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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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Death to Chronos edition

>Where to get $AGRS

>Introductory videos to TauChain

>Latest Dev Update

>First demo preview of the Tau Language playlist


>Whitepaper/Research Papers/


>Previously, on /AGRS/
i took a break from /biz/ and crypto for a couple years. really weird to come back and see that this ancient project now has regular general threads. this is the kind of thing i would make a thread about in 2018 or 2019 and no one would even know what it was. i really thought it would just get forgotten about since these faggots are so far behind schedule
Now it's a solid $1.96 go ahead!
That's pretty much the spirit of crypto in general, anon. Shit comes and goes, and sometimes old shit resurfaces and lives on.
Plus, with so many projects goin on and so many that promise so much yet deliver so little or straight up shits on investors, having a more "secure" alternative is a must.
$2.18. Incredibly easy coin, surprisingly so. One mediocre bullrun and it can easily hit $4/5
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if you ever feel worried your asset will go out of style and nobody will care anymore just remember that chainlink is allowed to exist today thanks to useless stake pools and sheer speculation from the manchildren that bought in 2016 and decided to keep holding to this very day waiting for $80 to ever happen again somehow.
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any info on this guy? is he just a highly autistic developer who doesn't want to show his face in public cuz muh social anxiety or something?
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Are you serious? I sold yesterday, fucking Christ
>pajeet name

do you want to end up in chronic debt?
isn't umar a russian or pakistani name tho?
Is that a trans woman character?
what a fucking disappointment
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Is there a guarantee that it'll stay there or that it'll slowly rise up?
I have like 6k on it and i dunno if i should sell now or wait a little longer
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Do you have ANY idea of the SHIT i had to do to get where i am now? WHAT I HAD TO GO THROUGH? THANKS TO YOU PIECES OF HUMAN SHIT I ALMOST GOT EVICTED. ALL YOU DO IS TALK LIKE RETARDS AND ACT ALL HIGH AND MIGHTY BUT NONE OF YOU KNOW SHIT. It took me fucking 2 FUCKING YEARS to get back my normality. I had 3 jobs to cover for everything. But i learned an important lesson at least...
tf did your goofy aah invest on that you almost got evicted
It's 90% gut feelings and 10% statistics and patterns
check the graphs and make your own conclusions
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apparently it's muslim but meh, close enough, you get the point
anon i'm not killing myself, i'm just sad
chainlink is like a creature stuck in the limbo
not dead yet, but not alive either
developer of what?
most oldfag projects are releasing their shit this year so we've seen a lot of revivals

the ones that didn't rug, got bought or bleeded out anyway
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>$3 denied
We need to curb stomp Agoras' whales. This is the only way to fix the problem.

a shame you didn't get raped and murderer while you were homeless
>a guarantee
are you new
there are no guarantees for anything crypto. there is no guarantee binance has actual proof of funds and won't close tomorrow, no guarantee the real nakamoto will come out tomorrow to unlock all his old btc and walk away with it, no guarantee blackrock and its jewish friends won't say "nah nvm we dont want to invest in this shit no more lol" in a week from now. nothing is guaranteed.

if you feel like taking out profits, even if they are small, do it.
Yeah just some developer dude, nothing interesting desu

Legitimately who cares?
I will never understand how XRP re-entered the popular zeitgeist just because the SEC wanted to fuck them over big time and failed in the process. Who cares. It's some transactional shitcoin with no usecase or any interesting tech behind it and yet you have a bunch of /biz/ weirdos saying it will go to $10 a coin for no reason at all other than empty hopium. it's bizarre
You should care, nigga
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Scammers come in all colors, shapes and nationalities. Some are Americucks, others are Mudslimes, a lot are Pajeets and every now and then you get a Ruski. Skin doesn't matter in this situation everyone wants easy money in today's day and age.

Second, leverage is retarded. I'm not retarded.
this is the nigga that will accept Coffeezilla's interview request after this project disappears into thin air lol
Me, i won't support middle east fuckers, russians, chinese or indians. There's way too many evidence to show that you can't trust them for shit. Everything they make is shit or a scam, there's not a single one that was worthwile and some seemed to be at first til the devs fucked on everyone and left with bags of money.
If you can't see this, your delusional or a fucking retard
The day Coffeezilla discovers /biz/ it'll be like an infinite content/money glitch lmao
There's something pretty cathartic about one (1) obviously smaller shitcoin barely anybody uses somehow turning the tides against the fucking SEC of the United States of America. Renown for being purposefully obtuse, annoying and vitriolic for no good reason. Literally bullying smaller crypto coins into submission. Then Ripple comes around, wins the lawsuit, not a security. Eat my fucking dick and balls SEC.

It's fun, it's entertaining and of course you should've bought some XRP right then and there (to dump basically a few hours later while it was still going up). This is exactly why GME became a movement, sticking it to the big bully faggot you (normally) wouldn't even think to cross.
Mother fucker, i asked: DEVELOPER OF WHAT?
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Oh wow look at this balding cute little twink, he apparently has a community choke-full of children AND has an energy drink business that gives said kids cancer! I truly hope he doesn't start multiple crypto scams in less than two years to suck those kids dry of their money! White pipo would never do something like that, we are better, a part of a dying breed and we must stick together!!!!
Grow the fuck up you retarded teenagers.
of tau? you know what thread this is no?
damn the projection is crazy
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$2.00 something. I'm shorting until 2.40 at least
You rushed your game mate.
Watch the videos on Tau for a few minutes kek don't let your dopamine starved ADHD ridden brain click off. You should really research what you buy anon, will save you from a lot of pain later down the line.
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lole based trips of Aokigahara
someone post the vid of him recording a dead body with his gay little hat making fake expressions of concern and sadness like a sociopathic gremlin please i need to laugh
Seriously? what a fucking dissapointment
Anonymous developers are always the best ones. In fact, even more points if they have anime girls in their LinkedIn profile. You don't even need to look at the folio, nigga is capable of doing whatever you want in an appropriate timeframe.
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It's amazing how it can hit.
Nah, but i did rape your mother and dog, that's why your parents divorced. Your mom can't forget the taste of my black salami and your dad couldn't compete with that
Enjoy having 2 Christmas parties faggot
Yeah, but can you blame him? Shit has been shaky lately, so unless you have a thick skin and have been on the game for a long time, it's no wonder people pull out early
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Can I join?

Oh wow look at this white grandpa, what a bright white and pure smile of white purity and what a great hairline, I'm sure he won't start a long standing cult of people that expect money to come from doing quite literally nothing! I'm sure he won't scrub his name off of said project and I'm sure said project will do fantastic!!!
the boy at this point doesn't even know how he got here lol
dude looks like a fusion of Alex Jones and Seneca Crane from hunger games
>gives a candy
it's time to go back to mommy and daddy.
I'll fuck your mother and give her a child that she actually loves
Are you new to /biz/ by any chance?
OK, I understand if you like necrophilism, but beware of worms.
you can choose not to feel so bad if it's just a cartoon lmao
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bro gets angry just because he did some stupid question
Well, in short people on the board tend to dislike or outright avoid people from certain countries or ethnicity given the high amount of scams and government encouraged operations that take advantage of vulnerable people. like the multiple fake call centers in india
you can look youtube videos about it and how some were dismantled but the government covers the others because they're HIGHLY profitable
I'd be embarrassed to masturbate with anime, but hey, to each his own.
kiss my ass clean
>not even white examples
>4chan user
>claims he doesn't masturbate to anime girls

Sure nigga and i killed osama bin laden
i don't follow movements. it only takes one or two big whales to shit on everybody's parade and fuck it all up out of nowhere
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And what was that lesson?
Hype for the new demo videos I suppose. Clearly AI is the newest hot topic around so of course ancient projects are resurfacing
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You posted cringe.
of tau, an ai designed for programming. lol
bro for your own good, turn off the pc/phone, take a shower, open the window, if you have a nice garden go there, touch grass, smell the cent of nature, talk to your friends/parents or someone you care about, read a book, eat well and go to sleep. You're packing too much negative energy
The reality is that I am very far away spiritually from feeling sexual attraction for something that doesn't even exist, even if they draw her with exaggerated tits, there is no way. I need to feel something that I can actually feel (like being with/seeing a real woman).
that your sister's ass is way tighter than your dad's
Damn yo mama dead? my bad g

did you have sex at some point in your life or are you just imagining things while putting sex on a pedestal?
There is a bit of comment in your xenophobia.
>4chan anon
>not xenophobic
what are you, a wokie in disguise?
Like it would matter if I told you I've had sex in my life, I don't have such fragile masculinity that I'd be ashamed if I were a virgin, but I'm not. Anyway, I can be honest about something and I still think that only a weabo with little mental capacity gets to masturbate to an anime girls.
Np,has been around like a good 10 years by now.
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No. this is my way of coping

let me be
>hurr le paper hands hurr i am le ape le diamond hands
go suck your favorite crypto e-influencer's dick in peace sheep
wait hold up what are you talking about? obama? anon? anime?
You are right, it was to be expected..I still think it's shit to be like that.
Yeah because your average murican poster in this shitty board is completely white and totally not an immigrant or born from immigrant parents. Totes tops. Totally there are no american scammers going around making bank from their crypto scams. Read a book nigga.
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yes and?
a little bit of this, a little bit of that, it's all gone topsy-turvy KEK
sounds like a lot of work no thanks

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