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There'll be a cyber pandemic in the first and second week of January, this is why Nancy Pelosi bought Palo Alto Networks. That's also why Dfinity is rolling out UTOPIA cybersecurity cloud, and why Arweave rollled out AO the computer this year.

The cyber pandemic will make crypto skyrocket, but do you know which protocols will perform best? Decentralized storage and on-chain computing.

Keep an eye on ICP, AR, FIL, BLZ. You're looking at 10-15x from here. sell by February 4th.

Screencap this.
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>cyber pandemic
>crypto booms
>Icee peee 15x
this is what qualifies as a post on /biz/ these days
Is Cicada 3301 really DFINITY? How long has this been in the works
This is deep ICP lore. Been foretold for years
this aint x faggot
Dominic Williams is a Cicada 3301 member who solved the puzzle and was accepted into the organization. They created the idea for the Internet Computer (codename TYLER) and then funded it with their massive wealth from getting into Bitcoin early. They are whales and have huge control over the markets, yet are unknown. There were many TYLER candidates in the past but they didn't live up to all of the requirements of building a free, un-censorable web. Their price actions are being advertised on the Veri Doctores YouTube channel as seen with the changing titles last year and in early 2021. Why? To attract a small number of likeminded individuals, those who enjoy puzzles, reason, and have an affiliation for anti-establishment, pro-freedom political perspectives. So that they will control a substantial portion of future of the Web, shielding it from the enemies of freedom and reason.>>58692396
No one cares about your gay lore, faggot. ICP DOES NOTHING AND is purely a jewish marketing fabrication.
My intention isn't to spoonfeed info. I respect Cicada's decision to keep this a mystery and only draw in the right people. If you're interested then start looking into it. Your tools are 4chan archives, Google, YouTube, and the Wayback Machine. Keywords are: TYLER, Cicada 3301, Veri Doctores, Project Mayhem 2012 (PM2012), And a few others you'll discover along the way.

You'll find the forum thread about TYLER candidates from a decade ago is very enlightening. And shocking once you realize how similar the candidates are in design and intention to ICP. Good luck, and have fun.

Expect us.
Okay and how do we know you're legit? When does the cycle end?
AO is crappy, it got deboonked already.
It's like a shitty ICP badlands at best.

With that said, it will probably outperform ICP.
Avax won
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Fuck ICP. Gave them a chance already. Fuck them.
>scam after scam just to make bitcoin up one cent
January is like 5 months ago, retard.
they just added another January after this December
>Keywords are: TYLER, Cicada 3301, Veri Doctores, Project Mayhem 2012 (PM2012)
This is years old information and an interesting, plausible rabbit hole. But there isn't a smoking gun. E.g. SN=SN is imo quite well proven by now, but the cicada 3301 narrative lacks enough threads to tie it all together (for now or my level of research). Do you have a direction I can go searching?
>insider here
insider to what? Your hairy ass?

0:33 to 0:46


>"It hasn't happened in 17 years"

Picture of The Star tarot card: Hope and bright prospects

>"They go into hibernation for 17 years"

>"And this season, like a trillion of them are returning"

>"Where they're coming from and where they're [cut off]

^The missing word is "going"

Flashing text: "Solve et coagula" is a maxim or motto of alchemy which means “dissolve and coagulate”. It means that something must be broken down before it can be built up.

>"We're very lucky to night to have with us one of the cicadas here to answer all your questions"

The cicada answers with a BZZZZZZ, with the image of an infinity symbol overlaid.

Remember the missing question above about where they're going?

Video was released in 2014. 17 years later would be 2031, around the 2030 and 2033 market.

Alternatively, cicada disappeared in 2017 + 17 = 2034, around the project 1 quadrillion market cap year for ICP in 2033.

Bitcoin was released in 2009. 2009 + 17 = 2026.

Is it starting to make sense now?
does anyone have the pasta of icp going to $20 in january 2024?
Don’t forget to wear a mask
>Don’t forget to wear a mask
I'm probably one of the few anons left who proudly did.
I'm not sold but I intrigued and do hold a bunch of ICP.
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If dfinity would aggressively market their coin like solana, ether, ect..we could move up but as it stands
they don’t seem to care about fighting the SBF fud, not sure if it’s their pride or what but at this rate it will be many many years before we hit $50
I’ve been buying since Moonman and $55 dollars but this is rediculous especially since garbage like solana has hit over $200 due to paid influencers alone…
>due to paid influencers alone
Solana is a bunch of VCs scamming retail to claw back the money they lost on SBF. There is nothing natural about its price action and influencers did not pump it that hard.
>Keep an eye on ICP, AR, FIL, BLZ.
Don't even dare to forget RETARDIO, the most retarded and bullish coin this season
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what are you babbling about retard?i remember the icpfags spamming this board 24/7 before email verification.no one will buy your rugpool internet computer kek
so ICP becomes deflationary after 29/30?
also, the make it stack is what, 1000 icp?
Suicide is 1000, make it 10,000.
Always was, always will be.
No it isn’t kike, anything that will hit 2k a coin does not have a 10k make it stack.
1000 ICPs is the make it stack and always will be.

Problem is this shit will never hit 2k.
One of the worst performers this "bull run."
Lucky if it ever reaches $200 one day.
And don't forget, VCs can mint and dump for life. FOR LIFE.
>cyber pandemic
Get a sticker to turn off your pc before that or something
it will have the opposite effect at first, anon. There will be an event that will precede it.
He thinks we’ll see another January… after Trumpnis elected he will switch us to the Hebrew calendar…
It's never hitting 2k a coin retard.
You will be lucky to ever see $20 again.
1k/10k sui/make it is being extremely fucking generous and this is coming from a 9000 icp stacklet.
How likely this ICP can reach x10 ?
I’ll bite if you’re still here anon.
>former intelligent person, knew about btc in 2011, missed the boat
>knew about link in 2017 but faced financial difficulty so had to sell my stack in 2018 and never recovered
>always followed original anonymous, /b/, btc, cicada, eth, link
yet I’ve completely missed this boat, is this something I can bring myself up to speed on/profit from, or am I too late?
I’d say yeah we’re only about a 5x from its bottom. If this is the true 3rd gen blockchain innovation. A sui of 1k ICP won’t hurt
I’m a brokie anon I don’t have £10 lying around let alone £6k
A 10x come January sounds like it could help you then. 5 months ain’t that far away
Faggot you don’t own 1 ICP you useless nigger stop fudding the coin. It almost hit 1k until SBF shorted it into the dust.

You are a lying kike, if you owned 9000 ICPs then you absolutely would know it will hit 2k.
It’s the only reason to own it, why are you holding then nigger if it will barely hit 20?

Fuck the lying brown skin jeets like this cunt are the reason this board is garbage.

Thoughts on FLUX?
A picture for ants
I apologize
Buy ICP and hold that's literally all you have to do
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>reddit spacing
>schizoposting about why ICP will pump for real this time
For the absolute last fucking time I am not buying your bags
I got scammed. I bought them all at $3 exactly. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Now I hope to sell at $20 and get out before the inevitable spiral to zero.
tell me who orchestrated cicada 3301 if you're an insider. I know who did and I also know you don't know who did.
guys gimme some info is there anything happening on the ICP right now?

all i can see is some shitty dexes with no volume. when will icp complete as a product to start making revenue?
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i want to believe niggers
i need to believe that i am ahead of the entire world when it comes to icp
but the old logical brain keeps dragging me back into the real world
the world where i am broke, desolate, and behind the curve, destined to languish in poverty
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thank you
you are correct
O Fortuna will be sung through my soul
So what is the suicide and make it stack then? Sell icp to me.
and thank you, this speaks my language I shall take the dive I bought the LINK ICO and it got me to where I am today, I even registered my fucking email to make this reply (what has this site become) please consider making a thread to spoonfeed the few remaining people with a brain on this board
Not buying unless is x100

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