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Which would you rather:
1. $1,000,000.00 USD deposited in your bank account tomorrow (not enough to make it)
2. Wake up tomorrow as an attractive biological woman (life: easy mode)
Well, anon?
Money please.
Why are normies so good at fake smiling.
sydney is 1000% overrated, yeah she got a figure but have you seen her derpy face without makeup?

imagine waking up to that (would effect you financially)
That's a man
Would lick booba and pooper
Anon, normies have the ability to be happy and laugh naturally sometimes
Not everyone is dead inside
I'll take the money. If you want to be a woman so badly just say it anon
I could just as well wake to her perfect boobas, that'd be fine with me.
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You couldn't pay me a million dollars to be a women.
money. and youre wrong nigga, 1,000,000 is make it money
Any man who wants to be a woman is a faggot and should off themselves
Those boobas look like absolute perfection
But maybe they look quite different without clothing cope
$1,000,000.00 USD deposited in my bank account tomorrow (means i made it)
>have you seen her derpy face without makeup?
post it then
for financial research purposes of course
I cannot imagine a worse fate in this world than becoming a woman having been a man. This is of course completely impossible, but the hypothetical is horrifying.
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cant find the specific one but it was like this but much worse pose (her eyes super buggy without makeup)
I mean if you become a woman and still retain your knowledge
>I cannot imagine a worse fate
becoming an Indian women
>get good capital
>become member of inferior sex
Cmon man, its not a hard choice.
Waking up as a plastic bimbo bitch sounds more like a nightmare
>lose iq
>get periods
>lose in a fistfight with every single male over 15
op are you trans
Money instantly. That way I can pay this slut to titty fuck and nut on her chin
They're faking it you retard
what are your favorite copes to not kys at the realization you will never bareback sydney tier hotties
Holy fuck why would you ever want to be a woman?
3. Wake up with your dick replaced with a 12 inch nigger cock!
To free your inner lesbian, obviously.
i bet you incels think her boobs are like that when she's undressed.
Just fuck a lesbian then.
what are they like when she's undressed? post pictures please.
1 and its not even close
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K. Now we just have to figure out how to profit from this.
>"OMG BOOBIES IN SNL! Wokeness is dead!"
Cuckservatives unironically said this
sydney sweeney deserves to have hot sex every day and night
She looks like she has FAS.
oh defo, her and Billy Eilish

such a turn off i dont wanna fuck a downie
I am jealous of how women are treated not who they are. I wouldnt want to live like that.
because they have to be. Have you met people who cant fake smile? They end up losers in societies gutters.
I bet you cant fake smile anon. People take one look at you then go home and practice smiling in the mirror.
Jews browse /biz/.
Don't doubt it for a second.
it wasnt bb but IVe had this tier hottie. There are some really hot prostitutes out there. Sure most arent, but there are 10/10s in hiding.
>Sydney, Zendaya, Hunter
I don't understand why they're pushing these girls so hard in the last few years. Remember when we had beautiful actresses in movies and tv?
1 I want the money
2 I don't want to be a woman
uh $1,000,000 please? thank you.
a better question would be 1 mil or an attractive woman by your side. Also how is Saturday Night Live still a thing, yuck
And you will never be a woman.
>Verification not required.
>wanting life to be easy
I think I would enjoy having consensual sex with her
i can turn 1m into 10 or 20 but i'd never be able to overcome bleeding once a month out of my pussy
2. trannies could never be women, you can only fans for 1million, or marry some with more networth.
kys nigger
why would you wanna be a woman?
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shes a fucking angel
still a fuck tonne of make up / eye crap there
Not really
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money, easily
id do half boomer stocks and half btc
was going to say id quit because im already aiming to make it this bullrun, but i think id be too cautious to

id only want to be a cute girl if everyone else in the world was also a cute girl
money and it's not a debate or discussion.

it's called charisma, you have to practice it.
Anyone picking 2, ywnbaw
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Money. I can make 4% a month while I fucking sleep. Being a cumdumpater would be a fuckingn nightmare.
almost impossible to find them showing face on ad plus no bb
What you mean?
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I'd totally take being the woman cause then I could take lots of dick without being gay.

I want to be pic related.
the funny thing is she has average breasts but just wears a low cut top and push up bra and everybody still falls for it
>be attractive woman
>men all want to stick their dick inside you and you are not strong enough to fend them off
sounds great bro
Average size maybe but definitely not average looking
t. have held many breasts in my life
That's what guns are for
>He doesn't know Hunter is a tranny
LMAO, faggot
You must be looking in a mirror, faggot
the money. women are only living life in easy mode from 18-25 if we are being completely real
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I'll do you one better. I will pay $1,000,000 to wake up tomorrow as an attractive biological woman. (pic related)
>it's called charisma
You have to be beautiful or smart to be charismatic. An average looking brainlet trying to be charismatic is one of the cringiest things you will see.
Well done biz, you made a Sydney Sweeney thread and forgot to mention the Sydney Sweeney coin.

Her twitter account was hacked on the 2nd July and tweeted a contract for $sweeney. Strong community still remains after the rug at 3m, CTO now
For a million bucks I can buy five apartments in Canary Islands and rent them out.
Back you go, teenage response. Summer's here boys.
I don't want to be a woman
Oh, yeah, retard is just so mature and nuanced. Totally. Faggot
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Dex ads are now live, Sydney Sweeney is the celebrity queen of Solana, remember she tweeted this CA herself
Money every time
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Almighty Father, have mercy on me, and graciously grant me strength to resist this temptation of the flesh. Amen.

Blessed Mother Mary, wrap me in your mantle, pray for me, that I might be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.

St. Micheal the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, o Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
you wish she was a man you queermo
Anon, I'm over 30 and I'm not in the business of getting booty blasted.

>Money please.

And trips
hit the wall such a shame
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Sol trending about to start on $SWEENEY, stop simping and start buying, yes Sydney Sweeney is the best

you realize she's naked in just about everything she's in and it's clear her breasts are far from average?
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Her boobs are amazing and so is the $SWEENEY coin
You're crazy if you don't think those tits are near perfect. You are blind
Just because you have to input energy doesn't make it fake. Sure, not everything in a social interaction is made up of simple adherence to replicating your internal state 1:1, but I'm plenty happy to do a little facial expression and practice my tonality instead of just flattening my affect. Sometimes women will put forth energy outside of what they simply feel, let you creampie them, and be happy for having done so. Is it a fake relationship? No!

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