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Some unfortunate price movements as of late, but it's seemingly stable around the 95 cents - $1 range. Might pump in the next few months like they have done a few times in the past. No promises on anything, just speculation. This isn't an ask to pump my bags or anyone else's, since the pumping seems to come from the company themselves. Pretty sure the next high pump will be the last one before this goes to zero and unlisted. Just need to keep an eye on it and don't put in anything you can't afford to lose.
It's climbing right now actually
Don't climb, pls keep going down so I can get cheap bags.

Crypto didn't get the job done this time, so maybe this can.
The chink scam is rising my chinks.
Probably won't drop below .90 again
What are you all going to spend your fortune on after this hits $20?
$6200 is pretty nice but not a huge fortune. I'd save most of it and probably plan a nice lil vacation
Nothing cause I'm not sellin till $55
Delisting countdown reset, closed above $1 today
Why $20? It's going higher than that. Anyway, I'm dumping half into pepe and half into other memecoins (since only retards think the bull run is off - it hasn't even began)
nice. I will be selling at fifty United States dollars.
Good afternoon my fellow honorary chinamen. I'm selling my stack once it hits $48. Hopefully this shit pumps before September. Ching chang bong Wang sun tsu.
I can’t wait for this to be $50 so I can retire
Uh oh
you are all exit liquidity. get out before it becomes the next BBBY
What does this nerd shit mean?
One last monster pump? Alright I'm in.
I do wonder what the ideal limit order will be
If I understand this correctly, the amount of outstanding shares would roughly double if shares were issues for all of those contracts? Doesn't that more or less prove it's going to pump?
>issue low cost warrants and other contracts for chink scam
>pump chink scam till the price is literally off the charts
>redeem all contracts
>dump all shares
Am I missing something? Yes I know these don't have to be redeemed in the event of a pump, but considering it pumps on a clear and predictable basis, I think it's pretty likely.
You aren't actually people, youre just cattle willingly going into the slaughterhouse. These vehicles just exist to extract value from poor suckers like you who are easily convinced, yet youre all in lmao.
Retard reporting in
Are LINK marines finally waking up, LINK fraud has been exposed for what it is
DIA, PYTH & Supra are all clear >>>>
>The company has 425.9 months of cash left based on quarterly cash burn of -$0.98M and estimated current cash of $139.1M.
That's 35 years
Better days.
100$ September
1,000 december
10,000 One year
Oh no, I am financially ching chonged.
Yeah bruh lol
Also I just waited 800 seconds to post this reply.
Fuck you jannies
how much should one buy, 500$? 1k?
500$ = 25k in 2 month
yeah chin Chong brother I bought 500$ of your shit, connais refil next month if it drops lower. I am courting death but my cultivations level will rise as much as I put into this stuff
Apparently I'm not allowed anything over a 3x unless I suck dick at Bohemian Grove.
When it goes up a lot it stays there for at least a day or 2. I don't know of any brokers that let you out super high limit sell orders.
I like the company’s fundamentals and PROSPEROUS outlook for the future, that’s why I hold CHINKSCAM.

Get Chinkscam
I also have 1000 shares. I am praying to my Chinese overlords for this to pump again
Sirs do not redeem the chinkscam.
Here here
It's joever
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It's dumping my bastards.
Chink scam turns out to be a scam
i was told this was going 50x?
why did you lie to me sirs?
Sirs please stop redeeming.
if you guys can somehow make canadas cryptkeeper health minister the meme mascot of this stock i would be very happy

t. canuck
Talk to me when it hits $10 soon
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I bought another 1000 shares today. That dip was too good to pass up
It's not going to pump until august
whys that, masonicdubsbro?
threw in $250 @ $1 waiting for my 40x
another biz scam masquerading as moonshot potential
im actually surprised biz is still bumping these threads, and fudding like crazy. i've actually never seen anything like this since link. but these HOLO threads will probably fade into obscurity within a week or so and biz gets held with -90% bags yet again kek
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Based 1000 HOLOchads. I’d call 1000 a sui stack based on previous pumps. 10,000 make it
>pray for me, I bought last week
Why is rivian doin upwards trends after 4pm?
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I'm starting to think I've been ching chonged.
So the market cap jumped to 77 million with the dilution. The max market cap during the past pumps was roughly 500 million on average. Looks like we only can get a 6X maximum now.
So it's over already?
We're still looking at a 6x and the bull run starts next year. We're going to be in the green but it'll probably dip hard
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>le bull run next year

You are kidding yourself if you think HOLO's lasting into 2025
When I said bull run I was talking about crypto. I'm saying you can profit off this when it pumps in September or whatever and dump your money into crypto to multiply your profits.
>the amount of outstanding shares would roughly double if shares were issues for all of those contracts?
What does this mean? Can you explain this better?
First time buying stocks here.
18 days
14 days
6 days
The dilution already happened so it's irrelevant now, but read about what a warrant is on investopedia or whatever. Somebody just exercised so many warrants that the total number of outstanding shares multiplied.
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You have cigars?
Must be nice
Y is we dumping precious?
All glory to SHI JIN PING
Make line go up u pos

This OC should pump the stock.
It's over, over.
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Retard here, is this a bad thing or what
I put a few hundred bucks in, if anything its nice to get chinked rather than jewed for a change.
it could be good or bad...i mean do you trust the chinks to long their own freed shares on the public market? typically the chinks will use their public shares for exit liquiditiy. but i suppose they will do this slowly, over time. while still listed.
Shit sucks. FUN is the next big thing in this market
God I hate biz
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Almost stopped out
It’s starting right?
Retard here, if the stock does pump it's going to 500m market cap and the market cap is now much higher yet the price went down. I'd wait for the price to go down more since that seems likely to me but you do you
my bastards...
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This will be sub 50 cents within 2 weeks. You all got chinked. Imagine listening to the tards buying this was it hit $1.90 a couple weeks back kek
Is it me or does he not understand?
>checks calendar
>2 weeks isn’t sept.
He’s ngmi.
Anyone who was been reading the thread knew the price was going to tank. I sold and will buy back when the market cap sinks even more and anyone with half a brain did the same thing.
I've been waiting on the sidelines. This tank is good news because it might still be able to 60x if it goes low enough, instead of 6x after the dilution.

I don't know why anyone would have bought in yet while the price is still falling. Original OP even said you might have to wait months to get in.
I hopped in at 90c because I figured the scam company wouldn't let it stay below a dollar for long. Boy was I wrong
I entered at 0.94, I don't see why I should have waited any longer.
bought 10 more shares at $0.80
It's 30 days before they get the letter to begin the delisting process and then they have 180 days to regain compliance. I doubt they care about dipping under for a little bit, since this will be the last time they can pump it...IF they actually do.

They might also just dilute the rest of their shareholders as it stands and make a run for it.
I have no proof other than my intuition, but the movement we see seems strange to me, I have the feeling that it is imminent. This is not advice and is not based on anything objective.
I also feel it is imminent but have nothing to go on other than the fact that it's about to dip into oversold on the RSI for the ytd indicator and the last time that happened was the last time it pumped. Still probably won't happen for months but a lad can dream
if it pumps soon it would be pretty early based off the previous pumps. it should happen sometime in august.
I tell myself that in their place I would go quickly to avoid problems. The fact that the stock is close to $1 is surely starting to attract attention. My only fear is how high it will go, I would like the stock at $45 but I'm afraid it won't go that far. Theoretically, given the previous pumps it's good but... theoretically...
This sucks but I didn't put in a ton of money in the first place, and I'm not gonna sell at a loss. We'll see what happens
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I don't really get why people say bizraelis are getting scammed or used as exit liquidity when the stock price isnt' going up and nobody is being advised to all-in this stock. At most a couple of hundred dollars for a possibly major lottery ticket opportunity.

The people acting like buying a couple of hundred shares are probably the type of person who only have $200 to their name anyways.

Anyways if its exit liquidity you really want, you should start making shitty memes with Holo from Spice and Wolf slapped on and start telling redditors about the next squoze.
Yes Holo is the best. Actually I think it's just people who like to see conspiracies everywhere and use buzzwords like "pump bags", "exit liquidity" etc. While the chart is perfectly clear about the opportunity and nature of the investment. I walked in for $100 without asking any questions other than, “this is going to be fun.”
reddit already knows about this stock. it's up to china what happens next.
Holo from Spice and Wolf, damn good call anon I'm buying in now. That brings back so many memories.
Lol, we have something. Forget memecoins, make animecoins.
The past spikes were also discussed on reddit and typical shitty youtube channels. Even then there was FUD posting that surely it can't happen again
I don't know what this means
Neither do they. The only people that know if and when it will pop is the Chinese Communist Party
The first screenshot is of a completely unrelated stock. He posted it because he's schizophrenic.
It means they created a shit ton of shares since the last gigapump and now the stock isn't going to gigapump like we expect it to
Right. The only way it can still gigapump is if it goes down significantly from here.
Based. Waifus sell
This barely seems worth any risk. The last pump did 70x or something, assuming you sold the pico top, and that's undeniably amazing, but every other pump barely did 4-6x. Even if it does 70x, that could easily be $0.10 to $7.00 or $0.02 to $1.40. It could also do the more likely 4-6x from $0.10 to $0.60, or even $0.00025 to $0.015. So there's a chance to make a little profit, but it's hardly a lottery ticket. Unless you're willing to risk $200k+ hoping that the bottom is $0.10 and not $0.02, but oh wait, there's no liquidity to support that.
66 million cap.
30 million share exchanged every day
This is why I'm waiting for the only based oracle, supra.
Good morning chinklets.
It’s fun.
I'll buy a stack when it hits 5 cents before the September pump
The pump is near...
i'm going to throw another 200$ at this shit monday
you're going to lose another $200 on monday kek when you lose it, imagine what you could've bought with it
KEK imagine how many games he could get on the steam sale

Oh nooo my le ebin steam games
already put 500$ on that shit, what could have I bought ? i don't care. I have no additional needs, all my basic needs are covered.
I'm here for the yolo and the lulz.
You are a virgin. We are the chad doge and you are the tiny little doge

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