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Liquidation cascade within the next 5 days. After that we going back to 70k.
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I'm sceptical. Best thing to do is just hold and try to forget about crypto altogether for a few weeks or months.
How much do they spend on cooling these places?
you don't have to cool the ambient temperature that much to slow down the deterioration of the electronic components or improve efficiency of the rigs. the farms I've seen in China are open on both sides with big fans blowing the air through the entire thing
You want to set up somewhere where it's already cold and there's power source nearby, for example mining centre in buttfuck Siberia running at a fraction of output it has been built for, with adjacent hydropower plant.
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Too many people are saying this.
I am confused
Imagine this place getting bombed lmao
What's the source ?
Hope this fucking boosts prices
are those nvidia cards?
I could use one of those, to play wilder worlds. You need NASA lvl pc superverse is really pushing it with the AAA games this year
this week new narrative
There's no cascade liquidation because longs were already slowly murdered over the last 2 weeks. Liquidation totals are within range of the expected. The only thing that can truly fuck it up is a relevant war declaration.
is worth buying one of those gpus as a poor fag?
If I wanted to implement a small discret farm like this how much you guys think I would have to spend to even make it factually profitable???
one good factor to look at is cooling and energy consumption so it depends where and when...
>game needs a 4k pc to run half decently
>this is somehow a good thing and means the game is inherently fun and high quality
smells of unreal 5 asset flip with uncompressed 4k textures. not a good look. not to mention it limits reach/potential players ability to actually play the thing.
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I don't really see that happening right now. In a few months maybe we can get another chance at a decent pump but how do you think BTC will break its hard 61k resistance jailcell?
Sooo any hints mr riddler? Or are you just talking out of your ass?
>Liquidation totals are within range of the expected.
So green days ahead then?
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im buying amd shares just because im an amd/radeon famboy. best cpu/gpu's in the market and they don't rape your wallet. pretty based
>Sooo any hints mr riddler? Or are you just talking out of your ass?
obvious shit poster who shitpost cuz hes bored
Actually not a bad idea look into ZLUDA and ROCm. Nvidia's AI tech is going to look like baby's first steps once AMD devs figure out how to bring their shit to Windows properly (right now all their AI toys are mostly for Linux users for some reason, ROCm is not properly available on Windows in the first place). IF people still care about AI by then, that is.
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explain like im 12 and in fortnite terms please
until they overheat and kill your pc fire boom cope
>those pics
and big green tells me straight to my face its my fault the world is dying becuase i left my living room's light bulb on at night. lmfao what a joke.
you couldn't mine bitcoin with gpus after 2012.
fucking finally, I was already panicking, I have to take advantage of these $kendu bags after all.
the prospect of minign was so cool in 2017, now it's fucking cringe
Here it comes...
I remember crashing on the couch at a friend's living room circa 2019; listening to the nearby fans on his rig mine Ethereum spinning at max speed 24/7. He stopped using that rig a couple years ago since it wasn't even breaking even for electricity costs.
max pain will and always be straight down.
Climate change isn't from co2, you dingus
Its from the weakening of the magnetosphere and the incoming pole shift
Literally nothing we can do, but the people at the top are fuckin panicking they'll lose all their assets and land, so are trying to make everybody else fork them over with ubiquitous propaganda
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you are still retarded
climate change is completely made up
>So green days ahead then?
Green days are ahead, anon. I'm bullish on Q4, having already loaded up on QAN, ONDO, and RIO for potential gains.
Just hodl and relax, anon. I'm also involved with the posemesh pinger app, hoping to secure a whitelist spot.

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