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Frens, is it over?
I knew I should've sold
yes, it's a pajeet coin and not even a real frog meme

normies will go for pepega
Nah, I’m forgetting about it for a few months though. I can’t handle watching the chart
Why coin no go up all the time!? What do you mean nothing ever did!? Aaaaaaaa!
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It's been over
we are at the stage where those who were never meant to make it will fumble their make it stacks.

I type d that tyitle twice because I knew it was wrong the first time. Still wrong. w/e. GF's out at a lesbian bar, APU crashing WHY AM I HOLDING? I'LL TELL YOU WHY. It's because I'm a bad trader and I KNOW I'M A BAD TRADER. Yeah you good traders can spot the highs and the lows pit pat piffy wing wong wang just like that and make a millino bucks sure no problem bro. Likewise the weak hands are like OH NO IT'S GOING DOWN I'M GONNA SELL he he he and then they're like OH GOD MY ASSHOLE when the SMART traders who KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE DOING buy back in but you know what? I'm not part of that group. When the traders buy back in I'm already part of the market capital so GUESS WHO YOU'RE CHEATING day traders NOT ME~! Those taunt threads saying "OHH YOU SHOULD HAVE SOLD" YEAH NO SHIT. NO SHIT I SHOULD HAVE SOLD. I SHOULD HAVE SOLD MOMENTS BEFORE EVERY SELL AND BOUGHT MOMENTS BEFORE EVERY BUY BUT YOU KNOW WHAT NOT EVERYBODY IS AS COOL AS YOU. You only sell in a bear market if you are a good day trader or an illusioned noob. The people inbetween hold. In a zero-sum game such as this, traders can only take your money if you sell.

so i've had some whiskey
actually on the bottle it's spelled whisky
sue me
(but only if it's payable in APU)
Still not selling
It was over at the concept stage. If you weren't in on the grift within the first few days of it being on the market, you aren't going to make any fucking money now.
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I'll hold to 0 and rope or live to call everyone a faggot in a few months.

all memecoins suffer from a few months of stagnation after the first huge increase, see pepe, mog and other coins. As soon as the first days buyers stop selling as their coins have been offloaded then its game on, see PEPE for example.

apu isn't going anywhere and you would be retarded to think that way
Within 2 months of its launch Pepe was already on Binance and broke over 1bil marketcap.
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Literally who?
>he doesn't know wintermute
HAHAHAHAHAHA why are fuddies so retarded
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What's happening? Quick rundown? Good news?
What makes Wintermute so special?
bro it took a year for Pepe to hit 1b
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This and only this
I am a literal 7 fig mega whale and I ain't selling before 1 Billion.
How do you know it will go to 1B?
Well I basically have contact with big guys and it's guaranteed at this point, one binance listing and there we go.
The coin itself is on the verge of redistribution as we speak.
It was already past 1bil in early May of last year. Check the Coingecko chart.
it's a market maker that makes coins go up
It took 11 months to hit a bill. Literally anyone can check this. Try harder.
Based debunker chad.
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Based lying retard.
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No one cares. I've taken control of the narrative. Say it with me

wen binance, bybit, coinbase, kraken sir?
No it didn't, it took 20 days or so to hit a billion, then after the Binance listing it corrected to 700mmish mcap, then it went through the whole drama where two of the devs rugged the marketing wallet which caused it to tank to 200mm or so...then it spent nearly a year crabbing at the 400mm mcap range.
Calm down, goomba poster!
no one cares retard
Apu doesn't have to follow the same path, in fact apu had a much harsh time than pepe itself
Apu fought countless battles agains't pajeets and betrayals since day 10 of it's creation
Yet it survived, and then survived again and again..
Apu is definitely way more tough than pepe itself and this is a fact.
>Apu doesn't have to follow the same path
Doesn't have to...but most likely will, Apu will probably crab at these levels until next year or so, right in time for the 2025 bullrun.
I hope so, I fucked up real bad not buying Apu when that OG linker sold his Linkbags to buy Apu. I should have followed.
>OG linker sold his Linkbags to buy Apu
Tbh I wouldn't really take this as a good sign lol, but yeah, right now is great for accumulation for all tokens including apu.
absolutely infinite digits confirm
I mean it could even pump hard next week straight to a billion for all apu cares.
Apu is one of, if not, the most used meme on the internet...even Pepe uses Apu in many of it's memes. It would be hubris to not accumulate at these levels. Obviously, it's still risky as with all memecoins, but Apu is as good of a chance as any at reaching billions during a bullrun.
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Yeah, probably. I moved my BTC liq over to an index fund a week ago.
Apparently a lot of people are dumping and nobody knows what the new bottom will be, so...
Ain't gonna be me, lmao.
It might be you, bro but it ain't gonna be me!
Not yet, still have another 60%-80% to drop.
The fact you'd literally kill yourself over the fact you were retarded enough to dump money into this shit is funny, but maybe you should just dump your stock and invest in an actual asset that has a non-zero chance to pay off instead.
get in here anons
You ain't from around here are you boy.
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Glad i dumped this piece of shit at 77 levels.

Will buy at 20 levels, so dump it already niggers.
Hello if you are $APU owner please sell your $APU hastily thank you
How is the distribution on APU these days? Are there still secret dev wallets waiting to dump?
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hi fren why
Hello Fren if you do not sell the $APU calamity will befall your kin thank you
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I don't even own APU and never have but if you sell right before wintermute pumps this coin to the moon you are retarded. Signed, a concerned GIGA chad
pajeetus still has billions to dump in September and whales will be frontrunning it in late August.
Yes. All frogs are just pepe for normies, including groyper and apu.
I am down 90% on pepega
>this cope again
No it is not. Let's go to the catalog and count the amount of regular pepes vs apus.
Oh I have no reason to sell. I invested around $300 and went to over $4000 at the peak. I will enjoy the ride but I don't expect this crap to even get close to 1B mcap.
its going to 10B+
Yes. It's effectively and undoubtedly over.

You can still save some of your money though by buying US Dollar (Ticker:USD)
baggie cope
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We are rugging upwards again HALP
34mil apu and comfy
pajeetus wants this coin to succeed more than some of the holders so i wouldnt worry too much about him
1m and 3m charts still look like shit.
Noone cares, it's 4 hour chart only that matters
If it 2xs from here then it might actually recover but I keep my expectations low now. Whales are all paperhanded and have dumped nonstop for nearly 2 months.
imagine being this retarded.
Whales are pretty retarded for selling every pump then.
This post was my buy signal. Anons are going to rope when this thing moons like crazy. This coin always survives the dips really well, you would have to be retarded not to buy at this point if you've been paying attention.
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Apu is bloated you need a low cap gem like Baby Apu
based noticer
shame on you, falseflagging fudster for trying to get him to burn even more cash
Whales are buying
>Accordingly, while the market was recovering, on-chain data tracking platform Nansen announced the most purchased cryptocurrencies in the last 24 hours.

>According to Nansen data, whales generally turned to Ethereum (ETH)-based cryptocurrencies. Accordingly, while WETH, cbETH, stETH were among the top altcoins purchased by whales, whales also purchased large amounts of APU and Hashflow (HFT).

>In the list of most purchased cryptocurrencies, WETH ranked first, cbETH ranked second, and stETH ranked third.

>These were followed by memecoin Apu Apustaja (APU) in fourth place, and HFT in fifth place.

nobody cares, NERD
I'm STILL buying APU
whatever dude. biz was served the make it coin sub $1M mc. you were given a chance.
>muh whales
>it's over
Your shitcoin will stay irrelevant. Verification not required.

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