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I'm an engineer with a degree a decade deep into the full-time career, and I utterly fucking despise it. It was a miserable education from the jump, I take ZERO pride in my work, and I cannot believe how much I do not give a shit about anything it is I have to work on. I caught myself on my doorbell camera today and my eyes have gone full blast sanpaku. I have tried multiple fields and companies and it's all the same shit, or even worse.

What in the fuck do people mean
>just get a new job
just get a new job to what, asshole? Go back to school for another 4+ years to retrain to be a social worker? Are they genuinely so delusional that they think making slight alterations to a wagie existence is actually going to move the needle about the decades of life you have to slam into a meat grinder?
I seriously doubt they think that in earnest.
That idiotic statement is simply the "just be urself" career equivalent; a statement to nominally provide advice to someone you have no real advice for, have no interest in actually helping, and would simply prefer to not be around them. Stop making that statement to people before someone with sanpaku eyes finally snaps and strangles you.
No one loves what they do, people work for money, that's it.
Just buy Link and wait
That's not true, for some work is a vocation or a mission, but you gotta REALLY know yourself to find out yours.
And after being an engie for 10 years, it might be too late for the OP to retrain into his mission, but at least he should have the money to go to a professional and FIND OUT what that would have been.
It might be something that he can leverage his degree and experience into, might as well give it a whirl.
They said the same thing to me 7 years ago. Now I'm 30, and I'm still waiting.
You had the run up to 50 man. If you didn’t take profit that’s on you
Why are there all these anti engineering threads on biz?
Youre tired anon, not all workplaces are shit
But i may have a biased opinion, my workplace pays me well and i can wfh all i want they gave me latest iphone and give me free shit

t. IT bro
engineering sucks

t. chemical engineer
Working for big companies fucking sucks ass, just do what you have to do while you're planning your escape. If you're not saving money, making smart investments, trying to find passive income then you're fucking up. And no I can't teach you how to do all of that in one post, I've been learning about this shit for about 9 years and now no mega Corp can make me suck their dick
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>go to a professional and FIND OUT
what professional? the therapist is going to typecast me into some other corpo hell? I tell him actually I'm a real extroverted sales type? what a crock of shit, even the last therapist realized the futility of such an exercise and instead told me to lean heavy into some hypothetical hobby (and that's when I told him to fuck off)

nah fuck that, working is shit period
corporate america is a thief of time and I'm done tolerating it
I can talk all about how they're "chill with wfh" and give us "free breakfast" but nothing can fix the miserable drudgery

nigger does it sound like I'm holding out hope that some other line of work is even slightly better?

my escape has been a decade in the making and will fall apart if that fucking decrepit mummy in the white house cant survive until November and Obamacare gets ripped apart, the stress of being this close yet this far is literally burning a hole in my stomach
Same story here. 11 years in the industry. Whatever I used to enjoy about this, it’s long gone. The corporate grind has been eating away at my soul for so long, I am just a shadow of who I used to be. I’m pushing 40 now, balding, alcoholic with a failing marriage. My financial responsibilities require me to make about $120k+ a year, so I can’t “just get another job” because starting over in a new industry isn’t going to pay. I don’t know what to tell you anon, I’m here to make it this cycle. Legit don’t know what I am going to do if I can’t make it happen this time.
If I can get another 10x out of my crypto portfolio before the music starts, I will be free again.
> corporate america is a thief of time and I'm done tolerating it

Im not in murica, EU gang here
>just get a new job to what, asshole? Go back to school for another 4+ years to retrain to be a social worker? Are they genuinely so delusional that they think making slight alterations to a wagie existence is actually going to move the needle about the decades of life you have to slam into a meat grinder?
I understand you. People are either boomers or just retards posting stupid shit. You can't 'get a new job (career)' easily in this gay society.
>buy coin
>"I did, but it never went high enough!"
>das on you man, 2021 was good for me!
This is the crypto advice of "just be urself". It exposes most people have no clue what's happening, how things work, how to achieve success or are actively saying things they know aren't true to avoid facing real truths like the fact the most successful people are usually 'the son of a former senator' or some shit and only got what they did by having loving parents who set them up for success (and this opens another conversation with the 'my parents beat me because they loved me' faggots about what it means for a parent to actually truly love you and not just say 'but I love you son!' as they ruin your life).
that's even worse because it's not like I haven't worked with EU firms and for Europeans, highly political, bureaucratic nightmares unto themselves
frankly you need all that time off you get
Structural Engineer here. I was overworked and burned out in my last job, when I got let go I was convinced that I was done with engineering and began applying to other fields since I figured that the work will never be as technically challenging, have the same level of life and death liability, and all pay a shit load better.

Now I'm working for a different company still doing structural engineering but in a different industry and its night and day now. I still don't 'love' work but it's tolerable now which compared to my last job is like living the dream.

Anyway my point is that you should change jobs before completely writing off working or your career, I know that it's impossible to feel that it's not hopeless from where you currently stand, but changing your situation is radical enough to change your head space.
I already said I tried it; I did precisely that, and I got a 30% raise while I was at it and it's even worse than it was before
I dont know what youre talking about anon,
Legit i have a super easy time.
Maybe its cus im in IT. Never do they even push me to do like anything.
Only time i work hard is because i feel bad because nothing is happening and its boring. I think its perfect env. I come in whenever , log off whenever, do as much work as i want, its the best workplace ever imo, and i make >7k eur a month. Its like the higher i climb, and the bigger the salary the easier work gets.
work for money the crypto is ao boring cat cat dog dog
most people throughout history have just accepted that their shitty career is going to be their life and start counting down until retirement. i'm in a position where chasing my dream career is literally my only option so it's either this or roping. if you're already in a financially secure career you have more to lose by taking that kind of risk
>i've waited 7 years and am not fantastically rich
so what? try working until you're 70 and then still not being rich. i know which i'd choose, and have chosen
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Read the book "the 4 hour work-week" by Tim Ferriss that or buy PIKA just to be safe. WAGMI
Sucks to suck. I'm an engineer, love my job, get free food everyday and make 300k TC. Unironically leave and find something you actually like doing. Maybe that means you'll have to accept being a poorfag for the rest of your days thoughever.
>shitlibs still wailing about Obamacare in 2024
let me guess
middle manager

in any case, you shouldn't be surprised if everyone who works with you actually detests you
More like principal engineer kek. Cry more libcuck. Figures you're also an actual brainlet which is why you can't hack it in engineering. Please livestream your suicide.
what are you even saying
you think me pegging you as someone who'd take the management path is indicative of my intelligence?
I'd say it's the opposite, it's all the more embarrassing that you're this much of a all-around bootlicker when you're ic and not even under any obligation to manage other people

but whatever champ enjoy the free taco bar
at least you saved every penny you earned so it was worth it right
Just go have a very spirited discussion with the people responsible for continuing this clownworld which has relegated you to your hated position.
Oh my fucking christ the terror preceding Monday has unironically reached ATH holy FUCK I do not want to be there

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