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I know you think it's bad, but at least you're not this guy, think about it.

where is the 2m tho?
Simply unfathomable levels of greed. Hard to feel any sympathy for him desu
>I-I thought I was a genius and wasnt just lucky
sad, seen this happen a couple times IRL. someone hits it big then thinks they are the wolf of wall street. Remember kids, once you have a few million in the bank, its time to sit down with a financial advisor and stop gambling
Even after being wiped out he doesn't understand his real mistake, buying ETH.
>sit down with a financial advisor

>bro just pay some midwit wagie a huge amount of your compounded wealth for investing into ETFS for you
>I lost all the money my dad game me
I wish my dad would give me 12m to gamble on crypto
kek I thought this when I turned 5k into 25k. Then I promptly went back to 2k. All in all I'm happy I learned the lesson at that price and not at 10m lol.
Larpidy larp.
yeah Id rather sit down with someone who has deployed capital in a professional setting and have them explain their thesis than just wing it. You know, you dont have to go with the cheapest one right? You can find one with a good track record of steady returns
How, may I ask?
Like BSV. Every other crypto is at their collective top except the real bitcoin that is hovering at its bottom via international market manipulation via fraudulent usdt/ usdc erc20 scam coin futures waiting for humanity to awaken and take control
>Gambles money that isn't his
>Loses it all because retarded
>See you next life
Many such cases.
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Jewish money laundering is what made all those shitcoin alts valuable . Jews using fake fraudulent stable coins to prop up their fake spot market . Prove me wrong; pro tip you can’t
>lost $12m
so really like $12k. cool.
His average price was like 3500. How does this retard manage to get liquidated when ETH barely went down from there? Something doesn't add up considering that his position size was only 15m and he claims his net worth was 12m. He must have lost it all on shitcoins before that and then tried to recoup the losses with 200x long or something.
they should feel comfortable sharing their performance history with you, if they wont, thats a massive red flag
Gotcha. I just got hit by a scammer so I can l could use any advice you can give. He/she wiped me out
man I am very sorry to hear that bro, best of luck out there. May I ask what happened? Did they phish your personal info or steal your seed address?
>deployed capital in a professional setting
you mean he was wearing a button up shirt while pressing the buy button?
He got me to send him BTC on the pretense he was investing it for me. I'm a complete business noob and I was stupid and naive
damn you are retarded
Wow how inconceivable that he would be some retarded man with a chemically imbalanced brain
Thanks for telling me what I already know, faggot
Just dump it into SSO, or some other such index fund. Woooooo, so hard
he would have all of his money if he bought Apu instead
Im sorry that happened bro, we live and we learn.
My finance professor in university spent many lessons explaining to us that every hedge fund investment is a scam, they are designed to scam you in management fees, and just invest in S&P500 because hedge funds and financial advisors won't beat it.
>sharing their performance history with you
They also scam you by manipulating this. This is how she explained it:

The companies will create many different funds that have different asset allocations. Over 5+ years the majority of those funds will underperform the S&P500. A few will overperform due to random chance.

So the companies will close the funds that underperformed. Then, they can claim of their remaining funds that they "beat" the S&P500.

In other words, the financial advisors who claim they are beating the S&P500 are just using selection bias to hide all the accounts they managed that didn't beat it.
That was extremely reckless on his part.
Buy signal
fake as fuck
>sit down with a financial advisor
pay a guy half a fortune to be told to put your money into spy and treasuries
yeah no i am not retarded

or even worse pay a guy an even bigger fortune just so he makes you buy stuff he gets a commission on for selling after which you get dumped on
this is all allowed because said guy has a license from the government that allows him to do so legally
again nah thanks
True. I'm just trying to recoup my losses. I was convinced I was making something to leave my kids and in my eagerness, I made a lot of stupid mistakes. A LOT
But according to western governments and pharma selection bias doesn't exist.
Or just put your money in index funds and spend the dividends.
yeah this is apparently a miya kali/acc affiliated account (group behind remilia/milady NFTs), they are trolls and play with reality using memes and social media
>play with reality
is this what the cool kids are calling lying on the internet
but yes anyone with a milady pfp is to be disregarded on sight
Is this the account of actual Indian Miya(male)? Fake and gay regardless
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>My finance professor in university
Sounds like a poor fag who has to teach retard cunts for a living.......ooops, but not you anon, the other people in your class are the cunts. You are the smart one!
Normies are so fucking dumb and it really irritates me
You should never underestimate gambling addiction. It's extremely easy to destroy your life with it.
Just put 1M in dividend paying etfs, buy a house and keep 100k in the bank. Perfect peace of mind and keep trading
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Fake. He showed $15m, said $12m, leveraged 1.5x at 3.41 and lost after it dropping 4%.
milady profile picture
Oh no no no.

Top of his head status?
A few million shit, this cocksucker had 8 figures. I also blame his dad for giving him all that money and not instilling in him its worth.

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