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What happened to the daily WFH topics. Did everyone lose their WFH jobs or they forced you all back?
It was all larp
I don't remember them being daily, more like several times a week some idiot would post he barely works in his WFH job. I myself work hybrid, 2 days in and I am allowed to arrive late after rush hour so it isn't too bad. I will still bail out the moment I find a real remote job.
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personally i lost my job so i've been spamming nft games everyday for the past few weeks to see if i can equal my wages with just idle rpg games, this week's game is panda roll wish me luck bros im seriously completely unmotivated to find another job that isnt wfh
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I am still WFH but my company is losing its ass. I knew the jews wouldn't let this go on.
Been WFH for 11 years. I just want to fucking retire. I don’t even really work anymore, but am tethered to my damn computer.
I still WFH but I only need to put in 0-2 hours a day worth of work at this job so looking to add another side job if I can.
The novelty of doing gym, house chores, etc during the daytime and being paid for it is kinda wearing off.
They're forcing us back to the wage cage around September, for the time being I'm doing the bare minimum and waiting for them to fire me. I've stopped spending money on things besides food and investments.

>110k salary about to be NEET
I've been WFH for the past 6 months 4days a week, 1day a week in office. It's pretty nice, but I somehow doubt this is the future. Too good to be true.
I was just about to start one. This is my 1,512th consecutive day of WFH. What's my day like, you ask?
>I wake up around 8:30am
>Sign in and say hi to my team at 9:00am
>I send two emails.
>The rest of my day I mostly watch movies or play video games.
>Almost every day around lunchtime my wife gives me a blowjob. I estimate I have received about 1300 blowjobs while on company time.
>When a woman sucks your dick 1300 times in a row she gets pretty fucking incredible at it. I mean the dollar value someone would put on this headgame has got to be in the thousands. My cock looks like polished marble.
I get paid about $2500 a week to do this. I don't even know what all my teammates look like. Epilogue:
>get an invite from my boss out of the blue one day
>now we're doing "annual reviews"
>expect to get railroaded and fired because i do nothing and that should be obvious
>instead my boss gives me the highest possible rating
>his supervisor actually urged him to give me a bigger raise, I got the largest raise in the department's history
An actual Roman emperor did not have the quality of life that I do.
I started a business and rent my own office now.

tfw boss is on vacation this week so I am not going to the office tomorrow.
I’m wfh today and have mostly watched ufc press videos. Took tomorrow off so only went in twice this week.
This is the part that sucks. It’s a shitty feeling
I think we will be replaced by AI in the next five years so tryna build as much passive income as possible. Then will work as a fast food cook, teacher, or postal worker

(((Management))) wants everyone back in the office stat so their (((Commercial Real Estate Investments))) don't collapse
You are committing a grave sin every time you ejaculate outside of your wife’s vagina.
And how did you feel after waking up?
They all got fired
Nah im still here but I actually have to work hard even from home
here you go bro >>58688374
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Luckily I dont have to worry about this possibility ever occurring
it was daily in the 2020 run
I lost it because of jeets, but due to getting into fake internet money I've been able to start my own business.
I don't even wfh anymore... Just go to various countries where cost of living allows me to bank cash while living better. Also other countries have rediculously well trained cocksleeves for hire so it's nice from that angle as well
>too good
No. This is the correct order of civilization. You were force fed lies.
Because sex is supposed to be unitive and procreative.
What is my wife is a trans woman? We're both devout catholics btw.
Then you should both kill yourselves
That's a sin though, anon.
I am full remote for last 8 months, and I just code for 5-6 hours a day. They didn't even made me company email so I just have video meeting 1-2 times a week and send few messages daily on chat. Maybe for some extroverts it will be nightmare but as I am extreme introvert it is good.
I am doing my best but my aim isn't great and the sneaky bitch catches it in her mouth before I can get it every time.
this is not a board for christcuck moralfags. this is a board for scamming people with memecoins and fucking trannies in pattaya
still work from home. taking a lot of sick days lately. comfiest easiest job ever and im fast tracking to getting fired. i can go into the office but why would i? mental health is fucked at this point. its too easy to do nothing working from home, but it catches up to you in a weird way. almost no work, just 2 ~ 3 hours of effort a week and i'd be ahead or on top of everything. but done nothing for months so now i have a backlog that would take days to complete. feel depressed and ashamed about it, so taking more and more sick days, usually when theres a work meeting scheduled.

i need to fix this asap. i have the best life if id just work 2 hours a week minimum
It's just daily life now, I WFH and it is still everything I ever dreamed. I am "working" right now. Soon I'll walk off for lunch. This afternoon I'll do some exercise. If I am unlucky, someone might at some point reach out to me but it's fairly unlikely.
My job is still remote and sometimes go in the office once a week or visit other businesses. I praise the Chinese for releasing Covid for enabling this new life for me. I hope it stays like this forever.
What do you mean, when youre going to town and are about to coom does she magically pull out and finish you off with her mouth? How tf does she know kek or just hold her down what are you a twink
Well I hope so, I really enjoy this arrangement. And I am working diligently, not slacking off, so everybody wins
same thing but for me it has been nonstop unicorn chain airdrop farming and nothing else,
i've been on the grind... farming, gotta get those unicorns
WFH cybersecurity dude here, have developed OCD and intrusive thoughts from wfh. However, I'm about to get a job that makes $165k so I can move downtown and work from coffeeshops where there are attractive young women so that's my plan
>work from coffeeshops where there are attractive young women so that's my plan

pathetic plan
It's amazing the levels of cope people have. A true thing being too good to be true?

No they have low self esteem and accept shitty situations because of it, and then because they accept shitty situations, we are expected to lower our expectations.

The fact is there is zero reason not to wfh 100 of the time other then it does not exhaust and control the pleb worker enough to prevent awakened thought.
Just means you are a faggot fucking a man who deluded himself instead a faggot who fucks men but is at least honest with themselves
>like ewwwwww did you see that loser
>i knowwwww he comes in every day what a creep
>ewwww he gave me a $10 tip like he believes im in his league or something
>OMG he gives me the ick
>can we call the police or something
I'm a WFH fed :)
>The fact is there is zero reason not to wfh 100 of the time
Unless of course you do a real job, with real things, in the real world. I do not want to pay the electricity bill for my mass spectrometers.
I don't know how people who do emails and meetings for a job live with themselves. They talk about productivity, but I don't see any fucking product. Just bits and bytes.
I predict that in the near future WFH will be only possible if your webcam, mic, eye tracking, keylogger, and screenshare is activated and recording all the time from 9 am to 6 pm or whenever you are supposed to work
>I don't know how people who do emails and meetings for a job live with themselves.

I wonder too.
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only if you worship the semitic cow god on the left
I am desperately trying to find another WFH job.
I left the last one because they started requiring some obtuse engineering documentation bullshit system.
But I really do miss the shitshow that is "working" from home.
We got forced back to office 50% sonce oct 23. was wfh prior to covid but mckinsey told execs we had no culture.
On in office days if i do 20 minutes of legit productive work its a good day for the company.
Morale company wide has never been lower, last corp wife survey, all satisfaction numbers dropped company wide. Mgmt in shambles, vp of hr spin doctoring like crazy, it got mentioned in wsj(this is a fortune 10).
At some point, some exec somewhere needs to stop listening to mckinsy and accenture morons....

Still almost WFH but I have to go to the office (about 1 hour distance) once a month.
I feel like I'm in the minority but I enjoy working in an office. My company is going to let the lease expire for the one I currently go to (for very understandable reasons: it was a satellite thing and all 5 of my other coworkers have left the company so it's literally just me) later this year and I'll definitely miss it.

I have ADHD and an office gives me a great opportunity to get into work mode and clearly delineate time spent focusing on things I need to accomplish. Maybe you could argue that it would be beneficial for me to be able to do that in a wfh environment but. Plus, it's just nice to have coworkers that you can lean over or turn around and talk to. Teams makes everyone available but it feels much less personable and it's hard for me to tell whether a green circle means "I'm actually available" vs "I'm not in a meeting but I'm crunching to finish something so I won't respond" - telling between the two is unmistakable if I just look at my coworker in an office.
Im glad office is good for you anon. I wouldnt mind if my team say there, but we are a global team, my boss is in another state and all 5 of my peers and my direct reports work in other states or other countries.

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