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Federal Reserve has been hacked, ladies and gentlemen.

Surprised no biz threads on this being bumped
Strange times ahead
Really, if anything ever deserved a sticky on this board, this is it.

We are talking $35T in assets potentially compromised.
I’m surprised there’s not more chatter yet. They have less than 24 hours to comply
They're trying to supress this info like crazy.

Fuck the FED.
Based. I hope even if the Fed pays up, they release it all anyways. Fuck this gay country. The faster it burns to ash the better.
Controlled demolition
Surely they will just print whatever the ransom is
it's probably a bluff or troll since no sample data was released alongside the claim. and recently LockBit has been posting fake leaks, so either the group stopped caring about integrity or the person running their website is no longer part of the group.
it would be so easy to false flag a "ransomware cyberattack" happening.
majority of the population can't find a file that isn't on their desktop.
bring some talking head to speak computer jive and everyone will trust the experts and accept their new Nigerian mortgage servicer's acceleration clause.



Everyone is fucking pissed and sick and tired of all the bullshit going on
I don't think they store the money on the website
So they encrypted their ledgers of who owes what and whatever? Based if true imagine some vigilante just deleting everyone's info kek
>ransom the fed
>delete the national debt
it’s time for a jubilee
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It wasnt me i swear
What's it like being a government worker where you barely have any accountability but still get good pay and crazy benefits?
Fdic doesnt cover cyber attacks either
Pic related mek
Its time for minecraft time
>captcha org2tj
>Recently Lockbit has been posting fake leaks
Prove this with links
A few links and one including the new Dump Location:



Wonder if Assange being freed has anything to do with the demands?
Any decent articles on exactly what the expected impact is? Done a ton of searching, Ctrl+F'ed 'Bond' and 'Bill' on every thread what's popped up, but nothing.

Treasurydirect's run by the department of the treasury, not the fed directly, so not sure how the fuckage pans out. Fed or corpos getting the shaft would obviously be both entertaining and very based, but if the 'banking info' held is just a log of grandpa's i-bonds stash and associated credit union, that's a little less amusing.
For sure. The guy gets freed in 24 hours related to this after years of nothing ? The biggest “notta nothing burger” to me

Also this.

What would replace the Fed ?
Maybe CBDC ?
Invest in thet
Isn’t this just a subplot of Mr robot?
if true they will get paid or release it in 5 hours
Yeah I was trying to think where I've seen this before
also Fight Club, way before that show
They keep it in metamask
>he doesn't know about "the excel sheet"
Holy shit. Is this real life?
Bullish for Chainlink (unironically)
Was part of the ransom to release Julian Assange? Kinda happened pretty fast and without warning. Next thing ya know he’s a free man
WEF has been talking about cyber attacks for a while now.
Baby jesus hold us if they release the data
So this is it then
welp, time's up, it was a nothingburger
unless Assange release was related
2 more hours
very indaresting
>hold the federal reserve ransom
>they print 10 million dollars
>pay the ransom and everyone goes their separate ways, no one gives a shit

this is a nothing burger, they have the money to pay for this. they make the money to pay for this
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Yet another nothingburger
Russians lied? No way. In other news, water is wet and Sergey is russian.
>all our debts erased
a hackerman would unfortunately never do this tho, but only for himself and the people he gave a shit about
Aw man
>id rack
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The crazy thing is the paper printing is unable to keep up with the demand for federal reserve notes. For every physical dollar (fiat fed note) in cash, there are 1776 digital dollars serving as a token for fiat, which originally was backed by silver. We used to have real money made of physical silver that burned jew skin but now we have computer judaism
Bullish for Chainlink ticker Link
Fuck that, I want them to audit that motherfucker. Once we learn how bad theyre screwing us Trump can dissolve the whole shitty fucking organization.
oh sure, they'll get right on it!
anything else you need?
Most threads aren’t organic so it’s not surprising
Checked and this, defending this toxic system at this point is suicidal let it come down!
You ain’t wrong, goyim are ruled by fear.
good breadcrumb, thanks.
somewhere along the line they figured out a faceless enemy is much scarier. classic low-budget horror movie technique
You miss the point. If the docs leak indy journalists will audit them for us.
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>fdic does not cover cyber attacks

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