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Any recommendations before I ape into the following? I'll probably wait for all to double, take initial out and just HODL the rest for a few years until I can retire.
>Absolute shitcoins
Lurk moar

>Chainlink not mentioned time to shit on coins that actually have utility

No one cares fuckwit cunt lurk my cock
Damn I was actually going to spoonfeed you but since reacted like that, I'm not gonna. Get fucked, newfag.
Seems like you're loitering on my post to see if others validate my superior selection. I want you to post what you have up your sleeve so I can have a laugh.

>newfag... yeh I'm the one who's just come from reddit
XRP is trash, you should sell it all for more KAS immediately. KAS has a way brighter future and so much more upside potential
Because kaspa is fair launched and doesn't have a foundation dumping on you, is a truly decentralized cryptocurrency and would have to 8x to reach Ripple's current market cap, and it has a lot of catalysts coming in the near future for it (KRC-20, exchange listings, big miners entering, growing community etc.)
No dogecoin? NGMI
Qan is a good bet, and the general timing is not the worst either even if you are buying random shitcoins, good luck
pic related is what I have to say about your terrible portfolio choice, for some reason 4chan thought it was spam
xrp,icp,kas seem like good bet can't go wrong, but the potential is limited whereas you should focus on presale token, go search around then net ser shrl kayen etc

Finally a based portfolio, congrats OP
You shit on BASEDAI with no knowledge

- Fairly distributed for upcoming L1 launch
- use case that shits on TAO
- AI to AI defi, Mixed Agents, Cerberus Squeezing
- criminally unknown, yet has so much credibility (cough... Cornell... cough)
- getbased.ai
Lmaoooooooooo go back newfag
>Shills him sol
Evil jew
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Mm subtle bait. This is possibly a quite eloquent troll mm yes. Note the subtle reddit space before the green text. Note the careful wording which triggers annoyance but not immediate suspicion. Mm.
Spoon-feed what? You got scammed retard. There's nothing to spoon-feed. You're just mad everybody else is smarter than you and they didn't fall for the chainlink scam. No we're not drinking the Kool aid, fuck you. Even if you explained it in a way that made it sound cool, I still wouldn't buy it after seeing the kind of people they hire.
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Writing Qan ticker out gives the spam warning, thats how you know its a good pick, just like:

which I suggest you to add to your basket as well OP
yeh I aint reading that story bro but let me just say I think it's getting flagged because you have a "x" after the "n" for qanplatform (remove the x and you'll be fine).

sort of dumb you can't figure this shit out yourself but I guess that just makes my portfolio even more bullish. Someone as dumb as you thinks it's terrible so it must be pretty solid thanks for confirming
Thinks my post is spam
Pretty solid picks tbdesu

Literal fucking retards or 1/10 bait.
i would put more exposure to KAS
QAN is solid as fuck
Just because you included le xerpies
I am still in red with QAN but I genuinely believe it will do at the very least a 20x this bullrun. Compared to the popularity and mcap, the team, the project quality and what it entails is insane. Unless they are lying their ass off but since they got a deal with a EU country I don't see them lying about the nature of their tech. Their quantum resistance algorithm is legit as well. What I would do in your steam is put half of that XRP into QAN. You don't really need that much XRP cause XRP is the kind of thing that either does nothing at all or goes crazy high, in the latter case you don't need to hold a lot of it.
I'm not rephrasing this because /biz/'s trash algorithm that never stops pajeets tells me to "reword" my post.
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And I was going to use this cute pic of Pepe as a detective, too.
Outstandingly based and black suppositoried. I kneel.
All these coins or whatever look more like discord invites nowdays, what happen to the clever or funny names?
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Right now reddit is nothing compared to 4chan, assuming you're not a newbie here
anyway we are talking about two places with low light on the intranet.
>Allegations on behalf of Dfinity
Arkham was paid by its VC's to shit on ICP to lower its price hence their hit piece full of logic holes nobody ever answered. I don't know why the fuck they bent the knee like that since their platform is actually a fantastic tool to keep track of all the shit going on with any given token.

I think they are over it now. I don't know if they ever apologized for what they did but they were definitely in the wrong about ICP. It's a shitty boring token that does nothing and serves no purpose but character assassination is not OK under any circumstances.
if youre thinking of poopenfarten1000 is a good name for a coin gtfo
plus theyre shitcoins or scams are you mentally deficient or did your father breastfeed you ethanol at birth?
>any recommendations?!
>anon criticizes portfolio
>no one cares cunt (spouts rhetoric and assumptions for no reason)
okay then
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what a weird sperg you are op. go ahead and buy, your mind was already set by the time you made this purposeless thread. enjoy losing it all, don't say we didn't warn you.
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so which one is it techbros?
And the bitches go on and on.
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What's with the strange glazing towards the developer? This shit reads like the dev himself wrote it to convince others he's good.

Off putting to say the least, no thanks.
it doesn't have to be fun, it has to be profitable.
>shits on other coins
>chainshit invester

if you're even a bit smart then you better start asking to be payed or something instead of making a fool out of yourself for free
i think he just wanted to fight anyone that didn't 100% agree with his comically retarded selection of shitcoins. let him buy his shit and find out, that's how you grow in this market after all. gotta lose some money and get bruised a bit to gain experience.
The team has a clear doxxed leader, hence of course the community is hyping him, why would we not. Every TG channel of every token is full of people saying stupid shit to support their bags
Good luck with your mountain of absolute dogshit that will never see you have a single day in positive figures.
Just get a job and get a consistent salary instead of investing in past cycle/dead coins which are not going to do a measly 2x even if you wait up until 2026, much less a 10x
Not bad anon
thanks anon
still going ahead with it tonight even though majority of these pumped up over night I'll still buy in because the bigger picture is 10-100x with these selections
I can swap ICP and half of my XRP for more into KAS but I'm worried I'm buying way too late.

What's realistic price for this in a couple years time or when it hits major exchange?
Serious question, what is push and based ai and why are they on this list
pretty sure push is for push notifications across different chains and basedai is basically a better TAO
Where can I find some info about based ai other than their website. Just want to try to sniff out if it's legit. The mcap is kinda suss
>but I'm worried I'm buying way too late.
how could you be too late when KRC-20 isnt even out yet and its not on a major exchange?
tell me how rich I'm going to be if I put 5k into it tonight
what do people truly believe the $$ will get to?
Thanks. But
> arXiv is a free distribution service and an open-access archive for nearly 2.4 million scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv.

Anyway I'm reading the PDF ...
i have no idea what the price ends up at, i can assure you its going to more than double in short order and if you sell at 0.32 you are a fantastical retard.
so you think I shouldn't take initial when it 2x?
what's the problem?
Like I said, KAS has more room to grow compared to XRP. And it's also just a way better project in general. Seriously dyor it's going to be a top 10 coin by 2025
Anyone can post on that site and look smart
so what did you think about the PDF?
A lot is difficult for me to understand. I wonder if that's intentional. Some math equations were basic stuff like the formula for std dev. Seems illustrated just to make laymen like me think it's some smart thing. Idk I'm really unsure currently
Good projects. Add HYD once it goes live because it is going to be loud.

what do you mean? No cryptos have any utility. Many people in the space will tell you that memes ruined the credibility of the market, but maybe memecoins were a reflection of the joke the market already was. 15 years and nobody uses any of this shit for anything
Go all in on KNS
You'll regret it if you don't add RWA tokens to the mix. I'm talking ONDO, RIO, IXS, PROPC, CREDI, and DUA. Get in while you can, anon.
You're better off going all in on btc and waiting 8 years than gambling on a bunch of shitcoins trending to zero.
Yo, your safest long term bet in the space would be BTC anon. Be sure to lock in a self-sovereign AA wallet for security and accumulate.
Based, the going to zero stack.
I'll put 3k into KNS
I can't dilute or over diversify too much so out of the ones you've mentioned which is the biggest moonshot and I'll put a small amount in and hodl for the ride
I have been holding some DUA bags, I'm not regretting it anon.
I have 25 QAN, am I gonna make it?
What's the sui and make it stack?
Sui 100,000, make it 1,000,000
>only a quarter of sui
it's over
KAS is attracting anon now, I once said that this token has the potential to stay in this space for long term. You need to also explore into Peaq Network, they're onboarding physical infrastructures to their network.
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I already hold xrp, Ondo and Las, and just converted some tether to push on uniswap. Gonna burst the mother of all bubble in the coming bull season
Add some EOS to the list. It's basically a steal at its current price.
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Hodl these leave the rest and get XLM and XDC. Utility, utility, utility and more utility. You'll make may friend.
>Not financial advices.
Lmao. OP is gonna miss all of his moonshots while shit like Coca-Cola will do another free 7x.
fucking retard. how about you explain to US why XRP is worth anything at all?
spoiler: you can't. you're part of a cult of retards who don't understand what decentralization means to begin with.
Based. Just save some for SUPRA TGE and you are good.
Do you prefer a whitepaper that just says "herr derr 50% sales tax to encourage hodling and give sustainable APR"

Of course theres going to be some technical elements that laymen can´t understand, its computer science
I have 30.5k KNS, what am I in for lads?
XRP, ICP, RUNE should have no place in that list if you're looking for retirement money. Get into low cap alts trending narratives; AI especially(pro-tip: those with some solid utilities will give very long term benefits)
Just to confuse you the more
What does Biz think about Fantom? Don’t see it mentioned here much.
Care to name a few that make up pro-tip?
Most of these are solid gems. Take QAN, for example—it's got EU backing for its quantum resistance tech. That's a strong indicator of long-term bullish potential.
its just old at this point
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>push is for push notifications across different chains
Yeah, and they just got integrated into arbitrum network, its going to be wild
fantom will definitely pump again
what's its utility? just asking
Relax, maxi brainlet. Hold onto your
Kns bags but don't be a scaredy cat. Adding NAO and NEAR to your portfolio won't hurt
Heard its API staking is coming soon, or is it just another larp?
>maxi brainlet.
Lol, maxis shill their favorite coins like a preacher on a street corner, ignoring any FUD even when it's valid.
API staking is on the roadmap but there's no confirmed date yet.
Until then, maybe some comfy Ordi hodling
Go all in on Kaspa
I need to add another $3k to my QAN holdings actually.
> people are STILL buying XRP
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You’ll lose -95% of your portfolio when the bear market arrives, all you had to do was buy BTC/ETH + physical gold/silver.
Hell, I bet you’re exaggerating about these amounts
>XRP $5,000
More like $500, no one with money would buy these worthless shitcoins
Easiest pick will be NAI, the utility token of Nuklai; a fast rising decentralized data marketplace. You can day data is the new oil and they've got all the equipments needed to explore it.
I can at this point off time confirm this is the correct analyze of the situation. Clearly if you would to become billionaire the best method of adoption of the course is LINU INU, LUCKY and HOKK Curry Coins SAARS. Billionaire will be a matter few days. Please to be invest all ur money promptly saars.
Thank. Dhravaraninaharajamesh.

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