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The only millionaire idea I have is a porn game using AI.
you're a 27 year old white degenerate
Sar we did it. We blended in.
Start shilling it on f95zone and start a subscribestar
bro you are fried
well then go make it then.
That actually would be pretty based ngl
Business idea: on demand prostitutes. Rent a uhaul. Throw a mattress in the back. Use the app to order a whore. Van pulls up and you discreetly do the needful while they drive around. Get dropped off back at your place.
a lot of people are making like $500 a month making AI girls. not even porn really, just AI pictures of good looking women
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guys, anyone curious about the new bonk? I feel nice today, can share a gem with deserving anons. It's not like most will care anyway and that's the best part.
g2g so yeah for the smart & curious - Telegram: americanwifsolcto or X: americanwifcoin
Do it anon
you will never learn to code, youre an idea guy and a coomer
Hey, I'm a cooming coder. It can happen anon. I tried making my own porn generating AI in 2017 using tensorflow, long before it became popular now...it never worked, the pics it generated were worse than early Dalle.
if it was multiplayer it would be a bit more fun, still wait for the AIs to get a bit better, I'm using $summer to have funds for a future project with AIs too, I just need to wait

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