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15k. People don't appreciate how low this can go. I think 40k is a certainty at this point and 15k is where it can go in a panic.
Scary digits
Dont you think the buying pressure would be too high under 40k?
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Probably $30k. I'm not certain enough to sell and then buy back in, however. I'll just hold.
All this after I went all in with my $200k savings at $70k.
Buying from who?
it tends to dump around 80% after a bull market top, so it can go between 10.8k and 14k as the generation bottom
from best to worst case

hold at 53 somehow (doubt this will happen)

crab in the 50-53 range that we were at in February

bounce off the 49k wick from after the etf came out

43k (I think this is where we'd get if the us just market sells our btc supply or something, maybe wicking way lower)

match 2019 draw down would get us at 35k. I see that being the worst case I guess.

If I had to guess I think the 49k is most likely, lots of people still want to get in and I think we will be able to hold that. Look what happened the one day of etf's being open after the dump, we went positive. There's still lots of buying pressure and that's just going increase as it goes down. I don't think anyone really buys the idea of it going to 0 anymore

also there's just something poetic about just bouncing off that first crazy wick from the etfs
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Buy it all. Today.
The thousands of people waiting to buy at 40k?
>bought my ethereum when it was under $2K
>don't even hold a single bitcoin
I'll probably get fucked when the ETF's get approved, but for now I'm cautiously comfy
If you watched to the end he hit 3/5 3’s we’ll be back this week
That's nothing compared to the mtgox supply.
Everybody looking for a place to put their cash in a red hot market for every other asset.
>how low biggoin gongo
Buy signal
Checked. Hopefully, would love to pick up BTC for under $20k again
mt gox is only 6mo of pre-April subsidy
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello

With Blackrock in, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, buy $72k
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, sell $55k
A Dogecoin, my portfolio
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>he bought at 70000
That's literally the dumbest thing you could have done. Buckle up.
>literally the dumbest thing you could have done
Hindsight is 20:20.
The fact that we were basically back to where we were in late 2021 made me feel like there was a 50:50 chance of either going up and not coming back down until after the next ath, or dropping down to something like $60k and crabbing for awhile.
I am never going to buy during a period of "greed" again, and I will pay attention to the rate of price increases leading to the current position, and if it appears exponential, I also won't touch it.
I still have an emergency savings that covers a full year of mortgage, bills, and food. Depending on how low btc goes, I may dip into that savings (lol; I realize this is what a delusional gambler would do).
Let's hope the line doesn't fully take advantage of your potential delusion, then. These next couple of days are going to be a bumpy ride.
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Fuck off satan you scum nigger
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Expert here in lossing the train.
You VILL loss teh train waiting on idealized bottoms.
>"it will go to 30k"
>goes to 30.1k
>waits waits waits
>eventually forceFOMOS back in at ATH

you get the idea
Don’t be too hard on him. Dim Fool and other online faggots were saying it’s going to a million…
Count me in, Anon. I'll buy Peaq when it hits the exchange since it's already the leading DePIN ecosystem.
I never bought into the $1M hype, but I do like Giovanni's power law that shows $1M around 2033 (it also corresponds to a cycle high) so I imagine it would dump after, and then work its way back up.
No one's going to buy when it even reaches $100,000 per bitfuck, let alone $1,000,000
How many people do you REALLY THINK will be available buy in and take your bags when you're finally ready to cash out your ten trillion theoretical dollars? People say "1btc = 1btc" and that's exactly what they mean; your gains are $0 until someone buys your wallet, because money isn't created nor destroyed through crypto.
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>no one will buy above $100
>no one will buy above $1000
>no one will buy above $10000
>no one will buy above $100000 <- (you are here)
of course Satan would give you advice that makes you miss the bullrun you waited years for.
and to bail out, at the last fucking moment. hahaha.
that's not even a good cope, dude
Buying at $10 is literally nothing, buying at $100,000 or even 1M is a massive fucking investment to put in a vaporous product like crypto. Stop trying to convince retards to buy your bags.
Theoretically $0.00.
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>you can only buy full coins
Damn, I give a fuck about holding 0.001 BTC. That $10 is going to da mooooooooon!
You're getting hung up on a COMPLETELY arbitrary unit (1 BTC).
At some point the perspective will shift to a Satoshi being the primary unit in the vernacular.
>caring about absolute numbers instead of growth and margin as an investor or trader
>the absolute state of biz
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Real money seeks to beat the sp500, zoomertards gambling on shitcoins have no weight here.
can't go any lower than the hack quality of george's shitty show and his other crappy yt accounts
Check ‘em
Is gongo actually bearish or is this just clickbait
Check 'em
Miss Tits crypto
Tune into the show for 10 seconds everyday just to see the milkers
looks like we might hold at 53, etf buys buying the dip way more then I expected
she's only 17 bro. the fuck's the matter with you???
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the lowest was around 15k, although the market seems to be a bit gentler this time, possibly up to 25k and we'll stay that way for a couple of months, but I've resigned myself to only make money with alts and memecoins like $summer, or even dogs
I think we've gotten to the bottom already, which is why I'm now stacking ROSE, ATOR, NAI and some other quality alts for the altseason
It's best to buy in fractions instead of waiting for the perfect entry
those are some promising alts but don't go all in
>17, what's even the big deal
nah bro she is 21 or something, she legal
keep pretending that bro while the party van escorts you to the bubba booty paradise resort for the next 20 years

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