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Fun Fact: KASPA is now a top 25 coin.

Top 10 within 6 months

ICP fags, you are next
You mean that icp will be in the top 10 next?! Well that is obvious, it will be in the top 3 within 12 months! Your irrelevant shitty old tech that is unneeded will be forgotten forever tho. Maybe papa Dom will give you a shoutout one day tho.
Kas will go ape when it hits a big exchange at the end of the year. comfy stacking until the party starts
What did jews mean by this
Kaspa is the jews way of apologizing to the white man with sick gains
Please tell me you are all larping or are just jeets?! Why the hell would you ever buy Kaspa when ICP exists? I'm serious, it doesn't make any sense. It's completely obsolete upon arrival!
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its a real mystery innit?
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just cant quite put my finger on why people would choose Kaspa over ICP, must be bulgarian fudders
That's all you have? A chart? That doesn't explain anything? Everyone knows what Alameda research did to try and discredit dfinity by now. It's all out in the open.
It's just that good. Next gen tech.
Kas has waaaayy better tokenomics, is a community managed project that actually follows in the ethos of Satoshi, fair launched, solves the trilemma which us a simple and straightforward problem instead of trying to be goddammit alien web3, ICP has an unlimited supply, etc.
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>thats it? strong upward momentum vs a literal divebomb to $0? try harder

anyone who buys this chart is provably retarded
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well, that was fast wasnt it?
I'm all in ICP. I bought the bottom and am doing very well. It is the future.
>boasting about being a top 25 coin
>number 9 coin is a picture of a dog making a funny face
neat, Kaspa just took its spot. Cope and seethe
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insanely bullish holy shit
Look at all these green IDs
What a feast
I'm buying KASPA and ICP
5k in each, WGMI bros
Wtf are you talking about. Icp has nothing to do with kas
scammers trying to legitimize their bags by talking about them in the same breathe as real projects, just ignore ICP shills they are all desperate to break even
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my retirement will depend on the price of kaspa in 5 years
how does $10 per Kaspa sound?
How Kaspa could unironically be like Bitcoin 2.0
>Bitcoin started off as p2p cash, but the value proposition was forced to switch to SoV/"digital gold" due to its lack of viability for payments
>Bitcoin formed a strong narrative about being a trustless store of value, being permissionless, being able to stored off exchanges, being unable to be confiscated
>We are now in the process of seeing Bitcoiners forced to abandon these narratives because they know that self-custody and trustless ownership of BTC will be unfeasible for non-elites in the future
>If Bitcoin continues to rise and become adopted, then transaction fees will be thousands of dollars, which means it can no longer be used by normal people as a trustless store of value
>BTC maxis are being forced into comparatively weaker narratives about how self-custody and true decentralization don't matter, because all that matters is that Blackrock is going to pump our bags
>BTC is slowly rug pulling us on its trustless store of value narrative, thereby creating a vacuum that could potentially be filled by something else/better
>Kaspa has nearly identical fundamentals to BTC (fair launched, limited supply, emission schedule, proof-of-work)
>Kaspa solves the trilemma and is fast/scalable enough to fulfill both the p2p payment narrative AND the trustless digital SoV narrative that Bitcoin is leaving behind
>will never be forced to go custodial like BTC
yea I'm thinkin' BULLISH
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i would make it
Kaspa is more Bitcoin then Bitcoin is. There are a many incredibly bullish signs, in particular how scalable and decentralized it is. It will soon surpass Solana and Eth. $15 per KAS in 2027
Its growth is too slow and this comes from someone who bought KNS
There are better picks for short term gains, but KAS is showing healthy consistent long term growth, and it shows strength even during times when the rest of the market is shitting itself.. I sleep comfortably holding KAS
I get it but when I first bought it I was picking between KAS and KNS and KNS won
If I bought KAS I would have only saw growth from 12 cents to what is it now
>why would you ever buy kaspa
sui and make it ?
Based KNS-Pouya enjoyer.
For sure there is a strategy there and KNS as the microcap will rip harder than KAS can at a higher cap. The fact that the jannies ban the KNS name despite it being a 2 year old project that has only gone up, means most biztards haven't even had a chance to get in yet.

But much like ass and boob enjoyers can agree that feet people are weird perverts, KAS / KNS chads can both agree that ICYPee-ers NGMI.
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yea, kas is the on top although icp is already there, but much prefer on this kas ser shrl etc etc
Sui I think is 1k-50k 1m+ make it
I saw kas threads on /biz/ a year ago, when kas was under a penny, where people said 100k is a suicide stack and 1M is a make it stack
It looks like they're turning out to be right. I bought a suicide stack back then for $500 kek guess I should've had bigger balls
Still not buying your Mossad coin.
How about EOS? That's the game-changer.

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