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I asked this question last time, going to ask it again. Do we expect $12 $13 to be the new accumulation support line or do we expect another run down?
$5 to $8 was the last major period of accumulation. My hope has been for price to enter that prior support range and re-buy around there.

Median price for this recent period has been ~$16, any purchases below that price I think is a solid move. We have a 5 year falling wedge that converges on next summer, but my expectation is breakout before then. God candle soon. For anyone depressed on price movements, we stayed ~ $5-$8 for 18 months. This was a period where the largest wallets increased their percent share. If you think you are smarter than the largest wallets, go open your own hedge fund.
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>muh chart lines
LINK is the most important digital asset of the 21st century but cabals of powerful satanists don't want a single retail holder holding a single link so have put LINK in a psychological torture chamber where holding it is like the Dune guy putting his hand in the box and honestly at this point we can say there is literally zero correlation between fundamental value and the imaginary torture number that the satanists put on top of link as a pretend and imaginary price point.
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linkie lonkie linkie lonkie linkie lonkie linkie lonkie linkie lonkie linkie lonkie linkie lonkie linkie lonkie linkie lonkie linkie lonkie linkie lonkie linkie lonkie linkie lonkie linkie lonkie linkie lonkie
There is a good difference between buying at $50 and buying at $5. Trying to push some good conversation. Plus I know more than a few people out here could use the money from buying at proper entry points
how the fuck would I know?
iasier just to hold it in the community pool and not worry about it, no?
is like 5% and has been for 2 yrs -fk man no brainer i'm not even that bright
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It's not a chamber just to cause you pain. It's to test your resolve for the immense amount of power you are about to be given.
Giga copium
>Just keep holding for another 7 years for the price to be $18.25!

No I dont think I will invest in your dogshit vaporware altcoin.
Holy schizo. There is no way you actually believe anything you are saying. XRP 2.0
I think the banks are unironically arrogant and underestimate the various endgame scenarios that could ruin everything they’ve built, so they keep tiptoeing around integration

There probably needs to be some real threat of WW3 or AGI attacking a bank network to scare them enough to jump ship
I get paid every week.
I buy every week.
I'm not timing a fucking thing because the moment I do is the moment it never goes down again.
I'm not selling next year.
I'm not selling the year after that.
Blackrock can buy each and every one of my LINK coins for Twenty Eight Thousand Eight Hundred ($28,800) American Dollars a piece.
And yet you'll develop severe mental illness and wonder why LINK crabs/underperforms as a second cycle alt. Dumbass
Saw you in the other thread.
Same 7 years.
You must really want to help people.
What with all the things you tell them to buy instead, after all.
And how you post your trades on what you made.
Super great guy, you are.
We can crash further if BTC does. LINK usually breaks out during BTC crabs. Considering the magnitude of recent news releases, I don't know what is needed for the price to move
sergey is the one thats supposed to hold the needle to the throats of anons
nobody is holding sergey hostage he already is a billionaire
meme had potential but you fuck it up
Why do you type
In this retarded format
It makes you literally indistinguishable
From XRP schizoposters
he's the blockchain poet
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"Serious link thread"

Think seriously


I bought LINK in 2017 for 0.15

Held throughout market crash

Accumulated over the next 2 years

Panic sold it all in 2020

Only made 20x but now I know I made the right decision

2+ white papers, mainnet launched

Still no utility

Still no value

That's when I realised; it's literally a smart con

Nothing Sergey says is a lie

But not a single thing he says applies to LINK

Everything applies to XRP

That's why XRP has the riddlers whilst LINK has assblaster

In BG123 I trust
>I panic sold for a 20x when I could have held a few more months and made a 340x.
>now I'm still on /biz/ seething and coping about it 4 years later
>but I definitely made the right choice
>chainlink is so good because this and that
The bottom line is that all crypto is garbage bullshit literally no one cares about. The only thing that matters is ROI. If you invested 100k in chainlink in November you’d be sitting on 105k now (or ~190 if you sold at the top) but if you just put that in bitcoin you’d be at 170k now or over 200 at the top, on a much more stable coin.

Just as a stronger example, Solana, largely considered a scam coin, 100k in November would be 700k at the top or about 500k now, why the fuck would I care if it’s a scam if it’s netting me that kind of profit? It’s also holding way better than most other altcoins, it dips slightly more than bitcoin but pumps a minimum of twice as hard.

Like I don’t care if chainlink is amazing tech or not, the ceo is actively suppressing the price of it, why would I want to invest in something that might give me a 10x by 2030 but could just as well bleed me dry when I can just safely sit on bitcoin? Or gamble a good performer?

Don’t @me I have no leg on any coin I don’t give a shit about the tech, if it pumps I’m in. Currently for the last 8 months that’s been Solana, as soon as it goes back to 200 I’ll sit on either btc or cash until I can see what the markets doing.
Think critically

The "win condition" for LINK was 1k+

Not $50, $13, $0.15

Utility has not arrived

If you're not here for utility

Then what are you here for ?

Go play with APU and PEPE

What happens to LINK's price when BTC tanks ?

Why do they tank together ?

Because LINK does not do anything of value

What happens when BTC goes to ZERO

Level playing field, in the blink of an eye

Lives will be changed forever

May September shine like gold on December
>What happens when BTC goes to ZERO

Listen, Redditor.
XRP, BTC etc aren't going to be used as the global reserve currency. Nations and banking institutions will bring out their own CBDC's and tokens which will need to be converted on a continuous basis. Germany just caused this recent crash because they dumped a bunch of BTC on the market, do you think they would have done that if BTC was going to replace the dollar as the new global reserve currency?
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Post your portfolio, you faggot loving, trans accepting child rapist.
Now explain how those currencies are bridged
Using CCIP.
Fudtard will never recover from this post and I'm tired of pretending he will.
this post is a bottom signal, but I still think the overall market has to languish and possibly dump more.
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Think carefully

Do you really expect banks and institutions

To use random shitcoin tech

That's barely been tested ?

You are in for a rude awakening

They want the technology they built

For their purposes

That's been functional for over a decade

They were kind enough to tell us

Years in advance

A new world awaits

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I'm glad that your "proof" is a 4Chan post and not any actual links to official publications citing actual partnerships being made or used cases.
Who do you think made those posts ?

How does one move value with an erc token ?

How have there been 3 "smart cons"

2 white papers

and 1 main net

and no UTILITY

When will you realise


May God bless you all
reddit spacing faggot
This isn't "reddit spacing"

This is BABA posting

BABA pointed

BABA knows

In Baba we trust

Phase one is just beginning

Phase two, we silence all

May the odds be in your favour :)

Unironically, what the fuck does that even mean
Keep in mind that there is literally nothing stopping 15 year olds from posting on any board, in any thread.
That hasn't changed in the last 20 years.
>"I'm going to go on an "adult" board and sound cryptic and "in the know ;) ;) ;)"
People will answer to this specific post by insulting me. If I’m right about this, I’m right about what follows :

There is three plays possible regarding crypto. I’m not debating the different probabilities but here is how it has to go :

>Crypto is a scam
If crypto is a scam, a bubble, something that doesn’t amount to anything, then it doesn’t matter what you buy now you will lose. Like the internet in its infancy, I don’t believe in this thesis, we are just unironically too early to understand how it might change your life.
Think that everyone you interact with has an email address. To me, we are not «there» until every person you interact with has a public wallet linked to their identity. For control purposes, obviously.

>Crypto is the future, only one chain wins
If that is the case, you either get lucky and bet on the right chain that will be the equivalent of tcp/ip or you try and buy another one that fails. Just so you know, tcp/ip inventors had deep ties with US army. Just like the internet you are reading this post on. Which crypto has its founders working closely with rhe US army right now ? That’s the only question you should ask yourself right now to find the future winner in that thesis (Mance Harmon worked on real life War Games)

>Crypto is the future, multi chain
In that case, the tool needed to bring on all the chains together is the one that wins. Aka the best Oracle. Which is Link.

You truly, truly does not need to think any deeper than this. Stay on the sidelines, buy one coin or buy Link. Or you know, edge your bets.

I bought 10 Link after writing this post.
Wait, are you saying you don't trust Baba?
t. 39yr old
I don't trade crypto, but I also don't do options. I'm safe with my money. More power to you, if you think you got a good call, you only have yourself to blame if you lose it all. Fall into the fomo and miss out, that's also your fault. Anybody taking advice on anything in these threads is dumb.

I buy VAXX
You missed option 4: Blockchain ex-BTC amounts to little more than a novel gambling technology, not the future of money or finance. It gets limited adoption for this use-case, but not much else, and speculative interest dries up, valuations contract to something more sensible, LINK sees little usage as a result. This is what is actually happening right now, btw.
Why bother when shrl is getting ready to blow to the moon
>this is not the future
So you just remixed my first thesis. This is a valid point, but I personally do not believe that the blockchain technology with all that it offers to the entreprise (tokenization of everything, instant settlement 24/7, a world of microtransactions) and retail (removal of middlemen, decentralization, true peer-to-peer markets like energy or content) will die.
It’s okay to think so, it requires imagination, critical thinking and optimism to imagine otherwise.
Not the qualities you would expect from someone coming in a thread they have no interest in, just to proudly shit all over the floor.
>So you just remixed my first thesis.
Sort of, but the first thesis implies that blockchain is a scam. The major L1s that people actually use aren't scams per se, they facilitate scams in a sense - but things like memecoins aren't exactly a scam when everyone knows the probability of a rugpull is high. That's the novelty of the memecoin roulette. It's a new form of gambling in the same way that things like fantasy sports were.

>I personally do not believe that the blockchain technology with all that it offers to the entreprise (tokenization of everything, instant settlement 24/7, a world of microtransactions) and retail (removal of middlemen, decentralization, true peer-to-peer markets like energy or content) will die.
I genuinely disagree and don't think it offers anything important to enterprise, or they would be trying harder to integrate it. There's nothing of real-world importance settled on ETH after almost 10 years of its existence, I am discounting memecoins and NFTs here.

>Not the qualities you would expect from someone coming in a thread they have no interest in, just to proudly shit all over the floor.
How is it shitting on the floor? "Blockchain is overhyped but has some future value in gambling and in digital collectibles" is perfectly valid thesis, though not one that's bullish for Chainlink. I owned Chainlink last cycle, made a bit more on it since last summer but I've been out since last winter - just looking at this cycle, it's clear that blockchain tech is not going to deliver on any of the promised enterprise applications, making Chainlink a bit irrelevant - if no one cares to connect much real-world data to a blockchain, why should I be particularly bullish on it? I'm glad that Sergey made me a lot of money from 2018-2021 but I don't buy the Chainlink thesis any more.
> There's nothing of real-world importance settled on ETH after almost 10 years of its existence
Govt tried to kill crypto, google operation «chokepoint 2.0»
Not hard to see why business got scared being involved in it. Again, we are early. A world where I cannot send money instantly to anyone as easy as calling them or snapchatting them is early in my vision of the future. That’s how far my vision is, I see a society post-visa. But for your timeframe, sure, its doomed.

> I've been out since last winter
My brother it’s summer and you are still talking about Chainlink ? Are you really out ?
Like, I’m out of LTC and you would never see me in a LTC thread in my free time. Is your free time that cheap that you spend it in threads discussing investments you supposedly left ? Or is your job being on such threads ?
Don’t bother answering, its rhetorical.

I post this message to prove that some people on this board have an agenda of dissuading people and lurkers to buy Chainlink at all costs. I want those that read my posts and resonate with it to have a chance getting in on the action.

I don’t see you having any motivation coming here besides making LINK less attractive, because of a nefarious agenda or mental disorder that urge you to create negativity. Both are bad.
I haven't been on /biz/ since around this time last year. Just saw a Chainlink thread and hoped I could disabuse some people who are still bagholding.
>I post this message to prove that some people on this board have an agenda of dissuading people and lurkers to buy Chainlink at all costs. I want those that read my posts and resonate with it to have a chance getting in on the action.
Why is this bad? If more people listened to le evil fuddies any time from Spring '21 until now, they would have made more money.

>Govt tried to kill crypto, google operation «chokepoint 2.0»
Looking at what's going on on Solana right now and ETH last cycle, were they wrong?

>A world where I cannot send money instantly to anyone as easy as calling them or snapchatting them is early in my vision of the future. That’s how far my vision is, I see a society post-visa. But for your timeframe, sure, its doomed.
I have never had a moment in my life where I thought that Visa was too slow or cumbersome, but I guess I don't need to urgently send people money often. The most optimistic use-case for ETH then would be as a platform for stablecoins.
>hoped I could disabuse some people who are still bagholding
You failed. I bought 10 more Link since you started answering. The more you post, the more I'll buy.

>any time from Spring '21 until now
This is the point I never understand fudders. We are not talking about a 3-year time frame or even a 10-year time frame.
COBOL, still used today, is fucking 65 years old. This is my time frame. The entire banking system is prehistoric and will change with Chainlink.
Yeah sure I'm delusional. No one could have predicted Uber nor Amazon, so yeah, being delusional can pay big.

>what's going on on Solana right now
then go on and buy Solana, the blockchain that Sometimes Stop. I don't understand why it pumps, but I'm a value investor : I buy things low when people dont see the value to sell high, or in Chainlink case, stake forever.

>I have never had a moment in my life where I thought that Visa was too slow or cumbersome
There is a fee on credit cards. You pay for it when you buy virtually anything, to the tune of 900 $ by family approximately.
We don't need those.

>The most optimistic use-case for ETH then would be as a platform for stablecoins.
Fuck ETH too. There are better chains out there.
Institutions want to remain siloed. There is no way they would let Sergey skim off the top. They only entertain these proposals because they want to look like they are innovating. The devil is in the details and linkies always look at things face value. I know this because I used to do this too.

You are too emotional.
Anon, how will I recognize you on the yacht?
Institutions will just run their own nodes. Chainlink isn't "skimming off the top", its a network of independent nodes working together that anyone can join.
Yeah, they aren't going to do that. Also there are no neet nodes, so how is it that "anyone" can join. Also don't pretend its "decentralized" when the whole network is controlled by a multisig.
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As long as people are fudding LINK on 4chan I will never sell my linkies. Only when all the fudders capitulate or stop getting paid (lamo) would it be ok to take some profit.
>Businesses will use the internet one day, nobody's skimming off the top they'll just make their own website.
>Yeah, they aren't going to do that.

>Also there are no neet nodes
no shit, I wonder if institutions qualify as neets

>Also don't pretend its "decentralized" when the whole network is controlled by a multisig.
oh hi! https://x.com/chrisblec?lang=en
>Anyone can join in
Not anyone period.

Blockchain isnt 'the new internet" Its a siloed gambling black box like the above poster mentioned. The "chainlink the world" thesis is bunk because there hasn't been a single POC that is currently in production.

Just because a company spins up a node doesn't mean anything. Show me which institutions are running nodes. Also even if they are, they are being subsidized by Sergey to do so anyway.

You're little "gotcha" moves aren't helpful. It only makes you look like a fool. You care more about little gotcha moves instead of the truth. The linkies of the board are far removed from a coherent view regarding the project.
Whyd you put the dollar sign after the digit?
>You're little "gotcha" moves aren't helpful.
>Also there are no neet nodes,
>Also don't pretend its "decentralized"
holy fuck the ironing
This is stale fud, this shit has been discussed literally since 2017. You either believe sergey is an inside man and has had connections with swift the whole time (which at this point is almost impossible to doubt), and you're willing to bet the risk:reward is in your favor, or you don't. But nothing you have said is new and phrasing it as such makes you look either like a newfag or a disingenuous faggot.
How am i being disingenuous? You haven't addressed anything.

You just say "Sergey is an inside man". Hes not inside anything except your ass. The connections have resulted in nothing, which is why he pivoted to DTCC with another POC.
>Specifically, the use of a multisig to modify the onchain parameters of Chainlink services allows for a safe, secure, and rapid response to black swan events and other potential incidents on the order of minutes, minimizing service interruption for users. Alternative methods to incident response that don’t utilize a multisig can introduce severe risk to users. For instance, oracle services with immutable onchain logic require a full contract redeployment if any onchain parameter requires modification. This can delay incident response times, introduce significant coordination friction, and necessitate additional actions from users who may not respond in a timely enough manner.

>Signers on Chainlink Gnosis Safe multisigs are selected from multiple high-quality Chainlink node operators with a proven, multi-year track record of securing billions in value within the Chainlink Network, as well as from Chainlink Labs. Signers are also spread across multiple different geographic locations globally and may be rotated on a periodic basis to help mitigate potential risks, such as geographic concentration, as they arise.

>In alignment with industry practices, the identities of signers in Chainlink Gnosis Safe multisigs are not publicly disclosed. Disclosing the exact identities could put those individual signers at risk, such as exposing them to potential spear phishing attacks and other forms of targeted exploitation or social engineering. This balance between transparency and operational security reflects the security-conscious approach taken to every aspect of the Chainlink Network.

Not decentralized. Do you actually think the biggest institutions in the world increase the fragility of their systems by integrating into a protocol that has a multisig?

Basically giving power away to 4 retards in some company to potentially fuck your business up. Pretty retarded if you actually think about it.

This is a reason why there isn't anything actually in production
>it hasn't happened yet
no shit anon, this is why you invest, you either think it will or you think it won't. that is called risk/reward. if there is no risk, there is no reward. if it already happened, you would not have an opportunity to make money.

Or do you believe in efficient markets?
oh nvm you literally are Chris. hi Chris!
Nice try Bulgarian but we speak English here
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because it's a retarded romanian bot waiting for some newfag to buy his bags and dip

nice chat gpt, nobody is reading that, ain't buying whatever SUPER, LINK or SOL-based token you are selling
>nobody is reading that, ain't buying whatever SUPER, LINK or SOL-based token you are
Nice try fuddie but this is /link/
Markets are efficient, hence the price. Just two weeks, what will you say when Sergey is still running POC's in 2030? That would make 13 years after Sergey was speculated to be an "insider"

That doesn't work anymore bro, my points are complete logical coherent. I also used to make fun of him too, but i realized that fat cunt actually had a point now that i'm thinking clearly about the project.
I’ll be the guy with a pina colada and a mojito in both hands.

I know it’s crazy to you, but LINK is not limited to the USofA. I’m French, you know, the country that made Ledger ?

Fudders logic is fundamental flaw : which successful human you would want an advice from would come to a thread of a coin «they are not invested in» just to «save investors from buying it» ? Do you do that to all investments you don’t buy ? Silver ? Real Estate ? Dogecoin ? Where do you stop ? Do you go to all threads, saving people ?
Or your contract is specifically for LINK ?
>inb4 schiz, yes I wouldn’t be here if I were a normie
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>Where do you stop ? Do you go to all threads, saving people ?
Aside from being wrong, this is the fundamental problem with fuddies - they don't seem to understand that their behavior is extremely abnormal. If I were to loiter outside of Toyota dealerships every day for years on end shitting myself and screaming about how Toyota is a scam, the people who come to the dealership are not going to be thinking "wow maybe Toyota is actually a scam" they're going to think "wow mental health really is in crisis, I wonder why the city is allowing this to continue".
lolol so true
here's the problem tho: the chart
It'll be a problem until it isn't. Link needs to generate value for chart to go up, as of rn, it's barely doin shit. Potential it recreates the entire financial system or potential it does nothing, we just wait
so whats the take on fidelity (european spin off of main company?) being confirmed on chain now using oracles will we/are we already seeing a noticible uptick in transactions/fees?

Could this be the starting point of events that cascade to demand/price action on the upside?
Fidelity was a nothingburger unfortunately. It’s not even the real Fidelity. It’s some street shitter offshoot of them. I hope Chainlink announces something huge soon.
Checked. Really good way of putting it. It was actually the obscene fud that made me start looking into Link in 2020.
your father was a hamster and your mother smelled of elderberries
it's the real fidelity, retard
If crypto markets were efficient, there would be no 100x's.
>I also used to make fun of him too, but i realized that fat cunt actually had a point now that i'm thinking clearly about the project.
kek you just called yourself a fat cunt
I feel this with my whole fucken heart.
he's a poet
Jordan Peterson wannabe kek
>Link needs to generate value
Link would be the first crypto to ever actually do this.
>It'll be a problem until it isn't.

ok cool riddle, but the the problem is... the chart

the chart tho

it won't matter either way, bc the chart
All the chart does is show how dumb retail has been being.
retail is usually dumb but when it comes to chainlink, retail is pic related
Btc - store of value
Eth - I guess smart contracts but for what?
Monero - store of value that hides ur money trail?

Outside of this, which is pretty shit, it's pretty incredible how much funding all of crypto has received when it unironically doesn't do anything of value. Would be cool if link figures it out

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