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We haven’t seen any updates on the arcade for around 6 months. The sky bridge delay is clearly intentional. We’re in phase 2 of 3 for the onchain event, yet no news about that from the team. What’s going on? What exactly do we have to look forward to? Is there any relief in site?
They talked about the Arcade recently. They definitely said they would focus on the Arcade post Skybridge launch. There is no Skybridge delay. Marketing will start after Skybridge goes live.
why tf you think the delay is intentional? thats retarded
Oy stop asking questions. Aren't you tired? Just go live your life and roll your eyes whenever you get a date. It's healthy to not give a fuck.
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>Bitcoin drops 10k in 3 days
Absolutely insane. I'm just happy it held .002 dude. Also, is picrel actually our number one fuddie? Saw his cringy-ass video simping for Emillia using his own mom. Downright disturbing shit
Who the fuck is this future serial killer? Is that Krop?
Find the Apu thread from a day ago. It's pretty fucking cringe. This guy might be Homelander
Stephen Merchant?
Holy smokes that guy made his mom post his frogs drawings? I hope he didn't beat her to make her take the pic. 4chan is too much sometimes..
By the way. Did utensils forget about the DAO? It was finished and it's still pinned.
I only have 1.5M AVI. I'll never make it.

fuck this gay earth
>it’s not delayed
>it’s not intentional
The 2nd audit so far has taken 2 times as long as the first. There was no queue and on top of that, it’s essentially the same code with some minor bug fixes. You don’t really think hacken is stuffing to audit this, do you? The team told them to delay it until they give hacken the go ahead
How does $1.5 mil sound?
>the second audit so far has taken 2 times as long as the first
This isn't true. AVI submitted their documents for the initial audit on March 4th, and received the score on April 8th (a month and 4 days) while the second audit was submitted on June 13th (about 3 weeks ago)
He will post MaxZpain's smelly construction worker feet
French canadian anon checking in, i asked this in the other thread but should i bump up my stack to 100k? is this the bottom?
i should clarify becuase there was some confusion before, this would be 100k avi not dollars
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>open new avi thread
>read half of the first sentence
>blatant misinformation again
>dont read the rest of the thread

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get to 500k
that would be ideal but i quit my tim horton's careers because i was told this would pump a few weeks ago. so i can only put in what is the rest of my savings which would get me to the 100k avi total. i must be strategic with these last dollars
Yeah. This can go to 25 cents or 1 dollar, depending on the coin base wallet integration and the arcade hype when gaming cryptos are sought after. So that will get you to a good starting point for next cycles or whatever you may need to buy to change your life a bit.
Fucking checked.
25 cents is too little considering that BCH is still at 6b marketcap. AVI has actual utility.
check and yes i think you are right, thank you
or as they say in my language, " merci "
There was two submissions on the first audit. There was the initial audit and then the team had to remediate whatever problems hacken found before they submitted it again
This presumes that they would announce their remedial submission this time, which wouldn’t make sense given they said the next public announcement would be the skybridge release
It’s going to zero, like all shitcoins in the 4-year bear. The bullrun has been over for 3 months already. Hope you took profits.
Based, can't wait to change my life too....
also checked.
get a job
Stay tuned
I refuse to believe that this will hit 1b+. .25 would make me a multimillionaire with only half of my stack. It’s never going to happen for as long as I hold.
>This presumes that they would announce their remedial submission this time
Correct, I assumed they were. If that’s not the case, then I can only hope that they’re in the remediating part of the process now because I see no other reason why it would have taken this long desu
Hold on..I-I-Is this onchain summer a contest? How do we expect to win with 20 active members?.... Was all the work they've done for nothing? I thought it was a 100% sure thing.
this hackathon has always been part of the event, and they always said theyd be entering
dont forget that this is an aside to them being invited to the smart wallet seminar, followed by them being invited to run skybridge learn and earns
showcases of the arcade and hangar will also pop up during onchain summer in some capacity

is this p2w voting? need to buy stickers for voting?
My bad. It was my voting PTSD from Killer Whales. That's just their entry to the buildathon, which is finally confirmed. No voting here.
onchain halloween
shut your mouth american mutt , they cannot delay which they have not given an release date.
remember when we thought skybridge would be done before the liquidity unlock?
Good times. Good times.
Maybe by the time 2030 rolls around we'll finally get the fifth audit from Hacken for Aviator Arcade, assuming Skybridge finally soft releases.
Enzo was right. Even Jimmy was right.
Why are AVI threads full of people fudding the shit out of this coin, but you people won't sell me your bags.
never selling
fuck you
You will be prying my AVI from my cold, diamond hands as gamer chuds desperately seek AVI as a gas token to play gacha.
>a gas token
It's still cheap enough to buy one
>but you people won't sell me your bags
An OG wallet with shib connections just respectfully dumped on us. Here’s the buying opportunity to buy, but we know you won’t.
i already have nearly 5 million AVI. i'm trying to average down. u was hoping we'd get into 0.001
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Uhhhhh I go more for the cat equivalent $FAC, it just launched and went pretty good
So. According to this screenshot they posted their entry on the 24th of June? But we were just been told about it. That's two weeks later. So, now it's confirmed that they are timing the market. Otherwise why did they post their entry last month but tell us about it 2 weeks later? The Hacken audit might be completed since early June but they won't release the news until August. Bullshit.
if you been in this septic tank since last summer you would knew long time ago that they time this shit
Yeah, I already had a feeling they do. But they kept denying it. Now it's right in front of my face. This coin will only amplify my trust issues.
>don’t worry guys! Avi is only down because it follows eth!
almost everything is up 5%-10%++ across the board while AVI is still in the red. Of course it happens to be my biggest bag as well. Remember when kerasu said that we aren’t going to miss out this cycle? Kek
We will pump when we will pump! Let them time the market to perfection! Stop asking for some mental relief. You are bothering Kerasu and Stixil with your stupid wishes!

Real talk rn. They are sociopaths. Not giving a fuck about hundreds of people and giving them false hope and manipulating them should be punishable by law. They are manipulating the token as well by doing this. Most of their products are finished and audited but, apparently, they hold news because God knows why.
It's a 20-million mcap project that basically no one - aside from /biz/ - knows about, and there have been no recent catalysts that would either bring in new holders or prompt those already holding to urgently up their stacks. The wider market still looks like complete shit and any positive price action is probably a small weekend relief pump before things tank further on Monday. Is a 5-10% gain even a meaningful price target for you? Would you sell your stack if we achieved it? Oh wait, let me guess: you're one of these guys with c.10k tokens who are waiting for $10 per AVI (which should be achieved by the end of the summer, naturally).
>mental relief
I say this with the best will in the world: touch grass. Your investment decisions should not be causing you profound psychological distress, lol.
Oh, don't worry about me. I got this. Just some ranting about the current situation and these pathological liars finally letting something slip.
>Mt Gox dumps btc
>Germany dumps btc
>America dumps btc
>Entire market crashes to below the beginning of the year averages
You are here
>More possible market dumping
>Dumping ends
>Market climbs back to normal
>ETFS for Eth hit
>Catalysts in the market hit and the entire market blasts off
>Avi release bridge, arcade, and establishes some public relations with Coinbase
>Avi explodes
>You're rich by holding a pixelated fox coin
Bro leave me alone I'm sad
You assuming the delay is intentional is cope anon. The team isn’t playing 5d chess or whatever… the more likely explanation is Hacken is probably suggesting fixes and they are engaged in a back and forth that is taking longer than you want.
You're gonna make it. Trust the process, and you'll be free
Never gonna make it doing satan rituals to curse your rn
>Its been out for a whole year and no one aside from the 30 people that browse biz knows about it
Exactly! Give the team more time to cooooook!

>avi is down because of eth!
>ok fine! Eth is recovering but avi is down because the Germany is crashing it!
>w…well, ok fine! Everything else is recovering except avi b..because..uhh WW3!
You are here
>ok fine, so what if onchain is over and we still don’t have the audit. Let hacken take their time! Safety first!
>ok fine, so what if the bull run is over. This is a generational project!
Nothing has recovered yet. Monday's dump will be fucking brutal. When we see Bitcoin hit 50k that's where the line between seeing the bullrun happen this year being possible. Crashing to 42k or lower would push shit back to next summer.
Try to be less retarded
The market will fully recover this monday just because of this comment. Thank you anon.
I'll respectfully dump on you niggers just you wait lmao
Fact every faggot calling that marks this as bottom. Dipshit got gud
Not if I dump first on you faggot
>avi releases bridge
let me stop you right there
I'm still bitter over every shitcoin pumping 10-20x in October while AVI did absolutely nothing.
i both love and hate avi. i have not been able to take my eyes off of the chart since i bought. no i can't even go back to tim horton's because i told everyone i was going to be rich from an imaginary fox coin that was going to bring gta VI to web3. I dont know what to do now i have no experience and a useless degree. make the fucking price go up please my savings are running out.
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>everything is up and avi is down!!
where is this even coming from and why are people letting it slide?
avi was green yesterday and is green today. it looks identical to every other crypto chart on the market right now
in terms of the entire dump, avi/weth held better than anything else on my watchlist by far
you niggers genuinely just come here to blatantly lie all day
have you tried rrrrrrolling up the rim to win?
There I have to correct you. AVI did a x70 from december to march. Yeah, APU did a x300 but that is not the point. AVI had a nice pre-bullrun run.
what does that mean ?
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>avi was green yesterday and is green today
lol no its not. look at the chart. bleeding since march and the team doesnt care. guess what "team" we care about the price. we are here to make money. ultimately that is the only reason we hold this do nothing piece of shit. make the price go up or i fucking walk. you can bitch and cry all day about muh real project muh real company but all you will ever be are a bunch of crypto kids larping. this bridge will never come out and if it does no body of substance will want to be associated with it since it is le epic biz coin because you REFUSE to have other people know about it. 1 year later and fucking nothing to show, test net doesnt count. where are the public finalized projects? where is what we were told would be here? scammed once again by fucking utility i should have kept trading fucking frogs and dogs. fucking do something, do you want all of your holders to abandon this? FUCKING DO SOMETHING!!!!!
and if you were around you KNOW the tg is fucking dead. people are getting fed up with this bullshit.
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>>avi was green yesterday and is green today
>lol no its not.
didnt read the rest
i hate you faggots so much its unreal
the only person outside of this shithole was brian jung who you even alienated due to your fucking imcompetence. what does that say? you need to get your shit together or tell everyone you got in over your heads and are fucking not sure what to do. you have 2 weeks by my estimation. if the bridge is not out by then you will have missed onchain summer and people will be bagholding this shit until NEXT summer. why there is 0 fucking marketing being done until release blows my mind. no other "real company" does this. "let the products speak for themsleves" YOU HAVE NO FUCKING PRODdUCT. WHERE are the video demonstrations? where are the hype trailers we were promised? where is the fucking "game demo" that we were supposed to be ablet to play? another fucking day talking about your mcdonalds order in the tg jesus fucking christ. WAKE UP
screenshot this for when one of our based whales starts selling in 1M increments later this afternoon.
stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tunedstay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned
Kek. I just know they jack off whenever someone goes insane because of their strategy. What I hope is, by trying to make people sell, they think that they have a 100% $1-4$ coin and they just don't want reatrds to make millions with their coin. But that's what I hope. They might have extra chromosones as well.
>stixil broke his nofap streak
explains why they lost their edge. he has pussy clouding his mind, has the team considered hiring an alpha male red pill coach? could be good for morale.
i didnt mean what i said, i take it back
>$10 per AVI (which should be achieved by the end of the summer, naturally).

Delusional both in time and price expectations
every poorfag with a $500 stack even buying now would be rich
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>We will pump when we will pump! Let them time the market to perfection!

>What I hope is, by trying to make people sell, they think that they have a 100% $1-4$ coin and they just don't want reatrds to make millions with their coin. But that's what I hope
yeah, I hoped that was the case with link since 2017, still waiting

Why do I always gravitate towards muh 'legitimate' projects, they are all fucking worthless chuck e cheese tokens, even if the whole project makes sense on paper
A-a-are we the new linkies?...
>comparing avi to an 8bil mcap token when it was 100mil mcap
we fucking better be
The m-m-market is recovering tho and AVI still has the volume of a dumping market. This is torture. The main net will never be released and when it does, it won't even pump because NOBODY knows about AVI. For the past YEAR only me, you, and 5 other schizos post here.
Avibros...where is the promised marketing...where are the bigly weeks ahead...where is everything that we were promised???! I cannot handle this anymore. They don't talk and when they do, only shit comes out of their mouths.
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How is toad outranking us? Its fucking over for real this time
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there's a conference in 30 days in Toronto..
Imagine Turdkiller pumping before Avi
and thus killing pepe for real
lmao that'd be rope material
>tim horton
Leaf spotted
Also, why would you quit? Wouldn't you have more money to buy more AVI if you kept the job? If AVI gets to 25 cents, which I think is low, from here that's a 100x. So every penny in now becomes a dollar next year. But optimistically AVI will reach 80 cents next year.

And yes, next year is when you can expect the real pump to happen, AVI isn't a fly by night pump and dump.
This retarded fud again, anon is this your first cycle? Bitcoin will moon in December like it always does after a halving. And alts follow next year.
>imagine if it kills pepe
Kek I have 40b of that shit. I’d love to see it kill Pepe (it won’t).
kek, wagie
because i was told we were close to the release of the bridge for onchain summer. i guess i have to go back though but i am not sure if they will even let me with how i kind of just walked out bragging that i was going to be rich. does anyone have the advice for begging for a job back?
yeah thank you for the help asshole.
This has to be a troll post because I refuse to believe anyone can actually be this stupid.
>this has to be a troll post
yeah i should have said the same fucking thing when i was shilled this "coin". the only thing i was stupid about was buying into this piece of shit so i guess you are right there, you got me.
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please dont laugh.
anyways, audit results this week?
The audit results are not a buy or a sell signal.
It is what it is.
See you when Skybridge launches.
>The audit results are not a buy or a sell signal

this is a sell signal
Eh. Probably is. Last pump wasn't for any reason anyways. It got pumped 2x and people chased gains, it dropped 50% because it lost buy pressure.
Just read the chart and dont get rekt.
ok? just want to know if the "quicker than the first" will be wrong
This token isnt like that it will take a few more months for anything to happen. I've been swinging this and it's gotten really slow again.
Price action is irrelevant to what's happening in the token. The two biggest pumps this token had were for no reason whatsoever.
isnt like what? i just want to know if stixil will be wrong about saying that this audit would be quicker than the first, stop talking to me in riddles
Isn't quick.
thats it im selling i have no fucking idea what you are talking about
but you already sold your shrimp stack.
anyways idgaf. lol
you must not really need to work otherwise you wouldnt be spending all day here.
see you in the next thread.
Time to move on. Launches like sharkroll ain’t gonna be in the current stage forever, dwelling is pointless in this space
So what do you guys plan on doing once skybridge finally launches and it doesn’t generate the volume everyone thought it would? Would you consider it over at that point?
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>and it doesn’t generate the volume everyone thought it would?
how much do you think it will?
my expectations are low, but i know for an absolute fact youll say it failed no matter what it does
Honestly I think skybridge will fulfill it's purpose but not live up to the hype you guys are setting for it.
No matter what it will be an excellent tool when it finally releases. But I do doubt Coinbase actually cooperate with AVI to force it on normies as the end-all-be-all solution.
Coinbase has began to push their one click creation web3 wallets which is huge for Base adoption honestly.
MetaMask has web3 games on it now.
Aviator fits somewhere in betweeen there I'm not seeing the whole picture yet - as Stixil and Kerasu probably haven't revealed parts of the story they dont want out yet.
Never fully selling, even if I might swing a bit but I do remain a little bit skeptical toward what the community believes will happen. I'm tempering my expectations.
>publishing a game on aviator arcade is free and early devs get 5% lifetime royalties
If you don't think that will incentize some really good stuff being made then avi is a hard sell, personally I think longer term it's going to fucking moon
I hate to leave biz. This fucking board keeps me demoralised even outside.
the worst part of it all is, like with most crypto, that even if the network/product gets decent traffic, that doesn't have to translate to the token price, we're all holding fucking chuck e cheese tokens hoping most people don't realize that and buy just uhhmmm well just because
The skybridge will be implemented in the smart wallet as the main bridge to base. Screencap this.
even then, how much buy pressure on the token does it put?
As far as I can remember there will be some fees. Idk what they will do with them tho. The arcade will burn AVI on every transaction tho
Based copium poster, I believe that too though..
It's not copium. These guys are way too professional with everything. Institutional adoption was hinted numerous times. Audits, NDAs, etc. Everything hints at big boys coming soon to pump it.
>muh ndas
>muh corporations
>muh partnerships
>muh shib connections
>muh exciting week ahead!!
1 year later and none of that amounted to anything, at all. It’s all so tiresome. These guys don’t have any connections, they don’t have any meaningful partnerships, no big corporation is going to buy into this, and all the talks of different ndas is just a convenient way to not have to answer to anything.
stay tuned
stay fucked

even if this shit's true to some extent it might not even pump the price, look at link
kek, I've been holding avi for almost a year and have huffed my share of hopium. I would never call this team professional though...thats the larp.
ffs, their marketing guy name doxes here and keyboard fights with retards on a regular basis about the dumbest shit. skitzl refuses to be held accountable for anything and spends his free time taking gay quizes in the tg. this team is far from professional by any measure.
you think i like holding this shit faggot? its all we can do at this point. just wait and see what happens with the marketing. i think people outside of biz will eat it up once they know about it but thats the problem. Will they know about it? We have yet to see any public push of AVI, we have to just trust kerasu and see what happens. anything other than that is pointless discussion
>I know for an absolute fact youll say it failed no matter what it does
I have low expectations as well, but it won’t be a fail based on what we consider to be a failure. A big part of the teams revenue is supposed to be made from the bridge. They even said themselves that they would make much from the arcade alone since it wasn’t designed that way (ie. meant to reward players/devs). So if the bridge is low volume, the failure will speak for itself.

>Honestly I think skybridge will fulfill it's purpose
I agree. The purpose is to bring erc tokens to base and back, quick and easy. It makes sense that most of us had/have high expectations of the bridge but a bridges success is dependent on multiple things outside of just its function. Ok, it works as intended, but if few people use it, then what?

>people outside of biz will eat it up
That’s the only thing keeping me holding. When Brian briefly mentioned avi, we had a bunch of new buyers come in. Sure they were only $20 buys but that’s the potential we have when being shilled. I mean, Brett went to $1b+ so I still have hope that Base is good enough for us to still have a chance at making it, even if it’s just from hype alone and not based on any products
*they wouldn’t make much
>Ok, it works as intended, but if few people use it, then what?

this is 100% what's gonna happen
I've seen it since 2017 in crypto play out exactly like this over and over again. Some deadline is coming, the product gets released, every moonboy hopes some magical floodgates will open and shit will go parabloci and it never ecer fucking does, it's ALWYAS disappointing and kicking the can of hopium down the road, blaming the market conditions lack (or too much) of regulation, some another made up missing piece of the puzzle etc.
SELL THE NEWS is ALWYAS the right strategy, the problem with avi is that it's not even pumping leading up to the news lmao fuck my life
if theres no audit completion this week i am going to be severely disappointed. tg dying, price flatlined and bleeding for months, you can only blame it on btc/eth for so long. no update on coinbase meetings, fuck me. hardest hold of my fucking life
This is why pulsechain failed btw, they took too damn long to release and all hype was gone. If this shit happens to multi billion dollar projects, its sure as hell going to happen to some literal who coin
>Brett went to $1b+ so I still have hope that Base is good enough for us to still have a chance at making it,

Brett was an unfinny cabal shitcoin
and nobody really uses base
normies are too lazy and dumb to use bridges. You really thought base shilling
was organic? Lel
>normies are too lazy and dumb to use bridges
they don't need to. thats the whole point of CB smartwallet. the problem for basechain is coinbase normies haven't come back to crypto yet.
>the problem with avi is that it's not even pumping leading up to the news
Yea there’s nothing to sell right now which is kind of worrying. Some of the early wallets and “supporters of the project” have been selling off already, and if the bridge doesn’t live up to their expectations, they might just say tuck it and continue to “respectfully” dump more of their bags at these critical levels if they feel that there’s no more hope left. We could easily go back into the .000 range

Another concern is their current business model. I just can’t see them making any significant revenue in the near future just based off the fact that they rely so much on the bridge volume. I hope that they are aware of that and planned accordingly. I’d hate to see team members all of a suddenly being less active before quitting altogether.
Tbh I will give them the benefit of the doubt for 2 more months. If nothing happens by then this goes back to 0.00001. Their token unlocks will be worth peanuts.
I’ll give it until on chain finishes before deciding what to do. Avi is my biggest bag and since I’m not as hopeful as I was a few months ago, I’m no longer willing to risk it all here.
Same here. It's not worth it anymore. Two months is all they get. If onchain summer is a piece of shit, AVI will NOT do anything after that. Their main attraction and money maker for the arcade is not even launched. We are not on BASE and july is almost half-way there. They better hurry up.
Lol. Aerodrome got it's Coinbase investment and AVI is not even on BASE. Fuck this clown ass coin. If I miss the bullrun because Stixil wants to time the market then fuck this. I get it, we want security. But nobody is waiting for us. The market will keep on moving and you don't do anything. Literally nothing is being done. Did we pick the wrong fucking coin?
if few months pass by with no progress you won't even be able to sell becasue there will be ZERO liquidity, it's already hard to dump any meaningful size as is, you either slowly sell now or hoope it works out with the thought that it might go to zero.
Do you ever get tired of being this crazy? Genuinely curious
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I for one like the fox and trust the team to deliver
why? sure we got the testnet but thats it. this audit should be done this week right? if we are going on that it should be quicker than the first? i am worried something critical has been found
>check avi thread
>see same dedicated fudder from 6 months ago
>see a few new fudders
>see the same disproven fud
>know that this means there is still bigly amounts of interest in this project
yeah avisisters I think we are going to be just fine
the fudders are the only ones keeping these threads alive, the tg is dead, discord has been dead, and most importantly the price / public developments and hype are dead.
>dump any meaningful size as is
>ZERO liquidity
as a whale in this project, I have already dm'd questions to the team about providing liquidity on base, which will allow me to offload tokens without market dumping. uniswap v3 is pretty cool with the 1 sided liquidity ratios you can do. the only people still interested in "dumping" the chart are poorfags like you with $5k or less worth of avi. i have been practicing this method with base shitcoins and feel i have learned more about the liquidity market just from the avi team than i could have otherwise.
>sell now
nah, cope and seethe
How would you feel when everything that you are waiting for gets delayed 2 more months big boy? How are you going to react when all hope is lost? Onchain summer has 1 month and a half left and we are not even on base yet, the skybridge audit is full radio silence and it can be delayed as much as it is needed(unit tests, random bugs, new code to be audited, hacken is MIA, etc). How would you react?? Answer me. You wouldn't be so cocky about your AVI bag, I bet. And start shilling then bastard if our fud is not good enough to keep threads alive. Why don't you shill? Oh right..full radio silence and we don't know shit.
yup, on chain summer is over. still not the bridge
Man I'm doing this day by day, again and again and again and again. Begging like a whore to make money, I feel like this is a humiliation ritual that makes all of them masturbate in unison. Fuck this. Let's allow shillers keep the threads alive(they won't) and make us some money. Go on, shill bastards. The 2 people left that are still bullish should do a great job.
your the guy who wants a play by play because you have the attention span of a raisin. kek, cry more wagie
Shill my boy. I won't comment after this so you won't have a "healthy" way to externalize your anxiety. Be a big boy. Target the one's that really get you anxious. The multi-cycle AVI coin. I got a fucking headache again. No more. I'm done.
>fud to keep threads alive on biz
everyone on biz knows about this project, go shill it on other platforms you absolute mongoloid, or has it not occurred to you that the reason the threads are dead on biz is because the rest of us are shilling elsewhere? fucking dropped on your head or what?
oh wow, great job guys? all that shilling has done wonders! 17k volume today!!!
>see the same disproven fud
>go shill it
shill what? the team decided to not include us in on development updates until release so what exactly is there to shill? the second audit that is taking longer than it was supposed to? the price being in the shitter? the non existent public marketing pushes? so we can shill the coin outside of biz but the avi team wont do it?
hey guys come buy our coin that hasnt had an ath in months and that has had a year to release a product but still has nothing final to show!!
i am glad i sold, this shit is the most frustrating coin i have ever held and im surprised i lasted as long as i did. but wow is it refreshing to finally be free.
maybe i will buy back in during onchain summer 2025 when the second audit is finally completed
What ever happened with the market maker? What was even the point of wasting money on that?
From what I remember the MM was not going to do much at the time, but had a “plan” for strategic buys to push fomo. Unfortunately so far fomo seems to be in the wrong direction.
you very clearly don't work a job, nor do you need one, because you're always here.
Imagine all this time and effort you could be spending actually living instead of posting schizo fud 16 hours a day on this site.
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>poorfags like you with $5k or less worth of avi
I"m holding close to $7k united stated dollars worth of Aviator tokens, feeling stupid now bitch? yeah, watch your mouth, oh btw, that 7k used to be 14 just a few weeks ago
>nor do you need one
i do need one but my previous place of work most likely will not accept me back after i quit thinking this fox coin would take off. i would ask you to point to anything i said that could be considered schizo fud. as of right now, there is nothing to shill. the team does not include us in updates anymore so why should we bother? they arent ok with shilling it outside of biz yet they want us to? that makes 0 sense. for people with "connections" in crypto they sure dont seem to be using them. this shit has been dead since march. remember waking up every day to a new ath? we have been eating fox shit for months now and im sick of it. hope can only get us so far and they are starting to lose it, thats why the tg is dead. community is important in these things but ultimately we are here to make money, sending funny haha cat memes every day can only last so long before people get fed up.
It's schizo fud because you unironically do it instead of working.
Aren't you going to lose the roof over your head?
idk man just seems like you have very strange priorities. get yourself some poon or go and play some hockey or something man.
>arent you going to lose the roof over your head?
by august if tim hortons hasnt accepted me back, yes i probably will. but such is life i guess. but you are right i will leave now, maybe next week things will look brighter.
>i will leave now
kek see you in 5 minutes
>providing liquidity on base
Any qrd about this? I have decent size bag and want to find a good way out when the time comes. I heard about otc deals but who knows when that would ever happen..
look at that, guess the fudders ARE keeping these threads alive...tick tock stixil n co..... what will you do when we disappear?
when you disappear we moon unironically, hope you sell early rinku
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We’re finally recovering. Hopefully we break .003 by EoY!
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gooooooooooood morning aviators!
GM! What are we having for breakfast today!?

>asks gaybot how gay I am
>94% gay
>*fire emoji*
>*lightning bolt emoji*
/vote /whitepaper /seethe

>If you guys only knew how much is happening in the background
>Had 3 meetings today *eye emoji*, big things coming

Nothing is happening, nothing ever happens!
Most unprofessional team in crypto
kek pr


I'm so excited for you guys, we weren't supposed to be in it haha
Lol, I unironically believe this to be the case. Very grateful for whoever shilled this here last summer (my guess is based shrimp consoomer and hot chocolate daddy, Magic).
Are you guys enjoying your vegetable breakfast smoothies? hey how about that audit
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Sitting on a 5m stack, plan is to chill through the summer dump and hope to god this pumps during autumn/winter. Between this and my 400k KNS i'm living on a prayer I get some good gains.
If the length of the other audit is anything to go by it should be ready next week.
we'll see. that means the bridge wont be released until the last week of july or early august. that gives aviator one month with on chain summer. time is running out

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