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For the love of god zoom out you fucking faggots. Bitcoin did the EXACT same thing last cycle. If you sell now you’re a moron. Pic related is July 2021.

Without a doubt, 100% of the time, time in the market beats timing the market.
cycle is over we're about to go into another bear market.
a bunch of garbage went parabolic and the ATH was already achieved retard, sorry you missed it
Miners and whales keep selling every time it gets to 72k.
Good luck trying to explain it. Biz is now full of morons
Interesting, I guess you stupid fucks can’t read a basic chart
The exact same fucking thing happened last cycle then it came back and made new highs

You all deserve to lose every penny you’ve ever made if you can’t read a basic fucking chart
>every cycle will be identical forever even with different conditions because...BECAUSE IT JUST WILL OK?
Honestly, the reason you're giving is wrong. This has nothing to do with 2021 chart. This cycle just hasn't hit its top yet. This is just the semi bull run due to halvening. The much larger run comes after the halvening, that starts soon.
The reason I’m giving. So, you see we are going into a big drop, which is exactly what happened in the past, and you predict it will go back up later on
Which is exactly what happened in the fall

Yet you sit here, and say my reasoning is wrong. The collective IQ on this board is a total of 3. >>58693962 post portfolio brokie
Top isn't until 2025 you blabbering fool. Your stupid chart doesn't mean fuck all and its not even correlating correctly In what your feeble mind claims is a repeat of the the 2021 cycle. Her moron let me educate you, the bull market hasn't even fucking started yet. Do you see a hex at 400B market cap, a ICP opening at 600B, a safemoon over 100B........just fuck off you don't know shit.

I WILL EDUCATE YOU ON WHAT MAKE A MARKET TOP......EXTREME FOMO and it keeps rising until you see major spikes.
this but unironically
This. There has been no FOMO euphoria. Shit, a coworker sold his coins in March. There's a chance there will be no euphoria phase anyway.
this is it this is the reversal
from now on there are only golden bear markets
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We live in a simulation and are doomed to repeat the same cycle over and over again. What's happening in the world is irrelevant and BTC will hit 1 million soon.
Thanks, just sold everything.
You stupid fucking kikes are just repeating what my original post was about
Fuck you guys are dumb
That’s what i said. It’s going back up, and that this dip is the exact same as it has always happened

The collective IQ of this board is 3. Case and point. >>58694014
>Case and point
>HEX at 400B
>ICP at 600B
>Safemoon at 100B
Sorry bro, dumb money is all in on NVDA this time around. Try again next cycle.
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And the people they're selling to are gonna hold it to 150k
Dumb money was in tesla and gme last cycle. Stay poor retard
It's not going up for the reasons you think it is. You're not understanding the market cycles at all and frankly I don't even think you understood 2021 either. You're just running on dumb luck.
Market tops never have bearish sentiment. There's way too many people saying it's over for it to be over.
no spoon feeding retards
now ask yourself what you think it more likely
>it starts dropping forever or a very long time
>it follows the same trend that's been happening for 10 years
now what has changed that would cause it to cease increasing in value longterm? Has monetary inflation stopped? Have miner rewards increased? Has demand decreased?
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retards dont know that they can zoom out op, thats why they keep losing their money, the same thing happened with $super, if you sell or dont buy rn, dont come later bitching out
I'm actually thinking about investing into this shit, the narrative is simple yet strong, gaming, and gamers will follow everything that has RGB like fuking sheeps
only invest what you can afford to lose, theres a lot of crypto gaming projects our there its not new
I'm going to hold until at least $4M, bruv.
You should be comparing it with July 2020. We're ahead of schedule. Expect to crab until the FED says they'll be cutting rates soon.
>this time it's different
Time to sharpen my writing skills and refocus on content creation after getting rekt with a 40% loss.
Seeing colleagues killing it with Hydro and other gigs is inspiring.
>This was a hard lesson in diversification. I'm confident that focusing on content creation will be a more stable and rewarding path.
Finally someone who isn't a brainlet
>time in the market beats timing the market
This is such a fucking reddit tier oversimplified and thoughtless platitide. I swear, only the normiest of normoids actually say shit like this out loud.
For somebody holding Cisco in 2001, time in the market beats timing the market, eh? If he just keeps hodling he will surely resolve his -99% position into a profitable one.
OP is both a faggot and a nigger. A niggerfaggot, if you will.
Nah, let retards think we're in a "left translated cycle" and lose out on multiple 10x's
Look you stupid fucking nigger
I don’t care if it goes up because the federal reserve decided to shut down
The point is, it’s going up, and time in the market proves that 100% of the time.

You faggots are trying to argue with me over nothing. Collective IQ is 3.
Was I talking about Cisco? No. I wasn’t.
This thread is about Bitcoin.
Stupid fucking niggers the whole lot of you.
We're arguing with you because your dumb. It's really that simple
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>trustless money is finished!
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Are you ok in here frens?
theres nobody who will fomo for bitcoin

all my normie friends who got burned after 2021 and sold for -50% are literally never buying it again
thats bitcoin, never mind altcoins. Even less people are touching those. it's over unironically
at some point the -50% to -80% shit you guys love so much burns enough people, you see? they realize it's not a store of value. they realize it's not money. All they realize is that they got scammed, once again. And once the amount of people who got burned reached critical mass... well, here we are today. That has happened already.

Mass adoption my ass omegakek. More like mass scam
You will watch those same normie friends sell their shit to fomo in at 120-150k.
Human nature does not change.
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finally a decent thread
mass rejection.
most people will reject bitcoin in favor of printed paper or CBDC digital bullshit

No matter how much the banks rug you, it's such a slow rug that it hardly matters over one person's life. And they give 5% per year. Meanwhile crypto has only gone down since 2021.
Oh really. I dont see it slicing through this ATH like butter, like SPX does continuously.
Normies are buying nvda and scams like GME as other anon said.
No they literally wont. Theyre not interested. They don't even have money to spend on it. The sentiment has turned completely against bitcoin. No matter how I try to explain it to people, they see it as a scam. Because they GOT SCAMMED. Its not difficult to see why. crypto is the most worthless and demoralizing investment ever. Trust me that they are never ever buying that shit again.
>4+ year timescales are impossible for the normie to conceptualize
Live is so easy after realizing +90% of the "human" population are mindless followers
Yes. This is not exactly new, new know? When you watch them later, think of me.
Looks like we're entering a valley right there
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man whatre you saying fuck me for i agreed
>mmmkay, buddy. ID
but yes we'll go up but also im financially bored AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>For the love of god zoom out you fucking faggots. Bitcoin did the EXACT same thing last cycle. If you sell now you’re a moron. Pic related is July 2021.
Bitcoin should be compared to July 2020.
What is it about faggots like you that you always say "it's different this time". It will never be different, you are not the genius trader who figured it out, you are just a retarded contrarian.
You’re arguing over nothing, because the point is it’s going up and these dips happen regularly
So you’re wasting your time being a faggot, because you’re dumb.
>only gone down
>new all time high recently
>the run always comes like a year later

This is a kike
you're the kike for completely misrepresenting my post. In fact you're probably a mudslime. your prophet is a pedophile
I kneel to the lord Jesus Christ
You guaranteed are a faggot atheist with no life in you
I can smell it from the way you type
Reeks of cuckoldry and Judaism
>I kneel to the lord Jesus Christ
You're still a massive faggot for misrepresenting my post
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You see, OP.... you wasted your time making a perfectly good thread and posting it....... on /biz/. This place is full to the brim of bulltards and beartards... most are under the age of 25 and are glued to TikTok, so naturally they have rotted, hollow brains. Failing to understand such a simple concept. Next time you make a good thread, with ACTUAL good points, post it on anywhere except /biz/.
>Sell now
>It goes to 30k
>Buy then
>It goes up to 80k


>Hold now
>It eventually goes to 80k

Which is better?
>>It did this exact same thing!!!!
So you're saying it's predictable
No, we're arguing because you made a shit thread and it's blatantly obvious to everybody that you're desperately trying to sound smarter than you clearly are.
I guessed you were dumb the second I read 'time in the market beats timing the market', and the rest of your posts demonstrate it. Back to plebbit, you humongous faggot.
>Just DCA bro
yeah having tons of fun DCAing XRP forever till fucking ZERO, take profits and cut any technically analysed dumps
I didn’t misrepresent shit, you don’t think it’s going back up, I do. We’ll see who’s right.
Bitcoins going to zero said the top 4chan investor for the 10th year in a row
Cool, good luck timing the market and ultimately losing half your shit because you fomo back in
Nothing I have said has been incorrect, cope, and quite frankly, sneed.

Verification not required.
>time in the market beats timing the market.

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Hm. Hm. Hmmmm. Almost as if though you all have no actual effect on the price and are just part of a game that the smaller percentage of holders play. Do buy the dip though. That's why there are "cycles" and why the price steadily goes up. Because you all keep feeding them more money. The Perpetual greed machine.
Damn anon, here I am thinking my $1000 purchase solely moved the price up $500!
Gee fucking golly!
Pretty sure he was being facetious and is on your side.
Capital gains don't help that either. In my state, I would need to pray for a 25% drop after my sell off just to break even. Fuck the government; I might just move to a state without income and capital gains tax.
Not much of it, no. But all of it has been tainted with a whiff of your faggotry.
Nah it's done. Crypto aint Christian, your a bitch, and technical analysis in general is Satanic in the same way tarot card readings is.
But like bro don’t you get it, if you had somehow magically picked every single peak and trough perfectly, then sold the top and bought at the bottom repeatedly because apparently it’s so easy you would have so much more money!
just tell me when to buy-in
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I just keep 1% of my NW in bitcoin at all times and never sell. Fuck short term traders, real gains are made over decades. You don't have to own a fuckton of bitcoin RIGHT NOW - and I don't recommend it anyway. Just DCA whenever you get paid and ignore volatility. Same with stocks too.

The human brain is not equipped to deal with exponential growth in ANY capacity, whether that be bitcoin, stocks, wildlife populations, bacterial growth in a goddamn lab, etc. It doesn't fucking matter. Time is your BEST FRIEND. You treat your best friends well, don't you anon?
>inb4 nofrens
You will SEVERELY underestimate exponential growth. Hodl on for dear life.

I'm not saying pour all of your liquid cash into Bitcoin, that's fucking retarded. I am saying - if you're in it already - the crypto/equity game is a long con and those patient enough to simply observe ALWAYS come out on top. Often times, the very best trading action you could ever take is doing absolutely fucking nothing.
>just keep 1% of my NW in bitcoin at all times
We're not all millionaires, bro.
Same but 100%
dude just hold for 4 years for a 1.5x
t. retard who believes he's hiqh IQ

absolutely pathetic
Previous btc bullrun was speculation. Current bullrun just shows inflation of USD. Compare bitcoin and gold and it's absolutely obvious.

You are looking at BTCUSD(T) chart. And you are only focusing on "btc" and ignore the "usd" part.

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