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kek apoos btfo on twitter. crypto whale who had a chain made of Pepe says its Pepe not Apu.
You do realize how gay and retarded you sound,right?
>hahaha some guy on twitter said a thing hahaha
Why are pepefags acting like hurt women? If you realize every Pepe being posted is apu, just roll profits into apu. It’s not exactly rocket science.
Apoo fags be like
>please pay attention to my curry scam i beg you
>ackshually apu is not pepe because wall of 1000 words

Cringe and gay
wow apu just got owned!!!
they're different characters :)

three words
>My indian turd is different than their dog turd
=A turd is a turd
nobody cares or knows the difference

The cabal won
apoochuds can't stop losing
Don't those things have APU written allover the back of them?
What a petty fag.
With that image he posted, it seems karmic that MOG is blowing the fuck out of PEPE right now.
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I sense a lawsuit from Matt Furrie/Furry/Fury whatever the fuck his name is.
pepe fags care a lot
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Everything is Pepe no matter how much you change it around. I love all variants, I really really do. I call them by their names, but in truth, when it's all said and done they're all cute lil Pepes no matter how much lore you append to them son. It's all PEPE. Here, now and forever.
Lmfao what seethe.
I could see this as a viral marketing attempt by the pepecord to say
"See? Look guys Apu is actually Pepe! I have a diamond necklace and it cost a lot of money so I know it's all Apus are Pepe!"
When in reality we all now that's just not true.
Especially with the meme of Pepe and MOG shaking hands as an act of good will like they hope other memecoins succeed.
It comes across as pathetic and impotent.
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apu threads are getting sparse
money injection is getting sparse
there is no more pumpy wumpys in your future poos
sell while you can
You had your fun but it's time to move on, fags. Let your rugpull rest once and for all.
orang utan
u realize this is good for pepe and bad for apu, right?
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>apushit was supposed to have partnership announced in June
>Only 2 days left in the month and still nothing
>Whales keep dumping and shorting non-stop

kek baggies, the team and whales conned you
Apu's top holder has more Pepe than any of these clowns combined
More like the inverse.

No one knows who Apu is and it kills Apufags inside, which is why they desperately want acknowledgement from others. Apu is the RC Cola of memes, no one cares because all they see is Pepe.
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>know someone that lost all their crypto a while back and got money through donations
>they start fresh and put it all into APU
>make like 20x
>dont take any profits
>gets it stolen and back to 0
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lel this, apubaggies are fucking desperate.

>b-but they're le 2 different heckin frogs!

Great Value Cola and Pepsi are 2 different sodas, it doesn't fucking matter and nobody cares.
and to add, they convinced all their friends to buy into APU around the high as well
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please be gentle with the poos
most of them are linkies that still haven’t learned
there are still too many copers in apu, it still has a ways down to go
This fud is so boring. Get some new material.
As if the average person needed to know the little meme differences between shib, doge, floki, bonk, or dogwifhat to invest and make money.
you're ignoring all the ones that failed like hokk, and that was last cycle when dog coins easily ran up to hundreds of mills
hokk in particular ran up to around 200m then went straight to 0, and so can apu
don't be delusional
I'm not ignoring anything. Those are just some of the top dog coins.
Now there are other frogs like okayeg, pepo, blue apu, even ashbie or whatevr else.
Anything can happen to any of the coins mentioned.
The point is I didn't even know okayeg was a twitch meme or anything about it when I invested and I'm doing just fine.
Apu already has an image people have seen before. I believe that is worth something. Simple as.
Fwiw I’ve been trading crypto since 2014, and haven’t seen anything quite like Apu. It has everything it needs to go very far. I’m not joking when I said apu community has the meme wizards. We are building something big. I know many of you know it too.
oh no wait this has to be you tibbles
$15k realised profit, $10k unrealised btw
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Apu is way more fun Pepe. We do shit shit everyday
That's cool, but the intern running the twitter account of the most Mid chicken in the country knows the difference.
You fags broke rule 1 and 2 long ago and now we have twitter niggers misexplaining memes.. and you report them here?
/biz/ is kill and you fags did it.
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crazy how there's literally 5+ transgender freaks collectively spamming apu threads for attention from gigachad apu holders LMAO
go dilate faggots
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not even an inversebrah tweet pumps your coin poos
when are you going to realize you are out of new money?
Imagine being this lame instead of just chillin with apu. We are having fun anon. The inflection point approaches
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if inflection point means buy volume dries up and sell volume surges then yes i agree
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>apubaggies keep bringing up that they're 2 different frogs as some big gotcha
>"well uuhhhhh it didn't matter anyway they'll still go up because they just will"

Where's the partnership that was supposed to be coming this month apubaggie? There's only 2 days left in June.
Why would it do that? Volume and holder amount has just been growing, it’s showing up all over Twitter, even outside crypto circles. It’s not going anywhere, so get used to it
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i’ve told you poos before anon
im in your walls
do you hear that?
i’m inside your walls
i know how you poos react to everything
i know your every move and intention
there is no one left to buy
i’ve watched you try and retweet your little poo hearts out
and it never does anything to the chart
the only people dumb enough to buy are you and you guys are all out of money or your funds are locked in link pools (kek)
do you hear that anon?
i’m in your walls
Well guess what, ya fuckin asshole. It doesn't matter what they Think it is. Because I can tell you that's Apu Apustaja
And anyone who confuses him with pepe is a normie faggot retard
Why is every apu fag I have to see on this board so pompous.
>we have website sar
They really think they're going to change the world or something
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Checked but we keep going poobel, the ride never ends
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APU chart looking good for the first time in weeks, just bought 2 million more
Daily friendly reminder to report apugags for advertisement each tome they post their jeet website

Kek, how did I miss this. Even the Colonel knows the difference between Apu and Pepe, soon every normalfag will too.
The only thing worse than jannie are their hall monitors.
>idk gey N8
i dont know gay nate
>Im xdumsy
>Im a dumsy
Im a dummy
>hokk in particular ran up to around 200m
800 million actually
I'd say that's pretty good.
APU has yet to reach even 400m and probably wont unless Pallidiotjeet dumps his 4 billion tokens.
Apu did 7x more in trading volume today. Bro wtf
>7x more in trading volume today
what the actual fuck are you talking about
apu has 1.6m volume on the daily meanwhile pepe has this much volume.
$1.6M on uniswap. Its on a bunch of cexs now with more volume
no it doesn't. it's full of sad and pathetic bagholders that are going to round trip yet another /biz/ scam to zero
no, it's not pulling 300m*7= 2.1 Billion volume like pepe keep dreaming dumbfuck ass nigger.
Why lie about something so specific in a bullish way when it's not even true, then insist it's true?

Even then, if we only count DEX pepe is at 2 million on UniV2 only.
Crypto was a mistake.
Apu? More like... CRAP-u, amirite? See what I did there? Allow me to explain the wordplay involved here.

I am delighted to share the nuanced humor behind my decision to adopt the moniker "Apu."

Firstly, the name "Apu" is a concise, two-syllable word. It is phonetically simple yet distinct, with open vowel sounds "a" and "u," connected by the consonant "p." The simplicity of this structure lends itself well to humorous juxtaposition.

Consider the auditory resemblance between "Apu" and "crap-u." This is a form of paronomasia, or wordplay, where the humor arises from the similarity in sound between two unrelated words. The humor is derived from the incongruity and unexpected connection between the two.

By dissecting the phonetic elements, we see that both "Apu" and "crap-u" share the same vowel sounds and a similar cadence. This creates a humorous effect, as the mind naturally draws connections between the two.

This form of humor is designed to evoke a reaction through its absurdity and cleverness. By adopting the name "Apu," I am intentionally invoking this humorous incongruity, aiming to elicit a response ranging from amusement to mild annoyance.

I trust this detailed exposition enhances your appreciation of the humor and enriches your understanding of the wit behind this name choice.
I’m not lying about anything. All I said was Apu 1.6M volume you mentioned is just the uni pool
Apuniggers get the rope
Straight to zero
Of course some dumb whale would say that
They don't understand anything about the meme, all they know is that it's mooning and they want some profit..
Also, you can never count or trust with whales they are all evil by it's core default.
Wrong, retard.
You can see now that "memecoins" are fake and gay. Not based on real memes. Look at that MOG crap, totally manufactured by cabals, not an organic meme at all. You knew it would pump based on who was shilling it early on, that's all.
That's I say apu is gonna win in the long term, the shilling I see on twitter, on all social medias is just insane..
who is abu?
its Apu , bro
Apu.... sir...
just buy all the shit fag nig cb shrl pepe doge shiba vesta wif doge
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Keep telling yourself that. FAGGOT.
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what's the meta for when to dump pepe and apu? do you just sell top indicators, like a normie celeb shilling your shitcoin? are you using TA?
looks nothing like the APU chart
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Wow. Astute observation, young einstein.
Did you even read the context to what you're replying to?
when your pnl changes more than your yearly salary in a hour.
I'm buying cheapies
Apoo will rug again before Hokk goes pump again and goes to zero
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>Month is over
>Partnership that was supposed to be announced in June never came
>Whales still dumping at every opportunity

kek baggies

I mean to be fair Pepe always has some pretty insane volume, even among the top 50 coins it's usually pretty high up on the list.

But like the other anon pointed out, Apu is on a dozen plus CEX at this point and majority of the volume is usually on them, not DEX. Volume has been looking pretty decent for its size, 24h volume on Bybit perps alone was like $45m last week. Spot has peaked at $25-30m I think during heavy trading volume.
Yes, you're comparing apples to oranges.
Apu is pumping back up
what's up bobo?
Wow. Another brilliant scholar.
What is there to dispute when you cant read?
Daily reminder to call jannies on apoo scammers for advertising when they shill their jeet website

Daily reminder the high council are not your "frens" and won't hexitate on launching more paypig pnd scams like POPO and frog derivatives just to steal your money to pump and dump on you their apu gigastacks

Daily remider whales are shorting this shitcoin and will continue to do so until pajeetius tokens are fully unlocked

Daily remider this shitcoin is run by scammers and greedy faggots

>muh apoo is not pepe bcuz..
Nobody cares, a pepe is a pepe in the eyes of booomers and normies

The cabal won
apoofags lost
schizo af
apu is literally pumping rn
It'll dump again hard, it always does. Whales can't resist.
Whales comes and go
And as time goes, only hard to die whales will remain
Which is what's happening rn.
Sure bro

>dumps another billion tokens after 5% green

ayo hol up, u be sayin we wuz whales n sheeit, hell nawww
this guy knows and once you know you can't stop knowing.
And now it's dumping again, lol. How predictable.
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Y'all getting really desperate kek.
Baggies are, yeah. I'm not affecting the chart at all, whales are.
It's literally still pumping why are you saying it's dumping lol?
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It's forming a Bart pattern, it did the same thing about a week ago. BTW the pajeetus+mass whale dump will kill this coin for good. It won't even last until EOY.

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