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Join TG

>Gian typing...
>Jerry typing...
>Everyone from failed Spurdo coin in there
>Everyone from Squid in there
>Chart looks topped out with extremely high RSI
>New users saying they will never sell... (LMAO)

... Get out now before Gian dumps on you again and then pretends he is the victim

See what happened with POPO.
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CT is picking it up already..you're late. imo Gondola is a much better (and known) meme than the other shit
reveal yourself coward
posting coins after they have mooned does nothing for me anymore. no interest. ship has sailed. kys op. should've shilled it before the giga pump but not buying into your slowfade death. so again, pls kys
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>pulls out a 4h chart
Here's the 1D chart to prove a point on TA.
This isn't Bitcoin it's a shitcoin. You can't reliably trade using RSI to begin with.
You don't know how to use indicators.
Pulling out RSI and condensing the chart is, of course going to make it seem unreasonably high.
Truth is, its not even remotely pumped yet.
Use a 5m or 15m chart and the RSI folds back into a normal range.
stfu brainlet.
Gian and Jerry are still in your "investment"

Screenshot this and let's see how you're doing in a month.

Sell now before they dump on you

Study $SQUID
Study $POPO

These guys pump and dump on their "friends" everytime.
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POPO flopped because APU higher ups had a tantrum seeing their most active members shilling another frog coin. As long as the boys don't get bullied this time, it'll be fine kek. It's not a rug
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top wallet is Gian. sell selll selll
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gondola is too good to fail even if he sells...
Stop noticing things
just (((Frens))) dumping on "frens"
that's why apu will never succeed
>Jerry an admin
>Gian the top fucking wallet

... okay bros you've been warned. This will dump to sub 1m. The CT guys will be first to rug and then you biz guys will be left rugging on each other.
gian is a know serial rugger he will lie and lie
he even talks grandiosely about good deeds but hes been involved in countless rugs and EVERYONE knows it
jerry is a massive faggot
they are talking in tg right now about how its "Bullish that the only fud is about gian and jerry"
well yeah, no shit the fud is about the guys who are leading a "CTO" being serial ruggers who just gigapumped a chart
if you buy this you are braindead, just go and ask in any biz tg, find out yourself
Why didnt you buy when this was 100k for like few days? Seems like angry rant without no lead
there is a funnel
the funnel goes from different inner biz circles, into more well known biz circles with gatekeepers, to the public biz circles.

if you are reading this for the first time, and you are only just hearing about gondola (which is everyone who wasnt in the first group), then you are exit liquidity to a bunch of biz scammers who hide in privates until they are ready to farm biz

they have an established pipeline through tiers of "biz" groups
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I had it saved in my dexscreener watchlist and bought a small bag for $150 at 50k mc when it started to rise (I assumed it was a whale
group), I sold this around $2M mc for $6k I was 3,5k in the red and now I am 2.5k in the green. Whish I would had been less greedy and sold at the top for 8k or minimum 7k. I might never touch shitcoins again. Coins like apu are very rare and not worth it, all of them are pyramid schemes. The fact I won all of my lost money back and got a little extra is a miracle by god.
none of this is true, you're a coward and your only reason for being here is spreading hate and defamation on people who never scammed anyone in their lives and never will
your insistence on slandering the only people who actually do things honestly on this shit board is revolting, you are a revolting human being and you should take a big peek inside and change the shitty way you are
yeah right faggot
>Study $SQUID
>Study $SPURDO
>Study $POPO
this anon has it exactly right

its only slander if its not true, and it evidently is and anyone interested can go and ask in any public biz group about gians history
you are going to defend your bags i wouldnt expect anything else
lol u mad
I used to trust gian, kaod and jerry but now I legitimately starting to think they are lying scammers. Theya re also
legitimately assholes
you're based as fuck OP, good job calling out these janny scams
my wallet is public you absolute moron, I never sold any of those tokens and sank tens of k to make them work, I haven't profited from ANYTHING you're talking about, you're lying and you've been doing this shit for months at this point
neck yourself scammer faggot
why don't you speak to me one on one instead of this pathetic bullshit? what the fuck do you gain from it? what's the fucking point???
its a public service
no more (You)s
do a flip
if even one person can be saved from your jeetery it's worth it

You're trying too hard. Tone it down a bit if you want to be more effective.
im trying to warn other so they do not fall for this fucking scam.
next week when this coin rugs you will all see
Jerry and Gian involvement


Soon under 1m
t. Jerry
its already begun. screenshot this
ruggers from SPURDOSPARDE are in the fucking tg.

open your eyes
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already made x5 so idgaf
Double top is in. Can't wait for all the seething from the upcoming bagholders who didn't sell while they try to convince us it's the next Apu or whatever.
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This is insane levels of fud. and we all know who the re*ditor is that only knows how to fud. Spend the rest of your stack buying new wheels for your house loser
He will burn his 1.1 b of squid
Holy shit Jerry is there I am out hahah
Gian and Jerry bought the top of Spurdo, they werent involved. The Okayeg scammers were the team of biz Spurdo
>triple top
it's over

kek its already going back up
is it still a scam if it pumps?
dead cat bounce
but it's 50 rsi
memes tend to die at 3m mc especially when Gian, Kaod and Jerry are behind it.
t. jerry
t. gian
scams can pump but i dont want to be in a scam when the music stops.
you do you nigga

muh lagging indicator
>memes tend to die at 3m mc
kek, then there's still a 2x i could get
thanks for the financial advice kind stranger
>muh lagging indicator
What is the OP of this thread?
This schizo is so desperate. I sincerely hope you stay poor.
Look at the chart moron
Did it rug yet? I can't be arsed to even look at the chart.
Look at what exactly? It did a 12x from 200k in 24 hours. It's been crabbing between 8x and 10x.
Wow, it's only out-performed the S&P 500 year over year returns by 114x in a day. Terrible investment.
Whale games are being played atm.
Dude market sold everything then bought back for more.
I see you naturalnine.eth
What does this mean?
On a serious note Jerry and Gian both usually don’t make profits off the stuff they work on, the op is trying to get a lower buy in for this shitcoin and that’s obvious.
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>I'll never sell, okay? I just love not taking profits from a 10x and watching it bleed out forever for that microscopic chance it pulls a Shib.
thanks for playing guys
I didn't buy this coin, but I wanted to say two things:
First, there are two Jerrys, which may be confusing. There's Jerry Lewis from Lobo and Jerry from Squid. Both are involved with Gondola, but I think it is Jerry Lewis who is in charge now. I could be wrong.
Two, Gian was not part of Spurdo and actually got kicked from the telegram group. /biz/ spurdo failed because there is another one at 20+ million being pushed by Telegram and Twitter callers, and additionally multiple /biz/ spurdo team members and early buyers sold their tokens for various reasons.
Again, I don't have a dog in this fight because I didn't buy the coin. Hope this information was useful for you anon.
Fuck off scammer
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you eth kikes should all kill yourselves
trash jeet scam, unknown meme, not for the normies, ngmi
Pepega is the new x100 play
Giga pump happens when they grab the large amount of supply. Then they shill it to you to fomo in and become their exit liquidity
Pathetic Thread.
Present evidence or fuck off back to your little telegram channel.
kek the absolute state of /biz/.
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y'all assmad af lmao
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I think Gondola is one of the best OG chan memes
>everyone knows it
>already has tens of thousands of unique memes
>usually accompanied by atmospheric music
>uniquely drawn almost every time
>remembered fondly by anons
It has so much soul.
We know what we're buying. We're buying one of the best memes of all time.
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Anyone show proofs that cto is run by scamers yet?
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Nope just schizos and poorfags.
Not Jerry lewis, but Jerry from squid. I don't know jerry from lobo and haven't seen him in chat.
funny thing is my lawyer today told me to just sue 4chan for posting slander and libel when we discussed setting up incorporation for future exchange listings. I'm gonna get doxxed, no big deal, I've been around for a long time here and in crypto. But the best part is the court will subpoena 4chan for the IP's of everyone talking shit, which then they'll subpoena your isp/cell providers for which accounts were using the IP's at the time of your weak fud. your mom's gonna be so pissed kiddo. I'm glad the jannys left this thread up so long.
Holy shit based.
I hope you catch the mentally ill apu fudder. He's probably behind most of the fud behind this as well because he bought the top of apu and wont let it go.
Literally every biz scammer is in the Gondola TG right now it's incredible

I've seen their projects play out before

They always get CMC and maybe coin gecko then just slowly die.
wow what a great scam. about to hit ath again.
making everyone money.
You're gonna get subpoena'd
Kek stop posting while you're ahead.
jerry is a pedophile, gamers rise up
>yeah bro these serial scammers never make money, they just love wasting their time and money on random shitcoins
fucking delusional, gian.
price is still up. KEK
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oooooooohhhh fuuuddddiiieeeesss

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