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what the hell happened?
Brendan betray
token not needed
you can't even self-custody it earning pennies of it using their shitty browser
are any of the OG batties still around?

why didnt they integrate BAT into search and all the other shit they said they were going to do?
i cant even log in to gemini anymore for rewards. sometime last year they just randomly stopped allowing me to link the account. arent they doing self custody with solana? when the does that start
>make coin
>shill coin
>sell coin
Eich dumped his BAT bags and is too busy making bank off RNDR now.
> BATTies got scammed
I told anons and they didn't listen
If we don't hit $40 Brendan is getting vaccinated... one way or another.
yooooo turtles nice trips

i wasnt sure you fags were still around. i have 500k of this gay ass coin i just hope it hits $1 now
Hangin' around. Been busy traveling lately. Might even go to the Azores again at the end of the year. It's possible.
is bat ever gonna pump? does eich ever join the calls and even mention the word bat anymore?
Probably not going to pump for a while. Still think we have a ways to go on adoption (DAU and MAU growth).
There's no way people on this board are actually still holding this worthless garbage... Right?
well the supply didnt just disappear so obviously somebody has to have it
Divested and went into Vesta instead, and thank God on the clarity to do that in the first place damn
the weird part is that Brave browser is in all time high in user acquisition and BAT just keep going to sh1t
brave isnt even trying to do anything with bat
Is the kind anon that dumps those 10/10 webms still around? These threads were a goldmine for the hottest (wo)men I ever seen on the boards
Switched back to Firefox personally
thot poster? yeah i wonder
My hope is RNDR pumps and Brandon is takes some profits so he can hire some BAT devs. Nobody at brave works on BAT except for payouts which they constantly fuck up
what does RNDR have to do with BAT?
Still accumulating this hidden gem
og battie still here. MAU's for web and search still climbing.
first time posting since the verification too. the verification nuked the threads completely.
I don't think anyone really knows, feels like the entire Brave team just gave up on BAT and forgot about it
yeah but the mau shit never mattered before
Because MAU isn't enough to tempt enough advertisers to really rock BAT.
>what does RNDR have to do with BAT?
Brendan is a founder at RNDR. They gave him like 3-5% of the supply and he’s deving the project. He’s bored with BAT and so am I desu. It had so much fucking potential and they just let it turn to shit after they completely fucked it to death
Remember during the silvergate bank failure Eich was dumping hard into the local bat bottom. When asked about it his only response was "it's payday". Did he ever make up for that shitshow?
There are rumors the the brave founders and VCs have held up to 60% of the supply in the previous bull run. Funny how they cared about all the future possibilities of BAT back then. Now that only rent seekers are holding they don’t give a fuck
Jennie sold her stack last cycle but before the run up to $2. Bunch of the other employees held on longer so probably sold the top.
Brave employees don't have any incentive to pump BAT, which is both a bad thing (because we're left bagholding) and a good thing (for SEC security Howie test purposes)
Jennie betrayed us
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If Jenny would’ve just showed her tits back in the summer of love 2021 BAT would’ve hit $40 easy but she got cold feet. Here we have the hottest bitch in all of crypto and she refuses to leverage her looks
Any sexy photos of Jennie out there?
TP had some leaks from way back in the day
The rumor is Rick Steves bought 2 million BAT recently.
Piece of shit
bump for coombait
Fake and gay
Post Jennie tits or gtfo
what error are you getting? i had an issue and i had to contact them and after like 7 months it finally started working.
The error he gets is he shouldn't have bought BAT. Kek. Baggies
remember when people here were ecstatic that Joe Rogan mentioned this coin on his podcast? This was back pre covid era when Rogan was still considered somewhat of an outsider contrarian. Man times have changed...
its free. they pay you to browse the internet. ill hold that bag all day.
Check the SAT chart, dumbass. You'd be better off if you traded it for BTC. Kek. Baggie
Community call is live now for anyone who gives a fuck: https://talk.brave.com/this--is--your--weekly--bat-community--call

Still waiting on that V3 Roadmap...
Where’s the composter? I need some petite sluts with tramstamps
like i said, it's free, i'll hold the bag.
>convert it to BTC
you must be retarded, I'll let you slide
Kek. At least I'm not a baggie
But you are a baggie BATTY ABBY POSTER
BAT got BTFO by UBlock

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