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Nigga gonna moon frfr no cap

>frfr no cap
God, I hate young people.
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This was posted by @Astro1062... according to him, a 60+ year old boomer sent it to him.. Literally, he also said: "I spend 30% of my time with the #1 performing private funds in Europe and the other 70% with Shamans in the forest" what can you expect from him? He keeps saying that we will see doge around $40 in September 2024...
That's either a pretty good near future, or an extremely fucking bad portent on what's coming down the pipe
But either way it'll be enough to get me out of debt and start planning an escape
What are these time periods? 4 yr liquidity cycles?
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$40 will happen!

No idea!
I don't think it will happen, especially in 3 months... that @Astro1062 guy I think is @Dark64, he blocked me for posting a link to him where he said that the weekly chart had already found support at $0.11... a few minutes later days he said that in the 1-month chart he had not yet found support, I gave him the link to the weekly and asked him, what now? lower? and he blocked me... he was the first to say that we were going to +$30 and he started encouraging people to follow @Astro1062 when he hadn't even published 10 tweets...

>Before I came across these, he made a thread here explaining why we could go around $7, but... things seem to be changing or lengthening, if we reach around $0.30-0.35 and there is a dump at $0.20 my $7 theory would still be alive... but it could last until the end of 2025 or even early-mid 2026
I had some writing errors since I use a translator, the $7 thread was made by me, astro and dark are only on twatter

the thread: >https://warosu.org/biz/thread/57564514
$7 is absolute insanity. Youd already be blessed if it hit $1. And we need rate cuts or doge will have a shitty bullrun. Are you high on hopium?
>$7 is absolute insanity
It is but I also vividly remember /biz/ saying similar about .50. Even .10 seemed absolutely impossible to most here back in 2014.
>$7 is absolute insanity

lol no! Normies will buy and buy and buy
Nigger if you bought dogecoin in 2014 you'd be a billionaire gtfo
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>Are you high on hopium?
>$7 is absolute insanity
They laughed at me when I said it would go up to $0.10

>I have also said that you have to do certain things first for my $7 theory to stay alive and that things are changing and/or lengthening
Exactly. That's why most on /biz/ aren't billionaires.

Daily reminder, if you have a jannie wagie job to put some of your money into popular shitcoins for massive gains.

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