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Volume is vanishing, interest is gone
It's unironically over
literally a bullish divergence but okay
no it isnt lol
the last time this trend happened and volume picked up again, btc did a dead cat bounce and then further -35%

july 7 2022 - nov 22
I dont like it either. it's either suicide or gains for me. gains are off the table. this was probably it.
might see 1 more drop to 57-58 with a higher RSI and then it would be a double bullish [hidden] divergence but let's see how this plays out normally it takes 2-3 divs in a row to confirm a reversal
also sitting right at the edge of the bull flag support line so it's a critical moment
fucking TA shit

if that's all the hopium there is it's literally over
Insider here, Bitcoin will be £39k by Sunday morning
I could have done nothing at all and be sitting on more money than I have today

instead im watching charts every day praying to just break even


i love crypto

financial freedom

i guess the freedom is me killing myself and finally being free from stress
These fucking astrology niggers will never learn.
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final roll

odd number - hanging
even number - co2/nitrogen bag
lol it's just probability im good either way my buy in is so low
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Hold out anon, it's just beginning. Do not give up fren, alts are currently 90% down from their ATH prices. The bull market hasn't even started yet. Grab some stuff while it's cheap. Plenty of coins sitting at a fraction of the ATH costs. Loads of cryptos in the top 100, even. You will make it fren, and do it with your own two hands.
Why is it that every time Bitcoin goes down it's "bullish divergence" or a "short term correction/buying opportunity"? Never will you hear "the price is signaling that this run might be over, so maybe it's time to scale out".

Most of these TArds never learn.
What is that in real currency?
I cant grab stuff while it's cheap because im already all in
i'm chronically ill with 0 income for the last 5 years and this was my last chance
Thanks for playing. Enjoy holding my bags.
the government wont give me gibs becase i'm "not sick enough". after all they have plenty of ill fortune seekers pouring in through the "border". those people need free housing, TVs and medical care. meanwhlie I cant work because Im; too sick and I will get fired like the last times i tried

fuckthis fucking world
thres a law in my country that you cant be fired for being sick


they just fire you for another reason
where do I get the kind of stuff I need to kill myself in this cursed part of the world?
I rolled and got the exit bag optioin
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>almost 6x the volume couldn't get it over 73k
>but bitfuck is supposed to go to 100k
The ETFs have been objectively proven a failure. Its clear there was never any institutional interest for bitcoin. It really doesn't help that a certain convicted felon have attached themselves so prominently to crypto.
sometimes i forget how stupid some of you are.
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Miners are offloading. Once they're done it will be back to normal. Bitcoin ALWAYS dumps for a little after halving then giga sends to new ATH
its not bitcoin that ruined me its these goddamn alts. and yes I'm a fool for buying them. But I have no future of income, no hope at all. and a 3x in 2 years is not gonna help me survive
i'm set to become homeless this year and nobody cares because I'm not a "REFUGEE"

all they fucking say is "well, it used to be possible to get gibs, but that's really difficult anon"
then I tell them maybe its because of all the fucking millions of people that you let into the country by voting in favor of it

they will shrug it off and vote again for my death because they hate me
In real currency 1 Bitcoin will be 1 Bitcoin.
There are more ways of earning money online besides investing and gambling. You can do surveys, studies, test websites/app, buy/resell stuff, etc
Shouldn't trump pulling ahead after the debate drive a short term bullish view of crypto. Maybe we are about to get your dead cat bounce.
yah, I had hoped so but it doesn't seem that way. maybe it's just the final rugpull. After the president of USA endorses bitcoin, where does it go from there? its like beating the final boss, and maybe there is no new game+
You sound Indian
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>everyone who wants BTC has bought it and is holding
>this is what creates a squeeze to an ATH when a new wave of buyers is created in the next 3 months
>4h chart
>on FUCKING BINANCE and not coinbase
>btc/fdusd pair (whatever the fuck that is)
fuck off you retarded nigger
It’s going to be awesome when all the cash flows out of BTC and tech and goes to commodities.
Binance has higher volume than goybase you fucking retard
>btc/fdusd pair (whatever the fuck that is)
...the highest volume pair
fucking niggerbrained moron
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oh look, the goyem are buying in the weekend. only get raped downwards again on monday morning
Just admit you bought the top. No one who bought at 15-20k is worried right now.
Nah it's the goddamn altcoin scams that ruin me and prevent me from having gains. by the time BTC reached 20k I did buy more, and bought ETH at like 1150. but I was already rekt beyond repair
The chart is looking super bullish right now. If you want to recover, leverage long right now with liquidation level at 50k to survive any scamwicks and thank me later, or blame yourself for inaction when it pumps and you did nothing.
Under 100 IQs like you are so funny to observe. You people don't have the most basic pattern recognition, animal tier.
>to just break even
Buy when others panic and sell when the euphoria peaks. This feels like my last chance to snag the bottoms in QAN, INJ, and CREDI.
I'm about to filter "dead cat" on this board
Read through your posts and pretend I wrote them instead
Capitulating, excessively bearish, way oversold
Just for this I'm gonna post my butthole on here when we cross $100k (eoy)
>Just for this I'm gonna post my butthole on here when we cross $100k (eoy)
>muh technical analysis can predict ftx becoming insolvent
Why are TAfags so retarded? How exactly is this the same as November 2022?
kek I'm not saying that
can't you see I'm doomposting out of sadness and frustration with my shitcoin bags

I'd argue looking at volume trends isn't really TA. I reject TA. But maybe that's why I lose money kek
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When will you retards learn
>pays attention to volume first time 3 hours ago
>does not understand what volume represents
>says its over.
>accept to participate in study,
>it takes 1 hour
>get paid $ 0.02
ok bro, when is the barbeque planned?
Volume is going down because it's summer, you fucking histrionic homosexuals.
>volume trading good
>TA bad
Why are you such a fag?
Because the bullrun isn't over, it's not different this time, from halving to the next bear market is always a year and a half. You are attempting to second-guess established market patterns because like >>58694066 says, you're a retard who thinks you're the genius who figured it all out. When in reality you're a contrarian who will lose out again and again.
This is the dumbest fucking post I've ever read on 4chan. Literally likening trillions of dollars being given the go-ahead by the president to invest in an asset to a videogame. "It's game over, people are bored now and will all sell at once".
Only good post you made in this thread.
Bitcoin is not money; it's trash as money and unusable.
>Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
Haha...nice cash system! 7 transactions per second? for a huge fee? Everyone will love it

Bitcoin is not a store of value; probably 80% of people lose money on it by buying at the wrong time and seeing it go -50% (nice store of value)

Bitcoin is just speculation and an idea

Once the idea is finished and presidentially approved, there's nothing more to speculate on. That's it. Thats the endgame.
>"haha! down with the banks! fuck the system! buy bitcoin!"
>(banks buy bitcoin)
>"bro look at these etf inflows and outflows, omg omg omg, we need etfs we need banks we need everyone on board, I welcome regulation, I welcome kyc!!!! please sir, let my money go up!!! haha wait money?? fiat? nooo I'm not interested in that! nuh-uh!!! no way!! (looks at balance every 10 minutes)"
>"HAHAHA 1 bitcoin is 1 bitcoin HAHAHAHA"
nice, lets change the price to 1 BTC = $10. Maxis wont mind if it goes down in fiat value right :) after all one bitcoin is one bitcoin Ecks DEE
Because we know the future value of trustless money is non-zero while fiat value will continue to decline exponentially.
ok kids,
i will explain how to look at volume.

lets say that during a day, price goes up 1%, then down 2%
volume is x (lets just say 2000)

during another day, price goes up 5%
volume still happens to be 2000

some other day, price dumps 10%,
volume still happens to be 2000

now, how is volume supposed to tell anything by itself?
well, it cant.

the only way i've found volume to be useful is to spot reversals on big dumps/pumps
often, the top or bottom is recognizable by a spike in volume.
the reason for the spike is fundamental; it means the maximum amount of people sold/bought and thus the max amount of bagholders or paper hands traded.
that is the only time where volume is really useful. the other times its just cope, astrology and noise.
you can only rug, rob and steal from people so many times before they give up and quit.
Huh? I thought bitcoin token was the gas, the fee layer to move haircomb tokens around?
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You honestly sound like your own worst enemy.
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Dullard. "A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash", Ecash was centralized, Bitcoin is entirely peer-to-peer. It is not a statement of intent, it is a functional description. By decentralizing ecash Satoshi created something new: trustless money.

Don't conflate Money, the unit of account within economic calculation, with currency and our individual uses of money. BTC isn't currency, or "a" money, it IS money, it can be used as THE unit of account, not just an approximation like we've been using throughout history. This is a huuuge advance, both massively simplifying economic calculation as well as guaranteeing positive sum gaming in-the-limit by acting as an incorruptible tally board. 7tps is unironically adequate, it doesn't need to scale if it's the sole denominator, and the only thing stopping it from that is capitalization. BTC has limited use today, but is the most useful thing that has ever existed at $1 quadrillion, this will happen eventually as the genie is out of the bottle, before BTC we did not have the means to create a trustless fixed unit of account, now we do, no longer a question of "if" only "when"
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Commercial banks aren't the problem, slavemind
We can't set that price, you understand? The value is what it is every second. I don't mean the dollar value.
Oh also. Binance has very aberrant volume. Use the index instead of single exchange data.
Aren't we all?
>BTC has limited use today, but is the most useful thing that has ever existed at $1 quadrillion
a classic example of overemphasizing the importance of BTC which is incredibly common in crypto conversations. Money or currency or "a trustless fixed unit of account", whatever you want to call it, it only tries to slightly improve something that we already have and it's working pretty damn well no matter the amount of trash talk about fiat currency. AI is just one example of something that is not even comparable in usefulness in our day-to-day lives, stop presenting BTC as something of that much importance. With or without BTC, decentralized or not, our lives remain pretty much the same. It wasn't the usefulness that drove the price of BTC to those levels, it was the insane amount of speculation.

>7tps is unironically adequate
the absolute state of BTC maxis

whatever, anyway, just pump that shit up to $100k, PUMP PUMP PUMP I want out of this garbage market with some palpable sum, I'm done with crypto, the absolute shitshow not worth my time. oh, and I haven't owned any BTC since 2018, that spike in transaction fees was enough for me.
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>nooo. btc has to go up forever cuz.. cuz... it just does okay??? have u heard of INFLATION? inflation is happening. therefore, btc go up forever. it is THAT simple. no, i won't listen to any complicating factors on that extremely simple theorem
>"A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash"
By god you are an evil fucker. You even have to subvert the title of the whitepaper to make it suit your pipe dream. It has failed at its purpose and it's fucking over

What these BTC evangelists will never realize is that they are ideologues who will always be in the minority. Its like with the vax. ~80%+ take it without question and the remaining 10-15% are free to be ignored and abused, whether they are right or not
>slightly improve something that we already have
You set out on a journey, you don't know the path or the area between but you know you will arrive at your destination.

To save without trustless money requires a litany of counterparties, trust and carrying costs. Most of the edifice of global finance is dedicated to the process of constructing a pseudo-bitcoin, a semi-fixed unit to use as tally board. Remember your Hayek, money is not transactional media, it is economic signaling, allowing n prices instead of n^n prices. BTC as sole denominator provides a near perfect, trustless price signal for money. Literally the most useful thing ever in history.

You are falling downhill. It's an entropic process, you automatically reach your destination because it is the most stable energy state, such is the infinite march towards "most for the most", the positive externality of voluntary exchange guarantees the most positive sum arrangement of people will be the most stable, it is an entropic process like falling down a hill or gas filling a volume, it is why corruption of money (debasement cycles) cause social strife, we journey into unstable n-dimensional space of possible human arrangements. Money is economic signaling, enabling faster pruning of unproductive hyperspatial volume, corrupted money can only delay the pruning, but it will happen as it is entropically favored.
More word salad for a failed idea that needs literal evangelists like Saylor to make it appear like it's going to work
>Abstract. A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash...
Statist slavemind can't read past the title. Read Szabo and the other fathers of BTC and understand what they were actually trying to accomplish. Your problem is as a mindless follower you can only think about the present, but it's current usecase is irrelevant, only the future matters
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worst thread on /biz/, congrats OP
Maxis sound schizo to you because you can't abstract to the level necessary to see the problem BTC fixes, thankfully you don't matter and BTC will continue it's march towards perfect money unabated
What you don't know is I've already abstracted to that level previously, and now I'm abstracting away from it because I realize it's a fucking failed idea
k well maybe i'll buy it later after it crashes and is reborn with some other usecase.
>abstract to the level necessary
(aka Drinking the koolaid)
Even blackrock is scrambling for ways to explain it to their boomer army
>"digital assets"
>"store of value"
>"digital real estate"
my ass. digital liquid shit
>thinks p2p paypal is a coarser abstraction than trustless money
muh trustless money
muh paypal strawman

again it's not money and it will never be used like money

it's also not trustless because I have to trust that it's not going to go -60% again because SPX went -10%

oh wait, that's a guarantee, because it's a failed piece of shit and satoshi nakamoto is a retard
ironically though, it WAS used like money....when it was fucking worthless

so lets go back to that. Because 1 btc = 1 btc right.
Lets buy some dust in a baggie for 500 BTC
and guess who confiscated all that "money" and is dumping it on the market for years? The US government

My trust is increasing by the minute
btc only works with zero interest rates otherwise it's just dying ponzi
newsflash: u are trusting the miners
1 btc = 1 btc
>I'll buy when it's at $1 quadrillion
Yes, unironically. It is your nature as a mindless follower
Miners don't have carte blanche, dullard. They can't deviate from protocol without their blocks getting shitcanned by the network.
What does the price of a BTC on a secondary exchange have to do with the trustlessness of the BTC network, slavemind?
Meant for: >>58695694
>it WAS used like money
It's used more as money every day, you just don't understand money, slave. It's telling that the mindless follower can't into money beyond it's most trivial use
You will forevermore use the all-time history index, especially when making threads. A thread died for this meaningless observation
if miners with 51% of the hash rate want to change the protocol, they can
and there's only like 3-4 big mining farms, lol
What the even fuck is a fsud lmao

Cryptocurrencies are fucking retarded
>Let me invalidate my money printer by hijacking consensus!
You're dumb.
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>Bitcoin is worth 10000x what it was 10 years ago.

Why is there less bitcoin being bought and sold now?!
It's pumping just as I predicted here >>58693790
I hope you took my advice bro
Macrons pedo wife looks like a monkey

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