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All the top replies are calling the OP a virgin mooch and saying he needs to move out immediately.

Why do normalfaggots get so mad at those of us that actually get ahead financially?
Just textbook crabs in a bucket example
the crazy thing is that this dude isn't even by far the worst example of a young fuck up in today's society
he has a degree, a job even if shitty paying and some six figure hell saving
I know neets that have zero of that in their 30s rotting away and believe me it's a sizeable amount of young men living with nothing
society wasn't that demoralized since weimar but back than we were 99% white and high trust at least
Dude. This guy is in the top 90th percentile by normie standards
it's crazy how much society fucked up
How is he even a fuck up?

200k is literally fuck you money

He could buy a fully loaded bmw or even a porsche yet he still cries
cost of living
holy fuck you are retarded
I make a little over six figures but I don't even have near of $200k saved in the bank. That's easily the down payment for a good home.
lmao, 200k is fucking nothing, are you underage or something? you don't get into fuck you money until you're at high 8 figures, and fuck u as in you will make it for yourself as long as you aren't a retard
Fuck you money is low to mid 7 figures. I think fuck you money is being able to tell your boss and everyone else to fuck off without worrying about the consequences
>Reddit melting down over this post
>All the top replies are calling the OP a virgin mooch and saying he needs to move out immediately.
There is literally just one comment saying anything similar to that.
But even nowadays, that won't get you far.
If you were to deposit a few million in a high-yield savings account, you might be able to just live off the interest.
>weimar was 99% white and high trust
Proof child’s literally can’t even make ONE post without bullshitting to the max.
>buy an expensive car for 50% of your savings
>the car depreciates
you are now one of those people living in crappy apartments with a luxury car
Why should I give a fuck about what is or is not happening on Reddit? Is your next thread going to be about some mediocre nobody on Twitter discussing their last bowel movement?
The same faggots telling him to move out are the same ones who claim moving in with your parents is the only way to live financially. They hate to see a peer take advantage of the situation they claim is required to move financially ahead, to guess what, move financially ahead. Bitter fucks.
good morning sir
More like living out of that luxury car.
kek i bet he'd get vastly different response if he deleted the 200k saving in his post
fucking crab mentality and exactly why you should never ever tell your wealth to anyone
Idk this looks basically like me at 29 and I feel the same way. I just happen to be remote at 100k as of this month though
normies are insane. they think you are "suppose" get a mortgage and be in debt your whole life and anyone the deviates from the narrative must be destroyed. they are also envious and competitive, if they screw themselves they want everyone to to screw themselves too. but yeah that post is me too. there is literally no way to exit this tier as a wagie. you'd need to inherit a family business and pay no taxes or something. you cannot get ahead without stepping on people at this point
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>"crappy degree"
>"can't afford to move out"
>74k a year with 220k in cash
It's a troll post.
It's a troll post
All the people who replied to you are completely broke but will pretend they work for google making 500k a year

This board is shit and this website is shit, you literally can't have a conversation with people who lie so much about their faggot lives.
Makes sense if he lives with his parents.
whats the plan after moving out? your savings stagnate, you are locked into a mortgage and can be coerced into doing anything. only a glowie would encourage this
Kill yourself faggot.
I am on team move out. You can't really blossom as a man when you live at home. You're under mommy's thumb, you never really know who you are or what you want, you never get that fire under your ass of needing to survive or die. Thus, 28 years old with solid income, $200k and not a clue.
Yes your savings rate is worse when you actually pay for things. No there's not a way around it without living by parental support.
How do you make the finances work? You get married and have two incomes.
Reddit is a wasteland and people on the internet are not here to help you.
Either that or the poster is really tone deaf. He makes above average pay and has six figures in savings. That's far more than most of the population. You can be unsatisfied with your situation but you're inviting anger if you're labeling yourself a "bum" and "have a shitty degree". If you're a bum at that state, what's a person with a good degree making $45K a year with no savings?
This is what I never could understand about plebbit and other forums. They literally give you conflicting advice depending on their perception of you. I'm not even generalizing the posters. I mean literally the same exact people do this. The best examples are anything related to sex and money
>How do you make the finances work? You get married and have two incomes.
Ah yes, "just get married"
I have watched people with fuck you money spend well over a million dollars to piss off someone they didn't like.
you have no idea what "fuck you money" is
Seriously. He's fucking 28 and making $70k.
I'm ten years older and only making $20k more than him .. and I have a fucking master's of science degree in engineering as well as professional licensure.
I don't think you know what fuck you money is lmao.
Doesn’t seem like a troll post to me. After taxes 74k is more like 50k. Assuming he has some expenses to live at home like rent/food and also personal like insurance and phone we can assume at least $800 a month goes to it so that’s like ~$10k right there a year so now he is only saving 40k a year. If he got his job at 23 years of age that is 5 years saving 40k a year so yes only ~200k, and that is assuming his salary stayed stagnant, it’s more likely he started around age 21-22 and had a lower salary and had to work up to 70k range. So I’d say he probably been working 6-7 years to save that much.

The new middle class is sadly 150-250k a year in salary. This is what you need to be able to afford a home that isn’t a shit apartment unit
>$220k savings
>fuck up
This. I know people who make 70k and try to live a normal life (apartment, 15 year old Camry, eat ok, gym). They basically have nothing left after rent.
I make $83k and if didn’t have a roommate right now my income would only cover my bills with maybe like $100 bucks left over.
Every $10,000/yr at my tax bracket basically means $100/wk net so I’d need to make about $105k/yr just to have some breathing room.
I do get some additional income though so that’s how I’m able to get by
If I could move home and life for free I absolutely would.
kek, only a retard would blow over 10% of the net worth on a fucking car
its absolutely a troll post made to make people feel awful about their current economic situation. having said that I agree, 220k is absolutely nothing for house buying.
>but he could consoooome!
I hate normies so much it's unreal
>You can't really blossom as a man when you live at home
I'm definitely blossoming so much after moving out of my parents' house five years ago and becoming a wizard anyway because all the women I run into are either hamplanets or losers.
Good luck anon.
>Reddit melting down over this post
Now /biz melting down kek
74K is nothing after COVID, you can make that working at McDonald's doing overtime
Good luck
Damn, bro. Aren't there any cheaper apartments around your area?
I make $88k and am able to squirrel away $2.5k/mo into investments.
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We are renting a 2 bedroom house for $2400 and splitting that.
Studios go for $2300+ so it wouldn’t even be cheaper to leave or at least not freak enough to where I’d be motivated to leave, even if I was there alone paying the full $2400 + utilities.
No lease at least
>MY parents would have kicked me out or charged me rent or BLAH BLAH BLAH
an entire subreddit filled with generations of penniless goyim
Damn. At least it sounds like you live in a nice area. I'm on the edge of slumming it, so much so that my car insurance (liability only) is $200/mo despite having 0 accidents/traffic violations.
that dude is unironically going to make it and come out on top of all the faggots paying the landlord kike 90% of their monthly income. all he has to do is wait for the real estate crash in 2 years then buy his home and 4 extra rental units for chumpchange then he can collect rent from the seething plebbitors who are foreverpoors because they dont know how to save money or escape the jewish hamster wheel they vote for
I’m not even in that nice of an area I just live in Massachusetts
bottom signal
>200k is literally fuck you money
you need to be 18 to post here
Im basically in the same situation as him. It's not nice. I'll probably never live where I grew up again. Unless crypto moons I'll probably never own a house. Redditors are crabs in a bucket. You see it here with the tourists too. They are loser faggots and anyone who isn't at rock bottom they will try drag down there with them. Those people are absolutely pozzed and psyopped to the gils.
You're poor
I’m 24 and make 120k a year and have 50k saved up. How am I doing lads?
Link for the lazy:
I just read a 'man up' reply. What is wrong with these people? They're walking catchphrases.
Better than most. Better than me
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My ex wife worked at an eye doctor office and one of the doctors there still lived in his parent's basement

I didn't think much of it at the time but in retrospect it was based
Your post is hilarious

It's amazing to me to see someone with the actual mentality of a nigger.

Thanks for this
He's a lot better off than the average normgroid but 70k is just not enough to buy a house in a significant portion of the country anymore. 150k down payment on a 500k house and he's paying, what, $2500/month just for mortgage+insurance+property tax? Add utilities and maintenance and we're talking $3000/month versus his current cost of basically zero. Grim.

I make 3x his salary and live in a low cost of living area and houses here start at $300k now unless you live near the druggies or blacks and I'm even apprehensive to buy because I'm concerned if I don't get out of six figure hell in the next year or two it's never going to happen
I'm 34 living at home with $1M and I'd rather not move out because my Mom buys all my groceries and cleans the kitchen. I pay her for it too I just don't wanna do it.
i make 90k~ aud a year
saved maybe 30k~ this year
itll take me 6 years to save up a house deposit in the city i live in
during those 6 years houses will probably go up 20% so make it 8 years
kind of thinking i should just save up that money and fuck off to thailand or south america and live like a king until im 50 and jump in a river instead
>get married
>enough money to bankroll 10 businesses, without ever getting involved with a woman for a "second income"
>a stable income as a backup plan
>can't put these two together because he's a shut-in that still lives at home without meaningful life skills
this is the actual problem
>Redditors are crabs in a bucket.

When I see how the Biden family doesn't protect Joe Biden right now and how nobody steps up. That's reddit values in a nutshell.
>example of a young fuck up in today's society
I honestly don't see any fuck up there. He got education, job, he makes money and accumulated savings (remember that more than 50% of people don't have real savings at all).
His only issue? He wants to be "out on my own". Which is is pointless if he doesn't plan to start a family.
>muh cars
Jesus christ go back to /o/ nigger
>i am a bum with 70k a year income...

wtf is this post
>All the top replies are calling the OP a virgin mooch and saying he needs to move out immediately.
lmao living with your parents past your 24th birthday
>whaaaaah cant buy a house
then buy a condo that isnt downtown you fucking child
>spend literally all your income on a mortgage or rent lol

Whats the point of that you animal, when our whole fucking society is geared around keeping boomers in their own houses
>Whats the point of that
I don't know, maybe to get your own fucking place and live an actual life instead of staying a loser manchild for the rest of your life coping about normies and how much money youre saving while life passes you by and then die alone and angry at the world
If only I was a normie with an ex-wife and some step kids
>you might be able to just live off the interest.
who can't live with 100k+ without working?
>then buy a condo that isnt downtown you fucking child
god i wish i was a spoiled american
I hope you realize that youre literally coping by being ironic, like an actual coping mechanism which makes you feel good in the short terms but in the long term youre just fucking yourself, which ofcourse you will continuously blame on someone else when you realize that youve wasted your life
>i won't settle for anything less than a 5-story mcmansion in a prime location handed to me on a silver platter.

You faggots have to wake the fuck up. I know that the only responsibility youve got in life is to put your empty plates in the dishwasher after mommy made you dinner but jesus christ
one life on this gay ass earth, and you decide to spend it living as a fucking toddler
god i wish i was a spoiled american
i would leech off my parents and invest all. after i make it, take care of my parents financially until their death.
>200k is literally fuck you money
Not everyone lives in India Ransheet
Move to the countryside or abroad, the western world is priced out for the vast majority unless you wanna be a debt salve for the rest of your life

The average person under 30 has less than $5k in savings with an average of -$25k debt.

Complaining about $200k in savings at age 28 is humble bragging and OP and larping buddies in this thread pretending to be confused as to why the average redditor would be upset at the post is low effort ragebait. If it's even real, it's probably all in "crypto" too which is just monopoly money.

Yawn, try harder.
>He could buy a fully loaded bmw or even a porsche yet he still cries
Holy fuck you deserve to be poor.
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I'm 32 with 40k in my retirement, 55k brokerage, 40k in the bank and still rent

its over before it even began.
Im in a similar boat as this guy, except I dont have a degree, im waiting to become full-time at UPS. I've worked at UPS part-time for almost 6 years. It takes around 8 - 10 years to become full-time. I live rent-free for the most part and I've saved 40k since 18. Dont want to leave UPS because full-time warehouse pay is 70k-100k a year.
>Move to the countryside or abroad

ive never seen someone do this that i want to be like
Fellow Ausbro. Similar situation here, two years of saving and I've got just over 100k AUD in the bank. But to have a deposit for a place in Sydney I'll need to save for another three years, but by then the average starter home way out west will be $1.4M, so I would need to borrow $1.1M which is impossible on my income.

IMO the traditional pathway is broken in Australia, we need to strategise and plan things out a lot better now. If I were you (and I am doing this myself) I would be looking for an apprenticeship in either electrical, plumbing, or air con - use a trade career as a launchpad to work in mining, save as much as possible from the 200k+ that a mining job will pay, and then use your qualification to start a business in a rural area. Major cities here I find are simply unaffordable unless you have a lot of familial wealth to help get your foot in the door.

The trades pay a lot better than most office jobs now but the biggest benefit of all is that you're not forced to live in Sydney or Melbourne - you can take a trade qualification anywhere you want and still make as much as you want within reason.
PEs start at 120k base across the nation. If you're willingly taking a 30k pay cut you're just retarded.
t. Actual MSME with a PE.
You can literally live on a tropical beach for a decade off $100k savings and zero income. Why is everyone obsessed with handing all of your savings over to a bank so they give you a loan to buy the top of the intergalactic housing bubble?

Jesus christ normoids are retarded
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I make $290k per year and it isn't even remotely close to "fuck you money."

It is "awkwardly smile and laugh at gay jokes with trannies on video calls and constantly try to look busy while wasting away hoping the weekend comes sooner" money.

BTW, I drive a 9 year old mediocre Volvo with >100k miles on it, live in a mediocre apartment (that I rent), and have ~$400k in savings. I'm lucky if I can save more than $10k per month nowadays.

I still would never live with my parents though because I'm not a fucking weak faggot. Even when I was broke and making minimum wage, I preferred sleeping on other people's floors over living with my parents. It is unironically pathetic the amount of adults living at home with their parents. I'd sooner be homeless, sleeping in the woods.

The fact that adults living with mommy and daddy is so defended and common now just shows what a bunch of weak, pathetic faggots people are nowadays. I'm imagining my grandfather being 25 years old and having his mom cook him dinner while he's upstairs jerking off. People are such faggots, Jesus.
you'll never be happy

if you can't figure out how to set yourself up off $400k you are just a retarded faggot sorry
>The fact that adults living with mommy and daddy is so defended and common now just shows what a bunch of weak, pathetic faggots people are nowadays.
you fell for a major psyop, and that excites the jew. selfish.
The nigger doesn’t even know it
He can Live in a trailer. And get a good amount of land. Just don't pay insurance
this guy has fuck you money, that's why reddit is triggered
Redditfags are just parroting what their boomer parents have been saying to them all their lives and they are too low intellect / low test to form their own opinions.
I don't know, my situation is not that dissimilar..
Make around $40K a year at a dead end job, have $90K in stocks and crypto, live with parents.
The thing is that right now i have the opportunity to dodge the working the next 40 years. I invest a lot bc of the no expenses situation, maybe $2K a month.
~$25K a year + ROI, should be feasible to retire within the next 10 years.

The moment I move out, my expenses are gonna ballon, and i won't be able to invest $2K a month - maybe i will be able to do $500 (a 75% reduction as the guy in OP's post). = Retirement moved up at least a decade.

also, Europoor, so houses and cost of living is less expensive.. Making my situation very similar to OP's guy.

> Reddit melting down over this post

Probably a good post then.
But you are a weak faggot. You hide yourself amongst the people you hate so you can squirrel away some money and for what? You're a slave to money whining about muh six figure hell as if a million will suddenly change everything for you. It won't because you're a miserable miser who wouldn't spend a cent that would bring you back below 6 figs.
After reading the replies some of the predditors aren't wrong. He could put a sizable down payment on a 200k house and afford to pay the rest off with his yearly salary. Problem is the timing, anyone saying to literally get a 400k+ house loan at 6-8% interest rate is a massive fucking retard. Him currently living with parents isn't a bad thing if he helps pitch in.
Outside of the not owning a house, I am willing to bet he is financially better off than his parents are.
Read through some of it, the money subreddit seems to be filled with retards who aim to live paycheque to paycheque in the cycle of constantly bringing their accounts down to 0 and back up again. Filtered.
stfu high 7 figures in savings is fuck you money for virgins over 30.
This country is so fucked. You basically can't live on your own. You need roommates or a partner
the interest rates will drop this year anyway.
he can easily buy a house for 470k.

He's rich.
Why are they hating him. In 3rd world countries familly works together to get ahead.
The rugged faggotry/nuclear familly thing didn't become a thing untill the roaring 20s with all the excess wealth making it possible for anyone to buy a house and car.
We are currently in a recession as bad if not worse then that of the great depression and we must act like it. And return to family.
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I’m like that too and I have $300k - $400k nw. If normies are all moving out and incurring massive debt, meanwhile you staying at home and investing puts you way farther then them.

I’d rather be insulted by normies and be rich or retired than having to work.
Even immigrant familes work together to get ahead. Rules have change you either bitch about it or adjust.
>This desu
300k Shitcoins
20k Stonks
100k a year job.
1m in realestate.

Still live with my loving mother father, and brothers who work together to retire at the age of 30.
>just man up and get married or you're going to miss out on life!
>marrying an american women.
At that point just dip to the third world. Already made the mistake of marrying so they did it to themselves
Yeah there's a TON of people in their 30s with a useless degree, a huge bag of college debts, and they're working at a minimum wage shelf stacker type job if they're working at all
You would be astonished at how little savings the average person has
And people wonder why first world countries have very sad fertility rates. Actual, real, feudal wageslave.
Worse than feudal in every aspect. Something new in its entirety
He should just accept his fate, and move on, Sharkroll community accepting all applications at this time
>just get divorced and lose half your net worth, just like a 1 shot mechanic in a video game.
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>car insurance: $170
>cell phone: $100
I pay $40 a month for my phone bill through straight talk and it works about everywhere.
Car insurance is just $48 every month. People need to learn how to “shop around” for car insurance, it only takes 2min to get a quote from each insurer. I believe Progressive and State Farm were $10-$15 more expensive for the exact same coverage, Geico ended up being the cheapest but that $10 adds up fast each month. You could probably drop your expenses $80 each month if you find better cell service/insurance.
What does "set yourself up" mean? My monthly expenses are around $6200.
No, I didn't fall for a psyop, just not a pathetic faggot that wants to remain a child.

As opposed to what? Everyone is a slave to money you fucking retard. Go ahead and come up with some exception to the rule like the Amish. I'd rather be an "independent slave" than one sitting in my childhood bedroom down the hall from my disappointed mother. Your argument about being a "miserable miser" doesn't hold water in context either. If I were such a miser, I'd be a pathetic faggot like you phone posting from the twin sized bed I slept in when I was 9 years old to save, what? $20k per year?
I’d rather be retired and not have to work to live.

You can shame us all you want nigger. I work from home mainly, my parents want me around. I have enough to drop for a house anytime I want. I’d rather invest and retire early in my parents country and live a comfy life there.
This is what I was thinking.
Well done.
You all literally LITERALLY fell for bait.
All reddit posts that aren't about dark souls weapons are writing practice for people who vote for homo marriage.
you are a nigger consoooooooomer

you're spending $6200 a month to live in some shithole American city and complain about your job that you hate

with $400k even just earning basic bitch 5% interest that's $20k a year, if you can't figure out how to live in a tropical paradise on that you have jewish brain worms
Lmao you realize that everyone used to live with their parents? Multi-generational family homes were the status quo for thousands of years, and we are basically returning to this state of affairs. Your culture of individualism is a very recent phenomenon and is ultimately unsustainable as housing prices rise with no ceiling in sight.
>getting married
wouldn't even live with a woman in this country for risk of getting court raped
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jews and their psyops via bots and Israeli AI
what about a mortgage?
What's 75 times 5?
>They're walking catchphrases.
That's how Reddit works. The voting/karma system may have sounded nice in theory a long time ago, but in practice it's as if it were precision designed to curate the lowest level of thinking and discussion that can possibly be extracted from humans; to the point where "human" seems like too strong a word to describe anything and anyone to be found there.
The moment he moves that money papa government fucks him in the ass one way or another.
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Normalfags gets into BTC, ETH
Veterans gets into FAC, SHIB
Well technically a humble brag. But yes it was a troll post. So is this thread. So are most of the replies to this thread. The truth is most of /biz/ is made up of neets who need a loan for pizza. Or Indian scammers.
$220K buys you a house outright in Cleveland. Put 50% down and open a small food business. Restaurants there are nearly California prices.

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