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if you bought Chainlink:
- in the middle of December 2017, you're up around 10x against BTC
- any time in 2018, you are between 3x to 10x against BTC
- any time until October 2019 (except two weeks between June and July), you are 1.2x to 3x against BTC

so yeah, pretty much everyone who got into link during the golden age of /biz/ (2017 to 2019) is still a lot in profit holding against the grandpa coin. same goes for eth too. Just compare that to coins that were also popular back then, like DOT, ADA, XRP, LTC, XLM, VET, BSV, BCH, TRX, EOS, NEO, IOTA and HOT. They have all done extremely badly but no one cares about that. Why exactly does link get so much negative attention here since it really doesn't come from bad price action?
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don't mind me, just nostalgia posting here
Because if you pulled me aside in 2020 and told me LINK would be trading at $14 in 2024, I would have called you a retard and that's impossible.

The expectation was that this would be at least triple digits. Shitcoins like QNT hit $300. All your points dissolve in the face of this fact.
Because hopeless neets put their $200 life savings into link and are furious they didn’t get a 10,000x so they buy Ferraris and mansions and finally show their high school crush that they are actually worthy.
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Maybe when youre in your 40s anons!
it's not only that
it's the fact that all classical tradfi (SWIFT, DTCC, blackrock) connections are confirmed and in the making
CLs adaption is actually bigger than anyone of us could have ever imagined
hell it makes bitcoin and ETH ETFs look like a kindergarden but we are still at $14
peak clown world economics
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The absolute essence of linkholder seethe is an analogy for the tension between the autist and the normie world in general.
The autist brain insists:
>I figured out the oracle problem, I researched decentralised systems, I understand what is being built, who needs it, how it will make money, and how important it will be. Market's are supposed to be tools for rewarding people for figuring things out early. Where is my reward?
While the normieverse responds with:
>The markets pretend to be a tool for rewarding the early and insightful, but they're not. The markets are a game board for players to try and win according to whatever means they can, and you are up against players with exponentially more resources, more time, and more capacity than you, and so none of the "rules" that you think should apply, actually apply.
This is a microcosm of the rules-based hyper rational autist vs the world, and flows over into many other forms of tension that exist at the autist/normie interface.
The "way out" for the autist is to realise that the rules are not the written rules. The rules are the actual rules of the game, with all of their deception, bluff, viciousness and social politics built in. All of the things that the autist hates to engage with. It's all part of the bigger game.
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Kind of tired of normiepill takes where things like business fundamentals and network effects are entirely dismissed as unimportant or naive. This isn't even unique to Chainlink, people will argue similarly against Ethereum wrt competing meme L1s. My objective analysis of Chainlink and subsequent investment led to me becoming a millionaire, but for whatever reason I'm expected to give deference to the countless normies who've underperformed me because I didn't make as much as I perhaps initially expected? This entire line of thinking is just a humiliation ritual engineered by fuddies.
>if you pulled me aside in 2020 and told me LINK would be trading at $14 in 2024, I would have called you a retard and that's impossible.
Especially if you also showed that Link would completely dominate defi just a year or two later, and that completely delusional crumbs like DTCC would prove to be true.
this entire post can be summarised in one word
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Fuddies are non-white. There is nothing else to be said.
It gets negative attention BECAUSE it's the token that's going to rule them all, not despite it.
Many parties have interest in keeping Link down as long as possible. MEV mafia, accumulators, and even plain old weirdos. Of course, anyone with a functioning brain can see through it. Shouldn't be long now till big moves.
and this wouldn't be a true LINK thread without our resident schizos and their global conspiracies
it's all so tiresome
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My rules-based hyper rational autist brain has concluded that I objectively made more money than you have investing in something that you hate, in spite of it underperforming, and that the only equitable outcome in your view is that I somehow feel as bad about this as you do.
you obviously feel bad, otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to participate in fudders humiliation rituals
keep up the copeblogs
You made it, yet you are still here defending an investment you "unironically" made millions off. Why are you still here? And why do you feel the need to gloat? Is it because you are unfulfilled despite the money you made? Honestly if I had done what you did, the last thing is would be doing is coming into a thread like this looking for (you)s. Absolutely pathetic.
and that's how you know he's coping kek
>Why are you still here?
Probably because Link's most bullish era is about to begin?
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Blithe and dismissive brevity posts don't work for fuddies anymore unfortunately.
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As if you're capable of reading me you fucking crybaby.
Reading me?

Kek why are you here? I might be a loser, but you honestly take the cake here being a "millionaire" LOL
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You've got this entire thing backwards: /biz/ is for people like me to post almost exclusively and you're supposed to just lurk and learn. You think because you're literate that means you're ready to post, but you're not.
>people like me
Lmao, have you checked the catalog sunshine? Its 99% mouth breathers and you unironically think you're not one of them.
imagine having "made it" and still worrying about le fuddies
you reek of insecurity
>CL adoption is bigger than we could have imagined
speak for yourself, i don't think we've seen anything yet as far as adoption goes. link WILL be the HTTP-TCP/IP of DLT, and DLT hasn't even begun to be used in earnest.

turns out predicting the future is extremely difficult, and literally an infinitesimal number of people who try actually do so correctly. so yeah, we were all retards with regards to our expectations of the speed of DLT adoption. your mistake now is attributing your own retardation onto CLL and LINK.
>all your points dissolve because theoretically you could have bought the bottom and sold the top in other investments
the fact that this is such a common theme amongst investors is evidence enough that the market IS actually retarded, and provides those of us who are less retarded with a rationale to keep holding on fundamentals.
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Anon, you are brown. We're not even the same subspecies.
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Love to watch fuddies reeeeeee

>I have more link then all of you
And you wouldn't be in this true LINK thread unless you were bullish on LINK.
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$1000 EOY
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I don't think sergey meant to hurt me
because it didn't mean a thing at all to him
>turns out predicting the future is extremely difficult
>link WILL be
being incredibly early means you're wrong
let go of your ego and accept that, retard
those other two anons are right btw, you are a bitch

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