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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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Early 30s, never had a job
How do I get a job
I don't know if I can
I have no skills
I'm panicking so hard
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But why? You should be used to being unemployed and broke
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are you also fat?
Don't work
Just enjoy life and nature
Time is the most valuable thing
You are fine. Here is what you do

>find out what type of job you want
>get qualified for the job (Coursera courses, certifications, training, maybe even a bootcamp)
>for your resume, just say you were self employed for the last couple years. Like you can just say you ran a small landscaping business or something
>dont take the blackpill, chatgpt fucking sucks and will take exponential amounts of data to improve. It will be a slow grind before it makes people (other than roasties and office bitches) obsolete

also remember, you likely wont get your preferred job right out the bat. A hack is to get an entry level job with a company that has your preferred job, kick ass and make your goals known.

I have seen it work many times
>friend wants to get into IT
>he joins an ecommerce company as an entry level salesperson
>gets certified while working there
>IT position opens up, he gets moved to IT. No schooling required

>another friend wastes his 20s getting a BS degree
>gets out of school realizing there is no job market for a history major
>wants to become an engineer
>does a couple of bootcamps, gets an entry level solutions engineer job (had never had a job before)
>proves to be a great asset, starts as a solutions engineer fixing minor issues with APIs and shit, now he is doing actual SWE with a great company

I have more examples, but you should start doing research. ChatGPT is a good place to start

dont be a defeatist, you arent trying to become an astronaut, you are trying to make some fucking money. Dont be too picky but also dont be a bitch and go for a goyim tier job like material handler or something
also to clarify before some faggot looking for a small victory tries to nitpick my post

I mean dont bite the doom pill about chatgpt replacing everyone. It is not sentient. It has a long way to go before it can replace people

chatgpt IS good for doing research and preparing a study-guide.
This is good advice but I've been trying to get my foot in the door with IT with a literal CS degree and I'm not getting any bites on my resume. Maybe I should get a Sec+ and try for govtech?
You gotta start with an entry position and then transfer. It'll take 6 months to a year but it's quite doable. I believe in you
thanks for the moral support anon. i've been trying to get an ok job for like half a year now, i guess it's time to shoot for like help desk or some bullshit
And by entry position, I mean like Customer Service or Sales with a tech company. Once you are on the job you can find ways to demonstrate your skills
>Oh look I was assigned on a group project with a bunch of normies who don't know how to clean data, let me clean the data cutting out workload in half
Shit like this amazes boomers and roasties
>Oh hey look we have a bunch of common issues, let me create a macro script so that reps no longer have to write out each email, they can use press 2 buttons and it'll auto fill
>Oh look we have a common customer request that has 7 handoffs between teams, let me just make a python/SQL script behind a GUI so that we can be more efficient
You are very welcome bro. Also realize this is a really bad job market. It's not just you. Everyone who is unemployed is having a hard time.

Remember to ATS optimized your resume, and don't be too proud to ask a friend or alumni for an internal recommendation.

You got this bro
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away

It's so unreal
Didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Tryin' to hold on, did-didn't even know
I wasted it all just to watch you go

I kept everything inside and even though I tried
It all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually
Be a memory of a time when-

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end, it doesn't even matter

One thing, I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
To remind myself how I tried so hard

In spite of the way you were mockin' me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised it got so far

Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me in the end

You kept everything inside and even though I tried
It all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually
Be a memory of a time when-

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end, it doesn't even matter

I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There's only one thing you should know
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There's only one thing you should know

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
Thank you
I'm just scared because I've avoided human contact throughout my 20s
I'm scared of fucking up
>I have no skills
Shame. What a rotten way to die.
>I will never know the joy of rough and tumbling a big nosed gf
Why even live
don't give up fren it is certainly possible
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i was in a similar position a couple of months ago, luckily i was able to find a delivery job that accepted people without experience or studies like me, i will say though if you are in serious need of money start looking into the unicorn chain airdrops, you only need to hold some shitcoins (which you're in /biz im assuming you have) and you're eligible to get airdrops in uwu so it's basically the best way to farm money right now
I have couple million unicorns and I hold some emojis too
I just finished my at home MBA so I'm clueless and scared what I should do
I didn't join the course for job purposes I just needed time to figure things out if I can work in crypto or not
And over the last two years I've built connections with lots of influential crypto founders but I don't wanna work with them because mixing profession with relations ruins both
The weak should fear the strong,
Wrong. This is such a cope tier argument. Money should be every man's number 1 priority. As soon as a man becomes capable of work, he should do so. The money he makes goes into the market where it stays for at leat two full cycles until he reaches maturity and can buy land with cash and avoid debt. When he gets to this point, then not only can he enjoy nature, but own it himself.

Dont be fooled by this feel-good Alan Watts bullshit - dont forget the guy's wife was filthy loaded and he coasted by on her tab as a full time alcoholic spewing exactly the kind of shit a boheme parasitic alcoholic with anxiety would spew.
why did you post that video?

Get a job as a braphog.
It's me literally
you should have been panicking a literal decade ago wtf happened
Found crypto
How much crypto money do you have?
Just do what I did in your situation, get a relative to hire you in a comfy job

Simple as
Barely entry level lol
He was a good man
I forgot about this
Sort for airdrops on telegram first, start with that then learn how to trade. Blum, Tapsawp, Hamstar
and posemesh are the next DePIN trend
You got this man
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if you still have money you can try with memecoins like $kendu, after all this thing already feels like a job, or maybe I'm just paranoid
>Early 30s
why did you buy link?
Could have been a millionaire if you also worked and aped your pay cheque into crypto
You’ll be fine. I was in the same situation as you and I made it fine. I had to bounce around for a decade but I found my niche. Look into wfh jobs like cybersecurity if you’re too anxious for in person jobs
Find your jewess my dude
If I want a job that requires you to be good at math, how do know if I am capable of passing the math section before going to school? I would think a placement test would do it, but it's more than just being out of highschool for a decade. I failed pre-calc and algebra 2. I'm not sure if that was because I was a weed smoking teenager, or if I have a brain that is incapable.
>symptoms enjoyer
If I had bought it summer of '18 I wouldn't be here
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You could literally be a cab driver by Friday. I've been one since 2013, and every time I try to get away from it I just keep coming back because the money is good and I can work my own hours; they also give me my own cab so I don't need a car.

You could also be a Truck Driver by the end of the month if you REALLY hit the books and go to a school where you can "rent" a teacher and a truck and learn: 1) How to pass your pre-trip and behind the wheel test, and 2) Backing Backing Backing. Don't you dare attempt to take your test and go look for work until you can back a trailer into a tight fit like it's nothing.

Forklift Operator is another one. Now with that one you could literally go to school tomorrow and if it's a good school they'll literally find you a job immediately. When I did it my teacher told me that if I could handle it there was a warehouse a few blocks away that was waiting for me. That was 12 hour shifts 7 days a week though, but that's exactly the same amount of hours I put into the cab.
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I saw FUN is looking for a casino manager, you might be fit for the role kek
That album was lit
imagine the smell.
Retail, sales. You need to learn how to talk.

What the fuck have you been doing for 30 years? Holy smokes
That ico from 2017?
unicorn chain airdrops
this is the gayest thing ive ever seen, disgusting
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Based. I"m doing the same here—funneling my paycheck straight into ETH, NEAR, and QAN.
>I believe in you
Good stuff. OP main thing is to keep your head straight. You know you have to get out there. Listen, work hard, keep your head straight. I manage people and no one cares where you came from... if you're cool, work hard, and support others you will win. Its that simple. Good luck.

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