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I sold the APU bottom
You NIGGERS told me it was going to zero
>summer child on biz sold the APU bottom
20 bil is programmed
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still not too late to buy back

I unironically fudded my own bags for fun, you didn't actually believe apu was going to zero did you kek
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>he fell for the biz fud

Thanks for the cheap Apus fren!
Time to buy back in fren before it's too late
look at groyper and other shitcoins, they're just mirroring bitcoin
dont get married to a coin and think its price action in is unique
apu has crashed many times and will crash again and you'll be able to buy back. perhaps even lower than .3. dont forget that these bagholders kept saying .6 would never happen again. especially since we have a telegraphed dump coming in 2 months
Why are you holding then?

Bitcorn is up 40%? Interdasting.
its literally the most popular meme on the internet, as well as the most relatable, most approachable, least political...

the price never mattered
Frens...I kept my 34mil apu. It's over...I am gonna make it...
Why would you listen to the niggers here?
Make it stack?
why on earth you listen to them asswipe, now you buy back it at a higher price, well done, you might as well buy some rwa like vesta play safe zzz
i lost 7 million apu, i only have 1 million left. i might rope.
that's what you deserve for losing faith. its literally that simple.
Why are you acting like a fag. Look at:
Okayeg, groyper, pepoclown, mog, bobo, maga
they are mirroring Bitcoin's price movements.
This is why they all tanked when Bitcoin tanked.

Groyper is up 50%
Okayeg 50%
fuck are you on about
i got hacked.
practice better security next time, I'm sorry anon
100 to 150m is 50% lol
fake pump its still going to get sold to sub 100m
wrong. pepe is leveraged eth, and apu is leveraged pepe. its a bet on the king
you are comparing sub 10M shitcoins to 100M+ shitcoins. thats as stupid as comparing moves on 100M shitcoin to the majors. if your weren't blinded by your bias you'd be noticing things.
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I wonder what other coins out there are a much lower mc with a higher potential, along with frog memes hmmmm
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Let's hit 200 today bros, we are so back.
No you didn't you niggerfaggot
stop shitting up the board with your falseflagging shitposts all the time
not yours.
kys nigger
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I got in at the bottom. I placed a buy order for 1 million tokens at 0.1 ETH and it just barely went through.
bobo has more liquidity than apu. fuck on about retard
this shitcoin doesnt even have dexscreener paid. i tried fucking looking for it and it doesnt show up

website doesnt show up in google

coin isnt even on coingecko, nor coinmarketcap

how do you expect us to buy this crap with your soft shilling if I cant even find the crappy coin (which will only moon if apu goes to mars)
what the fuck are you talking about lol it's on all of these

wrong thread my bad

I did
I fucking SUCK DICK at trading
How do people make millions in crypto it makes no fucking sense

yeah I think Ill pass and keep holding apu

I actually like the website kek its funny but for now my money is better put on apu, but its original to say the least. good job if you are the dev I kekked, airdrop some upa to apu holders
sorry, what point were you trying to make? I thought we were talking about what was pumping today faggot.
based and kekpilled
you mean everything?
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APU leading the way, never doubt him
APU is the discord tranny group btw.
>it's real in my mind
Shut up retard
Still a perfect time to buy RAM. The EOS train ain't waiting for no one.
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Quick rundown on Bybit perps? People keep saying it will make Apu skyrocket, but why?

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