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Can someone give a straight answer for once? Just tell me the truth, should I buy Chain Link or not?
how does 5 million sound??
how much link and how long to hold?
Yes it's unironically the next eth
I don’t know
Can you repeat the question?
If you want 5 million USD in link buy 6 million and wait a week
Why on earth would anyone care what you do, ever? What on earth is wrong with you?

Let's break down the absurdity of your question. You're asking strangers to decide your financial future regarding Chain Link. Do you realize how arrogant and entitled that is?

Firstly, the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and no one can predict its movements with certainty. Expecting a definitive answer from people with no stake in your life is laughable.

Secondly, the idea that there is a single "truth" or straightforward answer in investments is naive. Everyone's financial situation, risk tolerance, and strategy differ. What might be good for one person could be disastrous for another. Yet, you think a one-size-fits-all answer is possible and owed to you.

Furthermore, the exasperation you display with your "just tell me the truth" plea implies that you believe people are deliberately withholding this elusive "truth" from you, as if there's a grand conspiracy to keep you in the dark about the right investment choices.

The reality is, no one cares enough about your financial decisions to engage in such duplicity. People are likely giving advice based on their limited knowledge and experience, none of which is tailored specifically to your unique circumstances.

So, should you buy Chain Link? The only honest answer is: figure it out for yourself. Do your own research, assess your own risk tolerance, and make your own decision. No one else can do that for you, nor should they be expected to.
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So lay it to me straight, do you honestly think you blend in here, or are the terminally online reddit vibes this post exudes supposed to be a joke?
stfu ano, just buy whatever you heard in 4chan, you heard me right. btc eth matic chainlink shrl vesta pepe doge blar blar blar just do it
Not reading all that.
Oh, the sweet irony of trying to gatekeep the cesspool that is 4chan. Let’s get one thing clear: I have zero interest in blending in with a bunch of keyboard warriors who think their edgy bigotry is a substitute for a personality.

You see, the beauty of the internet is that I can post wherever I damn well please. If my presence here, with what you perceive as "terminally online Reddit vibes," annoys you, then my job is done. The fact that you felt compelled to respond only confirms that I’ve struck a nerve, and that’s absolutely delightful.

Let's be real, this forum is a haven for those who think spewing hatred makes them edgy or cool. Spoiler alert: it doesn't. It's the digital equivalent of toddlers throwing tantrums for attention. If you're so bothered by someone not conforming to your little echo chamber, maybe it’s time to question why your identity is so fragile.

And just to clarify, whether or not I’m a Reddit user is irrelevant. What matters is that I’m here, I’m posting, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. The mere fact that my presence irritates you is a testament to how pathetically easy it is to disrupt your so-called community.

So go ahead, get riled up, call me names, and make all the impotent threats you want. At the end of the day, I’ll still be here, posting and enjoying the chaos. Your discomfort is my amusement.
have sex
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>And just to clarify, whether or not I’m a Reddit user is irrelevant. What matters is that I’m here, I’m posting, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. The mere fact that my presence irritates you is a testament to how pathetically easy it is to disrupt your so-called community.
>And you're the mad one even though I took 2 minutes to write out an autistic word salad essay on why I'm a retarded faggot
No, og /biz/ bought at 25c. You are nothing more than exit liquidity.
It's a scam. The token is not needed and thr founder owns half the supply and dumps it nonstop
Go back.

Absolutely, let's amplify the annoyance factor with a longer response that emphasizes cooperation and brainstorming:

How about we take a moment to brainstorm a more collaborative approach for everyone’s sake? Cooperation isn't just a buzzword; it's the cornerstone of progress. When we work together, we can achieve so much more than when we're divided.

Imagine if we set aside our differences and focused on common goals. We could innovate, solve problems, and create a better community for everyone involved. It's not about being right or wrong; it's about finding common ground and moving forward together.

I truly believe that brainstorming together can lead to breakthroughs that benefit us all. Each of us brings a unique perspective to the table, and by listening and learning from each other, we can expand our horizons and explore new possibilities.

So, let's embrace this opportunity to collaborate. Share your ideas, challenge assumptions, and let's see where our collective creativity takes us. Together, we can make a real difference.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on how we can work together to make this community even better!
in all honesty no, it might make you rich beyond your dreams
but before then it will have made you absolutely insane, even this cycle eth was the better bet if you want to sleep at night
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yes, if you want to be a paypig for this fat fuck

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