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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>58692233

As always:
>sneed hedgies
Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.083 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~74.6 million shares of ~351: 21% total held by Jun. 5, 2024
>~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,
>12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22
>and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Wednesday RRP: 490.156B, 87P = 5.634B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 531.692B, 75P = 7.089B per (roughly)
End of June Friday RRP: 664.570B, 93P = 7.146B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q1 24 8-K/10-Q
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
https://www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.
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Solar ETFs like PWR are apparently in the collateral bucket. Greentards are going to get turbo rugpulled when we pop. The future belongs to nuclear, fossil hydrocarbons, and biofuels. And GME.


Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
How do I join this religion
Ask again and you will have done so.
How do I join this religion?
>yesterday had "totally legit anons" saying "LOLOLO ANOTHER RED DAY BAGGIES"
These dumb niggers cant even code in "dont post on the weekends and holidays" into their bots or scripts for jeets
Yesterday was Friday thoughever?
gimme some of dat moass bitch
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Last week:
Monday RRP: 333.429B, 66P = 5.052B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 375.542B, 68P = 5.523B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: No
Thursday RRP: 388.841B, 74P = 5.255B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 421.040B, 74P = 5.690B per (roughly)

>This week:
Monday RRP: 435.916B, 71P = 6.140B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 466.310B, 74P = 6.301B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 490.156B, 87P = 5.634B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 531.692B, 75P = 7.089B per (roughly)
End of June Friday RRP: 664.570B, 93P = 7.146B per (roughly)
Get into Mongolian throat singing. I heard this is actually a mongolian throat singing board.
>I heard this is actually a mongolian throat singing board.
You heard well.
I thought this was an Vietnamese under water basket weeving form? I must be in the wrong place.
Bros, why do all these girls on dating apps look used and washed up? I feel hopeless.

1 down, 1.6billion more to go.
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You're all wrong. This is a Calcutta cow tipping board.
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I feel that ai video with ken griffin is a real untapped goldmine.
What do YOU think RC has planned to grow revenue? His work is done when it comes to expenses, there's nothing left to cut. Time to make some fucking money.
Is that Barry Bostwick?
Even the most conservative investment in something like T-bills would make the company net profitable. Honestly any kind of aquisition will get played as a negative by MSM, so it's either a killshot or a siege with regad to the warchest.
Kenny G (Musician, Producer)
Or that free AI song maker, Suno.
I think much of what he accomplished with Chewy is something he wants to replicate in other retail sectors as well as tap in to economy of scale by bringing many different brands under one online market place.
One of the biggest problems U.S. companies have is that they are all leveraged up with debt/financing. This is done for various reasons and much of it is spurned on by banks who want to underwrite shares and bonds so they can make their fees. I think RC wants to get his businesses up and running and operating solely on cashflow and protect the integrity of the business and not use it as a piggy bank. I think part of the scam in the economy will be a mass default on debts and allow shareholders across the board to get wiped out so bondholders can run away with the assets. Look at some of the blue chips stocks like XOM. Are they utilizing that debt productively or is it a scam to start earning additional interest on the productive assets.
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The US economy hasn't fully deleveraged since the 1980s. Anyone who's holding real long assets as close to physically as possible (mortgage-free land, shiny roggs, self custodied crypto, physical share certificates or DRS for debt free businesses) or federal debt will be OK. Everyone else is fuuuuuuuuuuuucked.
kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
based baker dubs spotted, gonna wgami with my gme frens
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I am very much looking forward to next week.
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KEK. Here's mine from yesterday.
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lmao WAGMI
based towelchads will be the catalyst
(i have no idea if it will work out but i am praying to all entities ever conceived that i am right)
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You think it's funny if a bunch of schizo internet retards come into millions of dollars and spend it all on GameStop and GameStop accessories?
You mean THE Kenny G, as in that guy with the long hair who plays the sax!?
>I think part of the scam in the economy will be a mass default on debts and allow shareholders across the board to get wiped out so bondholders can run away with the assets.
It would be extremely funny if the shareholders were more important enough that they wipe out the bondholders instead, as with SVB.
Checked but explain
>It would be extremely funny if the shareholders were more important enough that they wipe out the bondholders instead, as with SVB
Bondholders (unsecured creditors) are higher than shareholders so how can what you're saying be true.
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I am maybe going to sell an unspecified amount of GME next run up cycle. Due to the way the simulation we call reality works, this may be the catalyst to start the MOASS. I ask that you please not gloat, and instead pity me, for within the next 35 business days I might make the worst trade in stock market history, second only to naked shorting GME at $10 in 2024.

FUCK (you)

$9,283,492,472,374,324 GORILLION ACCOUNT BALANCE
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The stench of the shit I took yesterday still haunts me. I close my eyes and I can smell it still. I suppose I should go flush it
gentlemen, I have just received a call from mister Goldsteinberger, he said we're all going to WAGMI
Humiliation ritual.
I KNEEL. At least the jury will be entertained during the trials.
Yeah he got a haircut and went to Sonic a few times.
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hope he doesn't do anything stupid like buy treasury bills. the auctions are getting worse and worse, only pplz that will buy usa debt will be the fed, theyre already buying dam near all of it.

take everything this jew says about silver and apply it to gme.


shows the connection with rrp as well and the final countdown to hyperinflation.

gme should get into publishing. use this business model.
print limited run of indie games pplz want for physical retail and open up the digital store to be another steam competitor.
>hope he doesn't do anything stupid like buy treasury bills
That's actually the funny part, the Fed has already offered face value for treasuries from banks. Yet unrealized losses persist. Somehow.
So let me get this straight:
- Some redditor post a large position
- The company dilutes their sharecount by over 30%
- The management gives a nothingburger business as usual speech at the shareholder meeting
- and the price is up 150% since April with an apparent support above 20$

I'm starting to think you guys are on to something.
Maybe I'll pick some shares up tomorrow.
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There's a reason for that.
thanks us later
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i love gme. its opened my eyes to so much about investing, macro economics, financial fuckery and kikery. i thought crypto taught me some shit, gme redpilled me, black pilled me and now god pilled me. christ is king. wagmi.

silver and gme are the most under valued and manipulated assets on the planet.
Sonic is the sleeper fast food restaurant. Last I checked they sell a double burger (1/2lb total) plus tots and a large slushy for $13 or something. Mcdonalds is trying to charge $16 for a 1/4 burger with toppings.

Tots, separate salt packets, signature sauce (thousand island.) The best fast food out there.
Jim Cramer said it himself on stream while drunk and slurring. The downside for shorting is infinite, the downside for longing is your original investment.
waiting to break my fast. wonder what ill eat. supplements 1st then something fuckin delicious.

playing any new games purchased from our favorite game store?

ghost of tsushmia is great and based. havent seen and libtard fag shit at all yet.

ff7rb and ff16 were great as well.

waiting to play like a dragon infinite wealth and stellar blade.
'08 never ended.
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remember when cohen instantly wiped out 4 years of reddit DRS efforts lmfao that shit was hilarious
Who is this dude?
He kinda looks like Barry Bostwick.
>25% to 21% DRS
>Still out of demon hands of the DTC
You wish big chungus.
>At least the jury will be entertained during the trials.
they wanted to label our shit "meme stocks", they better be prepared for hours upon hours of memes

I dont understand what im seeing
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isn't that Jeller (eg. millionaire at a grocery store)
could be wrong
> mfw moass'd
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it puts the stocks in the basket, else it gets the hose again
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Had a dream that MOASS started on a Saturday, we couldn't trade because it was considered AH. It went to $25k and I tried to use a calculator to see what I should sell, but they forced my calculator to break.
Was intense and a good dream. Wagmi
Why is this rising?
Has anyone done deep dive into this and crash?

I would love a crumb of spoon-feeding
They "innovated" a bit with SVB's failure by backstopping depositors while saying fuck you to investors, who are supposed to get preferential treatment. The next step is doing that in favor of investors over bondholders. In fact, I think that's what happened with Credit Suisse? I don't know what's happened to the AT1 guys, but at the beginning it seemed like they're gonna get nothing.
I'm mostly repulsed by various aspects of Serhant's existence, and I am certain that he's ruined some number of people's lives with the sociopathic capitalist decisions he chooses to make as an elite wielding commensurate power. Still, a part of me can't help but respect him for living his smarmy silvertongued money-worshipping best life, though. Dude just kind of locked in on making degenerate capitalist bullshit look charming and wholesome as fuck (I blame that video series where he renovates his family's multimillion dollar NYC brownstone).
Lol I hope you didn’t get in this play thinking you weren’t changing the world.
Chevron deference really is the end of administrative law. Every federal agency had its wings clipped.
he admitted buying a fake watch to impress the rich fucks initially

> thatgirltrader account gone from twitter
> picrel
what did the shills mean by this?!?!?
is she going to sing like a cannary now that they funds dried up or something, or did she finally realize the foolishness of her ways
I should also point out that the pyramids of Giza are perhaps THE most appropriate venue for a party that's essentially a massive monument to one's ego.
> https://x.com/EduardBrichuk/status/1806838872518873378
The law of unintended consequences is going to have a field day.
>Literally every regulatory quibble now has to be litigated, even the ones companies care about
>Judges wield so much power that they become embodied foci for the ire of wronged parties, instead of a faceless bureaucracy; assassinations ensue
>The congressional budget balloons as reps have to employ more and more staffers to pour over the new laws which have to stipulate all administrative aspects at thetime of passage; this includes rewrites of the thousands of laws that were written with the understanding of Chevron deference being law indefinitely
Reminder that conservatives were the original champions of Chevron.
Did you reply to the correct post?
>Did you reply to the correct post?
kek baggots
I honestly think he may not know what to do, this explains why he hasn't tweeted lately. 1 or 2 billy could easily go toward investments, but that remains to be seen. I still have faith in Ryan to turn this baby around. Time will tell if GME was either a fool's errand or the GOAT.
Oh, okay, I get it now.

He was destined for slightly slimy greatness, along with his fellow Vanderbilt clones Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper.
doubt it because I have December puts...it will be green until January
One positive thing coming from the BBBondBabies is that it shows that RC is active with ongoing court cases. Perhaps an acquisition is still on the table considering lack of open communication.
You cannot even begin to imagine everyone who is short this stock. It is beyond catastrophic.
I have my legs up on my desk with my toes out. Your post is fullscreen and im oiled up in my g-cave.

Tell us more about the ledge jumpers
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Yeah, he might be legally tied up. I suspected this would be a possibility years ago GME began to stop bleeding and started looking for potential avenues for profit. Being tied up in legal hell for ledging Arnal was gonna happen sooner or later depending on how truly desperate the SHFs are. Regardless, I couldn't totally leave this play even if I wanted to. I've seen far too many cohencidences. So much chicanery. So much coke. So much mayo. Mountains of salt. We shall see what is in store (heh) for GME.
Checked. Not sure what everyone is so antsy about. This was always an 8 year hold (possibly 12 now the nft marketplace hasn’t worked out).
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>Sure, I called it.

I fucking hate Pulte.
>It was always an 8 year hold
Yeah, I was definitely not in it for the long term initially. It was always about the MOASS for me, and not I see that as off the table because of the dilution. Roaring Kitty came off as pissed that of all the days Ryan had to dilute, it was on the day of his stream. He even sent a meme saying "you can't be serious?" after the shareholder meeting. BUT...If history has anything to say about it...I could be wrong and shorts are still MASSIVELY underwater. I still hold as few hundred shares for the long term, because I'll be DAMNED if I miss out if Ryan has actually been cooking after all this time.
>he doesnt know
All he has to do is shut his fucking mouth about GME. He's easily the worst fud about this whole saga.
>Neither does he
Nancy pelosi is still in. Nvidia will reverse when GME squeezes
Singapore et alii, I'm not doing the googling for you.
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Youre referring to Nvidia cooking the books? Yes that will be revealed soon..not this week though
Its already circulating, with chevron being out the SEC cant just handwave it away now either.
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Kek, do you think there’s actually some truth to this meme after all? Do people really think we have to keep holding for another 3 years+ ????
I think it happens in september. Bet me your stack
Anything is possible with this stock.
Ryan's probably cooking for something post-MOASS. I'm not sure why, the whole fiscal/economic/political, even border landscape will change post-MOASS. I guess one genuine, non hedgie critisim is he's not thinking truly widescreen and is stuck in CRV, true to his upbringing.
>somebody tell the government stop shooting down my balloons
>Chevron deference being overturned means agencies can no longer make laws out of their ass
Did the SEC just get castrated?
You're forgetting the impact of a multi year regulatory court backlog. As long as cases are pending, agencies can't extract punishments, and so it will be in many cases faster for someone to moot the case by completing a disputed project before their court date. Cut federal regulations back to the simple and enforceable or they're ALL effectively struck down.
>bet me your stack
Not even your entire extended family would be comparable.
Chevron is out, its going to happen this month.
day 1233 of progressive overload drinking till moass
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>Stock price breaks out of the 3 year wedge
>DFV returns and shows gme is being manipulated in real time on his live stream
>MSM desperately wants to blame DFV for manipulation, while Gary Gensler defends him against Jimmy Shill
>Chevron deference overturned
>Election year
Feels like multiple parties are coordinating to let this thing play out and end. I bet a manufactured black swan is coming to be the scapegoat for when all hell breaks loose. I wouldn't be surprised if the SEC was working in the background to have a foolproof case against the criminal market makers. Remember, the SEC wanted the CAT to happen and Citadel sued to try and prevent it. For all the tards saying "10 year hold" and "nothing burgers" need to remember that in 2021 the can kicking that happened was monumental, and the circumstances in 2024 are drastically different. Something big will definitely happen this year.
I am still financially exhausted.
Chevron being overturned contradicts what you are saying about the SEC as it strips them of power. They are not the good guys and have been holding back the advancement of crypto
I agree with everything else you said
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>about the SEC as it strips them of power
Their "power" has always been in favor of the hedge funds and Wall Street though. Considering how mediocre and completely useless the SEC has been in regulating things, them having less power is genuinely good for MOASS. Whenever short squeezes happen, the butthurt hedge funds always immediately cry to the SEC (see Overstock).
oh ok I misunderstood what you were saying then
good job ser, just buy gme more easy, keep on btc eth buy more gme shrl vesta all the time, wagmi
so i don't follow the whole twitter space what is the signifigance of this "thatgirltrader" (Amy(?)) being deleting her account on twitter
that's a professional troll tied to Virtu's CEO right?
The McEnroe tweet was DFV saying to the umpire (The SEC) about the fact they were blind and how can they not see the obvious, which was the dropping the price when the call was due (postponed once) then again when it was late. Both times they hammered the price at the exact moments that things were due to start but didn't.

He was calling the SEC blind not calling out RC. Anything other than what I described for the reasons I described are fud
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It’s the Noctis Research paper put out someone was talking about yesterday it’s on kindle unlimited— mostly it just talks about market mechanics and introduces what synthetics/FTDs/Settlement periods are, but that part i posted was juiciest. I can’t figure out how to get it to just be a pdf so I can send the whole thing
Adobe Scan is a nifty app that I use for my PDF conversions. I don't know if it scans epub, but it would definitely convert your screenshots.
Visited cringemines, they're sliding something hard. The quiet here is also suspicious.
MOASS happens when Forrest Stonk runs 741 days for 7.41 miles. Today is 715.
I imagine this works the first few times. Then they start throwing executives in jail for contempt of court for violating restrictions on activity pending said litigation. Similar to how you can't go, "Oh, you took too long with deciding on the permit, house is already built. :^)" You will just be in prison and also on the hook for demolishing your illegal structure.

But, also, a lot of those regulations are corps capturing the regulatory apparatus. They LIKE those regulations. Good business plan might be to identify which ones are easiest to skirt and get bogged down in the backlog while building your warchest. The big guys will be too slow to move in the same direction; then, when you're finally in court, you're actually bigger than your opponent and beat the shit out of him with your Giants Live lawyers. (This is not advice, I hope that you end up in FPMITA prison if you try it.)
>The quiet here is also suspicious.
Either the paid thinkers are getting pulled back because of RICO (unironically), or they were reassigned to Brandon's damage control.
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Ryan Cohen is a little bitch boy leaf that doesn't give a fuck about his investors and will continue to dunk on them at any opportune moment. MOASS won't ever happen with this faggot at the helm. He'll crush it every time
I don't know what damage there is to control on this site. Neither the Nazis nor the progressives want him and that hasn't changed.
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All we have left is some emojis
Pray to whomever God you want
It's happening on July 5th 2024 moass
>or they were reassigned to Brandon's damage control.
It's important to note Yellen has been bankrolled by hedgies, and his former press secretary, the ugly ginger with the communist pics, has a brother who sat on the board at Melvin Capital, one of the first to explode due to GME. People forgot she stepped down when that was all going doing. Funny that Dumb Money left all this out.
> going doing
going down*
>I don't know what damage there is to control on this site
>this site
This isn't the only place they need to control
>implying judges would willingly take on more work
They will solve things quickly by siding with whichever side donates more money to them.
But those are the groups who mainly build their opinions off internet discourse. Everyone else has actual friends in real life who they listen to. So the site doesn't really matter.
Hahah, holy shit, I totally didn't pick up on that. It was kind of strange timing.
>Funny that Dumb Money left all this out.
It's going to be in the sequel bro chill
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July is gonna be FUCKIN WLYN isn't it...
Molass MOASS July 4th night of into July 5th 4am market
I don't know man. The American flag tweet could be referring to July 4th but what is the microphone emoji about? There are a few more tweets after that as well
>American flag
4th of July
Sing the national anthem
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I'm just wondering what the black swan or even what is even going to finally and at long last trigger this once and for all and all for one...
Either way it will be fooking hilarious
I just wonder how bad it's going to be...
If everything collapses GS has to become a bank or even replace the federal reserve
It's all gonna burn in July
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has flag and microphone been interpreted as USA presidential debates yet?
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Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I wonder who could have saw this all coming lol
Fug, then maybe the boom emoji is fireworks?
Why has no one made an ai video of Ken Griffin behind wacked by a bedpost
Nigger what the FUCK are you even trying to say?
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Would line up if something happened short term. Mulling it over, it could also be interpreted as presidential inauguration
>american flag in the back
>one mic up front

Do Dougie please pay up next, based FMVer
I envy people that can make pepe's from scratch. I have so many ideas
Kenny getting beaten by a bedpost in a Bed Bath and Beyond store, that'd be hilarious. The second idiosyncratic stock.
>The second idiosyncratic stock.
Says whom??
>Everyone else has actual friends in real life who they listen to.
They need to fix consensus on Faceberg and reddit.
Done, but not allowed to send pdfs apparently. I love wasting time!!!
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Kenneth Cordele Griffin
Drowned in a pool of mayonnaise
July 1, 2024
Are you retarded? Genuine question please dont take offense
Place your bets, will dfv post at 8:00pm est tonight?
Your digits say yes
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I think so
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does anyone have this convered into a PDF yet? i'd love to read it but rather not give amazon any money
checked anon, I'll do it for you fren, but I need some Dougie memes or AI generated stuff
I got like 3 shitty memes of that guy, he seems like a wet towel
Says sneed and co with a reported 780 million shares owned despite a 428 million TSO
Just post it on DocDroid and then post the link here.
If it is 8pm tonight... I hope it's a danke ass meme
She either got jannied or RICO'd.
4chan is ground zero for memetic warfare. All internet culture stems from here. If you can't control it with psyops all you can do is try to slow it down and shit it up with sliding.
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Hedgies fear what can not be fucked with.
wtf my first pair didn’t go through. anyways here’s some keks from the cringe mines
Is there a way to profit from these retards like mugs, shirts stickers or something? Jesus fuck
I only use vanguard now but they make it a pain in the ass to buy options since they require you to call it all in by phone. What are the best apps where you can most easily buy/sell options?
They're not being serious. The posts with meme tickers are to feed the algorithm's scraper bogus data.
No, ATM share offerings seem to be the only way.
For me, it's $DGSHT
love to see it, the enemy camp has their walls closing in as we speak

i'd fuck Gabe's ex wife, my dick would cause the third holocaust on her jussy

tis actually brilliant, on a potential (((happenings))) week feed the algos and AI bullshit so whoever has to come on monday morning has a fuckton of work and is pre-occupied dealing with that shit
ANUS has made a sharp recovery as of today when the meme ticker posting started.
>whoever has to come on monday morning has a fuckton of work and is pre-occupied dealing with that shit
One consideration to make about this...
Personally I believe these systems are so automated that it's probably not very "fixable" at all.
yea i know. it was genuinely funny. can’t wait to see what pumps tomorrow. also why the fuck do i have to wait another 15mins to post. this shit is annoying
holy shit this is amazing lmao
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That's pretty funny
We bought the wrong stock didn’t we? All my friends are laughing at me for not buying BTC. 3 years in, I’m still poor. Wtf RYAN DO SOMETHING!!!
from professional background I can tell you if their engineers aren't retards (and they claim to have the best and brightest) there is for sure ways to bypass or blacklist words or search terms, websites or sub-domains et cetera
but all of that takes time to look through logs and likely reddit poluted their datasets plenty
Ryan will NOT do shit
There's the eyes too, so with the microphone it could be an "oh say can you see" thing
So uh, why don't we do this to random tickers all the time and make loadsa money to put back into GME?
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Alright, fuck it, let's do this then, what is the shittest stock we got for .10c?
We are speaking about different aspects of the same phenomenon.
I tried, not a cent. Only former Citadel employees are allowed to shill on SS.
So we lost? We really are baggies after all?vxayvj

It said I needed a subscription but here’s a Dropbox

If 35 emojis are t+35 then the flag + mic was this past friday, and the boom is on july 2nd, tuesday morning.
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Hell no.
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Nothing will happen next week or the week after. And even if it does Ryan Chobani will dilute. And will continue to dilute. He is a classic guy who’s got his and now wants to pull up the ladder. He thinks he works hard and doesn’t want people profiting off of now working hard. Simples.
is his face turning into Madoff randomly intentional or are the AI overlords trying to tell us something kek
*not working hard
Boomer mentality basically “I suffered, (even thought they didn’t) so you must suffer, but still you haven’t suffered as much as me”
>Chevron deference overturned
Something wrong with it?? Docdroid wants me to pay $$. I have this Noctis Research dudes writing on a pdf now but I don’t know how to get it to anyone here
Federal agencies no longer have the power to define and enforce laws, only the courts can.
My guess is just after the election, next year about spring.
this ass cum shit is so forced
Black people are really upset about this for some reason
If there was a massive short squeeze on GME, for example, the SEC can't do shit about it unless congress makes a law for them to enforce, or they use laws already on the books.

If the SEC does anything on their own, the courts might overturn their decisions.
Looks like I’ll be filing a lawsuit with my attorney in Texas District court to sue Mathew Aaron Ford for misrepresentation.

Poor guy is going to have a lot on his plate this week.
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>Congress writes vague laws
>Congress delegates minutia to regulatory agencies
>Regulatory agencies essentially write laws within the nebulous frameworks established by Congress
>Courts defer to judgement of regulatory "experts"
Now that Chevron is gone the regulatory agencies (all captured by private interests) can't just make shit up on the fly. Congress has to put specifics in writing or it doesn't exist.


You can use something that doesn't glow so bright like MEGA. Other Anons who know what they're talking about probably have better ideas. But miss me with that Dropbox shit.
Courts used to have to defer to interpretations of laws/regulations/etc. made by federal agencies, when the statute wasn't explicit about what it meant. Many laws were written with this in mind, so they're purposely ambiguous in specific ways so that the agencies can craft their policy to fit expert assessment of the situation. New decision says that, whenever there's a dispute now, there's no automatic deference to experts, and judges make the call instead.
You'll never know though unless you buy Comcast's Ultra Platinum Negro Black Data Plan in order to access relevant news/4chan/mega (since this effectively deletes net neutrality).
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O_I_P is secretly bullish on GME that's why they changed the WSB banner. He does NOT work for Citadel
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DFV showed the AI and algo is near real-time during his stream
we already determined WSB, SS et al are constantly scraped
this shit with fake tickers is brilliant, got to give them credit when its due, even a broken clock is right twice a day anon
QRD on who this is?
And why are the mods of WSB plants?
shut the fuck up daniel you snake ass bitch
Opinion is unpopular runs a bunch of finance subreddits and took over after the 2021 sneeze
he is confirmed working for citadel and posts on meltdownies on an alt account (https://imgur.com/a/UZGCd4H)
he exposed himself by accident once, and tried to play it off by pretending to work at Disney as goofy - during a CItadel employee only event of which he posted images and video footage
Goofy's can't use their phones in the park either
Damn oip aside that banner kinda bullish fr
Yeah, he is a goofy-ass jogger.
I hope he's been using this time productively to pump iron. Terrible thing to be bendable in prison.
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>He does NOT work for Citadel
The only way this is true is if he got axed for being a retard
How the fuck did he go to a private citadel event?
Given the fact he's compliciet with market manipulation it'd be fairly hard to fire him.
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OR he purposely acted like a retard so he could get fired so he could buy GME.
He...he's Goofy Ok!

No he's not Canadian, he just finds it funny to follow Canadians, Moose loose aboot the hoouse and all that.
>post picture of event
>wait they are trying to figure out why i was there
>"actualy im a profesional goofy"
It's like they are missing some part of their brain
Thanks for asking. Through a friend who works in finance OIP got sent pictures because the friend knew OIP was doing something "with investing on reddit". He knows the GNE holders and meltdown users will get a kick out of these pictures so that's why he posted them.

If you fall for goofy trolling, that's on you midwits!
I love how he recoiled initially, 'I've been found out!'
They get hired for loyalty and weak morals, not intelligence.
what type damage control is this? are you trying to save face when the doj starts handing subpoenas for their short seller investigation?
also missing is the wsb coin where he and another head mod pump and dumped a scam coin and another mod who wasn't in on it threatened to dox them.
Also the NFT avatar program where he was "gifted" very expensive reddit avatar NFTs by admins.
>the diluter
>not "The Dilooooter"
Speaking of reddit avatars you all should take a gander at the avatar of the champion of market reform himself.
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the demons are big upset, hadnt been annoyed enough to use a dream spin in years.
this time i will say it and post:
>i hope shit goes kinetic. it would be the icing on the cake of lies these faggots have spent the decades baking..
>>58697385 shittiest stock?
give it 30 min to harden and you can have my first trouser chip of the day.
So oip just happens to have a friend who either works at citadel or Disney and he also happens to mod a community on reddit that is incredibly relevant to citadel? Do you take me for a fool?
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anon, what does this all mean?! who the fuck is Danny and why would he so publicly share this information if it wasn't to share around and discuss?!
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what a handy man
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>Watch as Goofy recoils!
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goofy pls
>Their own unwritten rule.
It was very clearly written out kek.
Was this before or after posting the exclusive Citadel only event?
Why do you care this much at all? It’s not like it matters if he is a citadel employee the people coming for him already know and nothing you say here is going to change that.
Get behind the satan
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> ancient video
> year of our lord 2024
> we're steady at $100 /pre-split pricing from 2021
how do you faggots like dem apples

>I'm not OIP. OIP is not Canadian nor Asian lol!
picrel, but you glow like a trillion suns
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>May is gonna be crazy
>June is gonna be crazy
>July is gonna be crazy
>September is gonna be crazy
It’s never happening is it?
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If you don't think May and June were crazy, you might actually be retarded.
March 2025 will be crazy
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What was crazy fren? I’m still very poor.
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It started about a week ago.
good meme kek
If you want to manifest it instantly
Take 3.5 grams of magic mushrooms
Psilocybin mushrooms
I pretty much brought back the correct timeline I don't think it needs any more shrooms but u r welcome to try
Moass is in July early July
Shouldn't have taken advice to hodl and ignore profits from greedy retards that were afraid you selling would hurt their own stack. Next time we hit $50+ you better sell because RC will absolutely dilute again. Anyone that tells you to ignore all profits is out for themselves.
>Took so many shrooms he lost the concept of punctuation
TYFYS anon.
I'm trying not to get distracted again, but CHWY and silver are reallyyyyy distracting me....
Aight frens, keep the thread safe, we're in for a wild ride this week. See you in the morning.
> imagine being a 1PBID cuck getting paid cents on the dollar

Clint, fucking tweet already.
ahahaha, no.
im getting insane signals from the universe to invest in CHWY. fuck it. im buying it tomorrow. i dont even have pets. my ex gf stole my 2 dogs over a year ago
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Strap in lads we're going schizoposting.
>The dog days or dog days of summer are the hot, sultry days of summer.
>They were historically the period following the heliacal rising of the star system Sirius (known colloquially as the "Dog Star"), which Hellenistic astrology connected with heat, drought, sudden thunderstorms, lethargy, fever, mad dogs, and bad luck.
>They are now taken to be the hottest, most uncomfortable part of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
>In Homer's Iliad, Achilles's approach toward Troy, where he will slay Hector, is illustrated through an extended metaphor about the baleful effects attending the return of Sirius.
>The rising of Sirius during this period has been calculated as 19 July
>Because "July is typically one of the quietest months of the year for stock trading", the term is sometimes used for the lethargic summer markets.
>Cancer is the fourth astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Cancer.
>Though some depictions of Cancer feature a lobster or crayfish, the sign is most often represented by the crab
>Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area between approximately June 22 and July 22.
>The traditional Western zodiac associates Leo with the period between about July 23 and August 22
>Leo is associated with fire
The crab's last day is Monday July 22. Tuesday morning July 23 the crab dies. It burns for a month until...
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>Virgo is the sixth astrological sign in the zodiac. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area between August 23 and September 22 on average.
>The sign is associated with Astraea, a figure from Greek mythology. Astraea was the last immortal to abandon Earth at the end of the Silver Age when the gods fled to Olympus
>Libra is the seventh astrological sign in the zodiac. The Sun transits this sign on average between September 23 and October 23
>Libra is symbolized by the scales and is associated with the Roman deity Iustitia.
>The Moon was said to be in Libra when Rome was founded and this was based on the historical passage, which state "qua condita Roma". Everything was balanced under this righteous sign.
We leave the Earth on Friday August 23. We reach the Moon on Monday September 23. Everything will be balanced and justice will be done. No I will not take my meds.
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>The precise heliacal rising for Sirius at latitude 41.85° (Chicago) is August 12.
>Cancer (crab) is a water sign with a cardinal modality. Water is about emotion and feeling. Cardinal modality is associated with action, dynamic, initiative, great force. The crab is a great force that manipulates emotions.
>Leo is a fire sign with a fixed modality. Fire is about strength and resilience. Fixed modality is associated with resistance to change, great willpower, inflexible. The unyielding tenacity of GME collectors is a force that cannot be overcome.
>Virgo is an earth sign with a mutable modality. Earth is about the material world. Mutable modality is associated with adaptability, flexibility, resourcefulness.The material world will adapt to change.
>Libra is an air sign with a cardinal modality. Air is about action, ideas, and motions. The winds of change.
>The persistence of GME holders will slay the crab, the world will change, and a renaissance of new ideas and projects will flourish.
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Insider here. Keep your eye on the prize
Time for WAGMI digits?
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You failed. You have brought shame upon your house, upon your nation, and upon all of us in /GME/ general.
babe wake up, new disappointment dates dropped
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When does crypto get rekt?
Was the chevron their legal shield to cover for their crimes? Is it wagmi time?
I don't think the SEC can even use their own private courts any more, they have to use real ones with real judges and juries.
Hey, haven't been here since the RK blow up. What is the latest cope? Moass tomorrow or are we waiting to see if dividends will kill shorts by a thousand cuts? Or something else entirely?
>RK blow up
What are you talking about?
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> If only you knew how green things really are
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Some Mexicanon was on /pol/ a couple days ago claiming we'd see a price of $8-10K in July. I've been out of the loop since the 21st, but that sounds good to me. I dunno if he was basing that on something posted here or just doing it for shits and giggles.
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>$8-10K in July
Still not selling.
>red candles
what did he mean by this.
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Clint... Where art thee?
I'm here. My wife is hosting a baby shower. So me and the kid are doubling up in Dota. I'm letting him play carry and I am playing a pretty freaking sweet Witch Doctor and Crystal Maiden support for him. The kid feels more like a king doing this than throwing a 94mph fast ball at 13 years old
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Nope. I refuse.. we are capped at the limit. remember last time that happened? We stayed at the limit ALL NIGHT and opened at fucking $80
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The limit is 20% though
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who the fuck is greg
yes, i know. If it's capped at 20% it means it wants to break out, but it literally can't. time and pressure.
Greg is elite. Good evening except for the people it's not evening for.
That was a wild night, I went to bed at 4am UK time knowing I was going to WAGMI the next day.

Nice one my nigga, rock on.
it's at +0.8%, not +20%, the "cap" is just a horizontal crab.
You do know that anyone can make a twitter profile and buy premium right? What are you creaming over
By who and what are the damages?
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You niggers told me I was going to be rich
The sec
Chevron was overturned will be thrown out
>The complaint alleges he committed fraud by secretly purchasing a large volume of GME call options, using Twitter and Reddit to pump these securities, failing to disclose his purchase of securities prior to his posts (i.e. making it appear that he was just thinking about GME for the first time in years), revealing a large options position on June 2, 2024, and failing to disclose his plan to sell his recently purchased call options to the public. Gill, the complaint charges, owed his Twitter and Reddit followers a duty to disclose his “intent to sell” his call options.
>Second, the fraud allegations about Gill’s tweets/reddit posts will likely fail because they were not material to reasonable investors. It is clear that the plaintiff here sought to profit simply because Gill tweeted, not because of the content of the tweets. The plaintiff wanted to ride the waive and hopefully catch some meme stop momentum. Not a terrible strategy, and of course, the plaintiff didn’t make a large bet. But it was a bet, it was a gamble. The tweets of a meme stock icon were not something that a “reasonable investor” - one who reads earnings reports and analyzes company news - would take into account when making a decision on whether or not to purchase or sell a stock. In short, even though the tweets obviously caused market movement, the test for materiality (and thus the reasonable investor standard) is objective, and it is unreasonable to purchase securities simply because an individual named Roaring Kitty posted innocuous tweets on social media.
>Third, the tweets can hardly be described as false. Rather, posting a meme of a guy thinking about GME is not even a fact that can be proven or disproven. That is why the complaint focuses on this alleged failure to disclose an “intent to sell” rather than material falsehoods.
Lmao you niggers got pump and dumped and you'll still defend him, that's the best part

Enjoy bagholding to single digits
>For the reasons articulated, as well as many others, this complaint is likely doomed from its inception and susceptible to dismissal if Roaring Kitty files a well-crafted motion to dismiss.
>The plaintiff allegedly was injured by this “pump and dump,” purchasing 10 shares on May 13, 2024 (shortly after the May 12th tweet), and additional shares on June 4, 7 and 11 (a total of 25 shares). The plaintiff also purchased three options, two on May 13, 2024 (one sold on May 17) and one more on June 3, 2024. It is unclear the total “losses” alleged, but they are definitely small.
I wonder how this broke faggot was able to afford a lawyer. lol lmao. You hedge niggers are so desperate.
>suing over 25 shares
Who is paying for this indian plantiff's suit
>pumped the stock
But it started running before he tweeted
>failure to disclose intent to sell
He trade however he wants. Gamestop was running before he tweeted, and his social media posts don't have relation to the large spikes in price to my knowledge.
>"not material to reasonable investor" social media posts, people piled on because he tweeted
I think most of his posts did not discuss Gamestop specifically, and hard to assume random meme montages are related to Gamestop. It's also hard to imply someone's only purpose on social media is to pump a single stock. If he had a Facebook prosecutors would be claiming the same thing.

Going to trial on TV would be the best show. It would be even funnier if all complaints similar to this always get dismissed.
>Any reasonable person, let alone a reasonable investor, would have understood that Gill would be selling such a large position or exercising the options. No one would have let the option simply expire.
All they have left is try and turn people against DFV and RC. Thus all the they both betrayed us talk.
If you don’t see the desperation here I don’t know what to tell you.
*He can trade however he wants.
What is someone going to do with options? There is a finite number of things he can do with them lmao.
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Clown ass niggas
i started reading the post wanting to laugh but by the end i just felt sad what a fucking loser lmao

what wall street doesnt understand is hype from sources like DFV just fights back against the 24/7 literally- in the most literal sense of the word "literally"- paid shills and forces who use time and money to go on the internet and try to convince people to sell GME. Imagine an even scale, then imagine one side being slammed down in perpetuity because wall street and special interests literally pay people to come into these threads and try to convince people to sell GME and trust wall street. DFV tweets dont even matter, theyre just a nice release that gives people a breath of fresh air after literal years of being gaslit 24/7 regarding their simple long term investment into Gamestop.

DFV did nothing wrong. It's fun to see him pop up unexpectedly but he doesn't control anything. He is a clown that makes us laugh from time to time as we try to ignore the paid actors.

If the SEC or literally ANYBODY Congress included wants to go after market reform and clean it up, then why not start with releasing the total direct registered GME sharecounts from the last two years and then prosecute any institution naked short GME, while also making them close their illegal naked shorts?
>rk gets sued
>nothing happens

>rk gets sued
>for an arbitrary amount
>0.0000001% of wagmi money

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>2 wars ID
What does it mean
and by the way dont think i didnt notice the "interesting" poster interesting posting. not giving you a (you) because i hate your meme meta
trials only go to TV if they can bring in enough money and distract people from other stuff, like OJ and Amber Heard. No one would watch and even less would care about a DFV trial
page 11 the twitter posts start
>It's real
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but the discovery, i want to see the discovery.
i think you know already anon.
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>i think you know already anon.
I do. Janary 2021 was the first war. War 2 starts tomorrow.
lol thanks for the patch this is great
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Outstanding meme. Cramer is a nice touch.

Checked and everything burns in August.
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Directive 1.
>Plaintiff alleges the following based on personal knowledge[...]Public documents, [SEC filings], [Third party mass media releases], [Third party analysis of GME], [Memes on the FUCKING internet]

Directive 2.
>Plaintiff believes that [substantial evidence] will come from [a jury trial].

Lol this nibba is funny as fuck.
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They coping and seething
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Any judge not on someone's payroll will throw that out immediately and pp-smack the retard that let it get as far as his desk.
Kek stupid dumbfuck hedgies
Double checked shmurda anon
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>He's spending money on a law suite over 25 shares worth of losses so he can lose even more money
>It'll be thrown out almost instantly and he'll be embarassed
>He will one day see gme rocked to titanic proportions and remember how he sold it at a lose because he was salty
I don't think that mouth is big enough. Mr. Radev.
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You have no idea how good things really are
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Clairvoyant here
I'm shaking uncontrollably
Never happened before
It's fucking
>Defendant made a post on social media platform X, which took the form of a meme showing a "gamer" --That is, an individual that plays video games
Finally, Some chaotic good clown world
Does this help DFV post-moass via double jeopardy?
>as reported by multiple news outlets
>this meme was widely understood
Is this a berg or a stein?
If you were clairvoyant, you'd be able to get digits easily.
proof that gamers are the most oppressed race.
Double Jeopardy only applies to criminal cases. This one says "class action complaint, jury trial demanded."
a (((man)))
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>Legolas! What do your elf eyes see?
Worse, a Croatian jew.
sir, he tweeted a GAMER
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Hedgies are all but admitting they are losing by suing DFV. The absolute state of desperation. Once it gets dismissed I think they start jumping.
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clairvoyant these digits bitch, also billions this week
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what IS this pattern?
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I am pretty sure every picture of the (partners) are AI Generated, or because they're lawyers do not have a soul. Every single one is extremely uncanny

Taiwan gets invaded tomorrow
There is your black swan
Nvidia goes to zero
Moass triggered
It's because of AI enhancement that their photo guy uses.
t. knower
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like seriously every single one looks so fake
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Taiwan gets nuked Monday
I really like the frog but someone needs to fix the coloring in the arms.
Nigga that's just makeup
They're actually skinwalkers.
t. Knower
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>*ringring* *ringring*
>Securities and Exchange Commision, agent S.C. Hammer speaking
>Hello agent Hammer, this is I.M. Phagget calling on behalf of Citadel, I’d like to report a serious financial cr-
>Sorry, you’re calling on behalf of whomst?
>Cita-what now?
>You know. Citadel Capital, 63 billion dollar hedge fund, holding several million naked shares of Gamestop (Ticker: GME). Come on man, you know who we are
>Sorry little buddy, I have no idea what you’re talking about. You sure you called the right number?
>Yes sir, I’d like to report a serious crime
>Ummm…okay then. What would you like to report Mr. Phagget?
>It’s kind of a long story
>*sigh* Sounds kinda gay, but go ahead Phagget
>Okay, so there’s this guy named Keith Gill, an-
>DFV?! Nice! Very impressive stack he's got! Anyway, go on, where did the Kitty hurt you?
>So this week a guy named Keith Gill aka Roaring Kitty posted a meme on his Twitter
>I think I see where this is going
>Yeah so he posted a meme showing a "gamer" in a suit, leaning forward in his chair in seeming concentration and/or attention
>*cringes audibly* You want me to investigate some guy who posted a meme? We don’t really do that you know
>No I want you to investigate this racketeer named Keith Gill. He bought options in Gamestop, posted memes, and wished shareholders well
>I can’t even begin to investigate someone for that Mr Phagget, I’m sorry
>But he also posted his portfolio, exercised options, and livestreamed the price for one hour on live TV
>Are you fucking with me? What’s next? You gonna ask me if I’ve got Prince Albert in a can?!
>I’m deadly serious sir
>Let me get this straight Mr. Phagget, you want me to arrest a guy for posting memes about a stock and being internet famous?
>I’m afraid I can’t do that Phagget, and I must say you sound a little jelly desuu
>*uncontrollable sobbing*
>I think we’re done here
>*sobbing continues*
>LOL. LMAO. Sorry Phagget *click*
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lol they're suing over 35 shares and 3 call options
With the shares themselves, he's down like $200-$250, which he still holds.

There has been 16 million people go through the WSB casino, so serves him right with the options.

Surely this the bad comedy joke we've been waiting for.
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The arms aren't green.
>twooo waaars?!
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fuck, I thought he meant the shirt, im such a failure with the exception i hold gme
Kek. Desperate hedgies are going to use the lawsuit as a last ditch excuse for a dump tomorrow.
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that and ww3
that's a scary thought. I'd better buy more some more shares tomorrow just to be safe.
I'm so tired and I feel betrayed
ugh, mondays
Did anyone download that 33 tb from the fed?
why are we still piddling around in the 20s.. were the shills right that this is a very long term hold. I want moass
followed some threads for a few days and it seemed to be confusing inconsequential data, but I'm not sure if the guy that downloaded it was skilled in any way
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After last week's Supreme Court cases that's almost exactly how it would go.
>there is no explicit Congressional authority given to the SEC to punish people for shitposting about stocks on the internet and bragposting their portfolio
>and the SEC can no longer make it up from whole cloth
>and if they DID they'd have to drag DFV through an actual Article 3 federal court meaning they'd have to fly up to Boston to charge him where he lives, or stick it in the enormous financial lawsuit backlog of SDNY
kek hedgies
Nah sorry. I used my 33TB on GME memes.
Russia and China are probably downloading it. Pretty spooky hackers release the names of public US citizens and their addresses, and nobody talks about it.
Kek baggies how are any of you still alive
Is this what DFV saw that made him bullish on July moon?
I still reckon he was a Fed agent to poison the well considering how hard they were DDOSing the access sites but he could get it and thats -all- he found out of 7tb?
It was probably a Seth Rich situation. Set up a DDoS to cover your tracks and walk out with a backpack full of hard drives.
>Kek baggies how are any of you still alive
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the fact that the FED is in possession of those loans is illegal.
if the debtors (holders of the loans) default and get repo'd the FED will own the property, they are not allowed to own residential housing.
they are a ((bank)) although their supposed to be a reserve.. among many other things on the charter that they choose to ignore and kill whomever presses the case.
>the demons are anxious.
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>hiring for another half baked whiteboard project that'll get cancelled a year later
yeah fuck it I'm going back to college I'll give it another 3 years hopefully we've all been nuked by then
Holy crap, a mobile app?? This is so fucking bullish for GME and BBBY investors.
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man redditors are flippin shit about the cheveron thing.
That's a jew, anon.
Most of that stuff sounds really based though, and there's actual bipartisan consensus on clean air and water now so if they need to pass a few laws to keep the good parts of environmental regulation they will.
Ummm... Bros?
>by voting for Trump you are
>taking away minority rights
>the loss of things like no fault divorce or women's healthcare
>the killing of immigrants
the US dropping out of NATO and complete kneecapping of the UN
>the gutting of all regulatory bodies

This redditor is spreading Pro-Trump propaganda
This real?
>max pain
>on July 1st
what do you think?
So is the current robinhood chart accurate at all or is it just speculative bullshit that means nothing that'll turn into a puff of smoke the second pre-market begins?
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Both is better. Nice job.
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>loss of no-fault divorce
I hope so! Paying women to divorce has had horrible consequences.

>It's real
>or is it just speculative bullshit
https://www.maximum-pain.com/ is down and I'm not giving optioncharts.io my credit card information. Oh well.
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Pls explain for 5yr olds
I mean is it even based on anything or is Robinhood just guessing off of what people are doing on their own site? Because all stocks are fake bullshit but at least pre-market is actual money being shuffled in some capacity.
There are a gorillion puts out there up to very high strike prices, all deep ITM if we open at Friday's close. Either max pain really is $544 or someone fatfingered a (× 4) instead of (÷ 4) for split adjusting prices and it's $34.
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I want to believe but I dont know how to replicate your image
Looks like they "fixed" it. I now get the same version you do, which is still pretty rampy.
>or is Robinhood just guessing off of what people are doing on their own site?
It's SPY, faggot
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For the people who use options "max pain" means the most amount of options expiring where people make the least amount of money. Swaggystocks was showing a price of $544.
And just like that it's fixed with a $24 max pain. What a weird computer glitch!
Other guy seems to be right. It lines up with SPY's option chain.
That's weird. I didn't edit my screenshot.
If you show the previous months charts it says we were trading at $500+ all year which is obviously not true. I'd say this one's an actual glitch.
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Lotta glitches on this stock...
Seems like a lotta idiots with eyes on it
Not saying you did, the website was just wrong.
Why does the bullshit Robinhood chart refuse to go past $24.85?
Sir I cannot decipher this crumb.
he has lettuce hands ignore dev is white wagmi
> DFV sued by a guy with 35 shares and 3 option contracts
No one see the rc tweet looking for mobile developers lol
Another NFT bullshit project that will be shitcanned after a beta release to zero fanfare three years from now
witnessed, also yes it happened minutes after a live space on twitter where some folks were discussing minor issues with the gamestop app
>listens to his critics
>even when he's not supposed to be listening
I like his aggressive style.
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>Premarket starts
>We haven't moved at all over the entire weekend
Stop crabbing!
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This is so bullish for GME. I’m gonna buy more AMC as I know it’s gonna run alongside it
>Omg Roaring Kitty Posted
>That's Bullish For AMC Apes!
>RK: *Has literally, not even once, mentioned AMC in the last 3 years*
It’s mental retardation, the black folk fell first, then the wiggers, now they all lobotomised because more number = big win AA cock 4 apes.

They make connections to GME as if DFV & RC give a cheeky wink to the camera just to them, it’s beyond cringe, when DFV was doing his bombing run of sweet ass YOLO showing only GME they saw it as “omg he’s pumping amc”

The worst offenders…. The live streamers that track AMC
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those amc folks went insane when DFV reads a stream comment mentioning movies and he reads it out loud.... god damned
fucking kill yourself

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