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more and more people are waking up every day. what happens when everyone is too informed to be tricked into buying your ponzi scheme spreadsheet, huh bitchuds?
it's over
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
in 2 more weeks when jpow comes out with the "jk actually raising rates" its all ogre
The Bullrun is officially back on track.
>be Redditor
>Trans, fat, vaccinated
>wake up
>"Time to go on reddit literally all day and post about things that I hate or that make me viciously angry"

Redditors willingly live in hell, and they deserve it
Life becomes so easy when you realize 95-99% of the population are functionally retarded. Look at this faggot, an accountant, probably 110-120 IQ who works with money, yet can't distinguish between "not infinite" and "fixed", can't see why there'd be demand for a TRUSTLESS fixed unit of account. A fucking accountant can't see why trustless money is such a big deal.
>drrrr why would anyone ever want a public immutable spreadsheet of the flows of money
95-99% of the population is functionally retarded, it's that simple. We are still very early
The irony is that if number had gone up, he wouldn't have investigated the legitimacy of this project and he may have never learned that it is a scam. Anyone on the upper end of the IQ bell curve already exited years ago, but this crab market is shaking out all the midwits. Soon it will only be a certain demographic remaining...
well r/bitcoin is retarded, that's for true
and so is /biz/
nobody can articulate a reason to buy/hold btc except "number go up before, number go up again"
>We are still very early
yes, anon... a hundred years early, perhaps.
You'd get banned on reddit for explaining why (the jews)
You'd get ignored on /biz/ explaining the game theory on mining and hodling and how it takes over the electric grid, and how you're storing future energy units
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Usually when I tell newfags to hold I just dip, swap my shit to USDT and daytrade with the profit on easy money like SUPER
I fucking love gambling

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People are more interested on making fast money gambling on memecoins like FAC or DOGE instead of longing BTC, it's just easier
IQ 110-120 isn't retarded. That number is easily a standard deviation above the mean. If you're going to meme about midwits then do it right
Paper handed bitch. This guy has no clue how to invest money.
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Do you guys ever get sick of posting screenshots of retarded reddit posts?
take it easy dude, you're on 4chan. 110 IQ is retarded for 4chan geniuses
Bitcoin is the most open financial system ever.
Bitcoin functions like cash in that it allows self-custody, is anonymous, is permissionless, works 24/7, and brings a cash-like infrastructure to the internet.
You can make payments with Bitcoin all over the world, even where there’s no banking system.
Money transfers with Bitcoin can be faster and cheaper than with traditional banking and services.
Bitcoin allows international money transfers of any amount with no questions asked, and there is no risk of seizure by governments.
Bitcoin technology identifies users by numerical codes, providing user security.
Bitcoin is decentralized, and not regulated by a single government or central bank.
Bitcoin is inherently deflationary yet infinitely divisible (presuming its divisibility will increase when needed), meaning its value is guaranteed to rise as the internet economy grows.
Infinite divisibility means it's not scarce at all chud
Ah, another 99%er. Functionally retarded, retard. He's a fucking accountant (so 110-120 IQ on average) yet can't see the value of trustless money
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You are your pic don't understand the difference between someone increasing the supply which is then sold on the market, and someone performing a stock-split to facilitate trade. One increases sell pressure by selling securities that didn't previously exist; one increases buy pressure by facilitating trade of the stock/coin.
Zoom out. We're only 15 years in yet look how far we've come
>have 1 BTC
>BTC is "infinitely divisible" (although not really), so people simply start trading using smaller and smaller amounts of Bitcoin
>my 1 BTC is now considered a fuckhuge amount because everyone is subdividing their stacks into smaller and smaller amounts, thus making my stack more significant in comparison
>my investment paid off, I'm now rich
it took me like 0.000001 seconds to think through all this and realize how retarded that guy's argument is
lol 115 IQ is retarded
only midwits like you cope like this. lol retard
low iq conclusion, plenty of coming boomer demand and collapsed economy demand
>IQ 110-120
Is a textbook midwit, i.e. someone smart enough to rote learn but not smart enough to understand through first principles and reason. They're the kind of people who use big words for the sake of it and often don't use them properly. They tend to think they are smarter than they actually are despite rarely having an original thought of their own. The fact is that you don't escape normie purgatory until around 130 IQ, and from then on you've entered autist hell, where you trade blissful ignorance for freedom of thought.
>he doesn't know
There is no TTP in BTC. Trustless.
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He doesn't smell like an accountant to me, a bookie at best, what gives it away is buying $5 a day of something rather than just dumping a lump sum. Fee inefficient, cost basis nightmare.
I thought halving made price go up because miners get half the rewards so price needs to go up so mining is profitable

I just farted in your thread.

>What does this mean?
The amount of jannies (faggots) in this thread and 4chan account has increased by one.

>Why did you do this?
There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be deserving of a stinky fart and therefore a janny infestation. These include, but are not limited to:

Shitting in the street,

Spreading incorrect information,

Shilling lazy scams.

>Am I banned from the /biz/?
No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional fart, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy.

>I don't believe my thread deserved a fart. Can you un-fart it?
No. I cannot un-fart. My judgement is perfect and clear. Regardless, if you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to 4chan PMs within several seconds. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of fart appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.

>How can I prevent this from happening in the future?
Accept the fart and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on /biz/. I will continue to fart in your threads until you improve your conduct. Remember: 4chan is hell. You can check out whenever you want and for however long you want. But you can never leave.
opinion discarded @ $5 a week lmfao
Wow, I never knew I could take out a 100 dollar bill, exchange it for penny coins and I’d have more money. Genius.
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>glad to join the community
the community of what? the community of people who sold their bitcoin after buying $5/day worth?

If u/Nearby_Abalone_5458 really was swayed, by fucking redditors of all people, the best choice would've been to simply stop DCA'ing and put that into some other asset (I'd say spy/voo) and hold whatever bitcoin he already had. You know, "in case it skyrocketed," in his words. Or maybe hit the softer, "oh well."

Selling was objectively a fucking stupid decision and permanently incurred a lost opportunity cost in both missing out on future bitcoin upswings and the last 8 months of US equity performance going absolutely fucking insane in tech/chips.

Anon, if you're reading this and you're 18-22, don't ever fucking sell. Hold for +10 years. Index funds, stocks, bitcoin, whatever the fuck it is you bought - never fucking sell.
I sold
What the fuck does Trump have to do with bitcoin, you fucking retard.
It's worse than that. He sold all his bitcoin because of some "people" on reddit.
This shits hilarious to read. "I'm an accountant. I invest based on macro economics." Bro, you don't have a fucking clue how macro anything works. You literally have to point out 5 dollars a day doesn't matter, that means YOU ARE FUCKING POOR. So a poor wagie dismisses bitcoin because he feels he knows more about economics than rando's on reddit. I would literally enjoy beating that man to death for being a complete retard.
Exactly. What a complete fucking retard.
No you don't understand. They're being activists and changing the world! (even though reddit has never once changed anything they've rallied against)
Yeah, the bull signal that I've been waiting for. Time to stack more BTC, ETH and other alts like ROSE, RNDR and NAI
He is pro BTC and that's a lot to do with the crypto space
omg tranny shut up nobody want to hear about your gaping wounds.
Can confirm I am a 130 IQ accountant and most of my colleagues are idiots.
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bitcoiners are the normies of the crypto world. make of that what you will.
Yeah it’s trustless alright. Can’t trust it to not be down 30% in a day.
I'm also holding the last three alts in your list
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its a speculative asset that's not tied to anything to give it value. at least you can exchange USD easily. btc and all crypto is on par with tulipmania
Spoken truly like someone without a fucking clue of psychometrics -- in fact your unwavering confidence over something you have little understanding of suggests you're a midwit. Definitely not 120, hence your stupid elaboration. Literally the pot calling the kettle black lmao
>Lists original ideas from 15 years ago

>Now a digital Chuck E. Cheese token for degenerates to gamble on and lose all of their money.

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