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>Everything is bigly soon, wink nudge! Lots of excitement about onchain summer! Coming up is the smart wallet integration! Oh wait, coinbase’s promotion started without avi, the smart wallet was released without avi. The TG resorted to the summer solstice cope, summer doesn’t start until the 20th! Oh wait, the promo is divided into three phases, we didn’t mean THIS phase!

So...when the fuck is the bridge going to be released? I'm so fucking confused bros
Shut up and discuss veganism with the tranny satanist
I have a meme for this I hope it is funny

This coin is a massive scam. Stay away. Anon devs and team is selling. Also shytoshi is involved even though avifags will argue fiercely he isn't, but etherscan shows clear as day otherwise. Shytoshi has been rugging like crazy recently and this is his latest and final slow rug.
Got any proof to back that up?
of course not....
Why are you fudding your own bags? Are you mentally ill?
Who? Me?

The Aviator
I hate this team so much. Kerosu will show up and talk about how professional and experienced they are, but they consistently show the complete opposite. There is no excuse for how long they’ve dragged out the bridge development. They are not professional, experienced, or hard working… the they actually believe they are is crazy
Just observe how suddenly they vomit out everything at once moment market goes up
I personally don’t understand the “hardworking” part. For months, they’ve been hyping the TG chat with posts like “if only you knew!” and “OMFG wait until you see who we partnered with!”. That was happening even before kerasu joined the team. Yet, here we are in the same spot. What could they possibly be doing “in the background” that would justify them claiming to always be working so hard?
>it’s easy for anyone on the outside looking in to not understand
Well then fucking tell us or show us? What are you doing? Making phone calls all fucking day? How many emails do you send out a day? When the team is not in the TG entertaining the satanist glownigger, or talking about their vacations, or their breakfast/lunch/dinners, or their hiking trips, or, or…… wtf exactly is it that you guys are so busy working on or discussing? And here we are to end yet another week with nothing. So much for the quick turn around time from hacken. They fixed a couple small bugs. Why is it taken so long especially when there was no queue? This shit is literally driving me insane
Cope. That’s what you want to happen anon. There isn’t some grand plan unfolding here. They are already missing opportunities. Coinbase would have loved to highlight this as a base project this summer… but they can’t
I mean ffs, do you understand how retarded it is to already be planning a complete UI redesign before they’ve even gotten the first one out? We get it, Mitch isn’t a front end dev. Ok, front end devs aren’t hard to find though and we are talking about one fucking page with a bit of js. This isn’t a complex web app you fucking retards.
Lol, Shytoshi has nothing to do with this project and if you truly knew how to use Etherscan, you'd see that.
Get back at meeting we need to finish off our sensual homosex

It's funny because on one hand the fud is that we aren't working hard enough and on the other, it's that we are planning in advance for things. I swear lol - I should just convince the team to share absolutely nothing with anyone, ever.

Also - the UI redesign is a lot more involved than you describe - it is in fact a web based app and we are also building for mobile now. But on top of that, hiring my UX friend isn't only about what you see - he is pioneer in his industry and well respected for understanding how users interact with applications on a deep level. Do you not think that literally every company developing products haven't already started on the next iteration as soon as they can? Unless you're a UX or a front end dev, or have worked managing teams of them, I wouldn't expect you to inherently know this - but we are designing an entirely new design system using storybook, material UI, and signs that is going to apply to all of our products across the board moving forward - the website, SkyBridge, the Arcade, etc... but I guess having unified branding and clear messaging is a had thing?

I'll never understand haha.

Also, cue the fud on the delays - why don't you go use Io.net or Orbiter or any of the other numerous products rushed to launch? We will be here building no matter what and will continue to priorize security, quality, and seamless UI.
Brainlet here
what would be the marketcap at $1?
also i bought $1500 two days ago os it enough to scape wagecuking?
Working on the next iteration is fine if it’s needed, but not before you’ve even completed the first. You guys only started on this UI like 2 months ago, why did you build it this way if it’s not what you wanted it to be? Shows a lack of forward thinking desu, like you didn’t even have a proper design ready before sinking time into development. Still waiting on main net Keruso…
Don't waste your time on these subhumans.
Let’s be honest… after the first audit you guys were not ready for testnet. It took another month to show us because all you had were the smart contracts. So you had Mitch hack together a UI asap just to get it out there. Ok. That really begs the question then; what tf have you guys been doing all year if you are rushing the UI in April-may?
I would respect the move fast, iterate later approach if you guys were actually moving fast… but you aren’t. And yes, I have managed development projects before.

Again, literally any company will start working on future iterations, literally as soon as they can. The UI is complete for SkyBridge V1 - why wouldn't we start working to stay one step ahead? It just sounds like you don't actually work in an comparable industry, which is fine, but I'm genuinely curious what you do for work to have such a strong opinion at this point lol.

And obviously following the first audit, we had changes to make? How does that mean we weren't ready for testnet? Our private testnet was live and transitioning to sepolia prior to the audit would have been a security risk, especially if we did so with the UI, because scammers could've made a fake drainer site.

Maybe you have worked in development, but I'm not convinced and if you did, it doesn't seem like it was in any position of consequence or on a project with real stakes.
Market cap at $1 would be around $6 billion, I think. $1500 worth of AVI today probably isn't enough to stop wagecucking in that scenario, but it would be a very, very nice sum all the same.

Honestly, these guys are not worth your time and effort lol. The average /biz/let conceives of the bridge as a "price go up" button that can be pressed by the team at any time, and everyday that passes without it being pressed, is another day in which the team is personally depriving them of their dopamine. Security, quality, longevity, it doesn't matter: the pump to 0.007 hit like black tar heroin, and now they are feenin'
>is it enough to scape wagecuking?
Your stack would be $330k at $1. Is that enough?

>mcap at $1
Just under $700m
outro solo goes hard
Missed a 0. Just under 7b
No you were not ready. When public testnet went live you all said it was supposed to be for API testing, and the UI was just hacked together the week before.
Believe it or not, I would like to see you guys succeed, but I’m not going to just go along with bullshit excuses when you need to be called out.
>Maybe you have worked in development, but I'm not convinced and if you did, it doesn't seem like it was in any position of consequence or on a project with real stakes.
I have. I don’t think any of you have though. It’s like the expectations you have for the team and the pace are so incredibly low, I have to assume you’ve never seen professional development before. It’s not a complicated web app… you saying it is doesn’t make it so. The UI is incredibly basic and the scope of the bridge is narrow. You guys were talking about being almost done in March… wake up to yourself
I was in Estonia and I met the Hacker team at a strip club. They said they were spending money some furry loser sent them. They said he thinks the audit will actually prove his application is safe, but the only thing they do is spend the money and give 10s after a couple of weeks. They outsourced the Binance audit and passed off the results as their own. They were snorting cocaine off of prostitute tits. Things are not looking good.
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sometimes reality sets in that ive been reading the posts of this same manic retard for the past year
Jimmy was never this honest
you just said the same thing a bunch of times worded slightly different and then ignored everyone explaining why youre retarded
many such cases
What has explained?
>we are working hard guys, believe us.
This project has less volume than rugged shitcoins. Nothing has happened.
your damning, honest points so far:
>working on a UI redesign early is retarded
>you have to wait and you dont like it
add any i missed
You realize we had this same thread 2 months ago? If we repeat it again in another two months, will you still be juggling stixils balls?
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so my list was accurate then
carry on
>10pbtid so far
Still spouting word salad and hoping something sticks. We get it, you sold early and are now coping because you bought back during the pump and subsequently got dumped on. Now that you're in the red, you're impatient because you want to see green again. Or perhaps you're still in the green and are just retarded. I would recommend market dumping your entire stack and playing the shitcoin lottery with whatever you have left, because real projects obviously aren't for you.
Asking the real questions. Kerasu, thoughts?
He can't and he won't comment. If only you knew what happens in the background you won't ask so many questions! Silly.
Buy this car, sure it doesn’t have any tires right now but bigly soon the best tires ever will arrive! No I can’t tell you when, why are you even asking! Why can’t you just sit in the lot like the rest and listen to the radio! Such concern for when the tires will arrive, I said they are the best tires ever! Look how shiny the paint is, once those tires arrive you are gonna win the Indy 500!
its going to 0 when skybridge comes out and nobody gives a shit, you've been warned. Crypto is nothing but buy the rumor and sell the news, every single time.
>buy the rumor, sell the news
How does that even apply with avi? Why would anyone sell when the bridge comes out? What about the arcade?
Just another mind broken retard from shitcoins.
Feels comfy knowing I got in just before/as the big first pump happened and grabbed a 5m stack
Is my *potential* future 5 millions enough to escape?
Another day another gay orgy at the office all sponsored by biz ty
Stix, you were not supposed to say that. Your nice was nice and smooth tho *thunderbolt emoji*
Your ass was nice and smooth*. I got emotional because of my avocado toast and stuttered. My bad.
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www base pikachu com
Kek baggies
enzo lost hard, not gonna lie
nigga sold all along the bottom last year and bitched about no marketing the whole way kek
>swing trade on the way up
>dump at the top
>”enzo lost hard”
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youre coping on the behalf of another man you dont know
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Shilling my meme video

Aviatorbros...are you ready for this upcoming week? Are you ready to leave this place?
Kek. I sure am ready for this next week FUUUULL of HYPE! BIGLY MOVES INCOMING
Stay tuned...
I can't help but laugh at them. At first I was sad, anxious. But now it's kinda funny.
I cannot wait for this to pop off and then hit them with the full 30m stack dump at $1. Delay this Stixil
i think they are doing the best they can considering the situation
Stay tuned. Stixil send their documents today 4 weeks ago. The quickly bigly audit is as slow as the prev one. We can go for 3 months I think.
listen here you scoundrel, they are waiting on hacken. what do you expect them to do short of flying to estonia and breaking into the hq and manipulate the audit? you will never bring it up to the team in the tg. why not? ask them when they expect to have the audit done. they will give you the best answer they can, if that is not acceptable for your zesty ass i dont know what to tell you. either sell and never look back or keep posting your diary entries here you faggot
You forgot to change IDs
you dont know what you are talking about why would i change Id's ? identify yourself in the tg so i can speak to you man to man lets settle this 1v1 duel now
Lalalala i can't hear you
>>58694485 >>58694483

although i think you fear my power level..
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>you sold the bottom, loser!
>well..ok..maybe you didn’t sell the bottom
>y..you’re not the real enzo anyways! COPE!
Oh baggie, baggie!
anyone else get hard as shit when stixil sends a message or is it just me
release the fucking bridge now. One. Year. Later. im done waiting release it now.
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I can't help but laugh at your retarded ass being a retard 24/7. Unhinged. Any new post, any new bump, it's you... being a retard.
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>>well..ok..maybe you didn’t sell the bottom
i never said that
enzo absolutely exited the majority of his position along the bottom
i watched it happen because he bitched about it in the tg the entire time
i still dont think either of these IDs are enzo, though.
if you were, why would you still be here lying about your trades and getting upset about it?
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Are you my first fan? I'm flattered, let me give you an autograph
And lmao. Pengo is so hungry that he didn't see the ETF got delayed till the 8th or even later. Will Stixil be forced to "finish" the audit before the etf approval or will he find random bugs until then? Stay tuned until the next episode
ser, wen squeezel release bridging and kerosene make marketing sir? vilage waiting
Yeah...don't think so. AVI has the volume of a rugged shitcoin.
this. i am questioning why stixil even made the team to do this 82 hour forced team building fast...what if one of them sells the treasury to uniswap in a hunger induced panic
Yawn, desu AVI is one of my worst investments so far. Never was I in this situation I swear to God. Decoupled from the market and just, crabbing, with 0 anything. The marketing lead is a gay retard satanist that wants to be pegged by Emilia. The CEO is a autist that barely knows how to run a project and the accountant is the only one with his head on his shoulders but barely interacts with the project because he is too busy making bank with his irl job. So what do we have? A 20 mil mcap piece of crabbing shit. I'm out. I will sell today or tomorrow. I'm not going to miss this bullrun because of these pieces of shit.
i will miss you </3 and i will always remember you
Yeah I bet. Only 6 of you are left in the TG and to keep the biz threads alive. I can't wait to see you all each ither alive out of boredom. Fucking baggies.
dont say that please come back what do i have to do to make you come back please dont sell
No, it's not you, it's me. I want to make money this bullrun I'm sorry.
anon you have me crying so hard i cant even reply correctly please dont do this
Don't cry that it's over, smile because it happened little one. 233k volume in seven(7) days. Yeah, not even Kerasu getting pegged on CNN would bring this piece of shit back to life. They will wait for the DAO to be finished, then they will wait for the liquidity to be unlocked, then they will wait for the second audit to be finished, then they will have to reach the 0.007 resistance, then July ends. Then they will have to wait for the main net to be released(2-3 weeks according to them after the audit is finished) then august ends and the onchain summer ends. Then they will crab again until the next audit fir the arcade, so on and so forth. Are you all blind or something? You will NOT make any money during this bullrun. They want to stay like this for the next 5-6 years. They don't give a fuck as long as a bunch of retards hold their coin coping on a daily basis.
I might also sell today or tomorrow because this shit is driving me insane. 1 whole month of no movement and no real marketing by the team. I don’t care what they say community ama’s and the cryptoempress shit isn’t marketing. Look at Twitter and see who’s talking about this. Migration tool tweets, even though it didn’t really work, are getting like 5x the interaction than aviator. It’s just incompetent. I don’t understand why there is no real fucking marketing being done right now imminent from the audit score. I have never in my life seen something like this where there is just silence. They won’t give straight answers when asked just, “well we have been marketing” yeah that’s why no one knows about it still right? I don’t get it but I can’t wait around forever while they get their shit together.
>entertaining the satanist glownigger
explain like im a newfag.
Yeah didn't read and not selling. My 15.4m avi stack makes you seethe.
Lack of volume really is a problem. No exchange is going to list this, least of all coinbase, without volume. Avi is lucky to see $15k a day.
Whoever sent me one of those avi fox nfts for free, thanks. I don't know what to do with it desu, but thanks.
Can’t do anything with it right now anon. Nobody is buying them. Maybe someday if aviator actually completes the arcade someone will incorporate them into a star fox game or something
I see, thanks
There was an attention whore who they told to shut up. It was pathetic that they bought "her" bait at first anyway, but it's good that they made her fuck off
what does this minor social interaction have to do with this shitcoin coding a cross chain bridge i dont understand
Rumor has it, she’s a witch that cursed the coin. No more gains for us
Fairy tales aren't going to make me sell.
fucking do something how long must we wait
how long do they expect us to wait around? we cant even shill this because there is nothing to shill.
do something now aviator team
fucking do something. the price has been in free fall since march. we want this to succeed but the drought of visible progress is killing us. we can only talk about pengos fast for so long. we need some tangible developments and quick.
>slow chat day
its been bleeding for weeks because theres nothing to talk about. the community needs some kind of positive news / development now. i am going insane i cant do this for much longer. this is the only project i have been in where there is this amount of silence and i am just supposed to believe, well its getting harder every day. pray that audit finishes this week because i am not sure how many people are going to stick around if theres another week of nothing going on.
And its not even like i doubt the team but fuck man it feels like we lost all of the hype, we are just sitting stagnant waiting around.
What do you expect this to do? The next major announcement to come is going to be the completion of the audit/release of SkyBridge, and Hacken doesn't work weekends.
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i prefer them not talking about releases until theyre ready now, but this is what they meant with there being no winning.
if you dont doubt them, why do you need the constant reassurance?
have some confidence in your own decisions, fuck
they should have demanded they work through the weekend
the release stuff i get but there should have been marketing events planned during these down times to give supporters something to look forward to / participate in.
its always been no big advertising pushes until theres something tangible to advertise
id be pissed if they started paying for marketing in this market
listen anon
>people and projects will be able to use the bridge when hackens done
>marketing can start when hackens done
>theyre already actively working with coinbase on the smart wallet learn-and-earn
waiting fucking sucks, but its all part of investing and we'll get there
you are right
Homelander still here i see? The levels of schizophrenia are off the charts again! Respect.
Maybe a pengo fast would help his lardass too...
I don't understand shit. I ape in, or fud them?
I bet no one will google DO A BARREL ROLL
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>I met the Hacker team
>this is what they meant with there being no winning
Why do you think they stopped giving announcements? Because if the holders complaining? Of course not. It’s due to their own fault. They were the ones who fucked it up by being late on literally every announcement they ever made. Even the latest medium article was delayed ffs. Of course people are going to get frustrated. Easily one of the least competent group of people running a project that I’ve ever seen since being in this space. The lack of experience is clear as day.
Yeah, the attitude “well I guess we’ll stop communicating and giving updates” is really childish. Kerosu is in this thread with that bullshit….
>wah, we can’t win with you guys… always complaining about something
No… there would be nothing to complain about it they actually followed through and got the job done. You can go back in the tg and see them talking about the bridge like it was almost ready.
>testnet soon and then mainnet shortly after
Meant to say you can see them talking that way since March. Fucking March! Saying that this shit was almost ready.
also depends on what you are buying. some won't even survive the dips. RAM and EOS are holding strong and a good time to buy.
<3 Aviator
jesse is gonna shill this right..?
not for $5k he isn't
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Checking the /biz/ Avi thread after a few days away and still the same impatience and schizophrenia. Still up 15x on my avg buy .0002
Guess I have to wait a little longer. I'll check back on Tuesday. Have a great weekend foxbros.
i believe in ram eos shrl and vesta as well, holding strong buddy
aviator coin
I have 1 million AVI. I am excited to become a millionaire in just over a year.
nobody buys utility shitcoins anymore
normies and vc already knows memes are the most profitable and volatile assets rn

it's over Avichuds
Fudding your own bags, eh?
Pretty sure this is the genius from the other thread who bought in with $1,500 a couple of days ago, didn't become an instant millionaire, and then proceeded to sell at a loss
stay tuned...
why the fuck is the second audit taking longer than the first? when there was no queue? and it's basically the same contracts with some adjustments made during/after testnet? this isn't AVI's fault this time but seriously wtf?
>this isn't AVI's fault
Who’s gonna tell him?
Are they f*cking integrating Brillion smart wallet or what? If it's any other wallet, count me out, Jeet.
buy catcoin now, dont ask
Sold some of that shit, bought DUA, and staked it in their ongoing wagmi campaign.
I sold my children for avi, it's worth it either way because now i don't have children anymore
i am like 85% sure the team is just mocking holders now with this shit. or are we going to blame this on hacken AGAIN
people arent going to just sit around waiting for this shit we need some developments soon. i am convinced they are waiting for market sentiment. no fucking volume no movement its so fucking boring. they are taking advantage of our patiense
sell faggot you won't
show pic of your hands
its called french canadian asshole, we cannot all be amerimutts i guess.
Patience is spelled exactly the same in French
well i live in french canada but i am not french canadian i am still learning the langauge
So you live in French Canada, don't speak either French or English properly, and tried to larp as white to put down an American? You're definitely brown
sir i never said i was white. maybe you cannot speak the english correctly
confirmed, matthew red is a pajeet/canacuck beach shitter
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This Thursday will mark one month since the submission of the second audit. Surely we'll hear something soon
It hasn’t even been 2 weeks yet…has it?
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It was sent in on June 13th
You white pig learn your claneder
oink for me you pig
oink oink oink pink piggy white cracker oink oink oink american mutt stupid pig go eat slop oink oink piggy bridge is never coming out and the stixil is buying time
Whoops, three weeks
thtas right cracker boy nxt time you speak you sit your ass down cracker
now you made a big mistake
ooooo now you really made me mad tough guy
i dont think its right that you speak about me in the tg withpout me tjere so i want an apology
i havent done 100 posts ion weeks so i think the hate is unjustified why are you targeting me what am i supposed to do waiting for this stupid fucking bridge while stixil talks about hius fuckinh meal plans masn what happend to avi..
exactly one month before the liquidity unlock. what a coincidence. no way they asked hacken to release the audit at their request. wild. in awe.
Literally two more weeks.
what does this mean? what is a liquidity lock?
it means they're going to rug the eth pool and deploy on base.
wait really? can they do that?
read the recent medium. they all but spelled out when the bridge is coming out. but does it even matter when the volume dipped below $3k?

If you actually read the medium, you'd see we already have funds set aside for BASE. The LP for Ethereum will be locked again.
i am still learning the language. google translate does not do the good job with the article. explain what it means please
इसका मतलब है कि आप लगभग 2 सप्ताह में मजबूत हो जाएंगे। खेलने के लिए धन्यवाद
>इसका मतलब है कि आप लगभग 2 सप्ताह में मजबूत हो जाएंगे। खेलने के लिए धन्यवाद

ok thank you very much

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