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Six figure hell doesn’t even get you a decent looking women…

What the hell…
This psyop is confusing. Are they trying to make people self conscious about how attractive their girlfriends are?
i prefer the eldritch abomination i was dreaming about the last week
Wojak can only get fatties, it's pretty obvious that if you get to have "sex" it's with fatties and whores that have been ran through. It's because the former incels that identify with wojack are starting to have success with dating because so many women are hitting the wall while wojacks have been saving money, lifting and becoming more attractive as they age.
would you have a fat girlfriend?
would you have a girlfriend with too many tattoos and piercings?
You zoomers really need to listen to the song "from a logical point of view" and gain the holy wisdom.
Stop posting this disgusting garbage. I only want to see threads with Asian women or trap cuties on this board.
It's all the average guy can get now. Most women even 4/10 are looking for the top few percentile of guys.
For wojak, it's plap a fat or nothing.
take a break from pol
Yeah, I make $200k a year. Women don't really give a shit. Everything comes down to looks, charisma, social proof. Anything on top of that is just a bonus really.
It's not how much you make, it's how much you spend on her. Though height, face and social standing is about 30% of it.
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Yeah, I think i'll stick to muh japanese animays.
Yeah you have to actually be a half decent guy to get a girlfriend's what a wild fucking idea
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nah, with that you only find gold digger bitches, not someone worth the trouble
work on your personality for that, the money is yours to keep, and that's the best part, I can use everything I earn in $kendu for myself and if I want I can have a nice dinner with my gf
Bitch i’m slated to retire with millions, why do I have to settle for a fat pig, when my forefathers could get match to decent girls without all this extra shit.
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>He thinks there's no /biz/raeli psyops
it's not how much you make, it's showing her innate feelings that you stand out, that you can live on your own if you need to, that you can become wealthy if you need to, that she can feel safe around you, though women are retarded enough to think being good looking and tall equals that, maybe there's some kind of evolutionary truth

tldr, you need to be wealthy and what matters is your attitude because becoming wealthy will change you for the best, it's not about the result
Please stop with this fucking wojak it hits too close to home
I'm feeling dread I thought I forgot about
The "sad man with ugly wife" satire is as old as the written word. You have to be completely mindbroken by the internet to jump to "psyop".
You don’t have to settle for a fat pig. Take your alleged excess money, utilize the lack of distraction and abundance of opportunity for development it provides, and make yourself capable of having a basic conversation with a stranger in public. The problem isn’t attractiveness of women though. That’s a low hurdle to get over. The problem is quality of woman (and their family especially). Most women and their families are losers. They can be hot, but they’re still incompetent losers. This becomes a problem when you’re now needing to re-direct money and attention spent on generating that money to compensate for the loser woman you’ve brought into your life. When their families are awful, and they usually are, now your problem compounds. If you’re still dating unattractive women when you have a significant net worth you’re still in the minor leagues of problems.
"Sad man with an ugly wife" has got to be the most untrue trope there is.
If you want to be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So for my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

A pretty woman makes her husband look small
And very often causes his downfall
As soon as he married her and then she starts
To do the things that will break his heart

But if you make an ugly woman your wife
Ah you'll be happy for the rest of your life
An ugly woman cooks meals on time
She'll always give you peace of mind
I didn't get my first gf until right after I reached 7 figures. And she was teetering right on the line between overweight and obese. I'm at $2 million now and have a gf that's not fat.
Maybe its just not a psyop and an organic meme
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/biz/ is better with its psyops then the combined propaganda and intelligence power of the west at this point
It's making fun of the "have sex" meme.
Status quo libtards try to shame everyone who notices something is wrong with "have sex" and other thought terminating cliches.
Plapjak shows what "have sex" actually looks like.
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I've never simultaneously had a girlfriend a positive net worth.
I’m investing in a rich bitch, women care less about your salary and more about what you do. A semi successful artist will do better than a banker who makes 5x6 the money. Trust me, I’ve seen it over and over. /biz/ is just filled with people who have boring white collar jobs
it seems like evety tom dick and harry on this shit board is making 200K+. proof or else suck my cock pajeet.
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Skill issue.
I got a virgin baddie as a neet drug addict
At this point as a 30 year old that never had a girl friend, I’ll take the fatty. I can just make her work out
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Can you really blame a girl for preferring to date a broke, but still tall and muscular, Chad than a wealthy autist who can barely keep eye contact?
jus be urself
I'm literally this meme. No, it wasn't worth it. Yes, I regret it.
even lefties talk about psyops dude expand your social circle
Dat female phat
Mean bring many gruggies
Grug like. How much Rock cost fat one?
kinda yeah, at least its less confusing that last month's psyop where they tried to convince us that airdrop farming was evil for some reason (???) and that by using the unicorn chain we where betraying satoshi or something, /biz really has the worst psyops
My account regularly swings up and down in the same amount as my monthly paychecks, but it isn't large enough for that to be mostly positive in that amount. It's a new kind of surreal feeling.

idk I'm just kinda still here I guess and still am gonna be for a while. 6 figure hell. Yeah. I'm feelin it.
Yeah not even 1 hour into trading day and I'm already up a month's pay. Will it go back down? Volatility, yeah. It's like that. Like I said, not big enough to consistently perform at this kind of level yet.

I don't think it's something that really hits people until they get to this point, where your value just fluctuates like crazy. Fuck kinda effort am I putting in +40hrs/week for when line spazzes out and I'm simply here to observe it. Can't imagine how a 7 figure holder feels. Drawdowns feel like turbo garbage.
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>6 figure hell
At least you can get a woman.
I am in 7 figure hell, and I am still a ghost to women because I am not 6' 5".
Its ok Anon, we know you like um big.
That's an xbox controller on the floor, the tranny who made the caption needs to get their eyes fixed
get impreganted by a tall chad then get financially supported by an ugly rich manlet

ugly manlets are here to raise Chads offspring
I dated a fat girl in high school for one day. I discovered I was too embarrassed to be seen with her (didn't tell her this) and just broke up with her right away
>she gets fatter in every version
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You're not entitled to 10/10s If you're an ugly incel. Incel guys are exactly the same as roasties in that they refuse to looks match. Chuds even believe in eugenics so it should be easy for you to realize that you shouldn't try to pollute the pool of beautiful people with your bad genes, its no different to race mixing.
If you are a 3/10 I guarantee that there is another 3/10 woman out there who would be happy to be with you, but you incels are mindbroken by porn and refuse to settle in your proper place, no you don't deserve beautiful women for your intelligence and history knowledge.
If over 60% of women are overweight and only 20% of women are under age 30 then only 12% of women are under 30 and non fat. So if any woman is young and not fat in America they are an auto 9/10.

This is why it’s almost impossible to get a nit fat woman. They are literally only reserved for the top 10% of men
Incels would love to looks match. Contrary to popular belief most incels are average looking guys
>becoming more attractive as they age.
4channers arent getting more attractive, women our age are getting less attractive like OP is saying
It's legitimately funny. The one where the lightning in flashing through the window had me absolutely rolling.
The best part about memes is how piercing they are. Women see the man soullessly staring with a thousand yard stare. Anyone who has gone whale watching and gone through the post-nut clarity is connecting with this meme.
It's just perfect because it strikes home with so many. And any/all women on these sites probably have a 50% chance of being obese, let's be honest.
I fucked 2, sometimes 3 and even 4 (from thursday to sunday) women per week when I had 0 networth and godlike physique. Money doesnt give women tingles.
This poem was penned by a fat, ugly ass bitch
>"Have sex incel"
>Fatty wants sex
>Fug it
If you know you know
Don't fall for the incel meme. You are perfectly fine living your life not fucking a fat woman. In fact you are better than I.
If you make six figures a year and you're in hell, it's time to make some life changes.
I'm more triggered by the
>and I
It's "my wife's personal trainer and ME" you fucking blob! Ahhh
>in finance
is it our summer bros?
Maybe they know more than you
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dude these wojaks are even more RETARDIO than the actual token, I fucking hate them
You haven't met auki retards yet
Nope, it was a chain gang of pussy slaying jigaboos

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Once sex robots are out you will be eternally happy
>Money gets you women
kek who the fuck makes these, they are hilarious.
The real gamechanger will be the artificial womb.
The first society composed only of men ( and their gynoids ) will vastly outperform others societies.
i had more women when i had less money and worried about what everyone else thought
>women our age are getting less attractive
Yet another indicator of hoeflation. What's this one? Cuntsoomer Price Index?
tattoos and piercings are hot
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I can't even get a gf like this, what does that make me? a super failure?
Some people will fuck any landwhale just to be among the "sex havers" because they are scared of being labeled as a incel by redditors (who fuck landwhales).
Why not just fuck a 9/10 prostitute and call it a day…

bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks
>I'm feeling dread I thought I forgot about
tell us more anon

cite your sauce damnit
I would rather chop off my balls or go gay before settling with a land whale. Imagine the smell during sex
Ive been waiting for a token. Whats it even called? WojacksGF? Maybe Whalejack

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