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Can someone give me the tokenization clearpill
It will take at least 15 years before anything worthy happens with tokenization.
That’s a blackpill. I want a clearpill

Assets will be made traceable and legible on the blockchain, if you own a property it will be displayed and infungible. There will be no doubt of your ownership. Anything in the real world that has value can be placed on the blockchain and traced, creating a transparent society for all. The thing is though, do we really even need that?
The answer is, no
Financial institutions seem to want it
DePIN being lead by Iotex and the posemesh is gonna give you that
Incorrect and nigger pilled.
Kys for this stupid FUD
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they want to build alongside with the infrastructure so they can benefit and take a slice of the pie, absolutely. the reality is, the wise individual wants these freedoms and will use these systems, create them even. That's exactly why decentralized projects are the first to come in this space. sure, most of what sprouts out is just a money making scheme built upon the idea of that current iteration of the leading solutions and ideas. But time moves this machine forward with plenty of innovation, and the financial institutions see this and have been working on big things, hand in hand, for a while now...
how else do you think 'you will own nothing and you will be happy' happens?
Nothing will be tokenized btw, it's already tokenized by a thing called "money"
If you want a clearpill maybe you should be investing in tokenized urbit address space.
Spoken like a Reddit man
tokenization will be the foundation of the next system of money. think rentenmark, but global, algorithmic, and with vast diversity of collateral
for reference:
Oh yeah, just like how the banks are waiting to buy your XRP for $18k right? Muh uh,, muh... what was it again? oh yeah, muh ISO WEF cult
I hope yarvin bursts into flames
KEK he like trans I heard
Would that really be surprising though? He's friends with Peter Thiel
it's already happening
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Public chain tokenization will never happen for regulated RWAs like stocks and real estate without something like Everest.

Once all the assets are tokenized, the asset token will be the totality of the legal proof that asset is yours. At that point all they have to do is engineer a hack and all your wealth disappears in an instant.
Bad pill
Good pill
As someone who doesn't want to contribute taxes to mass immigration and the ruin of my own people, its ultimately a bad thing because its going to make it harder to live off the grid financially speaking.
How is it different from existing, centuries old systems of property ownership used around the world? Where is the improvement?
>a "hack"
If you're worried about "hacks" on blockchains because you think crypto has had a lot of "hacks" in the past, you should understand that all those "hacks" were actually purpose-built backdoors on custodial dexes/bridges (not blockchains) where the developers themselves stole from users. RWAs where you hold the keys to your own assets would be a massive security improvement for users.
it is like vesta his real estate tokenization which cut the real-world asset into pieces. maybe shrl etc etc
How is a car different from a horse?
How is a nuclear reactor different from an open fire?
How is a digital representation of something different from signed papers that says something belongs to you?
How is a mobile phone different from a letter?
smoothbrained nuckledragging spoonfeedme nigger tier retard
>how is the proof of an asset's ownership being directly manipulated by the asset's owner and not held in custody by "trusted" third parties different than the existing system
>how is the ability to exchange assets between parties with greatly reduced counterparty risk and without the interference of "trusted" third parties an improvement from the existing system
it's worse than existing systems. imagine getting your house stolen, lol
Squatter laws enable theft of houses in weimerica. THe squatter can mortgage the house. This is the existing system, LOL
And as we all know, home theft is impossible and has never once happened under our current system.
imagine not inheriting anything, because your mom forgot her metamask password, lol
You want a whitepill - are you a Milady?
Imagine not knowing what a seed phrase is and how to store, backup, and fragment access
imagine not knowing the average technical literacy of the population
Naw that’s nuts nigga
It’s my understanding that we will be onto biometric wallets from the pills I’ve been given
Ignorance isn't a strong argument against new technology especially since you can just pay someone else to understand. Most complexity gets abstracted away from end users over time.
you mean like a system where someone else keeps a registry for all their clients? sounds pretty out there man
Bullshit. Jews will still want to make private transactions which is why privacy focused L1s will rule. Niggas don't know about DUSK.
Fuck dusk
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Not really. Just because you don't like the legal requirements existing, doesn't change the fact that they do.
I came around after reading see>>58696962
it was a good pill
ride the tiger, anon
>at least 15 years
funny how this guy is confident it'll be 15 years, yet he was the first reply to OP, after 8 minutes. hmm
they're gonna use litecoin mimble wimble
This person holds chainlink.
What are you trying to say

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