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coinmetrobros... i dont feel so good
Kevin Murcko here
I hate anime, elden ring, and anyone dumb enough to incest in any of the tokens I shill, especially XCM.
I'm surprised you dumb cunts are still hodling, even after I said I've been dumping on (You) for years. The only reason I created xcm was to scam retarded vc kikes but I'm really glad I got a few poorfaggots in the crossfire.
Go fuck yaself.
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kevin, no....
Did I tell you I was an advisor for fartshit ? How do you like dem apples -97%
or Qredo (ticket:OPEN my asshole) -99.9%
or DNA -100% (didn't even think that was possibble in crypto but here we are)
or Kadena -98%
or Whaleroom -98%
or XCM -95% currently (Don't worry I'll fix this soon™ to -99.9%)
Don't even think about going anywhere else. I own (You). (You) are my property, as per the agreement you signed when you created an account at my sexchange. I've got plenty of new shitcoins left that I haven't fully finished dumping all over you yet (Props, lilniggerai, octa, vxv, vsp, tht, nxra)
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Something tells me this is not the real kevin...
kevin shilled kda when it was like sub 1 euro thoughever. then it went to 20 euros, and then all the way back down
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Babena bros… our response?
Has the asian incel manlet XCM holder a heroed yet? I just FUCKED his mom and sister with my bwc in a hot af threesome btw.
>Kevin Murcko here
>I hate anime
Fake news.

This is normal and healthy behavior and definitely something that happens a lot.
>Has the asian incel manlet XCM holder
>new shitcoins
Be honest, how much did you drink before making this post?
name kevins favorite anime right now
He already said he likes Prisma and Wataten.
Kevin is shilling ALPH now, so thanks for the warning.
The most (wash) traded tokens exchanged on Coinmetro right now are Alephium, Thought and Octaspace

Okay then what is Kevins favourite anime?
Oliver being sacked was a good thing. Nice guy, wasn't able to manage scaling up a tech operation.
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Anon please go to your local Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Do it for your mother. She loves you.
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>Oliver being sacked was a good thing.
I am divided on this. I hated the guy because he was a Telegram janny who banned people for saying mean words in effortposts while promoting stupid brown people to Telegram jannies but it is bad for company morale to fire the stupid people who spend every waking moment "working".
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Intelligent brown girls...
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Her birthday is coming up soon, 20 more days. How are we going to celebrate?
That's nice, how old will she be?
She's gonna go from roughly 10/11 years to still being 10/11 years. Ahh... 2D... How nice...
I don't think it's a good idea for the people in this thread to organise the birthday party of a 10 year old girl.
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Why not? Children birthday parties are great. We can have soda and hotdogs and give presents, and even bake a chocolate cake and write her age with jellies. And we can play hide and seek!
Me on the left.
For starters, are you even up to speed with what 10 year old girls are into nowadays?
Like, how many 10 year old girls birthday parties have you been to recently?
>are you even up to speed with what 10 year old girls are into nowadays?
Tiktok, Youtube and Instagram
>For starters, are you even up to speed with what 10 year old girls are into nowadays?
Good point, I have absolutely no idea! I've only been to birthday parties for 10 year old boys :(

Being a parent must be difficult in todays age. Do you want your child to be a normal functioning person who doesn't watch stupid videos 24/7 or do you want them to have friends?
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>Do you want your child to be a normal functioning person
Yeah, but I am sure my parents wanted this for me too.
>do you want them to have friends?
Yeah, but I am sure my parents wanted this for me too.
Note that I said
What's the nuance difference? I haven't been to one recently because I haven't been to one ever, I think.
It was just a more detailed than asked for example. For example: Answering "have you had sex with any women recently" with "I have only ever had sex with men" is not a sign that you misunderstood the question
Childrens parties changed a lot during the times, it's probably more relevant if you were to attend one recently than whether it was for a boy or a girl.
Have they really changed that much?
It's tough. I think Kevin kept him on for such a long time for exactly that reason. Oliver did give up a lot of his time, and I get the impression that Oliver was the reason that some of the big projects like PRQ were taken up so early. He probably was a great asset to have at the beginning. I'm sure someone who had joined later on would have been let go much sooner.

But it's been a few years now. Things have moved on. The app has somehow become worse. All of the plans laid out in March (or whenever that was) have already gone to shit. Something has to be tried.
Coin Metro is a fucking cult. You people need professional help.
I need a father figure.
Just realized my id spells CEX. How fitting.
have CEX incel
Talking about Centralized Exchange silly you... I have sex every day stop projecting.
are you that much of a sperg that you don't understand the concept of puns?
You're the one sperging out now. I'm a virgin joking about being a chad.
we're getting off topic. my point is that i've been watching you retards from a distance for the last 5+ years as you discuss your illiquid exchange shitcoin. why this exchange? why a literal who like kevin murcko? volume on this exchange is like $1M/day of which I'm guessing 90% is wash trading/bot volume. why do you faggots like this exchange so much? what kind of value proposition does the token have?
I'm just here for the lolis, but do I hold a tiny bit of OCTA on CM.
no wash trading, thats one reason why volume is so low
Kevin is very accessible, it's like having the CEO of a worldwide major financial institution as a friend and father figure.
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What video is this from?
>that drawn on cattail
ka- kawaii...
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Back off
Is there a tag for what thing they do with the sleeve?
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Why do I get violent impulses when I see this shit.
People who get angry at cute things have low intelligence and poor emotional self control. It's pure jealousy. You wish you were as cute and youthful as her and the implications of what you could have with her life that you can never have.
No, it's not cute it's just a tryhard 3dpigdisgusting looking for attention and it's obnoxious as fuck.
Wow... So jealous... >>>/wsg/5603572
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All a sudden he a friend when I send that bitch a toast
When she want attention, she disguise it as a post
I forgot to mention, she was mine before she yours
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You will never be an anime girl. A 3dpig is a 3dpig is a 3dpigdisgusting.
While I prefer two dimensional girls, I don't hate women just because they made a smart decision and chose someone other than me.
Kuro in the Kleros thread.
How much do I need to send to Unicef to adopt a girl this cute?
>Kuro in the Kleros thread.

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