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first sell off
cope, 70k was the top
more like first cope off
you btc perma bulls are the worst
just fuck off
buy signal
buy signal
buy signal
your thread is a bigger sell signal
cope more moonboy tranny
if the top isnt in yet there is a small leg up left. Get ready to sell EOY/Q1 2025 or stay poor you faggots
BTC is dead, this run was fucking pathetic, barely over previous ATH.
we already had the double top on the way to capitulation, you dumb fuck
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True. I can't believe all these tards thinking we topped after just making it back to where things were in late 2021.
We gun top around $130k next year.
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> I don't think he knows about second bull run Pip
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bro what
It's a fractal. Zoom out.
>Bull trap
>Return to normal
How can you say we reached the top when the full bullrun chart did not even play completely? Did it stop the last time it reached it's previous ATH? No, you fucking newfags, it went past that. The best comparison for what happens now would be the march 2018 and october 2020. How the FUCK can you even think that just because we reached the previous ATH the bullrun stops?
>this time it's different! We won't see another ATH!
Stfu. You can't read a basic fucking chart. Muh bull top is now sell sell sell. You should sell, yes. You don't deserve the biggest bullrun to come since 2017.
adjusting for inflation, 2021 was barely even an ATH
face it, this goose is cooked
Post your short.
What you all fail to see is that the second top from the previous bullrun was fake, it was supposed to crash after the first cycle top. We are 8 months in advance right now. That's why this bullrun seems almost over. It has about 2-3 legs up left in it and then it's over. Q1 2025 and then that was it. One last dance.
adjust it for inflation we're still early
back to 70k by august
"We're just cooling off before the next rally"
holy fuck so many people are about to be sidelined going by this thread hahahaha
bears are unironically retarded. they think they still command the market with their TA. How many times must they be told they're the little boys now. Big dick money is here and is liquidating these arrogant fucks left and right and its beautiful.


they're counting on them to be this stupid.
more like the final selloff
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how can i tell you this without offending you anon...
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It's way past public and you know it.
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For once the hopium is actually correct. This is absolutely the first sell-off.
can't really get more based than this. ive got bad news for people who don't think 25k is coming.
this, lol
it doesn't get any more textbook than this... like, this is as tight a correlation as you could ever expect in a chart

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