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Why are Boomers like this?
Most people don’t actually like their family. Just tolerate
>raises shit kids
>gets butthurt about said kids neglecting him
surprised Pikachu
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Boomers gonna boom.
I am like this but I am the youngest in my family except for some distant cousins with normie families that havent seen in years.
Fuck them, they can all go to hell.

How can I make sure that all my assets and investments go to whatever is the Hamas/Hezbollah equivalent at the time of my death? I imagine I would first have to make contact with their Qatar office right? I hope they have shell companies set up.
Keep all your wealth in BTC and let your keys die with you, becoming one with the network and distributing your wealth to all holders collectively
>How can I make sure that all my assets and investments go to whatever is the Hamas/Hezbollah equivalent at the time of my death?
The best way is by giving away while you still live.
This will be my fate.
>quantum computer steals all your shit
I don't have any BTC and even in my wildest making it scenarios I would not allocate 20% to it.

I have thought about that but I hesitate because of the terror-financing laws until I properly have an off-shore trust set up and have bought a third citizenship.
*more than 20% to it
No most white people don't actually like their families. That's why they put their boomer relatives in retirement homes to get beaten by third world Jamaican care takers.
When I went to visit my grandmother in hospice, they had the radio in her room blasting super loud classical music to drown out her screams. It was depressing as fuck; she was the one who raised me and we would talk on the phone every day before she lost her mind. There was nothing I could do.
It was like that scene in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly when the band of Confederate prisoners is forced to play music to drown out the sound of Tuco being beaten senseless in the interrogation room.
Based truther.
lmao cope. your shit families hate each other even more, u just stick together and are miserable because of cultural pressure
No cope just Jamaicans beating up lonely elderly white people
When I die my 3 nieces are going to get everything I own, I'm not really attached to them and they're kind of fat & selfish but I dislike the state so much I'm going to make sure it doesn't get a cent.
but anons here tell me I have to have children so that I don't die alone
You're just a tranny bro who got disowned by his family and now you generalize about others to cope.
god i wish i was a boomer
This is correct. I am in the trades and I work a few “hospice” homes.

“They will stay here until the pass or if their family decides to come get them to live with them - this doesn’t happen very often.”

They’re slowly buying up all the old schools in the negroid areas to use as holding cells/rooms. Everyone is African and they truly don’t give a fuck. You’d be surprised how many people have their limbs chopped off because they don’t understand diabetes - and then they die shriveled up in piss-filled former classrooms.

lmao what does that have to do with anything? you're obsessed and pathetic.
That post is confusing. He's wants to exclude his family specifically because they're going to hide his death certificate from the executor? Oh, it's because his will doesn't give them shit isn't it? I get it now.

Well, what he's describing is fraud and punishable under civil law so
>How do I stop my family from committing fraud if I die?
You can't. There are certain things you simply cannot control after death. One of them is your will something like 1000+ years in the future, in any state. Another is that someone will simply commit fraud. I would think that someone who is a "boomer" would have fucking realized this about life by now?

As someone who has a kid of my own, I can't comprehend not wanting to leave them pretty much everything. The way I see it, I have close to $3 million now. $1 million of that is great for me, $1 million for my wife, and $1 million for my kid. But that's because I want to be around to actually spend and grow it with him. I'm in my 20s though. Maybe by the time I'm in my 70s I'll become so bitter I hoard it all or something. But I can't imagine it.
Family in America means nothing.
Aren’t there ways to exclude someone from their will?
Jews seem to at least go into business with their kids, but old white people have a culture of "you owe me everything, I owe you nothing".
There's definitely a lot of cognitive dissonance stemming from Reagan era policies, which were counter actions against all the destabilizing communist agitation efforts in the 60s and 70s.
OP pic is an example of severe dislocation in family dynamic which can only be explained by complete detachment from reality and how things actually work IRL. Under normal circumstances, these mistakes face swift natural correction due to complete collapse in a family unit economically, socially, etc. Enabling bad behaviors that go against the natural foundations of a society due to obsession with countering whatever is disrupting normalcy created generations of people incapable of long term planning or rational action.
Always reacting, always under duress, looking out for the next 'danger'. Our country has one of the most psyop'd population in the entire world.
Evangelical contradictions, itself an effort to upright Christinan norms after all the anti-Christian efforts in the 60s and 70s, definitely played a part in creating generations of people detached from reality.
No u. Family (blood and close friends) means everything in America. Country means nothing.
No one cares about dumb neet faggots from /pol/ who fall for a bunch of empty platitudes, unless your dad and grandad are helping you build a bugout bunker for the end times your family isn't worth shit and you know it. Now fuck off and don't reply to me again, you empty shell of a faggot.
>no u
And go back to 2004 and take that meme with you, newfag.
>white people have a culture of "you owe me everything, I owe you nothing".
strictly due to jewish propaganda. post your nose, kike.
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you have no idea what you're saying
Tale as old as time.
I'm a genxer and I have excluded my entire family from my will. Because they're cunts.
lol white people are disgusting and nasty vile creatures
proud to be an Indian
Better to keep your wallet connected to your heart rate that will send all your holdings to a burn address if it doesn't detect a heart beat for 72 hours

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