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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>58699055

As always:
>sneed hedgies
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Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.083 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~74.6 million shares of ~351: 21% total held by Jun. 5, 2024
>~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,
>12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22
>and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Thursday RRP: 531.692B, 75P = 7.089B per (roughly)
End of June Friday RRP: 664.570B, 93P = 7.146B per (roughly)
Start of July Monday RRP: 451.783B, 67P = 6.743B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q1 24 8-K/10-Q
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
https://www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.
sooo are we all dumping GME for Chewy?
i just dumped my chwy for $GME, swingies don't get the rope. If you haven't figured it out yet, then are you WAGMI?
I took a dump in my Chewy if yanowaddaimean
I sold half my GME (the half in Fidelity) for CHWY options
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Hedge cunt demons go back to hell
I like when Sam pretended to be based and wasn't so deep into freemasonry.
We really actually are in the end game now, aren't we? All we need is that fucking fuse to be lit whether is dfvs ftd's fucking the algo, swaps or an July 4th m&a announcement.
Don’t dump GME always keep that. Bought calls on chwy
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Sneed hedgecucks
No man, dump it for chwy.
I can't wait to bankrupt israel
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Many in our community are having issues like this. What starts out as familial alienation often develops into something more serious for our most committed apes. Ryan Cohen could and should serve stockholders and address this issue, by holding community event game nights at stores nationwide. That way we could invite family to a fun event where they can learn more and witness that it is cool to be an ape. The social movement aspect to the GME revolution should not be understated, it should be embraced by leadership.

We need to keep our life partners happy and confident in us to more fully win out over the hedgies. Community events would be amazing for that and bolster the community overall.
Wtf, I love chewy now!
if he posts another 35 emoji sequence tomorrow, I'm losing it

Ian Carroll on Redacted podcast talking GameStop and other noticings
Zamn, is Alie getting grown or what?
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> thread reminder.
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I saw those digits end of thread, wgami!
You have to cut off all negative influences like that and dedicate yourself to gme.
There it is again
>inb4 I got trolled
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Many in our community are also filthy bathniggers. They need your help the most. Maybe get some meltdownies to help the greater good as well. Don't forget to like and subscribe!
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strong together

>am I HODLing?
you betcha

>ever selling?
heckin no!


>where we going?
to the moon

burning up

based as fuck

this is

Bots just mad because we figured out a way to make literal infinite money. That's why everyone is trying to shut us down. The government knows that once we figure this out, their tyrannical hold on society is over. We'll be able to buy anything we want. This is far bigger than any of you can comprehend. You know how the FED has been printing pretty much limitless money? We're going to be doing that, and we won't need the government to sign off on it.

Free healthcare? Covered. Student Loan Forgiveness? Even better: paying people to go to college instead. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Where we're going, we don't need fiat.

You all need to remember this. Us gamers know that when you keep on finding new opponents in your path, you're going the right way. This was never about the money. It's about making a statement to the evil rich elite of wallstreet and ethics in financial journalism.

When we reach the moon, you paperhands are going to be REEEing. But even you faggots can get your redemption arc if you act now, when the moment is darkest and all hope is lost. Remember when Finn was trying to run away in Last Jedi? Well like him, you have your chance to show your bravery and BUY THE FUCKING DIP. We're in this together, and you can be the hero just like all of us too if you're willing to take a stand for justice and the little guys.

Tomorrow is the fucking day bros. We're all in this together. Remember, the moment we realized that there's more of us than them is the moment we won. This is Occupy Wallstreet 2 and the rats festering in those big pretty buildings know we mean business this time.
There was no reason to thread this early, baker.
GME board.
everyone who gave me flak about gme got real quiet when it ran up to 80 for no real reason.
Anyone wanna tell me why that Ryan Cohen wanna merge/acquire Chewy if he sold it years ago.

Let's say he do: He finna give Madden games with every order of dog food?
My family begged me to sell and I smugly refused. It got real awkward a few days later when it was back to $20
I bought more at 20 too, what a great play
A tin of cat food with every steam gift card order.
God damn holding GME is literally the best thing to happen to my boring ass life
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remember when ryan cohen singlehandedly wiped out 4 years of reddit DRS efforts when he diluted 75 million shares?
that was a classic hahahahaha
I hope my 35-80$ call spread for next june makes me money so on the next jump i can sell, turn it into a 2 week credit spread slightly above the current level, and then use that to quit my job selling puts until MOASS
kek baggots



Once he disclosed a 9mil stake in BBBY Ill be a believer
>oh wait
>2 videos unlisted
Doesn't matter if you believe. Pool's closed and you got filtered. Its okay, you'll still make it by being a GME holder.
>just missing out on the second idiosyncratic risk that was trading pennies on the dollar
Yeah, but now no one will respond to my great comment on the last thread. You've screwed me, OP. Without lube.
Alright gamers what's the news for today.
Dfv did something, ryan cohen did nothing as usual.
Same as it ever was.
I better buy bbby share before DFV buys.
cohen better get to work, the way that cat, dfv, been going it looks like he is gonna single handley take over the gme board and kick cohen out. Then press the red button cohens been blue balling us with this whole time but he is too much of a pussy to press. DFV wants the squeeze for the lulz, DFV is also going after musks high score of the person with the most money ever.
Is it a new thing to call your significant other or wife a partner? Growing up the term partner was always used as a polite was to say "boyfriend" for fag's. Not wife.
DFV went in on Chewy after Chewy did a buy back which is going to fuck the XRT ETF which is one of the largest sources of GME short locates.

Yeah it's stupid. It's supposed to be out of respect for your wife implying she does more than be a 'wife' but ends up being stupid. If your wife is amazing, she's an amazing wife, not a partner.

Also the guys saying partner are also a lot of the time the ones that take her name, or she keeps her own name.

Disregard for tradition and the meanings behind it.
>50.73% short volume.
>48.42% off exchange.
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>Musk has the most money ever
Nobody takes pride in their work anymore.
People take huge amounts of pride of being parasites to both the company and socially to their coworkers.
Ryan Cohen doesn't care about white people
Boss makes $20, I make a buck
That's why I crank it in the company truck
No I'm talking about the sociopaths who gossip and avoid doing work because someone they don't like asked for help.

The whole work culture of 1/3 of the job being pretending to work is so fucked. If middle management is "slave driving" without the ability to read metrics (and aren't tied to pay increases anyways) why do we need middle management? Replace them with AI.
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My favorite common middle management failure is when upper management comes up with a retarded idea they force middle management to implement, and middle management then does so unquestioningly to the direct and immediate detriment of actual performance.
This is every major retailer for the past 10 years.
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It's so much worse than that in aerospace.
So like, was XRT basically made to make it easy to short stocks to no end then wash the FTDs?

Is this kitty dude gonna blow it up for them?

Will that make it WAGMI time?
That's why they created single stock ETFs>>58702097
Reminder that UBS and Credit Suisse officially merged today.
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
Anyone else noticing posts about Roaring Kitty that don't mention gamestop? His name was thrown out on the Rebel Capitalist video I was watching today as well
All ETFS were.
> toosday too da moonday or boost
Invest in idealist internet admin, thus gaming shall be stronger

Game reality

If 4chan wasn’t attack, people wouldn’t of died!
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Nigger what
kek dumbfuck baggies
those bags are getting soooo heavy they gotta merge to carry it. theyre only getting heavier.
For those that missed it in last thread, I've summoned some fresh memeotology magic lastnight:

thanks fren, I had to put the reddit shit on the nose as they're the "masses" and as close to normies as we can rally
everyone is on their own, but there's no denying that having them as an ally in this one case is the smarter thing to do (enemy of my enemy is my friend)
There's a ton of basketweaving references, once you look closer. F.e. the pirate pepe with the gun has a logo on its shirt "4chanstop" in gamestop colours. But if you blink or look at another detail in the scene you'd never know. kek
You baggies will literally never make. 4 years later and nothing, another 4 years and nothing. Wake up and realise you're all in a cult.
open a chart, realize we're up
its been 3 years, investing takes time
when I bought my first shares before the sneeze, I expected the play to potentially take 5-10 years max, just like any other investment

wagmi, however you, are ngmi
>expect to take 5-10 years
Lmao all you reddit niggers believed it would take a few months max
Pathetic lame loser cope top kek
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>(enemy of my enemy is a useful idiot)
I will never consider the predditers as "friends". Never forget how quickly they turned on you during Covid for not taking the vaxx.
That being said, nice song fren. Really digging the early 2000's rock style.
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>dk butterfly trial moving forward
>jimmy sitting on 4 billy
>msm cucking to the RC spac
>dfv bought chewy, RCs baby
>children and animals must be protected at all costs
Squeeze started about a week ago
if this a cult an never gonna make it, why bother talking to pplz who genuinely dont care about what you have to say?

what kind of sick and stupid person do you have to be to go somewhere your not wanted and try to engage with folks who genuinely dont care about anything you have to say. guess you guys are masochist. or paid shills. probably both. i know how much you corporate types love to use pain to feel something, anything.
Same reason I like to make fun of trannies and blackpilled incels
Because you're a secretly a homosexual?
NO SIR I'M NOT A CAT: https://youtu.be/cHpxJf0s1kg?si=UjUZPQDtWk85FqiZ
I'm going to need 5 figure a share
I’ve been investing for over 25 years you huge faggot, my core rules being never invest money you can’t lose and always expect a minimum of 5-10 year for returns
Faster can happen and is good, but this is a heathy mindset for investing, not that you know the first thing about that
You are down on your paper portfolio, seethe

Thanks fren, ill probably make some more meme songs and vids when the time is opportune
Lets just see them predditors as sheep that we herd in the right direction, the sheep needed some extra guidance after the FUD yesterday kek.
The good thing is that this general we are all going to wagmi and then biz will implode into shit and dicks trying to cope
Shits going to be hilarious
How will that work with Ryan the Dilater?
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>I wonder what post caused all this overt seething
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> https://x.com/crazyclipsonly/status/1807566918775087313

> tfw no 3.14 qt cow gf
picrel, if your name is panjeet you'll never feel this comfortable in life Benchod bastards
Just spoke to my financial advisor, he says I should not follow Roaring Kitty's stock plays. Should I listen to him, a professional, or this YouTuber who made a shit ton of money?
Suck my dick.
>t.Ron Jeremy

FUCK (you)

$9,283,492,472,374,324 GORILLION ACCOUNT BALANCE
I will suck your dick and listen to you if you had any credible background. You are a nobody, therefore no one should and must not listen to a word you utter from your filthy, disgusting mouth.
>there since 2020
he bought 9 millions of share, he don't need you, he also a retarded gambler that got rich
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You should listen to your financial advisor over internet cats. Especially if your financial advisor suggests that gamestop is being set up to fail. You should take your financial advisors advice and short the fuck out of GME so when it goes bankrupt you won't have to pay taxes on your $$$. Listen to your financial advisor and short gamestop beyond your means because you have a 100% chance to win unless blatantly illegal things are going on which they arent because that would be illegal. This is financial advice
>you need a credible background to use your brain
nah, the less dumb memestonkfags knew ryan cohen's connection with Chewy ages ago and sat on it and sold when it pumped
Digits is percent chamce of moass today, we're all gonna wagmi so fucking hard it's unreal
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>credible background
I put a years worth of earnings into it because wu tang NFT divi was going to do a drive by of Wall Street circa 2021-2022.
If your financial adviser wants you to put 33% into SPY, 33% into NVDA and the other 33% up his nose, then you're the product.

Listen to this anon, this is unironically true
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>I’ve been investing for over 25 years you huge faggot, my core rules being
So selling high and securing profits isn't one of your core rules then. You must have lost a lot of money in those 25 years. No wonder you consider that all invested money is lost money.
The amount of shilling is going nuclear, stratospherical even, this is a sign, clearer than ever, that shit is truly, undoubtedly, unabashedly going down.
Feels magical doesn't it.

[ ] I will sell my shares of GME at a loss and forget gamestop
[X] I will WAGMI
Idk about that
thread feels kinda dead
eh, I've seen far worse. There's been points where it's been near complete shill saturation and often for seemingly no discernable reason.
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So the jig is up? Now we just baghold another half a decade?
Lol in the cringemines I've been seeing accounts made exactly 1 day after the 2021 sneeze have only posts solely about how bad gme is. I love how stupid they're using real actual shills. Amazing.
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>Will we finally... be free?
You should put 100% into NANC. Your broker doesn't get better gains than Nanc, because he's a faggot. Now begone from here faggot.

many such cases, accounts that barely get used, made (shortly) after the sneeze, and all they do is spread hate on the GME subs or post in meltdown subs if they forgot to log their other account

i just laugh at this point, there's no more confirmation a single man can take, too many events have solidifed me into an autistic holder that either replaces the current elite or dies holding a few shares to stick it to those faggots at wallstreet
The board is dead. This thread is the only life left.
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notice the 150* change on the bills and DOJ decisions the past week? seems like stanceing to not be hanged for treason in my books.
>i'm thinking wagmi
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Give me money. Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now.
Keep it alive pls I need hope
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Anyway I hope it dumps hard again so I can buy more shares and sell more covered calls.
It שeems like it really שucks for GME holders. Maybe you שhould שell?
>that bounce off of 23
Stupid stablecoin.
Ok, moon I guess, I'll have to be happy with my ocean arcology of g cup abby shapiro clones and private nuclear-capable military.
:人) X
Great cup size choice.
Sam's into freemasonry? What makes you say that?
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So in their controlled demolition ''this'' is part of their plan? Maybe the algo is calculating the amount of hedgies on ledgies needed to start moass? To me any chance of accidental moass happening under rc has just become zero. DFV can squeel and pump and dump all the shares he wants but nothing happens until king kike has secured a deal for isreal.
Idk I'm just trying to cope my existence in to yesterday and the day after that. I really can't see the light anymore, and that is only a problem because now it's hot and people go outside to make fun of my bags.
Oh wait I don't have bags I'm the greatest mind in the universe because I own GME and GME has 4billy my life should be great. So everything wrong is my own fault not jews not hedgies not jannies. Just some silly dreams
I know.
Perhaps that will be the minimum cup size, who knows.
The arcology will be wired to send video and sound to ben shapiro every day, also.
Your 33 check and him openly running Kabbalah rituals. Degrading zoomers and people respecting him for it, good karma for bad actions is the foundation of Satanism.

Making HA HA 6 MILLION jokes, then on his podcast saying how White people are empathetically defective for believing media lies. Jews are superior for treating goyim like cattle and deserve to be ahead. Says the guy actually deep frying human shit and sucking an obese man's penis with a vacuum so zoomers give him beer money to buy another sports car. Mid to late life failure never taking any real risks and screwing people if it puts a dollar in his pocket.

Sam can be funny, that's all he's got. The second his trust fund mouth opens about anything realistic my ears close up. He's a clown and a bad person too.
What would Gary Gensler say about Sam running preliminary investment rounds in a supposedly publicly regulated company, not intending to ever go fully public? Misusing investment mechanisms on purpose? Sam probably wants publicity by getting sued by the SEC. Close his case as fast as this DFV one and send him to the slammer.

Being funny is not related in any way to the other parts of someone's character or actions. Sam is a lame hustler afraid of getting a job, so he leeches off younger people. Bargain bin grifter but with alt right paint.
You still have to pay taxes on a short for a company that went bankrupt.
Why won't you pieces of shit just fucking sell already?? Have fun hodling for another 4 years.
Listen, DFV could tweet whatever he wants, no one is going to fall for it again. Not when GameStop can just dilute to 1 billion shares whenever they want. It's over. If you haven't made the money to slurp up cheapies during the upcoming recession, you need to figure something else out.
One day I hope swingies lose it all and watch it immediately hit 10,000 in a split second.
seethe lol
>Why won't you pieces of shit just fucking sell already?
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What are you, a rookie?
Sell calls and puts, earn on theta
I swing trade, stockpile shares with the profits, sell covered calls as soon as I hit multiples of 100, and stockpile more shares.
I dont give a shit what this stock does anymore, I'm watching the # of shares snowball.
If it moons, I'll sell everything.
If it dumps, I'll sell calls until I own the float. (or enough VOOTS to engage in actual market manipulation and the firing of everyone)
figure out deeze nutz
>lock up your cash or expose yourself to infinite risk
Literal retard.
A regular put is not infinite risk dumb fuck. A put does not have to be naked
And neither does a call.
You already have the shares, or the money, because you're swinging.
You can make use of those
>he cant read
Go away, smelly nigger.
I'd rather buy shares than do cash-secured puts.
Dont back track and sling shit when what you said is in black and white above.
You cant admit when youre wrong but IM a nigger? ok
Where is the volume?
Yes, you are a brainless nigger.
I said I sell covered calls already.
Naked calls expose you to "infinite" risk.
Cash-secured puts lock up your cash unless you want to be a dumb nigger (like you) and sell naked puts.
Blow your brains out, this is your last (You)
Thats not AT ALL what you said you disingenuous faggot. Youve exposed yourself as a minority - probably of the indian variety.

I accept your concession.
>Sam can be funny, that's all he's got.
I didn't know he did all that extra shit like frying feces, that's a bit too much for me. Sam's at his best when he's working with Nick, Sam, and Eric. They help temper and refine his humor, otherwise he devolves into lowbrow edginess.
The illiterate faggot aside, buying/selling shares and/or selling covered calls is the smartest play on this stock.
If you think it will actually moon (trusting redditors) set aside shares you dont fuck with.
"Missing out" on theoretical profit is the same as "missing out" on sloppy toppy from your favorite celebrity. Sure, it MAY happen, but basing decisions on theoretical scenarios is fucking stupid.
You can increase your cash pool (or your stack) by trading wisely up to the point where it crashes or moons.
>Cash-secured puts lock up your cash
If the price goes down, you've bought those shares. What else were you doing with cash otherwise?
If the price goes up, you can buy the put back at a discount, and free your money.
I forgot to add:
GME is unique in that redditors will buy ANY strike ANY price because they're fucking insane, so your premiums are like 10x what they should be basically all the time.
it's over.
is this a financial advice ?
>What else were you doing with cash otherwise?
I'm not only trading GME, GME options are just a money printer.
The "cheapest" printer is buy shares->sell calls if you're doing anything other than yoloing GME.
Yeah its backed by the guy that cant read, sue him when you lose everything pls
You're great, but can you break your neck though?
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might take you a while with your 10k shares you own, kiddo
What strike do you sell your CC's at? I'm not sure how options work, but I assume you sell them at the highest price you realistically think someone is hoping to buy them for, but actually hope doesn't reach that price so you can collect premium. If you're wrong, then you have to sell your shares at the strike the buyer paid for, correct?
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>It's time for everyone's favorite sequel to "just buy calls bro"
>Just sell covered calls bro
Bottom signal. Thanks retards.
I aim for at least 2x CB or a strike that, barring MOASS, it will never reach. That way if they're assigned I cant cry too much about it.
Again, GME is unique in that there are people buying at any strike, no matter how unrealistic.
On normal stocks, you have to go by whatever people are buying, tho.
God help you if you sell naked calls like that one retard suggested.
I'll enjoy my money printer while we wait for redditors to be correct, thanks.
You can seethe and sit on your DRS'd AND HODL shares doing jack shit but losing % while hedgies crap on you.
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Prakesh if you want to fit in you need to do more than talk about your assignment and no, bobs and vagene don't count.
>fit in with dudes basing their financial futures off a redditor posting a sequence of 35 emojis.
Nah bro I'm going to do my thing, you guys can do more AAAAA'ing than OOOO'ing, my numbers only go up.
yeah bro he's just nice enough to let everybody in his money printing technique bro don't you like free money bro
Back in my day it was just buy & hold, no fancy smancy stuff
And how much money did you make since the begining of "those days"?
Based vibe dependent decision maker
> dfv company registered as BFKN LLP
> B F K N
say it fast 5 times anon
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Selling puts is better if they execute i just hold until it jumps up 3-5x sell that portion( i only swing with half my portfolio at a time) and then when it drops start selling puts again, if i play my cards right on this next leg up i might be able to be financially independent

Invest in $BEEF?
kek dumb fuck baggoids
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>making money
I trade value in memes
Translation into English from baggiespeak:
I am still a broke baggie bitch who is going to die poor
Found it
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>Best Friend: KeN
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Aha! I am only poorer if I sell you dumb son of a bitch.
MDE has always been 1/4 Sam at most. He made a new online show "Fishtank" which is purely the low brow edginess you speak of, except he's also a Freemason doing Kabbalah because he's an old loser faggot who will do anything for money.

It's all fake and gay and he's literally paying zoomers half his age money under pseudonyms after the seasons so they feel like they owe him for "success."

I hope Gensler throws his ass in jail for intentionally scamming people via official investment mechanisms due to not intending to go public. Let the trust fund kid taste the slammer for a bit.
Whether Sam licks a cell for a while or one of his scam schemes goes haywire and his jugular opens on stream, I don't care. A shining example of evil across political lines. Yelling "ha ha 6 million heil hitler" every 30 minutes MAYBE makes someone a funny person, it doesn't make them a good person, and doesn't excuse abusing zoomers so you can buy another sports car. What is he? Gen X and he can't get a real job yet? Trust fund faggot like any of these finance people that get talked about regularly here.
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Butt FucKiNg
as in, more ass (butt)
What makes you say he's doing kabbalah and freemasonry though? If true, that's really sad. I don't think Charls would associate with someone who was seriously into that shit. They previously split their working relationship for a reason, but are now collaborating again after making amends.
When GME and CHWY reach parity, we're going to see some serious shit.
Source: I made it the fuck up.
Ooooo I like that more
nice can you make a 20 paragraph reddit post so I can link it here as a fact?
would you rather me sell calls instead?
They are kekking my bags outside my window and I can't do anything but trust a jew(isreal loving at that). I am responsible for this.
I don't care what you do
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sounds like you care a little faggot
cry about it pissbaby
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>cared enough to post
you're crying plenty bitch
and I'm just gonna keep posting bitch
Kek baggies can't squeeze
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>When GME and CHWY reach parity, w
So, I've been mulling over a wild but potentially game-changing idea for a while now: what if Chewy and GameStop were to merge once GME and CHWY stock prices reach parity? Stick with me here, because the synergy between these two companies could be absolutely insane.

First off, let’s talk about the obvious: both companies were founded by the same visionary, Ryan Cohen. Cohen built Chewy from the ground up, creating a customer-focused online retail juggernaut. Now, as the Chairman of GameStop, he's been working to transform it into a tech-forward company. Imagine merging Cohen’s e-commerce expertise from Chewy with GameStop’s massive brand recognition and loyal customer base. It’s a match made in heaven.

Think about the logistics and infrastructure Chewy has built over the years. They’ve nailed down fast and reliable delivery, something GameStop could seriously benefit from as it pivots to an online-centric model. Imagine ordering a game or console from GameStop and getting it delivered with the same efficiency as a Chewy package. This could drastically improve GameStop’s customer experience and potentially make it the go-to online store for gaming.
Moreover, both companies are customer-centric. Chewy is famous for its exceptional customer service, something GameStop has been criticized for lacking. A merger could see GameStop adopting Chewy’s customer service practices, leading to happier customers and stronger brand loyalty. This isn’t just about improving service; it’s about changing the culture and perception of GameStop in the eyes of consumers.

Financially, a merger at stock price parity makes sense. Combining the financial resources and market caps of these two companies would create a powerhouse capable of investing heavily in new technologies and innovations. Whether it’s developing a more robust online platform, expanding into new markets, or even experimenting with new business models, the combined entity would have the capital to make significant moves.
Let’s not forget the potential for cross-promotion and marketing. Chewy customers could be introduced to exclusive GameStop offers, and vice versa. Both companies have incredibly loyal followings, and leveraging this across both brands could drive significant growth. For instance, Chewy could offer exclusive in-game items or discounts for pet supplies with game purchases from GameStop, creating a unique and compelling value proposition for customers.

In conclusion, the fusion of Chewy and GameStop at parity isn’t just a fanciful idea; it’s a strategic move that could redefine both companies and their industries. By combining their strengths, they could create an unparalleled customer experience, drive financial growth, and set a new standard for both e-commerce and gaming. It’s a long shot, but in the world of business, especially with someone like Ryan Cohen at the helm, long shots sometimes pay off in the biggest ways. What do you all think? Could this be the next big thing, or am I just dreaming?
>jumped up
Time to sell another call, can I get some illiterate faggot to seethe so I can acquire dopamine along with my currency?
good start but not enough tit jacking histrionic pandering
sorry not selling calls
Didn't read, did you ask chatGPT to shit that up?
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Hi Larry
you can jack me off and lick my taint instead, if you so desire
please? will you please sell calls? I get a commission every time you do.
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wonderful time to be alive and shitposting, right fren?

sup John
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>please? will you please sell calls? I get a commission every time you do.
Order for 69 filled at 23.20

Thanks mr hedgie
>sold more calls
>bought more shares at a discount with other people's money
>this makes faggots seethe
I'm never going to stop lol.
The problem is that it will never dip to an acceptable price to buy with "my" money, and any puts in that range have premiums so low they're essentially worthless.
Nah Charls has always been against that shit. An Earthquake hit Turkey and he reluctantly forced himself to work with Sam again because "the needs of the many outweigh the few."

I can tell watching PGL that Charls is still weary of Sam, because Sam reported Charls to the IRS. Charls might be a batshit insane schizo who believes a bunch of bullshit, but he's smart enough to know Sam is full of shit and it's a matter of time until Sam turns on him again.

>What makes you say that it's Kabbalah?
Jet, the showrunner bragging about it on 4chan in the threads over a period of months under a pseudonym. Occult CIA spook faggotry. Jet himself bragged about MDE being a CIA offshoot.
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Gmentlemen... it's been an honour....
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Of course, the gains from the supposed transaction will not be posted. As is tradition.
At this point MDE is just a CIA/Mason recruitment show for zoomers. Gotta find fresh meat somewhere.
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Loving $djt
Thats right, I'm not posting a screenshot of +10GME@23.50 for some faggot spamming nigger porn images.
Cry about it.
The GMEhad has only just begun. Soon the homosexual Hedgie kafirs will be thrown from Ledgies.
I used to post my portfolio, but then you faggots would larp as me when I was red and say it's a photoshop when it was green. Cry and slit your wrists about it
bravo six, going dark
some days ago they wanted us to believe OIU isn't asian, but they forgot that he posted from the same twitter account during his internship at tesla
really not sending their brightest
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Concession accepted
amc creeping up. I think gme follows by eod.
Thats pretty much the only reason why any of these queers says "post pics."
They dont actually give a shit, and neither should you.
90% of these faggots arent even in the stock, they're just ghouls trying to make anons miserable like they are.
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But you won't post pics?
>the faggot keeps (You)ing me
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But you won't post proof? Additionally, I have it on good authority (the voices in my head) that optionsniggers and bathniggers/BBBaggies are the same people (notice that you don't find them posting at the same time).
Woah woah woah kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
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idk what all this position talk is about or for, here's my last purchase, from last month
Kek they don’t want me posting photos of my portfolio. I never would because my amount of shares would be recognizable on the ledger possibly doxxing me, and I don’t think they would have a response to a GameStop only portfolio that is more than a quarter million dollars in the green. Don’t ever fall for their bait. If we don’t post they get to pretend we are all red. If we do post you are putting yourself at risk for being targeted irl
Don’t ever forget that no matter how many shares you have and whatever your cost basis is, that account is worth more than the people begging you to share it make in an entire year.
Since no one’s mentioned it yet, AMC is completely decoupled from the meme basket now. Charts look nothing alike
Yeah I'm not stupid, I already knew that it was either going to be used by faggots larping or by finance niggers for attempted doxxing or potential lawsuits.
The troon posting edited niggerporn is a terrible bait artist.
The retards seething that I'm recommending other anons increase their bags by using other people's money are terrible as well.
Looking forward to the stupid niggers saying "RED DAY" thursday and screeching past market close (early) tomorrow.
That would require me to search for $AMC and thats just to much effort
Pulsating foof, get umbrellas ready, she gonna squirt
An omen of things to come.
>the shares I bought with other people's money are appreciating in value
Zen, unbothered.
>the shares I bought with other people's money are deprecating in value
Zen, unbothered.

I should sell another call.
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> born too late to explore the world
> born too early to explore space
> born just in time to witness meme timeline
> https://x.com/i/status/1808143413201572245
God is Good
but can you break your back though?
I’d bet my right nut rkkg bought and held bbby to bankruptcy.
What did you lose the left nut on?
the ~2k I transferred from my 401k to my self directed ira landed today and I was able to slurp up 100 more shares.

You can continue now gme, pierce the heavens
Your mother sucked on it too hard.
Take your meds
He really always gives himself away when he insists on pushing his noticed patterns that aren’t there. Watching them adopt a false schizophrenia to control the narrative has been the most cringe.
What's your relation to MDE, Freemasonry, or the CIA?

Denounce the Talmud, Zohar, Judaism, and affirm Christ as your holy savior.
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>could have said anything
>went for a yo momma joke
I like this nigga
I wonder what price it will go to before it starts making headline news and normies start fomo-ing in again

as for me, i'm sitting pretty on my shares that double as moon tickets and, worst case scenario, a boring long term investment in an undervalued company!
3 summers isn't enough for the jewman
How many years did the Jews walk in circles in the desert for before they reached the holy land?
At this point is it basically confirmed that all the big boys are short volatility?
I’m fascinated how someone has managed to be as consistently obnoxious and identifiable as yourself. I really wish I could meet you to know if your real life persona is as absolutely excruciatingly unbearable as your online persona. You are without question, the absolute worst part of these threads.
It would be the greatest blessing to not have outsiders talk to me for the next 40 years.
>no outsider comment for 40 years
>no outsider comment for 40 years
>no outsider comment for 40 years
>no outsider comment for 40 years
>no outsider comment for 40 years
>no outsider comment for 40 years
40 years holy shit I’ll be dead in 30
wouldn't it be funny if roaring kitty made a stupid options bet and lost all his money heh xD
Laputan machine
Threads dead. Where did they all go?
They're taking their mandated lunches lol
They’ve been taking lunch for 12 hours?
weird whilst we´re going up too
Shills are Americans?
Need to rewrite all fud to chewy going to take them a few days
Tends to mean an ah announcement. Get everyone familiar with the script, ready to shill all night. We will see.
The shills have paid vacation?
yeah it's actually a pretty good benefits package overall, I can link you if you're interested in joining.
This >>58703652 is more annoying than any autist ever will be.
Please do, I need more money to buy more gme
>The argument
>Who gets the last cow dung
pretty dead

So whats the AH announcemet, sir
Tuesday RRP: 443.369B, 78P = 5.684B per (roughly)


Dead dog
Dead dad
Dead thread
Dead stock
DFV no longer gme maxi and making other plays
Whilst we are left with his sloppy seconds
Butterfly has hatched obviously
GameStop has acquired fissile material and will be constructing their own nuclear device.
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I can get behind this
GME sisters, qhat's the newest cope?
This is a game's store. let AMC faggots worry video rental stores worry about the bluerays.
you're still here
Credit Suisse is finally kill.
whoops forgot to proof read.
If GameStop becomes a nuclear fusion energy company it would be worth trillions of dollars.
>GME sisters, qhat's the newest cope?
you're still here
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creddit sussy
Yes i've been here for almost 4 years and i'm still red
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I know you are
You're not very good at this investing game
nah, dip 10%
Then we'd finally have something to do with the unprofitable store locations
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Ryan please do something.
Sir this is a jewish appreciation thread. Please start thanking ryan cohen for diloooting your whole DRS stack, or else I might suspect you of being indian.
Shills script for BBBY went from you'll get nothing, to okay you'll get something but any a minor payout.

The fact that they're conceding on talking points shows we're close to the end
Lately I’ve been enjoying zooming out to 6 month view and marveling at that beautiful bull flag and the vindication of flat law. Sometimes I cry due to the beauty.
I told you they were on lunch, now they're all back in force.
Also BBBY niggas aint getting nothing because its funny.
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thank you gme for going up 1 dollar since I bought this morning.


You're right. I really want to extend my gratitude to Ryan for the dilution. While this might seem unexpected, those decisions have resulted in a remarkable bull flag pattern, which I plan to immortalize in a portrait.

As an artist deeply inspired by Ashekenazi Jewish heritage, I will incorporate traits and symbolism that reflect this rich cultural background. Your influence has sparked a new wave of creativity, and I look forward to sharing the final piece with you.
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anon, why did you have to send this message
giga doompeth coming during power hour confirmed?!
Don’t forget my favorite pivot
>only those who bought before chapter 11 get a payout
I appreciate you anon, the sand tribes have gone too far, linkrel:
>ain’t getting nothing
You are accidentally correct, Mr. Ebonics
good vibes begets good vibes
Other than a letter saying "we got em in the end goy good job hodling!"
Doesn't understand double negatives mean positive
English isnt their first language unfortunately
>the same climb up graph i've seen countless times before
i was told max pain for this week is $22. Where are my $20 cheapies? does ryan cohen expect me to buy gme at $24?
Kek agrees lmao.
Who are you going to get restitution from?
The company that has 0 cash to pay you with and whos assets have already been sold off?
The hedge funds who were acting as hedge funds do and have been forever (aka de facto legally)?
The Board who were just doing as they were told goy?
The CEO who, even if found liable, doesnt have the cash or assets to meet the punatives?
You get nothing.
N O O O O O O O O O O T H I N G.
while in general i agree, i've been here long enough to know every time anon buys we get dumped on by the bogsters
>he doesn't know that we already know we're getting paid
>getting paid in (((exposure))) is still getting paid goy!
>he thinks kek gave him some measly dubs
>he was on lunchbreak for 4 hours
>he thinks I haven’t already reported this to doug
I didn’t even realize you gave a new cope, thanks
>the ceo and board can’t even afford to pay up for their fraud
This one has never heard of insurance. They must not have that yet in India.
I already got punished when I posted >>58703402. The price gets smote everytime a yolo is posted. Fear not the bogdanoffs, for they cannot hurt you if you refuse them power over you
Don't you know that Gamestop will do a 1:1 conversion? Effectively giving former BBBY holders $5 billion in order to acquire some small tax advantages in NOL's? How could you possibly see this as a shit business decision?
>insurance after the fact
>1:1 conversion at immediate risk for a class action from existing shareholders (BR/VG)

Holy shit you niggers are delusional.
Sounds interesting, I think I'm gonna add a nice stack of BBBY to my portfolio
ngl I was expecting moass to be above $25 but if roaring kitty is a quadrillionaire I guess I can be happy for him
Read the last bit.
>purposefully misinterpreting everything other anons say
does this mean if I just post saying that I sold everything the price will go up instead?
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when is AMC finally going to bankrupt? any good suggestions? I want nig nogs crying in the street over wasting the last 4 years going after a shit-tier copy, like a nig nog buying a chrysler 300 because they think it's pretty much a cadillac
Lowest volume since May 2. Is that when rkkg came back?
Probably a few years time. They still have so much dilution to perform, so little time.
Help bros, I need this to go above 25 today. Thanks.
Sorry, moass is $24
> opens yet another beer
faith will make all the difference. you are going to make it
I thought we were supposed to MOASS already. They closed the market yesterday for fireworks and hotdogs, I thought we're supposed GMErica after gay ass independence day.
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Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
It’s still too quiet. There’s just one obsessie and you can tell he’s not paid to be here.
Buddy you have the wrong script that one's for friday.
too quiet for hhwat?

and yeah clit fucks me off, god knows why he's so eager for us all to know who he is. @clit, wtf u use an trip for? u fink u special?
We all time travelling now niggas
>purposely misinterpreting everything other "anons" say
Throat fucking every baggot ITT
>on paper
why didnt you sell at 65?
>hits a ceiling and closes at exactly 1 cent below $24
just noticing
Why didn't you sell at 400
Fuck you bloody bastard
Oh hey we closed a dollar above max pain
cause thats when I bought remember?
Plenty of time to go down by, idk, 1 dollar
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But can you break your back though?
Whats with the ESLs talking about breaking your back?
Is this an insult in india?
I thought the king of jeet insults was "your women are white men addicts seethe shitskin."
>kek you're from argentina arent you
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This guy sucks ass at trading
It aint easy being the superior race
>unload a big load of your shares at the absolute bottom
holy fuck fire him
looks like selling to cover taxes from his RSU's
man is literally peak retard
But Ryan selling 120 million shares at $28 after a run up to $80 out of nowhere is hecking based
Get back into the kitchen
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Seethe shitskin
Argentina is mostly germans that speak spanish for some reason
Many Nazi officers fled there after WWII, Hitler included
oh Ryan sold his shares? I feel like that would have been mentioned here. Also didn't know he had that many to begin with.
You know I'm speaking of the dilution. Go ahead and suck his cock when he unloads another 500 million shares next time it looks like the MOASS is popping off
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the dilution that was voted on 2 years ago?
that vote that allowed up to 1 billion shares was it?
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Why does Ryan Cohen hate us?
I didn't know that because you said "Ryan sold shares" which is not true. ATM offerings were voted on so not really a surprise he'd be doing it anyways
Part of the chaos in me wants to see him press the button of 500 million more to see what happens
best part of gme share offerings is that the residual price is always higher :3
Here is how Gamestop could have an edge over other online retailers for video game consoles and accessories. It's really fucking simple. When they get an order call the customer to confirm they are at the location. Then drive to the customer's house, ask for the customer's name when you arrive, and hand it to them in person. Don't just leave it on the porch and walk away.
I think doordash does local gamestop deliveries
My country is going to be run by a slug by the end of the week, can Ryan please finance my escape?
Sorry bros, I forget that even though Ryan Corban is leaf, that because I are leaf also doesn't make it July 4 but instead so called Canada day and the market doesn't close for that because in truth canada isn't a real country but a fur company with its own constitution that they traded for eternal devotion to the King of Canada. Man, Trudeau Sr really fucking hosed us in that regard and then set the stage for that Cuban nigger to sell us out to China. Did you guys know that if you read about the Canadian Oath of Allegiance on
Wikipedia it becomes very clear how much they refuse to refer to Canada as a country and refuse to let people swear loyalty to "canada" because they are unable to define what Canada is (because it's not a country).

I find that very odd and it makes me realize why ry dog dipped out, see he realized that he was a slave to the queen her fur trading company so he ran south to find a true nation to invest in. Truth is, R Cizzle plans to destabilize the canadian economy until can get 51% ownership of The Bay, which will entitle him to become the new King of Canada and kick out all the indians, thus gaining devote loyalty from a bunch of snowcanoes who will then vote at their local gamestop (a recent nationwide change from ebgames) with their GameStop wallet wu-tang nft to join America, adding a dozen new states to form GMEerica.
>I think
Do you have clearance for that?
But if you're here amongst white people,doesn't this mean that you diluted yourself?
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is this true, is game stock running out of volume?
Why does Ryan Cohen want to kill us (financially).

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>DRS'd 4 shares two years ago
>lost the paper in a move
>been too lazy to re-get them
>have a feeling MOASS before EOY
if I drs shares will they send me a new paper with account info that's the same to acess? I DRS'd through fidelity if that changes anything and if not is there a way to get it resent?
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just log into computershare, there's a button so they resend the paper
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>um um um..
>just short it some more
>just shill the bbby and koss stocks again
kek hedgies.
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im sirius goy...
I think you will legitimately become the richest belg in the world
Allowing Koss discussion but not BBBY. My senses are tingling
why do redditors type so cringey? I don't even know why I know this is cringe it just is
FYI Mr. Rich Belg there are only 576 Belgium DRS holders in total. For Holland there are 2567 and there are only 2 Dutch drs holders with more than 5k shares, biggest one only has 9,000 shares. Just shows how poor most people really are
so we moona soona or what? joona is over.
The stock will fly in July
>Just shows how poor most people really are
Yup. The XX hodlers are deluding themselves. Only people with the cash to buy 9 million shares are gonna WAGMI
Lmfao if dfv buys 9,001,000 shares of koss (pretty much the whole company maybe even more shares that even existed) and the price doesn't move at all. Then posts his final chewy, koss, gme position on reddit. RIP shorts you fought a good fight.
>ecommerce synergy
Only will work if gamestop closes almost all their stores and focus on vidya hardware and general electronics, like phones, laptops and hard to move appliances like fridges and washer dryers
That's the appeal of Chewy, subscribing to delivery so you don't have to carry a 50 pound box of dog food every month. Nobody gives a shit about buying physical games and the collectibles market is for faggots. Gamestop should be completely pivoted to electronics. Think like the Belgium coolblue.
Keep a few stores for flagship advertising and offline support centres only.
>Gamestop for electronics: gaming, audio, camera, phones, PCs and laptops, kitchen appliances, TV
>BBBY for home and bath goods
>BABY for baby clothes and accessories
>Chewy for pet stuff
Only thing missing is middle child toys section (ie LEGO, Hasbro) & board games. Could fall under gamestop as well. Collect them all and Teddy becomes a proper Amazon competitor. Skip out on fashion, beauty and care as well as home improvement, tools and garden. Amazon isn't dominating, margins are too low and the market is saturated with other online and physical retailers. Amazon can also keep their low margin books, back to their origins.
>and the price doesn't move at all.
Kek, that sure would be embarassing
I didn’t buy during dilution so I don’t care about it. It’s not like I had noticeable ownership of the company anyway, went from .0002% to .00014%.. big deal. Not enough dilution for shorts to exit therefore don’t care, but plus now the company has more than enough to become anything.

Roaring kitty says it best actually:
“…now it's all about the transformation, will they raise more money I don’t know, I see it. If you just change one factor, and that's that you don't think Ryan Cohen is a doofus, but actually really talented…”
“…I don't I personally don't think three years too is too long in this in this case five years and they say we're going to be going into the pet rock business…reserve the right to change your mind”
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Did you not interpret the stars?
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Damn that's crazy. Too bad they're gonna owe $180 trillion after GME pops.
GameStop (Ticker: GME) should buy Newegg (Ticker: NEGG)
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>the pet rock business
That's not too far off funko pop emporium to be fair...
Ryan Cohen is a NEGGer?
Currently yes, but he’s saying going forward if in an additional +2 years there’s no real transformation then time to hit the doors.
Nigga just 2 milly a share is all I am asking, I don't want 91 trillion
$400 million would buy it. RC Cola can raise that in 5 minutes.

I need $10 million post-tax pre-hyperinflation to set up me and mine. After that IDGAF.
>$400 million would buy it.
Wait, really? That'd be a steal actually. Real synergy with hardware sales.
I love how they say the government owes 91 trillion, but Noone knows who are where the 91 trillion came ((from))
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I would rather invest in a mutual fund ran by RC and DFV than some ecommerce or retail company. Let alone the really retarded suggestions from all of you like gaming cafes and Newegg.
RC knows what's up, plan is in the works. Californian limited partnership is confirmed now, of VC fund JP-7 GP. Likely same guys as Dragonfly: RC, LC and 5 others

> ITM Options are cheaper.
I was watching a video of rkkg from back in 2020 for the first time. Not having done so for the whole length of my "investment".
He's like a real autist savant. I could follow it a bit thanks to Martin Shkreli's courses.
Imagine if we were just able to get rich by gut feelings and shallow pattern recognition thanks to him.
>Philip Butler
>Jeremy Todd,
>Larry Cheng
>Blake Day
>Ryan Cohen
it's borrowed from the future via the destruction of purchasing power. Greedy fucks saying screw kids and their future, we want stuff for us NOW!
91 Trillion is owed to the future American taxpayer.
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Retards on twitter just post/repost shit without even kind of looking at what they’re sharing. You mean to tell me Ryan Cohen has filed for a partnership with the State of California to build jet engines?
Yup, the mods are glowing hardcore.
Just a coincidence LC, RC and Michael "Blake" Day the other co founder of Chewy had a investment firm Dragonfly that bought Amazon ecommerce brands and companies. Surely this strategy of acquiring companies in pets, home, electronics, bath, baby and toy sectors was completely abandoned and never tried again, definitely not under a Teddy umbrella which had filed patents for the use of Teddy branding in all aforementioned categories. Categories that Amazon is dominant in but their customer service sucks balls and they use their hedge fund buddies to cellar box their competitors into oblivion
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Read the filing retard. If you don't know the sec exemption rules mentioned by heart you don't know enough to understand
>year of incorporation 2024
>limited partnership
>venture capital fund
Only thing that isn't based is that their corporate shelf address is above a woke gay flag and BLM signs restaurant
>Jet Engines
>Not Submarines
Bloody bastard!
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>You mean to tell me Ryan Cohen has filed for a partnership with the State of California to build jet engines?
I think he's building a rocket so we can take this stock to the moon.
Either this LP is the structure that will buy out BYND, Dream on Me, DK Butterfly and enter agreements with Chewy and LEGO. Could also be the shell used to align GME and RC Ventures investments however, as California state law is the most strict about insider trading
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You know what really fucked up the markets and created the demand for a liquidity fairy to exist? The death of pensions. A pension fund buys and sells stocks all the time as they have constant outflows. Stocks in IRAs or 401(k)s sit there untouched for DECADES. Institutions, money markets, mutual funds, ETFs, hedgies, etc. all need TRANSACTIONS to survive, whereas individual investors can just HODL. What happens to market liquidity if 200 million people buying stocks really took them out of the market for up to 40 years at a time? You'd see all the reliable growth/divvy stocks just fucking VANISH from the market, snapped up by retirement buyers. What's left over would be stocks continually diluting, or stuff too unstable/shitty for retirement accounts to touch. That means permanent collateral shortage, which means everything else gets MORE illiquid, which makes it less usable as collateral, and round and round we go until the whole market is dead. Short selling a boomer stock would be literal suicide.
Which makes something like MOASS a necessary event.
Stagnant energy(money) leads to decay and needs to move to save the capitalist system.
Like Saturn devouring his children in order to prolong his life, eventually leading to Zeus forcefully removing him and taking his place.
Bye bye boomers. You're time has come to an end.
A New Age is upon us.
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What doin Ryan?
He's buying Blizzard for Baby Milk farm obvious
He forgot the I'm not a cat checkbox, rookie mistake
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Because he is a dog. Woof
babe, wake up, new richard newton kino dropped
Kek BBBY niggers will think this is about them.

This is what maxis allowed themselves to be filtered by >>58702882

AMC was always a grift
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The term is bathnigger you phosphorescent moor, extirpate thyself.
there’s no overnight
No options on this one, wonder what significance that will be.
GME has been going in a straight line for a month. When do you think there will be another 'event' that causes a pump?
Our boy keith gills could slurp up the entire float if he wanted. But someone pointed out that it was smelling like a pump and dump distraction kinda feels that way with the AH action. Idk we shall see.
Another 10 bucks and I can get out with a profit and wait for bbbyq to get revived
Didn't GME have super low volume right before the sneeze in Jan 2021?
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Well I was going to crack one out, looks like I am multi-tasking
>going to try to make this video short
>playback speed x2
Let me give you a hand
Koss being allowed in the Superstonk Overton window means it's probably a pump and dump.

BBBY had total and complete shutdown of all discussion
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Both are delusional morons, BBBaggies more so.
fresh jeime newtron video
I would sell if dfv bought 9,001,000 shares of amc.
>he is excited
>ha ha ha
>what does this mean
>super bullish
Imagine haha
haha wouldnt if be funny if i was ur gf
I concur, there is also zero bullish KOSShies, they do not exist, they should be hung and disembowelled on sight tomorrow. I expect every BBY Kommando to be on full alert for the KOSShies trojan horse.
seems like he put this together before the limited partnership dropped. too bad
The LP is some other dude named Ryan Cohen.
I wish RC would tweet a shit emoji instead of job openings
Surely if Keith truly planned to slurp KOSS then that reddit post acted as nothing but to fuck his entry?
>46.37% short volume.
>44.35% off exchange.
What is this KOSS shit now? Another fucking grift?
Koss is AMC3 behind BBQ
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>Koss also started pumping on may 1st
Really makes you think.
You mean AMC4
You had:
>now koss
There was a whole other bunch of distractions I can't remember.
I guess the knowing that DFV bought chewy means it’s not included in that list. How quickly things change.
if down the rabbit hole made a video about eve online that was 6 hours long, internet historians video on GME will be at least 12 hours long
DWAC and Doge made me loads of money
Buying calls, fuck it
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> dano plays rk in dumb money
> dano in batman
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That is the "Kansas City Shuffle". You take all of the present-day labor, land, and resources and you create a pile of toxic waste twice the size of the U.S. GDP (The BOND MARKET) and you pass it off on to the public via government debt, pensions, insurance companies.
So everyone knows, we're all sitting on this powder keg of 80-90% write offs. Paper millionaires are going to get shredded in purchasing power en masse and it's probably going to pretty funny to watch it all go down. This was destined since 2002 Dot Com bubble, made worse via real estate, and now the public is saturated with debt and the implosion will put the great depression to shame. /PMG/ jokes about it costing a Mercury Dime to get your dick sucked for a reason. All the value people think they own is propped up and tied to "IOUs" chasing basis points. Run for the fucking hills! It;s all bullshit!
The Feds can't take your cash and spend it on the Ukraine war and then turn around and give the money back, PLUS INTEREST! The dollar is basically fucked and there is hardly a pretense that it isn't. It's just that no one is going to tell you.
Too add on what this anon is saying, if you calculate the minimum wage based off inflation since 1970, the minimum wage should be around $45/hr for a burger flipper at Mcdonalds. If you calculate the minimum wage based off the price of gold and not inflation, the burger flipper should be paid around $90/hr.

Rich people stealing from the poor by devaluing assets.
It too late to swing KOSS tomorrow at open? You think it might keep rising or do you think it'll just die the second the market opens up?
>Too add on what this anon is saying, if you calculate the minimum wage based off inflation since 1970, the minimum wage should be around $45/hr for a burger flipper at Mcdonalds.

That's why I laugh when people get butthurt about minimum wage. You faggots don't understand that the (((federal reserve))) has stolen 99% of your purchasing power. That's why you cant afford to buy a house or raise a family on a single income while also sending the kids to college and owning a second home.

The best analogy for midwits to understand purchasing power is explaining $20 could get you 20 gallons of milk in 1950 or whatever fucking year and now $20 only gets you 4 gallons of milk max. Why is that?


If we changed the framing to loss of purchasing power more people would be upset.
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The way they "hook" you is a con. You get benefits! Healthcare will bankrupt you if you don't have insurance! And so what do you do? You pay weekly HOURS worth of labor paid in to insurance that essentially recycles your cash back in to the government via Treasuries. So you and I are all held hostage via the threat of bankruptcy to hand over our cash to an insurance company (bag-holder) of U.S. debt.
The banks will rugpull everything that they can. They can't rugpull GME though. If they try to rug-pull GME then you need Precious metals because everything is fucked beyond repair.
Hedgies can short the ever living fuck out of EVERYTHING besides GME, They will short and steal ALLLLL the value from everyone else they can to pay us for MOASS.
GME & Precious metals.
Chasing dividends in boomer stocks and funds is prime-time slaughter material.
Well that settles it then. Koss is another pump & dump shill that superstinkers are allowing.
Yeah and all that bullshit too. Something like 50% the cost of any product is purely taxes and overhead.

>pay someone $10
>charge employer $1.50 to pay the $10
>take $2 in taxes from the employee
>go to buy burger with your $8
>$0.80 in taxes
Threaded, frens!
I didn't read that DD yet.
The guy could be spot-on or he could be a shill wanting to put some nonsense in the meme-space.
Doesn't hurt to toss some cash in a call or two and see what happens. Be fully prepared for 100% loss though. I saw Biggy's DD and I bought a call just for science. I had an opportunity last week to cash out with 80% ROI after a few days.
In my opinion, I think with lawsuits coming to a close, BBBY CH11 coming to a close, that the counterparty to the shorts are going to be more aggressive in attacking and undermining the shorts. They are the fish in the barrel to be hunted and their ultimate closing is all but 100% certainty.
I think the questions posed regarding DFV casually tossing around MILLIONS of shares speaks volumes.
Efficient market theory supposes that perfect information helps the true value of an asset. However, knowing that hedgies have mispriced the stock and are naked-short basically removes certain variables making price action formulaic
They can rinse and wash out my 1-10x share purchases, but DFV is arbitraging the mispricing of the stock AS WELL as the implied mispricing of OPTIONS. I think he figured it out and Biggy made note of this: This strategy is not real if the stock is not naked shorted. Once you know that FACT that you can literally dogpile the algo at the exact worst time. The cat is out of the bag. I think we're close as ever but for real.
>Didn't GME have super low volume right before the sneeze in Jan 2021?

Well, it has also spent a long time doing nothing on low volume too in the past sooo

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