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It's honestly embarrassing
They did?
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imagine how dumb germany will look when btc hits 100k
one Dresden was not enough
>imagine how smart germany will look when btc hits 10k
Sorry what? They sold bitcoin? I didn't feel anything
>German BVLLS
Kek, no such thing. Krauts are buckbroken to a man.
Hahahahaha the madman!
He's right though, as always.
supplies energy
assists nearly every industry
assists nearly every industry
follow top performing companies and nearly guarantee growth
just gambling and speculation with CBDCs and regulation after regulation after regulation

You do you
sit in their ivory tower making money out of thin air

>Can we do that too?
>just gambling and speculation
After 15 years and missing out on insane gains some people still don't understand that the point of crypto is to be able to self-custody your wealth in the digital age. Literally no other asset or industry can do that. Crypto is the missing piece people have waited for since the internet was created.
Crypto hasn't replaced banks yet.
On the contrary. It's never been harder to purchase than it is right now and there's really no incentive whatsoever for retailers to adapt.
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Ever heard of something called inflation? Buying power?
Casinos have winners and losers.
>Crypto hasn't replaced banks yet.
It has for me. 75% of my wealth is held in my own wallets.
this isn't 2011, Bitcoin isn't in a parabolic rise anymore
I do hold a lot of my savings in btc, bit regulators are cracking down on the on and off ramps, and all the easy gains have been made, someone like me it's easy keep adding to my stack every once and awhile but newcomers it honestly makes no sense if your cost average is above 20k I can't think of any reason to jump into crypto

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