fren, the fiance doesn't like it when I sit on my computer all day.
she sounds like a mental poorfag and you sound like a bitch
I'm confused... Gus bit the pavement on Sept 2nd, right? Wasn't the
>unfortunate and sad cfo situation
already a matter of public discussion? What is the issue here?
Welcome to the thread fren. You sound forever alone. I hope you find someone.
for me, it's Teddy
>Michael I Goldberg will save u-ACK
I'm excited about the future bros ^____^
Catastrophic crypto crash inbound. Buckle up.
But didnt he die from impacting the pavement? What kind of ledgie has "multiple blunt force trauma"?
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Flatter than your GF's chest.
why do i always enter the thread when it's about to be over nobody makes funny posts this late into the thread RYAN FIX THIS
Why don't you make a funny post?
who is sending these emails? it cant be someone important because everyone important knows the price is fake and the markets are controlled retail doesnt affect the price of stocks
my funny business got cellar boxed im about to go bankrupt maybe next thread tomorrow wall street will pump my funny business one more time for collateral to avoid getting margin called on their GME shorts. At least that way I can exit my funny business with some cash. So sorry anon, I have no comedy jokes for you
staged drama to make people read what he typed. too bad i cant read
>i learned how to identify the GME ticker and click the buy button in my broker but I fail to comprehend the words
should i keep scrolling up and replying to random people in the thread? what do you think anon? maybe ill just go make a sandwich rn instead
Guhs, can I transfer my shares from CSGO to a US broker as an internazi or do I need jUS Zelda medallions like for giving them away?
I want to sell you OTM call options with my countless lots.
Chadshill here
been sick
will return soon
Literally just regular crabbing, it only looks weird because the trading day just started so it's the only graph movement that's visible. If that was on a regular chart it'd just be a straight line that's barely fluctuating.

Its a weird terminology. Just because you haven't seen one, doesn't mean its rare.
he didn't delete it. He deleted his account but post was removed by (((mods))) which makes me think he was onto something
thanks, I'm stealing that picture
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Doesn't matter . you have to live at the hotel in your own city post moass.
my plans post-MOASS
Spottem Gottem and Jim Criesty linked up!?
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Listen here goy, I was doing this for your own good. You are nothing without me.
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